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It is the 56th message.


     The question asked is the one to know; where the soul will pass her eternity? The eternity means last without end. This one (the Eternity) will be lived or will happen either in the kingdom of heaven (Luke 13/29) or in the pond of fire (Revelation 20/15).

     Why do I say that man is his soul? I say it because his flesh will never live the eternity, but it is rather his soul that will live it. Today, man unfortunately spends his time working for his flesh which is only dust and not for his soul. That is why John 6/27 says “Let your work not be for the food which comes to an end, but for the food which goes on for eternal life, which the Son of man will give to you, for on him has God the Father put his mark”.

     Where will you pass your eternity? It is a very essential question for man. But the answer to this question is difficult because it is not an answer that is been given by the word of the lips, but it is rather about a life spent (1 Corinthians 4/20). It is in fact the feeling, the thought, the word and the acts that live in us that will render testimony of our eternity. Will it be about the Kingdom of heaven or the pond of fire reserved to the devil and to the believers of his life? (Revelation 20/10). Understand that the eternity of the soul in the kingdom of heaven by Jesus Christ is been lived now in this flesh that covers our soul. Once the soul leaves this flesh (dust), this last returns in the earth where it has been taken (Genesis 3/19). A soul that lives Christ’s life in the flesh will wait for the sound of the Lord’s trumpet in order to be revived. Because it is what 1 Thessalonians 4/16-18 tells us: “Because the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a word of authority, with the voice of the chief angel, with the sound of a horn: and the dead in Christ will come to life first; Then we who are still living will be taken up together with them into the clouds to see the Lord in the air: and so will we be for ever with the Lord”. On the other hand, all the souls that had not received the Lord (in their life of the flesh) as their life, their father, their friends and brother will remain eternally far form the Lord Jesus Christ as it was the case of the rich.

     2 Thessalonians 1/6-8 says: “For it is an act of righteousness on God's part to give trouble as their reward to those who are troubling you, And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus comes from heaven with the angels of his power in flames of fire, To give punishment to those who have no knowledge of God, and to those who do not give ear to the good news of our Lord Jesus”. Understand that the eternal life either in the kingdom of heaven or in the pond of fire is a choice given to all the men living in this world. To be found either to the right or to the left of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 25/31-32) is a salary that each one will merit; and all this through the thought, the feeling and the work of the soul. Because, the one who works the spites and the one who works the forgiveness won’t have the same salary; the one who works the pride and the one who works the humility won’t have the same salary. In the same way, the one who works the mockery and the one who works the mercy won’t have a same salary, which means: will not reign in the same home.

     To have the Lord Jesus as he is, it is to live his thought, his mercy and his feeling. However, the one who doesn’t live his life can neither see him and can’t therefore judge himself. It is yet said: “But if we were true judges of ourselves, punishment would not come on us” (1 Corinthians 11/31). How can one judge himself without having or then, without knowing the judgement, the mirror, that allows us to know if we are one with him (God). I remind you that if a man doesn’t gaze himself on a mirror, he won’t know his face. And if he has not yet gaze himself on a mirror, he will sing how he is beautiful, the day he is going to gaze himself on a mirror, he will see his face and he won’t boast and won’t sing anymore in vain that he is beautiful. Therefore, man must become beautiful and just before God through Jesus Christ; his life.

     Today, the men cannot gaze through this mirror because they don’t see and don’t know it; all this is due to the fact that the men of God don’t show them where this mirror is. It makes pity! How will the men know that they are with God? God has his shape (his life) and he wants us to become that shape that is why he gave us a mould (a life) in which we have to enter; and if we stay in it, we will have the shape that he is looking for and what he is looking for is himself (God).

     If we want to win this precious home which is Christ’s right, let’s begin to look for this mirror more than money which is only dust. For the fact that Jesus Christ is victorious on the cross and being between the two bandits, simply announce what will soon come. In fact, these two men were bandits in the beginning, but at the end, one has been forgiven and the other has not been forgiven. That is why it is said: “For all have done wrong and are far from the glory of God” (Romans 3/23). This deprivation that was at the beginning won’t be at the end because some will recognise their fate (their bad life), and they will leave or give up from this life and they will therefore be forgiven; but others will say: “my life is just”; and it is for this that they will remain in their own justice which is the pond of fire because they will be in a miserable home as the rich.

     An advice: It is only when one is in this flesh that he can be forgiven (to change life or to repent), but once we leave it (the flesh), we are not more forgiven.


CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of men, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid to sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)




It is the 97th message.


