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It is the 76th message.


       Champi, Apostle, not behalf of a man nor by a man but by Jesus Christ in the house of God which is Spirit.

       The Lord Jesus did not send me to construct buildings or to open halls of prayer, but he sent me to open the hearts of men by the power of the knowledge of the spirit of truth so that these ones should receive the spirit of resurrection and be resuscitated when the trumpet will sound (Romans 8/11; 1 Thessalonians 4/16-17; John 6/40). For God must dwell in us (in our heart, thought, spirit and feeling) in order to become at the measure of the perfect stature of Christ which is the image of God. Our heart must therefore become the church of God by a testimony; that is why Apostle Peter says: “And God, who knows the heart, bore witness to them, by giving them the Holy Spirit just as he did to us” (Acts 15/8). Without the Holy Spirit, we cannot testify that Jesus Christ is the Son of God (1 Corinthians 12/3); it is therefore the reason for which John 15/26 says: “But when the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, he will bear witness about me”.

       I am apostle of Jesus Christ established in the house of God which is Spirit like all the other apostles: Peter, James, Andrew, John, Philip, Paul, etc; I am therefore called to enter in all the halls of prayer to preach only and nothing else than the Gospel (Acts 18/4; Luke 4/44). Where they will receive me, I will work and if they do not receive me, I would have nevertheless done my mission in front of the one that has sent me (the Lord Jesus); for I would not like to be in the charge of anyone. I do not come with a spirit or feeling of superiority, but I come with a spirit of sharing of the only body and blood of Christ that that have been given to eat and drink in order to live by them (John 6/56-57).

       By the gospel, I bring the people to receive life, the authority, the reign, the domination and the commandment not over the physical men, but over all the spirits, all life, all the feelings and thought that are against God. For, we want to receive salvation, but all of us do not have the grace to hear the gospel which must lead us to salvation. It is without doubt the reason for which it is said: “In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit” (Ephesians 1/13; Galatians 1/7).

       I ask myself how the devil has been able to seduce the people up to the point where they do not ask themselves the question to know how they will be resuscitated without having the Holy spirit? Meanwhile it is said: “If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you” (Romans 8/11). It therefore means that it is the Holy Spirit which is the key of the Kingdom of heaven (Matthew 16/19); it is besides the reason for which the Lord Jesus asks us to seek the Kingdom of heaven before any other thing (Matthew 6/33). But how will the people be resuscitated without having the spirit of resurrection? “And how will they have the spirit of resurrection without hearing the word of resurrection? How will they hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written…”(Romans 10/14-15). The devil is powerful because when he sees that you are zealous for God, he will give you a spirit that you will take for the Holy Spirit; meanwhile it is his spirit, and once this spirit is in you, he starts to speak in tongues, to prophesy, to make visions or revelations, to deliver and heal sick people. It can therefore be the spirit of a living person, that is a marabou, a witch or a magician, or it can be the spirit of a dead person, the spirit of the queen of water or the spirit of the python (Acts 16/16-19).

       In other words, I have for mission to bring the people to become gods by Jesus Christ; his life, his power, his force, his authority, his domination and his reign. They (the men) must therefore hear and receive the grace that God has given us by Jesus Christ so that they should be healed, they should be freed from the spirit of death, from ignorance without buying any product said spiritual, neither to give money. If the devil and his kingdom have domination over the men today, it is not only because they do not have the knowledge of the grace which is a power of commandment over all what comes from darkness, but also because they confide to the products said spiritual.

       The grace which is in me is what makes the work of an Apostle of Jesus Christ in the House of God which is spirit (John 14/10).Therefore, you should not look at my physic; you should not try to know who has established me or where I come from, but receive what I say; for it is Jesus Christ who has established me in order to bring back the souls of men in his house. He is with me, he is in me (John 14/10) and it is therefore through him that you have to see if what I do or say is a lie or the truth.

       Today, we carry the bible, we read and interpret it according to our knowledge, our thought and it is what lead us astray and move us away from God and his power. That is why Apostle Peter talks of the letters of Apostle Paul in which he says: “…There are some things in them that are hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do the other Scriptures” (2 Peter 3/15-16). Certain people are ignorant up to the point where they say: “Why has God given such a power to the devil to disturb and destroy the people?” But these ones do not understand that God has given them a force, a power, strength and a reign that are above the kingdom of darkness and of the death.

