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   It is the 412th message


    Where is this generation of the end times going? In truth, the devil is transforming this present world into less than a dust bin in front of God and in front of men of Integrity to God. I, being in this dust bin to accomplish a mission ordained by God, I have difficulties to support what I feel, a pain caused by atrocities that I see, and it brings me to work more by the grace and power of God in order to settle this situation.

    In these great countries of dream for almost everybody such as the United States, Canada, Brazil, Holland, Mexico, Portugal, Denmark, Wales, Puerto Rico, France, Italy, England, Spain, Argentina, Uruguay, Ireland, Sweden, South Africa, Iceland, Scotland, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Belgium…, the leaders are homosexuals, and these authorities against the will of God, have legalised the unnatural marriage that pollutes this nations in front of God by bringing an endless increase in number of those who practice homosexuality and paedophilia in the whole world, but also the stealing of babies that end up into adoption within these homosexual couples. In these countries of dream for many, the people having the habit to have sex with people of the same sex did not find it difficult to sex with animals that penetrate them, ejaculate in their bodies and vice versa; these people suck the sex of these animals that sometimes pour their dirt in their mouth; the men sodomise animals and in the same time, penetrate them in their sex; these animals penetrate the women and ejaculate in their sex.

    Therefore, the men leave their liquid in these animals, and these animals also leave their liquid in these men, and that is how viruses are carried and transmitted. As the men and women who sex with these animals still come and sex with other people, it provokes varieties of diseases that develop themselves and contaminate the populations; for these men and animals suck each other on all parts of the body, buttocks, sexes, and mouths in which animals penetrate and ejaculate, and are the same in which other men will penetrate and ejaculate later on.

    In truth, up to which level can the devil bring the men to despise the will of God? What joy for the devil when he succeeds to bring the men to sex with their fellow men of the same sex and with animals, to legalise the homosexual marriage! What joy for the devil when he knows that he has made the leaders of great nations to become gay and lesbians in bringing them to legalise the homosexual marriage! The devil often glorify himself by saying to God: “Look at what I have made of these authorities of great nations, I have not only brought them to become gays and lesbians, but they have accomplished my greatest vow which is to legalise the unnatural marriage wherepeople of the same sex get married according to my law that I have imposed”. The devil continues to say to God: “Look at big countries that everybody envy and dream to visit, where I made that people should sex with animals, carrying dirt that are only diseases”. He says that in these countries, he has endowed his agents of much money that must be distributed to the men and women under the condition to sex with animals. The devil says to God: “I often give much money to my totems and I recommend them to condition the men to sex with them, to sacrifice their fellow men… in exchange of few banknotes”. He says to God that he has made knownto the people whom he has placed at the summit of the glory, greatness, power, force, protection, richness… in this world, up to the managers of enterpriseswhoapply his laws which say that we do not die alone.

    Therefore, all those who come near them to ask for a service should be dragged in their circle. The devil said to God that he was afraid after the abduction of the Lord Jesus; and that after the death of the apostles whose names are written in the bible, if the people were veritably looking at the Lord Jesus, they would have seen that the vanities that he had proposed him in the desert so that he should fail his mission and that he refused, are the same vanities with which he is deceiving this generation so that almost everybody should become his companion in the eternal torment. He still says that he does everything so that the men should not linger on the words that say to neither love the world nor things that are found in the world… That is why he brings money to become the god of this generation, and he has conditioned all those who want to possess his glory, his greatness, his power and richness to kill, to consume the human blood, flesh and excrements, to sex with people of the same sex, with mad people, with mermaids, with animals…

    Also, countries that the people admire, want to reach, that is where he the devil has made a dust bin full of defiles and abominations of all kinds… All these words made God to become angry, and he told me to take this dirt which is less than shit and to throw it in the face of the whole world; that yesterday, he had ordained to kill the man and the beast that would have sexual intercourses as it is said: “If a man lies with an animal, he shall surely be put to death, and you shall kill the animal” (Leviticus 20/15); that if a woman and a beast have sexual intercourses, the two of them must be killed as it is said: “If a woman approaches any animal and lies with it, you shall kill the woman and the animal;…” (Leviticus 20/16), and that today, it is no longer question to apply this law which is to kill the flesh, but that these people should be maintained in the spiritual death. He also told me that this degree of abomination for the people of the same sex who have sexual intercourses should not be hidden in the eyes of all the inhabitants of the earth, demonstrating what the head of States have legalised, what the most envied and visited nations do. Therefore, I have this order of God which is to bring the images of their abomination and to show them to the whole world so that nobody should ignore what the great authorities who govern this world are, what the most envied countries do.

    When people open the mouths to exclaim how Ican publish these kind of images where a man sex with another man, a woman with another woman, the human being with animals, that when I do it, I do not take into account the sensibility of children who see these images, I will like to make them understand that they cannot love their children as I love them, because the love that they have for their children is limited at the level of the flesh which is a carapace or shell. They buy them clothes, give them money, send them to school, buy them French, English, mathematics, science… books so that they should be educated in the knowledge of things of this world, but nobody buy a bible or the New Testament to his child , the bible where we find the veritable and eternal life, greatness, glory, health, peace, joy, richness. Therefore, between the love which is brought to the soul and the one that is limited to the carapace, which one is veritable in the eyes of God?

    These people do not dream to see their children becoming like the people who were righteous in front of God in the bible, they dream to see them becoming like this or that man or woman who is gay, lesbian, paedophile, magician, drinker of human blood, embezzler of public funds, who have sex with animals… Do they have love for what Jesus has suffered and shed his blood, which is nothing else than the soul? No, they rather have love for the flesh which must return in the ground where it was taken, though they say that what I publish risk to have a negative influence on their children, it seems as if they love their children in the veritable love.

    What I publish comes according to the order of God and contributes to a great deliverance. I love all the children of the whole world and I know that in any nation such as France, the United States, Brazil, England…, I have the authority to raise my voice louder and stronger than the authorities of these territories because I love these people more than these last who legalise the homosexual marriage by bringing these people to become Sodom and Gomorrah States. It is not these people’sterritory, their spoken language, their currency or other material… that interest me, but it is their souls that interest my boss, my employer, and my sender who is Jesus Christ and I his servant, his employee and his messenger.

CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)

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