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     In truth, the food that my flesh consume, clothes that I wear, pieces of papers called money that my fingers touch, houses, vehicles, the wife and children that I can have cannot bring me joy to dominate the sadness that I carry in me, when I see how certain people kill their fellow men to extract certain organs or parts of their body to sell.

       I feel double sadness in my heart: firstly towards people that are killed without Jesus in their souls, and secondly towards these murderers who are too far to repent from their criminal acts and to accept Jesus as their life, guide and personal saviour of their souls. Therefore, I feel double sadness that comes from those who are killed physically and who are also spiritually dead, and from those who kill, being spiritually dead but physically alive. The veritable richness, greatness, glory and power that I have received from the Lord Jesus being nothing else than his heart in me, prevent me from rejoicing in this generation which is more wicked and corrupted than ever.

       In truth, the human being has more value than everything that exist on earth; because after God has created everything on earth, he lastly created man by forming the flesh of this last with the dust of the earth and blowing a breath of life in his nostrils so that this last should become a living being (Genesis 2/7). God created the earth and things of the earth so that they should belong to the man and not the contrary. That is why God permitted that the man should give names to all the things that have been created for him (Genesis 2/19), and it is question for man to adore and bow down in front of his creator, and that things that the man transform or fabricate should bow down in front of their manufacturer who is the man.

    Therefore, the man being the work of God’s hands, he must bow down in front of his master; and the transformed things being the work of man’s hands should bow down in front of the man who is their master. The man must adore and bow down in front of his creator; and things that are transformed or fabricated must adore and bow down in front of the man. But in this world, especially in this generation of end times, many people find it good to sell or sacrifice human beings, sometimes alive to occult spirits, they sometimes kill them to extract certain organs or parts of their body to sell.

       In truth, how can somebody sell or give the work of God’s hands which is the human being in exchange of the work of man’s hands which is only the piece of paper qualified for money! The man having more value than everything existing on earth was not to be sold or sacrificed for these things, but it is these things that rather had to be sold or sacrificed for the human being. The same, the man was not to impoverish his soul for his flesh, but rather had to impoverish his flesh for his soul. That is why the Lord Jesus seeing a young rich man in the flesh and poor in his soul said to this last to sell all his fleshly richness to have his own spiritual richness (Matthew 19/21). That is also why the Lord Jesus tells us that the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant man seeking goodly pearls who, when he find one pearl of great price, go and sell all that he had to buy it.

    In this physical world, the goodly pearl would have been the human being and not things (money...). Therefore, if that was possible in God, we would have sold money or other materials to buy the human being, and not to sell the human being against the material. In truth, if we love our creator, we should take the man as God’s goodly pearl among his creatures on earth; and we must have as duty to love and wish success, prosperity and life to this last both in the spirit and in the physic, and not to admire and take him for a sacrifice that brings in money, glory, power, celebrity...

       I have never heard even from the men that the blocks of cement in front of which certain people bow down have fabricated the man; but only that it is the man who has fabricated the blocks of cement in front of which he bow down. The same, I have never heard that money, these small pieces of papers have created the man, but only that it is the man who has fabricated money. In truth, men, women, children are being killed by cutting their head, their sex, and extracting their heart, kidneys... to sell them against pieces of papers qualified for money. But because of which pearl can some people kill, sacrifice and sell their fellow men? Many people who are dominated by money are found in this business of killing, selling and traffic of human organs. Big business men also do it. This phenomenon is common in Sub-Saharan Africa where men, women and children are regularly killed by cutting their head, their sex, extracting their heart, kidneys to sell. You will find refrigerators in certain big houses full of people’s heads, hearts, kidneys and sex; and all these organs are sold abroad.

     In truth, it is touching and shocking! These murderers are like poachers that chase elephants, their aim being to kill the elephant to extract its ivories and to satisfy the customer. When they give a command of the head, the sex, the heart, kidneys to these murderers, these last kill their neighbour, extracting the part of the body that has been asked, and it generally takes place at night. As such, in the morning, it is a tragedy for the family that find one of his members in a pond of blood, sometimes without the head, the sex, the heart and kidneys, and it is the cry and lamentations. During this time, the murderers rejoice to have received the money after the delivery of the product, and those to whom the murderers have delivered the product are also in joy, they keep it for a short while in the refrigerator before taking the airplane to go and deliver their product abroad.

       There are certain people in Africa who regularly travel abroad, taking themselves for business men meanwhile they are only traffickers of human organs. And each time they go to deliver human organs, they buy vehicles and other things to come and sell back; for these blinds, buying vehicles to come and sell back after having sold human organs is a way of cleaning their money. They clean their money in front of the men, but with what will they also clean their heart and soul? Truth to be continued...


       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)

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