       Apostle Paul is the last of the Apostles sent by Jesus Christ in the bible; for he did not see Jesus Christ in his body of flesh and he has even persecuted and outraged the church of God (Galatians 1/13; Acts 8/3). But God chose him like his instrument so that he should carry his truth in order to make it known to the entire world (Acts 9/15). He has work more than the rest of the Apostles who ate and drank with Jesus Christ (Matthew 26/26). Seeing therefore what he did to the church of God, he (Apostle Paul) said: “For I am the least of the apostles, unworthy to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace toward me was not in vain. On the contrary, I worked harder than any of them, though it was not I, but the grace of God that is with me” (1 Corinthians 15/9-10). No matter the fact that he has work more than the rest of the Apostles, we should nevertheless understand that Apostle Peter was and is the dean of all the Apostles in the house of God. That is why the Lord Jesus said to him: “but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned again, strengthen your brothers” (Luke 22/32).

       May peace, life, power and the reign be given to you by the practice of the preaching of the Gospel of Christ.


       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)





It is the 71st message.


       We talk of the success of a marriage when the couple has the fear of God or when he obeys God (the word). In other words, it is to say that on one side; the wife must be submitted to her husband and on the other side; the husband must love his wife (Ephesians 5/24-25),because the alliance, the love and the fidelity of such a couple is with God.

       Meanwhile, if it is the material that has permitted that there should be marriage; there is a big risk for this marriage not to stay for long because as the material will be reducing, the submission, the respect, and love will also reduce. There are women who feel the joy in the heart and have a smile on their lips only when their husband comes back home with money. At that time, the husband will be called in all types of sweet names because he gives money of food everyday. Once the money of food finishes, the joy of the woman stops and her kindness reduces. When the woman knows that her husband does not have money anymore, she start pretending all the time to be sick and tired just because she does not want her husband to touch her when they will be on bed, but if he brings out a bank note, her tiredness and sickness will also finish.

       Understand that this kind of woman; when her husband does not work anymore or when he is unemployed, she will always have one leg inside and the other outside because she want to have something at all means; she is ready to accept any other proposal that will be made to her. She sometimes forget all what the husband has done for her and her family, and even when he wants to talk because he has noticed that his wife has changed, she will respond: “what have you already done for me?”. If nothing is going anymore in this couple it is because in the beginning, it has not made the alliance with the truth.

       There are some men in this world, whose love only limits on the bed, after the bed, his wife is not more important and she will be important only when he will need her to fill his desires. This kind of man, when his wife talks to him or gives him advices, it is as if the mouth of this last was smelling. When a man has some money as people usually say, he sometimes despises people, especially his wife when this last does not know how to do anything, at that time, all the beautiful women outside become his wives and he always go up to showing this dirt to her wife, forgetting that all what he does will follow him even at his old age. As the woman is cunning, she always waits when her husband is in a position of weakness to tell him certain things. Nevertheless, the husband will listen to her because he need something, but once satisfied; he forgets all what his wife has said.Some play this life without even dreaming of buying a piece of land or to build a house, but later on, they will start saying: if I had listened to the advices of my wife, I would have done many things”.

       When a couple does not believe in God, we assist in things such as: a man who does not eat the food of his wife, the woman who refuses to cook; she sleeps in the lounge and they sometimes do not sleep anymore in the same room just because they had a small problem. In this kind of couple, it is obvious that the man or woman comes home with a sickness. But what is surprising is that they all speak of God without living his life and becoming this life. Understand that when a marriage is founded on the truth (God), the man and the woman become more than brothers and sisters because they first do everything for God. What makes that even if they have a problem in their couple; they will solve it in their room with the help of a third person who is God. They do not solve their problems in front of their children because they are afraid that they will be affected.

