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It is the 417th message


    God has made of Cameroon a country of miracle and of 234 ethnic groups, destined to become a base of hospitality, of peace and deliverance in Africa and in the whole world, where will come out the people who will liberate Africa from neo-colonialism and imperialism; the servants of God who will lift up the light of the Lord so that this generation of the end times should be more enlightened in order to be delivered from evil, the abomination, defiles, corruption, magic, murders…Whether the people believe it or not, accept it or not, want it or not, history will record it before the end of everything on earth. But for the destiny of Cameroon to be accomplished, he must be delivered, and it is this deliverance that will lead him to the prosperity.

    Cameroon was first colonised by the Germans, and after the First World War and the departure of the Germans, Cameroon was divided into two parts like the loot of war, shared between the French people and the British. The French people occupied 4/5th of the territory, and the British occupied the 1/5th left. We had Eastern Cameroon or French Cameroon, and Western Cameroon or British Cameroon. On the 10th April 1948 in Douala, the biggest social independence movement of Cameroon was created (UPC).


    In May 1955, a vast social movement of protestation breaks out, and the French administration react in attributing the responsibilities to the UPC. In July 1955, the French administration prohibits this movement, and in December 1956, Pierre MESSMER who was the High Commissioner of France in Cameroon decided to organise elections while prohibiting the UPC to present itself. The suppression of the independence movement was pushing the UPC militants to go back in clandestinity called “maquis”, and in 1957, the French put soldiers in place to fight against the maquisards. They were thus practicing targeted assassinations against the leaders of the rebellion as well as torture, thanks to their unit of information, especially in the NYONG EKELLE division, and the Sanaga Maritime division, and in the Western region of Cameroon. People were then killed like flies.

    In February 1958, AhmadouAhidjo is named prime minister by the French Administration. He replaces in this place André Marie MBIDA who had resigned. On the 13th September 1958, UM NYOBE was assassinated in the NYONG EKELLE division by the French army, therefore pushing some leaders of the UPC to flee abroad. The 1st January 1960, independence is given to Cameroon. The 15th May 1960, AhmadouAhidjo is appointed first president of the Republic of Cameroon. The 1st October 1961, British Cameroon was divided into two; one part was joined to Nigeria and the other one to Western Cameroon. That is why among the ten regions that Cameroon has, two are Anglophone.

    President Ahidjo had governed from the 05th May 1960 to the 04th November 1982, and thus did 24 years, 08 months and 17 days in power. In his government, Charles ASSALE was prime minister; next, Vincent de Paul AHANDA, then Simon Pierre TCHOUNGUI and finally Paul Biya who became president on the 06th November 1982 after the resign of Ahidjo on the 04th November of the same year. He then became second president of the Republic of Cameroon. From the 06th November 1982 up to the 11th April 2016 when I write this message, he has already done 33 years, 06 months and 06 days in power. Since his ascension in power, he already had as prime minister: BELLO BOUBA, LUC AYANG, SADOU AYATOU, Simon ACHIDI ACHU, MAFANI MUSSONGUE, Ephraim INONI, Philemon YANG who is the present prime minister in function.

    The 06th April 1984, there was a missed coup d’état of the partisans of Ahidjo. The 30th November 1989, the former president Ahidjo died in exile in Senegal at the age of 65 years. In April 1991, there was mob violence in Douala (Dead cities). In December 1993, Bakassi was invaded by Nigerian troops, giving rise to a confrontation that last for years. In February 2008, there was mob violence almost everywhere in Cameroon, and recently in the Far North, a terrorist group called Boko Haram started creating terror by kidnappings, suicide attacks, and blitzkriegs. We are in 2016, and people call President Paul Biya to still present himself to the presidential elections in 2018 for another mandate. Certain sources even announce that the elections will be anticipated.

    All what I want for this country is the accomplishment of his destiny, I am neither a partisan of power nor of the opposition, but I am rather a partisan of the restoration of his destiny. I exhort the Cameroonian president who is Paul Biya to lead this country towards his restoration; for he is 83 years old in 2016 that we are. It is not simply question to resign, but to bring this country into his initial destiny, and this will be astonishing and a great teaching in the whole world.

    Firstly, the president must have courage of a lion and to remove the shame on him like a cloth soaked of oil spots. He must call all the Cameroonians; those who are here as well as those abroad, he should liberate all those who are detained in prison for the embezzlement of public funds, he must bring in the remains of late president Ahidjo, and once all these men will be gathered, he should admit to all the Cameroonian people that he and all his collaborators in function and those who are in retirement, even those who will be brought out of prison, have embezzled the money of the people, and that they will give back this richness. His collaborators and himshould ask the people to forgive them to have deceived, sold, stolen, plundered and destroyed them.

