It is the 454th message
In truth, the food that my flesh consume, clothes that I wear, pieces of papers called money that my fingers touch, houses, vehicles, the wife and children that I can have cannot bring me joy to dominate the sadness that I carry in me, when I see how certain people kill their fellow men to extract certain organs or parts of their body to sell.
I feel double sadness in my heart: firstly towards people that are killed without Jesus in their souls, and secondly towards these murderers who are too far to repent from their criminal acts and to accept Jesus as their life, guide and personal saviour of their souls. Therefore, I feel double sadness that comes from those who are killed physically and who are also spiritually dead, and from those who kill, being spiritually dead but physically alive. The veritable richness, greatness, glory and power that I have received from the Lord Jesus being nothing else than his heart in me, prevent me from rejoicing in this generation which is more wicked and corrupted than ever.
In truth, the human being has more value than everything that exist on earth; because after God has created everything on earth, he lastly created man by forming the flesh of this last with the dust of the earth and blowing a breath of life in his nostrils so that this last should become a living being (Genesis 2/7). God created the earth and things of the earth so that they should belong to the man and not the contrary. That is why God permitted that the man should give names to all the things that have been created for him (Genesis 2/19), and it is question for man to adore and bow down in front of his creator, and that things that the man transform or fabricate should bow down in front of their manufacturer who is the man.
Therefore, the man being the work of God’s hands, he must bow down in front of his master; and the transformed things being the work of man’s hands should bow down in front of the man who is their master. The man must adore and bow down in front of his creator; and things that are transformed or fabricated must adore and bow down in front of the man. But in this world, especially in this generation of end times, many people find it good to sell or sacrifice human beings, sometimes alive to occult spirits, they sometimes kill them to extract certain organs or parts of their body to sell.
In truth, how can somebody sell or give the work of God’s hands which is the human being in exchange of the work of man’s hands which is only the piece of paper qualified for money! The man having more value than everything existing on earth was not to be sold or sacrificed for these things, but it is these things that rather had to be sold or sacrificed for the human being. The same, the man was not to impoverish his soul for his flesh, but rather had to impoverish his flesh for his soul. That is why the Lord Jesus seeing a young rich man in the flesh and poor in his soul said to this last to sell all his fleshly richness to have his own spiritual richness (Matthew 19/21). That is also why the Lord Jesus tells us that the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant man seeking goodly pearls who, when he find one pearl of great price, go and sell all that he had to buy it.
In this physical world, the goodly pearl would have been the human being and not things (money...). Therefore, if that was possible in God, we would have sold money or other materials to buy the human being, and not to sell the human being against the material. In truth, if we love our creator, we should take the man as God’s goodly pearl among his creatures on earth; and we must have as duty to love and wish success, prosperity and life to this last both in the spirit and in the physic, and not to admire and take him for a sacrifice that brings in money, glory, power, celebrity...
I have never heard even from the men that the blocks of cement in front of which certain people bow down have fabricated the man; but only that it is the man who has fabricated the blocks of cement in front of which he bow down. The same, I have never heard that money, these small pieces of papers have created the man, but only that it is the man who has fabricated money. In truth, men, women, children are being killed by cutting their head, their sex, and extracting their heart, kidneys... to sell them against pieces of papers qualified for money. But because of which pearl can some people kill, sacrifice and sell their fellow men? Many people who are dominated by money are found in this business of killing, selling and traffic of human organs. Big business men also do it. This phenomenon is common in Sub-Saharan Africa where men, women and children are regularly killed by cutting their head, their sex, extracting their heart, kidneys to sell. You will find refrigerators in certain big houses full of people’s heads, hearts, kidneys and sex; and all these organs are sold abroad.
In truth, it is touching and shocking! These murderers are like poachers that chase elephants, their aim being to kill the elephant to extract its ivories and to satisfy the customer. When they give a command of the head, the sex, the heart, kidneys to these murderers, these last kill their neighbour, extracting the part of the body that has been asked, and it generally takes place at night. As such, in the morning, it is a tragedy for the family that find one of his members in a pond of blood, sometimes without the head, the sex, the heart and kidneys, and it is the cry and lamentations. During this time, the murderers rejoice to have received the money after the delivery of the product, and those to whom the murderers have delivered the product are also in joy, they keep it for a short while in the refrigerator before taking the airplane to go and deliver their product abroad.