       Meanwhile there are couples where either the man takes the children as witness or the woman does the same, but not knowing that they are putting their children under embarrassment. Sometimes, the husband tells to her wife that she is stupid in front the children and the woman also does the same, what makes that; when the husband or wife will do something wrong in front the children, they will say: “I understand why daddy or mommy usually says that you are stupid”. At that time, the children will start respecting one parent more than the other. There is still something that I must tell you; when a parent shows to one of his children that he is the most loved of all, it sometimes create divisions or unbalance in the family and the most loved or pampered child becomes proud, weak, and he sometimes despises everybody. The parents are sometimes at the origin of the failure of their children because they ignore that you should not show to a child that you love him more than the other children because at the end, it is this one that will become weak and worthless meanwhile the one that is not pampered finishes by succeeding in his life. A parent who loves his child should never pamper him.

       In fact, in regard to the woman, she must teach her daughters how to cook, to be clean, to respect everybody and to be submissive because it is in doing these things that we become a woman worthy of this name; capable to live in a marital home. For the man, he must make understand his son that life is not easy, he should work hard and not to slumber in the facility, but it all begins at the younger age. A well educated child can live in any surrounding and succeed meanwhile if a child despises his parents, how more of people outside. An advice: A man who knows God must gain his wife who does not know God through the love of God. In the same way, the woman who knows God must gain her husband who does not know God in submitting herself to God. However, me, I neither have a wife nor a child but I have the marriage and I am the marriage.

Champi, messenger of the Lord Jesus Christ, addresses a word of reconciliation, wisdom and power to the entire world. I have not visited houses of prayer nor thought how to read the bible, I have neither listened to the gospel of man or being thought by a man, but I have received the revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ since the age of six months. At this age, I spoke of all what I had to do before the coming of Christ. All what I have predicted is accomplishing.



      CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)




It is the 51st message.


       In this world, the men prefer money than the Lord Jesus. That is why all their power, force, domination and glory come from money. As the Lord Jesus is the bridge between God and the people (1 Timothy 2/5), money is also the bridge between man and the power or glory of this world.

       Because of money, man prefers to sell his similar, that is to say; he prefers to give the flesh and blood of his similar to his snake so that this one (the snake) should vomit money for him or to make that his cocoa should produce more. Today, certain people will tell you: “I do not have time to go and listen to the word of God (the word that must save his soul) because I have businesses that must give me much money”. It is the reason why they always want to travel either by air or by any other means of transport because they want to discover other countries of the world, and it is also the reason for which all their eyes are fixed on things such as: vehicles, villas, castles, garments. They also want to be mediatised, seen and known by all the people except God; all this because of money.

       Therefore, because of money, the priests and pastors sell the baptism of water; you must give money before receiving the baptism;they also sell titles of deaconess, church elder. You should know that neither the seller nor the buyer (the corrupted and the corrupter) will enter the Kingdom of heaven because the one who glorifies himself of receiving the title of deaconess or church elder after giving money does it in vain. It is not for money that we glorify ourselves, but it is for the truth (God). You will then see that it is what brings the blind and deaf to say: “since that you pray the God of the truth, have you not yet received money?”. For them, the God of truth is testified when we have money. But I will like to make them know that the God of truth is testified through the truth, holiness and purity.

       Therefore, money remains the king of this world; that is why all the people submit themselves to it. What is surprising and incomprehensible for the living is that; how can a man fabricates money and still come to prostrate in front of it? That is why Psalm 115/4 says: “Their idols are silver and gold, the work of human hands”. In the other part, how can he fabricate a monument and he is still the one who comes and prostrate in front of it? Do money and the monument have more value than God the creator?

       For man, money has more value than his similar made in the image of God. But I will like to make you understand that if we love our similar, it means that we love God (1 John 4/20) because God made man in his image.


      CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)





It is the 65th message.


       A marriage is the legal union between a man and a woman. But I will not talk of legality because it belongs to man and the truth belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ. For this reason, we talk of marriage when a man and a woman live together.