     Today, one hears the expressions such as: “I am in the faith”, “I have faith”, “It is necessary to have faith”; but it is necessary to understand that we meet three types of faith in this world.

     First of all, there is the faith in God by Jesus Christ, his word, his life, the faith (word, spirit and Jesus Christ’s life) which the people of Israel were waiting under Moses’ Law. That is why Galatians 3/23-26 says: “But before faith came, we were kept under guard by the law, in view of the faith which would afterward be revealed. Therefore the law was our tutor to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith. But after faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor. For you are all sons of God through faith in Jesus Christ”. Having Jesus Christ in you, to live him and to have hope in him, it is to have hope in God in spirit and in truth.

     The Eternal God had told to Abraham that all the nations of the world will be blessed in his posterity; but the benediction which all the nations of the earth must receive only pass through the practicing, the life and the obedience of Jesus Christ and not the customs coming from man. That is why Galatians 3/16 says: “Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He does not say “And to seeds,” as of many, but of one, “And to your seed,” who is Christ”. Then, it is said that: “Therefore know that only those who are of faith are sons of Abraham” (Galatians 3/7). It is also said in Acts 6/7 that: “Then the word of God spread, and the number of the disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem, and a great number of the priests were obedient to the faith”. These people, who had the obedience on the faith, obeyed God. In the same way, some women had heard saying that Apostle Paul who persecuted them now announces the faith, that is to say Jesus Christ (Galatians 1/23).

     The faith in God is a life of hope and this life (faith) when it is not in us, God doesn’t take any pleasure in us; That is why Hebrews 10/38 says: “Now the just shall live by faith; but if anyone draws back, my soul has no pleasure in him”. One is not pleasant to God when he leads his own life or the one that comes from Moses’ 10 commandments or the one that comes from a religion. But one is pleasant to him by the life of the Lord Jesus Christ (Philippians 3/9), (Acts 13/39).

     When one lives Christ’s feeling, his justice, his holiness, his purity and his mercy, one must not doubt a time of this life, because while living it, one must have the insurance that he is with the Creator. It is therefore this insurance which is the miracle and also a victory that will be with us until the last day. Being in this life of the Lord Jesus Christ, one has no fear of the wizard anymore, nor the magician, the dead, mockeries, outrages, calumnies, nor the power of  water from dead, used by the men to destroy their similar, nor of human bones and poison. It is therefore good for man to be afraid (of God), when he doesn’t live the thought and Jesus Christ’s feeling and not that of man. That is the first type of faith that we rarely find it in the men. It is God’s faith by Jesus Christ.

     Then, there is the second faith which is that of man, because it is about the animal’s faith and it is this last one that we find almost in every human being. In fact, it means of a liberty that we give to ourselves that is; we live as we like or as our custom and doctrine want us to live. It means on other words that we don’t live as Jesus Christ wants us to live, but we follow our instinct, we live according to our desires, our feelings, our thoughts, having never the less the believing and hope. But you should understand that this believing and this hope are also found in animals that can also say that; tomorrow certainly we shall eat (while, they don’t live Jesus Christ’s life). And the following day, these animals finish by having what to eat and they also feast. It is thus this animal’s faith which is given as a teaching to the men in their “church” and it is her (this faith) which live in their thought; it is thus why, whether it is of those who go to church or those who never go, they all have a common faith which is the following one: “tomorrow I will eat”, “I will travel”, “I will give birth to children”, “I will have much money”, “I will be a business man or a star”. And when someone succeeds in getting or becoming what he was saying, this one will say: “it is because I have faith”. Then, he will tell you that to succeed, you must have faith as me; just believe. But man ignores that this faith is the same as that of the animals; because his faith and that of the animal are strange to that of God (life of the Lord Jesus Christ). Therefore let’s understand that it is a faith in vain or dead because it doesn’t bring man to live in the Kingdom of heaven.

     Finally, there is a third type of faith. In this case, it is about the men who endeavour to live Jesus Christ’s life, but in themselves, they have some doubts, they generally tremble in front  of the spirits of the deaths, the wizards, the magicians... However, when one doubts or trembles, God knows that we don’t totally have confidence in him. Those who have this faith must understand that when we live Jesus Christ’s life, it means that we are with the Creator and all the spirits tremble in front of you. Also, when we ask something to God in prayers, we must wait because our time is not God’s time but it is his time which should be ours. When you ask something to God, you should stay in the life and hope. That is, to be reassured that we are in perfect communion with him (1 John 1/7).