There are certain people in Africa who regularly travel abroad, taking themselves for business men meanwhile they are only traffickers of human organs. And each time they go to deliver human organs, they buy vehicles and other things to come and sell back; for these blinds, buying vehicles to come and sell back after having sold human organs is a way of cleaning their money. They clean their money in front of the men, but with what will they also clean their heart and soul? Truth to be continued...
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
It is the 458th message
In truth, in the small corner where I am found, I feel deep pains in my heart that make me cry bitterly. For me to stop crying and shedding out tears, the intensity of this pain must become low; and for it to happen, man who is the dearest work of God’s hands should stop being killed and destroyed in Syria. The suffering, cries and lamentations of these victims deprive me of the joy and peace in my heart, as well as the smile. Why do the human beings who are the dearest work of God’s hands can be crushed like ants in Syria? This war started on the 11th March 2011, and up to today the 21st September 2016, it already makes 05years, 06months and 05days, it does not present signs of the end. Meanwhile we already register 430.000 dead, 2.000.000 injured, 20.000 missing and 4.700.000 refugees overseas.
The human blood greatly flows in Syria because of this war; bodies without life are picked up like sand to be buried in common graves that are dug for this purpose. I ask myself the question to know why Bachar El-Assad, president of Syria cannot resign from power, he who is contested since the beginning of the conflict on the 11 March 2011; because it is due to his governing that the war exists since more than 05years. In addition to this, he is supported by certain head of States of powerful countries in this world, and facing this, the UNO is unable to assure the defence of this country. When the Syrian, American, Russian, French, Chinese, Turkish... presidents see how people die every day, what do they feel for these losses of human life? Certain head of states are behind President Bachar El-Assad, and others behind the camp of the revolutionaries; as such, weapons are delivered in these two different camps.
The solution to the Syrian problem calls on the entire world to avoid a third world war that will make more deaths. These authorities of big nations fabricate bombs, heavy weapons, war planes; and all this aimed to destroy human beings. They fabricate bombs to target men, guns to shoot on human beings, and war planes to chase and destroy humans. These big authorities do this because of shameful and selfish interests, and then, they cannot agree to stop this human bloodshed in Syria. They prefer the material and the glory of man, and despise human beings that are killed because of vanities.
In truth, the men of this world did not understand why the Lord Jesus came for them. They have rejected him, disowned him, despised him and still continue doing it; but while rejecting him, they have rejected their peace of heart. While disowning him, they have disowned their joy of mind and while despising him, they have despised their deliverance on evil and wickedness towards man and God the creator. Before the coming of the Lord Jesus in his physical body which he took in this world, we had wars, even between Israel and other nations; and it was through one of these wars that David who knocked down the giant Goliath, the man of war of the Philistine people was discovered.
The Lord Jesus came so that the men should throw the swords that were and were making their force, power and greatness. That is why, when people came to arrest the Lord Jesus who was with his apostles among whom was Apostle Peter, this one brought out his sword to cut the ear of one of the guards, and the Lord told him that it was no more the time to fight with the swords as it is said: “And behold, one of those who were with Jesus stretched out his hand and drew his sword and struck the servant of the high priest and cut off his ear. Then Jesus said to him, “Put your sword back into its place. For all who take the sword will perish by the sword” (Matthew 26/51-52).
The Lord Jesus came to save us from evil and wickedness towards our neighbour and his Father; that is why the angel of the Lord came in the dream to tell Joseph who was the fiancé of the virgin Mary that the child that she was carrying was of the Holy Spirit, and that he will be called Jesus, for he is the one who will save the entire world from their sins. That is why it is said: “She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins” (Matthew 1/21). Therefore, the Lord Jesus comes with a deliverance by his word through a new heart that will want to see his neighbour alive than dead, in good health than sick, possessing than lacking, blessed than to be cursed, seeing than to be blind, hearing than to be deaf, knowing than to be ignorant...