       In this present world, you find couples that have already spent many years together, but one day, you here them saying: we must get married either in the “Church” or in the city council, but this celebration serves for what? It is something that has greatly surprised me, but I understand it because in the eyes of the people, they are not yet married, but they must understand that in front God, we talk of marriage from the first day a man goes to bed with a woman. Therefore, you must understand that if a man goes to bed with ten women or a woman with ten men, it also makes ten marriages. When you go to bed with a different person, it is first a great sin and polygamy in front of God. When we are not faithful to God, we can neither be faithful to his husband or wife. Going to bed with a married man or woman is a double sin.

       The celebration of the marriage in front of the assembly can be possible in case where the man and the woman have not yet slept together and it is done in front of God who knows the deep of the hearts. If it is the case, they will be presented in front of God and in front of the people. It is in this case that I present those who have to be married to God. But once they have already known each other, I can no longer do it. Therefore, it is not necessary for a man and a woman who already live together to come and present themselves in front of the church saying that they want to get married because if they do it, it is in vain.

       The marriage certificate which is signed in the city hall is just for the needs of the flesh, it can be for a job or for the goods in the case where there is a problem in the couple. It is thus this certificate which proves that the man is officially married. This lawfulness wants a man to have a ring on the finger and that is what we call the alliance. This last (the ring) always make the couple to feel great and boastful. There are some men who have this alliance but they go to bed with other women and even more than their own wives; others hide this alliance (the ring) in the fear that they will know that he is married because in hiding it, they can continue to live their infidelity. Therefore, I declare that if it is for men that we celebrate the marriage, we must know that it is in vain.

       Therefore, I will like to tell you that the marriage in the “church” means fidelity in front of God. Today, the men do not consult God before getting married just because their hearts or eyes have been attracted by this dust which man is, the material or the woman. The woman always looks if the man has money or a job. Sometimes the woman chose a man who does not fear God, not because she loves him, but because she sees the material and she always have the language of the type; God will surely transform him with time.

       The marriage in God is first this liberty which consists to listen and to live the word of God which vivifies because it is not the matter to see how you will be well while eating the dust, but it is question to see how you will eat the Lord Jesus through the listening (John 6/57). There are some men who are very cunning and who just want to get married, what makes that when the woman gives him conditions of the type: if we get married, will you let me go to listen to the word of God every day? Given that this one wants to get married to a single wife, he will respond: as you like. But once she enters in the house, after some days, he will start saying: stop with that story of your God, he is not the one who has given me what I have in my house, and when he will say it, the woman will be obliged to obey her husband. If you eat chicken and fish without eating the practice that comes from the listening of the gospel, you should therefore know what is waiting you. It is therefore good for the man or woman to consult God before engaging in a marriage because to be unmarried in liberty (in the listening and practice of the word of God) is better than a rich marriage in slavery or in the ignorance of the knowledge of the truth.

       We talk of a marriage when the man and the woman are in the same thinking and feeling of the Lord Jesus. If it is not the case, the woman run the risk to be looked like a rag in her marital home if her husband has money and she has nothing. It can also happen when the husband notices that the parents of her wife are poor, what makes that every time they will have a problem, he will always say to his wife: go and meet your parents, are they death? They are even ready to throw their things outside. There are some men who do not even want their wife to carry an activity in the fear that she totally becomes independent, even for their toilet needs. They do it because they want their wives to ask them all what they need, so that they should always be in front of them like little children. Others do it by jealousy because they know what they do with people’s wives. An advice, a man should have a single wife; he should look for a woman who is above money, dressing, vehicles, travels and passions. If you have a wife who loves these things and that you are unable to satisfy her, the day she will find somebody who proposes these things to her, she will abandon you, for example; travelling abroad. For this reason, you should never get married to a man or a woman that you do not know.

       I am not married and I am free to get married or not. There is no obligation for that. I do not want to open houses of prayer, but I am guiding the people so that they should be faithful to Jesus Christ and not to me. I am just a guide and it is the reason for which I do not like when they call me Apostle or Pastor because people call me like that without knowing that Jesus Christ is the Apostle or Pastor. Therefore, it is not a title which man gives to whom he wants.

Champi, messenger of the Lord Jesus Christ, addresses a word of reconciliation, wisdom and power to the entire world. I have not visited houses of prayer nor thought how to read the bible, I have neither listened to the gospel of man or being taught by a man, but I have received the revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ since the age of six months. At this age, I spoke of all what I had to do before the coming of Christ. All what I have predicted is accomplishing.