        How does a man who tells himself to be God’s child (carrying God in him) is afraid of another man who carries the devil in him, that is the wizard, the magician... If God’s child hides himself when he sees the child of the devil, how will this one (the child of the devil) testify the power or the greatness of our God; or again, how will he know that his power is smaller in front that of a god (a God’s child) And how will he renounce to his little strength or power to follow that which is above all power or strength, that is Jesus Christ; his life, his thought, his feeling? Because King Darius and Nebucadnetsar testified that there is no other power which is above that of the God of Daniel, the three mates, who God the Creator is (Daniel 6/25-27); (Daniel 3/28-29). And it had to be the same thing for you today (Child of God). God’s child by Jesus Christ must recognise himself as being a living god on earth, that is; that one who represents his celestial father on earth in the justice, the mercy, the holiness, the domination and the reign. He must therefore know that all those who are in face that means; belonging to the devil with all his power and strength, are dead gods; because we can walk on a dead but not on a living one.

     In fact, all the three types of faith I had to evoke, you will certainly recognise yourselves among one of them.


CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of men, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid to sin and to be free from the eternal death.

                                                (John 8/32)





It is the 100th message.


       The men today do not seek or at least do not want to become slaves of God, which means slaves of the justice, mercy and holiness of Jesus Christ. I do not say these things by chance, but it is because I know them or because the spirit reveals them to me.

       We therefore have some who are slaves of the priests or of pastors making exorcism simply because these ones give them water, salt, soap and other spiritual products said blessed. It is the reason for which the slaves are always praying their god so that he should strengthen (fortify) or give more days of life to their man of God for him to continue blessing their water, salt… What then makes that when this one (man of God)travels, the slaves are anxious, that is why the man of God always receives phone calls here and there coming from these ones (his slaves), simply because they want to know when this one (the man of God) will be back from his journey. For, if they do it, it is because they are afraid that their power, their protection which is the water, salt, incense… should not finish. For if their god is in Europe and that this one asks for money to come back in the country, the blinds and deaf (the slaves) are ready to pay for his air ticket, simply because this one is before all their protection.

       Then, there are others who are not slaves of the products said spiritual, but rather of divinations and prayers. For these slaves of divinations, the most important is to know what goes on in their life or what might happen in the future. And for the slaves of prayers, as long as the man of God does not lay his hands upon them or does not touch them, they automatically know that they are not blessed and that they neither have the power capable to dominate the evil.

       Given that the slaves are in need, these foxes who are the men of God, consider themselves to be more important at this time. What has then made that for one of them to only touch you, you must spent much money; it therefore means that their hands are too expensive. For, just to receive a person is all a problem because you must pass from a protocol to another as if we were in the presidency of the republic.

       What takes place there is that; the more we have money, the less we spent days and hours to meet the man of God; and the less we have money, the more it becomes difficult to meet this one. These people have become like saviours, vanity of vanities. When these men of God bless a bottle of TANGUI water, which means when they put Jesus Christ in this bottle, they sell it dear. But I want them to tell me, between Jesus Christ and water who is the saviour? Or who has created the other? If they do it, it is not only to satisfy the devil who is their father, but also their stomach. The time is serious because the devil has started the machine, he himself being the big engineer who is personally charged for the good functioning of this one (the machine), which makes that in the case where there is a breakdown, he is the only one who can find the solution. This machine which is put in place is the acceleration of witchcraft and the deception.

       Today, each of these men of God ask their believers to make that their hall of prayer should be full of people because they (the men of God)know that  the basket will be full because of many people. Meanwhile, he who is of Jesus Christ is in joy only when he sees how the hearts enter in the house of God which is his life (the life of God). But he is sad when he sees how the people remain in the house of the devil which is his life, life in which we only seek for money and the glory of man, meanwhile it is the glory of the justice that comes from the mercy, purity of only one person that we were to seek and this person is Jesus Christ. Therefore, that is why in the “house of God” where the life of Jesus is practiced, we do not find war there, but we rather find love, humility, forgiveness and it is everyone who looks for the interest of the other. Meanwhile in the house of the devil, we see the division because it is money and the glory of man that are put in front; it is the reason for which we find jealousy and hatred there; and that is what push the people to create houses of prayer. The devil is divided and Jesus Christ breaks the separation and unites.