Therefore, the love of God towards his neighbour can only fill us if our hearts are sanctified by Jesus. Apostle Peter willing that the love of the Lord Jesus should fill us, recommends us to sanctify Christ in our hearts as it is said: “ but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect” (1Peter 3/15). The Lord Jesus must live in us by faith and the manifestation of his good that draws its foundation in love. That is even why it is said: “so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith that you, being rooted and grounded in love” (Ephesians 3/17).
If all these authorities of big nations had not rejected, disowned and despised God’s heart full of love, respect and consideration of his neighbour, the heart that produces the great peace and joy, they would have not grounded their economy and power in weapons aimed to kill human beings. See how chemical and atomic bombs, missiles, explosives, war planes... are fabricated in the world in the aim to kill men and not animals; and since it is a race for the selling of weapons, they instigate wars. These authorities of big nations would have known that if they fabricate all kind of weapons aimed to kill the men, there will be wars and dead of men. Therefore, they would have rather put their greatness in the heart of God where love is carried towards the neighbour, so that this last should no longer suffer of wars and other; because when there is love, there is no longer the fear to be victim of the killing and destruction since evil is not suspected in love.
It is these authorities of big nations that fabricate weapons that are too dangerous and that serve to kill and destroy the men, they are the ones who instigate wars in order to sell weapons, they are the ones who arm rebels; instigate the coups d’états and many other dangerous things; and it is these big nations who within the organisations like the UNO, NATO... direct their laws and threatening of intimidation to the rest of the world. They have rejected, disowned and despised the heart of Christ that had to deliver and save them by bringing them to treat the human being better than an animal or an insect, and better than a material. But these authorities are delighted in the glory that their nations are developed and powerful in the arming and economy, but forget the heart which is the essential.
The war in Syria is played between the dog and the cat, that is between the USA and Russia; and the more the war will last, the more the number of deaths, injured, missing and refugees will be high. If the authorities do not respect their souls, the life of their fellow men, the suffering and blood of Christ that has shed on the cross, the love of God, what will they look like? God willing to bring them back will not talk through an animal, but through a man, and it is not contempt towards the authorities, but rather veritable love. I am not a giver of lesson, but somebody who contribute by grace to the seeking of the rise of the glory of God in man’s heart.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
It is the 462nd message
In truth, as long as the men will not understand that the veritable and supreme greatness, glory, richness, power and force are not found in the manufacturing and possession of heavy weapons, oil well, industries made by man’s hands, territories, the skin colour, the spoken and written language, the knowledge of earthly things... but rather in the possession of the heart of God, there will always be great poverty and misery that are manifested by the lack of love, peace, pity, gentleness, justice, righteousness, self control, forgiveness from heaven and the reconciliation , simplicity to let others see that they are above you... This great poverty and misery that fill this generation is seen in big conflicts of war, coup d’états, the arming of rebels, plundering and the exploitation of small nations, the sacrifice or selling of the human being, the traffic of human organs and drug, homosexuality, the embezzlement of public funds, magic, corruption, the despise towards the neighbour...
In truth, all the men were to ask God to give them first his heart that has the veritable clairvoyance, wisdom, understanding, richness, glory, greatness and force. Why do the people who want to become or who are already king or head of States of their nations do not learn from King Solomon, son of David? After God had chosen Solomon to reign as king of Israel in the place of his father, he told him to ask what he want as it is said: “At Gibeon the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream by night, and God said, “Ask what I shall give you” (1Kings 3/5), and King Solomon neither asked God to give him the material, to increase his number of days on earth, nor to make all his enemies to perish, but he asked God to give him his heart so that he should have the clairvoyance and wisdom to judge the people according to the justice of God, the heart that has power to make the difference between good and evil (1Kings 3/9-13). God sent his Son Jesus Christ to transmit us, to give us back the richness that we must receive through him, and this richness is nothing else than a new heart and new spirit that are obtained by his word. That is why the Lord bear witness to his Father to have given us back what he came to give, transmitted what he came to transmit, given what he came to give, and it is the word where comes a new heart and a new spirit when he says: “ For I have given them the words that you gave me, and they have received them and have come to know in truth that I came from you; and they have believed that you sent me” (John 17/8).