       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)





It is the 50th message.


       Jesus Christ is the mother of Mary in spirit and in truth. I do not speak like a mad or wise person of this world, but I speak like a mad and wise personof God.

       In fact, we (messengers of the Lord Jesus) have not received the spirit that comes from the world, but we have received the spirit that comes from God and we speak in words not taught by human wisdom, but taught by the spirit, interpreting spiritual truths to those who are spiritual (1 Corinthians 2/12-13). Only the blind and deaf know according to the flesh and blood that Mary is the mother of Jesus in life. Meanwhile, Hebrews 1/2 says: “but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world. Therefore, you should know that Jesus Christ is the creator of Mary. It is thus good for the blind and deaf to stop confusing the flesh and the spirit or death and life.

       Jesus Christ who is the creator has come in this world to save the people through the preaching of the gospel which is his life. In order to preach his life to the people, Philippians 2/7 says: “but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servantbeing born in the likeness of men”. It is said in 1Peter 3/18-19: “For Christ also sufferedonce for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit, in which he went and proclaimed to the spirits in prison”.

       Because he who lives in the thinking of the flesh will consider Jesus to be of the flesh and the one who lives in the thinking of God will know that Jesus Christ is spirit; that is why 1 Corinthians 2/16 says: “…But we have the mind of Christ”. I will like to make you understand that Jesus Christ has never been and will never be white or black, but he is and will always be a spirit of truth and of love; that is why I announce you that if Mary was not born of Jesus, she would have died, that is to say; her soul would have known the second death (Revelation 22/8; Revelation 20/14-15). It is therefore by Jesus Christ (his feeling) that we are known by God the Father; that is why he who does not gather with him in spirit and in truth is against him (Luke 11/23) (Philippians 2/5).

       The Lord Jesus Christ in his teachings had made the people to know who were his brothers and mother (Mark 3/35). This teaching is to say that only those who are with him in spirit and in truth are in his house where he is found. Therefore he does not know those who are outside because those who are out live according to the flesh (the death) consequently, they cannot be his true brothers, and they cannot be happy. Meanwhile, those who are happy are those ones who listen and practice his gospel; that is why Luke 11/27-28 says: “As he said these things, a woman in the crowd raised her voice and said to him, “Blessed is the womb that bore you, and the breasts at which you nursed!” But he said, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!”.

       The ignorance that acted yesterday in that woman is the same which still continues to act today because people think that in order to        arrive to Jesus, Mary must intercede. Meanwhile, Jesus says: no one comes to the Father except through me (only through my life)(John 14/6). Therefore, it is by Jesus Christ that we pray God, and he is the one (Jesus Christ) who intercedes; that is why the word says to us: “For through him we both have access in one Spirit to the Father” (Ephesians 2/18).It is difficult for man to understand the spiritual language (the language of God) because this one (the language of God) is listened by the men, but it is neither heard nor understood (John 8/43).

       When the Lord Jesus says: Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am (John 8/58-59). The wise and mad people did not understand the language of the Living Spirit; that is why they rushed to throw him stones. I know that these wise and mad people will pick up stones to throw to the same who speaks in me, but only Jesus died (in the flesh)in order to operate and to save the souls, and I am not afraid to speak for the Glory of the Most High. Therefore, I prefer to die in the flesh by the sword while revealing the life (the truth) than to die in the spirit because I have not revealed the truth for which I am sent, for the language of God (the thought of God) is badly interpreted  and misunderstood by the people of this world (2 Peter 3/16). God is his life and this life is a cross that we must live (carry) (Matthew 16/24) and it is in the spirit and not in the physic(Acts 15/10). What I have found piteous in this world is that; on one part, there are people who only look for those who will lay their hands on them, and on the other part, they like those who make divinations on their life (life of dead); and this divination is also called revelation or prophecy.

       Only the one who dies for the elevation of the truth in the hearts of the people in this world will be glorified by the veritable and the veracious. I greet and congratulate all those who despise everything because of the Kingdom of heaven.



CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)



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