     They should tell the people how they were taking the country’s money to go and keep abroad, and to invest there, all his government and him should tell the people that what they have done can happen to any person, that everybody can commit a fault, either in front of God or in front of a man, and when this last comes back towards the person that he has outraged and that he ask for forgiveness, he is forgiven; that is why they all ask the people to forgive them. The people should also forgive his government and him for the outrages, mockeries and the deception of which they are victims; he should alsoforgive his collaborators who were prisoners, and these ones should also forgive President Paul Biya.

    All the richness that have been embezzled should be brought back in the country in order to be invested in one way or another; the creation of roads, schools, the management of other educative structures, health centres, urban and rural supply of electricity, the creation and managing of water points… to assure the wellbeing of everybody. All those who are present should forgive each other; each one should put down the load of hatred, of rancour and of calumny… Each one should put down all what he carried against his Cameroonian brother and vice versa; for this day, all the hearts, thoughts, feelings will be washed and the State will be renewed. Cameroon and the Cameroonians will become new, and this day will be a day of joy and feast than ever. As such, elections will be organised, the 3rd president of the Republic of Cameroon will be appointed, and the former president could advice the new one in case he will need him.

    The Cameroonians will therefore be in the culture of the spirit of patriotism, of humanism and justice of God, and they will no longer steal the people’s money to go and keep or invest abroad for personal ends. If President Paul Biya accomplishes all this, he will be the most generous man, a model, an example in the whole world; never seen and never heard before. He will remain in retirement in his country, he will not seek to go in exile like the former president; late Ahidjo. He will be more loved and considered by his people than when he was president, and will be free to spend weekends abroad, to go in his native village at Mvokmeka to drink his palm wine, to play songo’o with his friends. His wife, his children and he himself will not be disturbed. In this new Cameroon, the vow and wish of all the fellow countrymen will be to see everybody succeeding no matter his country.

    The new president must be simple and should come near the people like Jesus Christ when he was fleshly on earth. He must dig up corruption up to the roots, ritual crimes, and must put an end to tribalism, racism, to homes or boulevards of prostitution in big towns, to lucky games no matter the amount of money that these companies pay to the State as taxes. The president will have to make understand all the people that the seeking of integrity and dignity must be the preoccupation of everyone. Because of these lucky games, certain Cameroonians have become lazy and thugs. During a press conference in Cameroon, a journalist asked my opinion on the appeal of Cardinal Christian TUMI to the president of the Republic to no longer be a candidate; I answered to this journalist that Cardinal TUMI is not eligible to tell the president to no longer put his candidature, because he Cardinal TUMI has rent a parcel of land belonging to the archdiocese of Douala to the PMUC that give an annual amount of 38 million for a term of 60years.

     I said to this journalist that the douala ancestors gave this land to this missionary free of charge, but they had received the baptism of their children at the price of money. The new president of Cameroon will have to create roads and to arrange those that existed before, he should watch over the good paying of the medical and educative personnel, he should facilitate access to schooling and school equipment, he should lower the cost of hospitalisation and medical care or to make it become free, he should lower the price of foodstuffs…He must be sovereign, he must listen to his people and God only, and not advices coming abroad. He should not be an overseas minister. Why is it that in Cameroon, the leaders of the fight for the independence like UM NYOBE neither have monuments nor avenues, but you will find a monument Charles de Gaulle in the middle of the town of Bonanjo, opposite the Central Post as well as anavenue in Bonapriso?

     Cameroon has something that is still hidden, that is why all what he makes have success in all the domains. You hear about many Cameroonians abroad in different domains like sports, music… that is why there is a slogan which says: “impossible is not Cameroonian”. The entire world must draw many lessons through this country, because it is the base of peace, of hospitality and of deliverance. If President Paul Biya want to succeed, he must neither look or listen to any foreigner, nor another Cameroonian for fear to be intimidated or influenced, but he must look God only; he who has endowed his country of 234 ethnic groups, it is this miraculous God that he must veritably call on for the people to accomplish their destiny. He should be above the post of president of the Republic, above power, and triumph over shame. He should understand that the fleshly life is nothing; he should understand that since he is president of the Republic all what he has eaten,today, is only shit and has returned in the ground, the vehicle in which he move is scrap and foil, the money that he has is only papers, all that is only vanity; even the cheering of men’s hands. But to make and become a man who is cheered even by the angels of God in heaven is better.

    This message is only love manifested by me to a man, to a chief and a people. It is better to love people like Jesus; to tell them the truth and prefer to be assassinated because of this truth, than to see people who are getting lost and going astray, and to close my mouth to still wait and expect what from God?But to Jesus Christ love, courage to suffer and die for the man in order to save his soul from the eternal death.

CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)

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