It is difficult to the men of this generation to ask their creator to make them know, see, receive and keep great things of eternal value that he sent to them since heaven by his Son; because no power, glory, greatness, richness, force... is worth what is veritable. In truth, if Barack Obama, head of State of the USA and Vladimir Poutine had this great power, glory, richness and force which is the heart of God, they would not be corrupted by earthly things as well as by the glory of man, preferring them than millions of people that are killed, wounded, and who perish in Syria, others get loss or take refuge overseas; houses and companies are destroyed because of the absence of deal and agreement for very shameful things. On one side, Vladimir Poutine, president of Russia supports Bachar Al Assad, present president of Syria, and on the other side, Barack Obama, president of the USA supports the Syrian opponents or rebels who no longer want the governing of Bachar Al Assad. Since the 11th March 2011 up to today 12th October 2016 that we are, this war without solution has already made more than 430.000 dead, 2.000.000 wounded, 4.700.000 refugees overseas.
And it is the agreement between these two presidents which is the key to put an end to this war; but each one support a camp. President Bachar Al Assad presently, does not want to resign from power for fear of being held, judged and condemned for crimes against humanity. This fear brings him to remain in power and to promise all the richness of his country to Vladimir Poutine so that he should not abandon him in front of the USA, and Vladimir Poutine seeing the interest that he will gain, stays behind Bachar Al Assad even if there must be a third world war. For the USA, they do not want to accept that only one person like Bachar Al Assad should challenge their power and greatness to let him still rule after so many destructions and murders. Even in the driving school, they teach that when you transport people and that you find yourself in a situation where you must choose between the life of passengers and that of someone walking, the life of the group predominates even if the person walking is someone dear to us.
In truth, today, even those who condemn the others for crimes against humanity are also criminals and killers. But what a world! The men have refused to know and to receive the word that God sent to them by the Lord Jesus, the word which is and which has the power to set them free and save them from the power of the material, the glory of man, magic and the abominable conditions and defiles of Satan... While ignoring the alliance of God, they have known the alliance of the devil, ignoring good, they have known evil. In truth, how does the world did not understand that he cannot worship God without the new heart and new spirit? Even the people of Israel before the coming of Jesus could not worship God in truth. That is why, when the Lord Jesus comes, recognising that he carries the word that gives a new heart and new spirit to veritably worship God, he said: “But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth” (John 4/23-24).
The man in the flesh, in the heart and spirit cannot worship God; but it is the man in the flesh and God in the heart and spirit who worship God. In truth, God seeing our hearts and spirits that were unable to worship him sent Jesus with a word to format them (the man’s or animal’s hearts and spirits) in order to install a new heart and a new spirit according to the kingdom of heaven. In fact, the devil loses control in man when the heart and spirit become new according to the kingdom of heaven. That is why, if we love God, we should construct him a house, the temple and dwelling in our heart. But if we construct big buildings for house of God, our hearts will always remain the house, the temple and dwelling of the devil. It is better not to construct big buildings for house of God and to possess a new heart for house of Christ, than to construct him big buildings and to keep your heart for the devil. For it is said: “but Christ is faithful over God's house as a son. And we are his house, if indeed we hold fast our confidence and our boasting in our hope” (Hebrews 3/6).
In truth, I respect the institutions established by God and I prefer to tell the truth to those who are seated for the changing of their souls, so that the blood of Christ that has shed should not be in vain than to seduce them in their bad state and to contribute to their death.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
It is the 461st message
God took the dust of the ground to form our physical (fleshly) body and after giving the form to this lump of soil, he breathe a breath in its nostrils that gave it the breathing, a movement, in short, a life, and the man became a living being. God still gave the order to the first men who are Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and that the day they will eat it, they will die spiritually and not physically. After Eve and Adam had disobeyed God, they died spiritually; and all those who were born of Eve were dead spiritually. And by the disobedience of the first men, evil took assault on those who were born. God found good to limit the time that the soul had to spend in this lump of soil to about 120years as it is said: “Then the Lord said, “My Spirit shall not abide in man forever, for he is flesh: his days shall be 120 years” (Genesis 6/3).
After having destroyed the world by floods while leaving Noah and his family as well as other living beings two by two, male and female, God chooses Abraham, next Isaac, and then Jacob whose name was changed into Israel by God as it is said: “And God said to him, “Your name is Jacob; no longer shall your name be called Jacob, but Israel shall be your name.” So he called his name Israel” (Genesis 35/10). One of the sons of Israel called Joseph was sold and he was found in Egypt where he was named Governor by Pharaoh King of Egypt. Due to his position, he made his father and the rest of his family to enter Egypt to live there with him. God appeared to Israel in a night vision to ask him to go down to Egypt without fear because he will be with him as it is said: “And God spoke to Israel in visions of the night and said, “Jacob, Jacob.” And he said, “Here I am.” Then he said, “I am God, the God of your father. Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for there I will make you into a great nation” (Genesis 46/2-3); Israel lived in Egypt till his dead; and his body was brought back to Canaan to be buried there. After the death of Joseph and that of the king who named him Governor, the people of Israel started facing tortures under the reign of the new king of Egypt. But God raised Moses by whom he passed to deliver his people from the physical slavery of the Egyptians, and gave him the law in the desert that the people had to observe in order to be in alliance with him, while waiting that one who will come not only to deliver the people of Israel, but the entire world; their souls from slavery, evil and the eternal death.
Moses and all the prophets spoke and had prophesy on the coming of the saviour, the one that vivifies the soul. The Lord Jesus came in a fleshly body with the mission to redeem the soul from death, misery, poverty and the humiliation. He has preferred to sacrifice, impoverish and humiliate his body of dust for a short while so that our spiritual body or soul should no longer suffer for the eternity. The Lord Jesus himself said that the flesh serve for nothing (John 6/63).
The man is ready to suffer to find what to feed, to dress and to endow his body of dust with all what it need while forgetting or not looking at his soul that must put on, eat, drink and live Jesus Christ. In this generation, man is ready to sell his soul to the devil with conditions, signatures... in order to possess things and to enrich his body of dust or to glorify this lump of soil.
Look at the glory that Douk Saga or Michael Jackson had in front of the men, but see their end. These musicians were cheered, given ovation, adored and worshiped by the multitude of people who were taking them for half gods. They had money, dresses and jewelleries of big price, luxurious vehicles and others, but all this for what end? Douk Saga was recognised as the creator of coupé-décalé. He was the president of the Ivorian jet-set and was called “president”. “Boucan” was him, he was throwing money on people and was calling it “farotage”. He was the master of cigar, Champaign, and caviar, because he was seeing himself at the summit of the glory and greatness; and he was calling himself the summit of the summits, the summit of Himalaya. Jewelleries, farotage, cigars, Champaign, caviar, brand, dresses, shoes were talking of him and women were running behind this big “boucan maker” of big stature. But when the disease struck him, he was hiding himself without even willing that his friends of the jet-set should be aware of his state of health or the place where he was found. Being sick, he visited all the big hospitals, big marabous and witch doctors as well as the men of God; but his flesh which is only dust and called to return in the ground was rushing to return day after day, and he was visibly wasting away. Then, came the death where his soul left his body of soil. But what did his soul gain? Only the Lord Jesus knows the answer. That is how the summit of Himalaya, the national hero and president Douk Saga left. His true name was Dougoure Hamidou Stephane.
We equally have Michael Jackson, the father of hip pop. His voice and dance steps were without equal. Michael Jackson had a very big glory, money, dresses, endorsement deals were talking of him. He was like a half god in the United States. This icon of hip pop had received all the awards. When he organised concerts, all the tickets were sold in advance. People were jostling to see him. This last went up to changing his skin colour from black to white; and in this state, the skin disease could not escape from attacking him. He became thin and was seeing how his flesh was going, and no matter all what he was possessing, his soul ended by coming out of this lump of soil; and there was no other choice than to dig a big hole and to throw it inside and to close it back. Douk Saga, Michael Jackson, these two musicians who had a big glory and who the disease had attained slowly were people that were ready to sign the contract with the devil to reach the summit of the glory, celebrity, greatness and richness like majority of the head of States, ministers, diplomats, stars, business men...
In truth, as long as the men will always be blind for not seeing the value of the flesh, its life, glory and greatness that pass and are nothing, they will always work and suffer for this vanity while forgetting the essential which is the soul. This lump of soil is like a flower that shines for few days before finishing by wither and fall. The men are ready to sell their souls to the devil to gain vanities for their flesh which is also vanity; but they are not ready to make all to gain Jesus Christ sent for the life, the glory, the greatness, the celebrity, the richness of their souls. As such, the men are ready to sacrifice, to sell... their fellow men.
Without the soul, this lump of soil does not have the breath, movement, in short the life. It is the same as the soul without Jesus Christ neither has life, glory, greatness nor celebrity in front of God. Therefore, this lump of soil without soul and life is thrown in the pit by the men; the same as the soul without Jesus Christ is thrown in the lake of fire by God. As the men do not support to stay with this lump of soil, they are obliged to throw it in the pit and to close it back; the same as God who does not support to stay eternally with the soul which does not have Jesus will throw it in the lake of fire. As a body or lump of soil without soul is useless to the man, that is how the soul without Jesus Christ will be useless to God in the end times. What is important to the man is to seek to be good and agreeable in front of God through the reception of the word and life of Christ so that he should not be thrown because of his uselessness. Even if you must lack spare clothes, find difficulties to find what to eat, sleep anywhere, the essential is to be found agreeable and good in the eyes of God; because it serve nothing to the man to gain all in his flesh and to lack Jesus in the soul. All the men in this generation from the head of States to the least in the social class prefer to suffer and to spend all their time to gain vanities and to satisfy their flesh which according to them is their veritable future and life, forgetting and refusing all to their soul for which Christ came to suffer and sacrifice himself so that it should be endowed of him to enter the kingdom of heaven and to spend an eternity near the creator of everything. The men do not seek to see themselves great, rich, glorious... first in their souls, but rather do it in their flesh. Meanwhile the Lord Jesus asks us to seek first the kingdom of heaven and the justice of God and everything must come later (Matthew 6/33).
All what the flesh gain or possess do not remain with it; the flesh is passing and all what it possess is also passing. Even as I lack everything in the flesh and that the head of States, ministers, stars, business men... of this generation have everything in their flesh or lump of soil, I prefer myself and find that I am better because it is better to be in the Lord Jesus and to lack all vain things than to be out of him and to possess everything. My greatest vow or dream on earth is for the head of States, kings, queens, first ladies, chancellors, ministers, diplomats, secretaries of State, stars, business men, senators, deputies, governors, attorneys, generals, lawyers... to become like me and not for me to become like them, because if I become like them, there will be more magic, killing, corruption, the embezzlement of public funds, instigation of war, the arming of rebels, coups d’états, consumers of the human blood and flesh, the human sacrifice, Rosicrucian, freemason and homosexuals. And if they become like me, the human being will be loved more than any other thing on earth, and the soul for which the Lord Jesus came to suffer and shed his blood for its redemption from the death in the hands of the devil for the life in him will no longer be sold to the devil for vanities that enrich and glorify the body of dust or lump of soil, but love, forgiveness, pity, the respect of his fellow man will be the veritable richness, greatness and glory. The greatness and glory of men will no longer rely on weapons, pieces of papers for money, vehicles and air planes.
It is better to prefer good than evil. A living one wearing dresses of low price will never envy a dead one because of his dresses of high price.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
It is the 463rd message
The knowledge of the truth of Christ is a light, glory, power and deliverance of the soul. This truth is a force, fire that makes the blinds to see, the deaf to hear, the lame to walk, the leprous to be purified, the sick to be healed , enrich the poor and resuscitate those who are dead in the spirit.
You will know the truth and the truth will set you free. We should understand that we have the flesh on one part and the soul or the breath on the other part. God took the dust of the ground to form our physical body or lump of soil; and this flesh is the ground because it is drawn or formed from the dust of the ground. Before our physical body was formed, it was immobile or stiff as we see a body today without breath called corpse, before God breathed in its nostrils. After God breathed in the nostrils of this lump of soil, it started to breathe and to shake. Just as the breath of God entered in this lump of soil to permit it to breathe, that is how this breath still comes out of the nostrils of a lump of soil that breathes to leave it stiff. It is said: “ then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature” (Genesis 2/7). This breath that gives breathing or life to our lump of soil is a spiritual body. Therefore, man has a physical body and a spiritual body.
The first men who are Adam and Eve were alive in their physical body which is the lump of soil and in their spiritual body which is the soul in the Garden of Eden before their disobedience. God gave them his word of Spirit and Life which is a commandment that they had to obey, and that the disobedience to this word will lead them to death as it is said: “And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die” (Genesis 2/16-17). The disobedience of Adam and Eve to God did not give them the death of the physical body or lump of soil, but that of the spiritual body or the soul. Therefore, all those who were to be born of Adam and Eve were born dead spiritually; and it was the case for all the humanity. Every man must be born in Christ so that the soul should come back to life. That is why it is said: “For as by a man came death, by a man has come also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive” (1Corinthians 15/21-22). That is why Adam and Eve gave birth to children like Cain and Abel who were spiritually dead; and that is how Cain killed his brother Abel as it is said: “Cain spoke to Abel his brother. And when they were in the field, Cain rose up against his brother Abel and killed him” (Genesis 4/8).
The spiritual body or soul being death, bad thoughts had filled man’s heart, such is the case today. God did not find good to leave the spirit of death in this lump of soil to exercise wickedness forever; that is why he limited the life span of the spiritual body in this lump of soil to about 120years as it is said: “Then the Lord said, “My Spirit shall not abide in man forever, for he is flesh: his days shall be 120 years” (Genesis 6/3).
While destroying the world by floods, God spared Noah and his family, as well as other living species two by two. Next, he sent his Son since heaven to come and talk to people in a physical body, and made him to be born in a nation that was chosen in advance. That is why he chose Abraham who gave Isaac, who on his turn gave Jacob who carried the name of this nation. That is why God changed his name as it is said: “And God said to him, “Your name is Jacob; no longer shall your name be called Jacob, but Israel shall be your name” So he called his name Israel” (Genesis 35/10). Abraham gave Isaac, Isaac gave Israel, and Israel gave twelve children who formed the twelve tribes for a people well chosen in advance to carry the name of God. That is even why it is said: “Simeon has related how God first visited the Gentiles, to take from them a people for his name” (Acts 15/14). The Lord Jesus had to be born in a physical body in Israel in the tribe of Judah, and of the prosperity of David according to the promise of God made to David (Psalms 132/11; Romans 1/3; Acts 2/29-31). To come in the world in a physical body, the Lord entered in the stomach of a woman who was still virgin called Mary, but spouse of a man called Joseph. This one knowing that his spouse was pregnant wanted to end the engagement secretly, believing that his spouse had deceived him; but God seeing his thoughts sent an angel in a dream to tell him that the child that Mary carry comes from the Holy Spirit, and that he must give the name Jesus to this child that will be born as it is said: “She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins” (Matthew 1/21). Therefore, the Lord is the saviour of sinners or those who disobey God.
The Lord has brought a word that permits our spiritual body which is dead since the disobedience of the first men to be redeemed by the obedience and to return to life. Therefore, it is to save our spiritual body from the eternal death that the Lord Jesus sacrificed his physical body or lump of soil to dead. That is why he makes us understand that the flesh serve for nothing as it is said: “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life” (John 6/63). The words that the Lord Jesus has brought are for our soul and not our flesh.
In truth, how the devil has been able to dominate the men of this generation, with so many teachings of the Lord Jesus in words and acts, as well as the word of the prophets and the apostles, the foundation on which we must be edified to no longer remain blind, for we still find that our physical body or lump of soil has more value than our spiritual body or soul! Or, we find that our spiritual body or soul is nothing, that is why it is sold to the devil against vanities to satisfy our lump of soil. The men spend their time today to take care of their lump of soil while despising and neglecting their soul. In truth, blind that we are, we do not see that the Lord Jesus left his lump of soil to suffer and to die in order to save our soul from the suffering and eternal death.
In truth, if we love God, we will also love our soul more than our lump of soil because the love of Christ for us on the cross is manifested for our soul and not our lump of soil. Therefore, if we love our lump of soil more than our soul, it means that we are unconscious, miserable, deaf, blind, poor and dead in God. That is why the Lord Jesus teaches us about the value of the soul in us, telling us to rather fear the death of the soul than that of the lump of soil as it is said: “And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell” (Matthew 10/28).
The breath that entered through the nostrils to give life to what is drawn from the ground, when it still comes out of these same nostrils, this lump of soil becomes useless. This breath that entered in our lump of soil to give it life can still come out at any time. I took the example of Nelson Mandela, Douk Saga and Marc Vivien Foe. The soul of Nelson Mandela left his lump of soil by old age. This lump of soil had received all the honours, power, glory, celebrity, greatness and richness of the world; it was full of these things, but when his soul left him due to old age, there was nothing else that had to be done than to dig a pit to bury it inside. All these vanities were important neither for his soul nor his lump of soil. If his soul did not receive Christ, it will also be useless for God on the last day, and it will be thrown in the lake of fire because of its uselessness just as people have thrown his lump of soil because of its uselessness. The breath of Douk Saga left while leaving his lump of soil gnawed and thin by the disease; and if he wasted his time to make the show in front of the men, in night clubs, with women, with Champaign, cigars, caviars, dresses of big price and jewelleries, and that his soul did not have Christ, it will be thrown in the lake of fire on the last day by God because of its uselessness, just as the men have also thrown his lump of soil without breath in the pit because of its uselessness, neither his soul nor lump of soil did not benefit things that he was wasting his time to possess. For Marc Vivien Foe, the breath left his lump of soil brutally, and if he was wasting time to visit big magicians to sign contracts in big clubs and to gain much money, and that his soul did not have Jesus, it will be thrown in the lake of eternal fire by God on the last day because of its uselessness just as the men have thrown his lump of soil in a pit because of its uselessness; and things that he wasted time to gain will neither profit to his soul nor his lump of soil.
To die old, gnawed or thin because of the disease or brutally is not important at first; but to die in the Lord Jesus is all what counts. How to understand that it is the breath which gives value to our lump of soil! Meanwhile this soul is despised and crumpled in profit of this lump of soil by almost all the men today. That is why we should not confide in a man because of his little breath which enter and comes out of the nostrils as it is said:“Stop regarding man in whose nostrils is breath, for of what account is he?” (Isaiah 2/22). Let us glorify our soul than our flesh because only our soul can glorify itself in front of God and not our flesh as it is said: “...no flesh might boast in the presence of God” (1Corinthians 1/29).
The men do not want to know what is waiting them after leaving this lump of soil because they do not want to suffer for a short while in order to avoid an eternal suffering. Others believe that life limit itself in the flesh and on earth; meanwhile after the soul has left the lump of soil, it is the beginning of an eternity, and we will spend it either in the lake of fire by lack of Christ or in the kingdom of heaven with Christ. This word is the deliverance of everyone because as long as we do not love our soul more than our flesh, we cannot love God, and as long as we do not love God, we cannot love our neighbour and evil can testify.
Majority of the great and rich men in this world have sold their souls to the devil. That is why I do not have these last for model, but I come towards them to be their model.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
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