       An advice: the listening and practice of the truth is all, for it is by listening and living this truth that we become free and powerful. That is why Jesus says: “you will know the truth and the truth will set you free” (John 8/32), we should then understand that the laying of hands or praying on somebody is a second element, it means that the prayer comes later. For, without listening and living or practicing, we will always be dominated by the power of the enemy.


       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)



It is the 17th message.


        The true delivery comes from the practice, the obedience, the fear, of what we hear and what we hear comes from Christ’s unique gospel (Romans 10/17), (Galatians 1/7).

     Jesus Christ is the recommendation, the order, and the precepts. It is therefore only when we walk according to his word that we are delivered, forgiven, vivified. There is therefore no any other power or any other delivery that has been given if it is not the one to walk according to God’s word; and it is this word which is the way, the truth and the life (John 14/6). That is why 1 John 2/6 says: “He who says that he is living in him, will do as he did”.  We must thus look as Jesus Christ walked in this world; it is there the perfect example to follow. That is why Ephesians 5/1 says: “Let it then be your desire to be like God, as well-loved children”. As God is Lovely, let’s have his love in us to be his children; such he is such we are also in this world (1 John 4/17).

     The fight for the delivery consists: To walk, to live, and to stay in the charity and the mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ that the eternal life is. That is why the Lord says: “To him who overcomes I will give a place with me on my high seat, even as I overcame, and am seated with my Father on his high seat” (Revelation 3/21). The victory consists: to defeat the outrages, the persecutions and the calamities. The true delivery consists in defeating jealousy, anger, pride, hypocrisy, the non forgiveness, quarrels, the lie, to steal, ingratitude, selfishness, calumny, mockery, intemperance, adultery that are in us, to be above money, food, pleasures and passions of this world. Those are therefore the things that bind us to the death (hell). The one, who wants to be forgiven, purified, justified, protected, delivered and vivified, is held to renounce, to reject, and to hate these things, which means; to cut the ties with these impure spirits of bewitchment and others. As soon as these things live in you, you are not only deaths, that is to say that the eternal death lives in you  but also, these impure spirits deprive you from a lot of things in the flesh and you remain at that moment subjected to their power.

     God’s child in this world knows that the fight is not against the wizards, he then knows that this one (the fight) is not out of him, but it is in him. Because he knows that, if he succeeds in defeating everything that is sinned in him, he will then have the true delivery, the protection, the power and the domination. It is therefore at this moment that will be defeated the one who has been condemned in him (spirit of death) (1 Peter 4/1).

     The false prophets, apostles, pastors and others deceive the men while making them to believe that we must fight against the spirits of blockages, failure, impossibility, celibacy, rejects, control, pursuit, misery, drought, poverty, paralysis, and blindness. But me, I tell you: If all the things that God doesn’t like are in you, then all these spirits will always be there because of what lives in you (spirits of death), and the Holy spirit that comes on by the practice of the holy writings, cannot stay in such a body. It is a malediction for the donors and the users of these so -called blessed water, perfumes and Saint Michael soap because they ignore that the only, the unique delivery and the eternal recovery; is to become the brother, the sister and Jesus’ friend through the practice of his will (Marc 3/35), (John 15/14). The true delivery doesn’t come because they have imposed hands on you, but it comes from the reject of what God doesn’t like so that you become God by his will that is; his word, his love, his thought and his spirit.

     The whole world should listen and he should understand that it is Christ’s gospel that is called pastor, prophet etc. that is why Ezekiel 34/23 says: “And I will put over them one keeper, and he will give them food, even my servant David; he will give them food and be their keeper”.  And Hebrews 13/20 says: “Now may the God of peace, who made that great keeper of his flock, even our Lord Jesus, come back from the dead through the blood of the eternal agreement”. And 1 Peter 5/4 precise that: “And at the coming of the chief Keeper of the sheep, you will be given the eternal crown of glory”. It is the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ that is the pastor, the apostle, the prophet, the doctor, and the evangelists. The mission of this spirit consists in making us to know God’s will, so that we should be able to leave the will of the devil that is a malediction to go on to that of God which  the blessing is (Acts 26/18).

     In the present world, the men browse some countries and cities not to know God’s will, but it is to receive a prayer of delivery which is done by the imposition of the hands. And there are some “men of God” who say: come and receive your miracle. But I tell you again: the living God’s miracle is to know and to live according to his will. That is why Psalms 34/8 says: “By experience you will see that the Lord is good; happy is the man who has faith in him”. To live in the miracle, the power, the strength, the domination and to be alive, it consists: to refuse, to run and to abandon what the living God doesn’t want; that is therefore God’s will, which the true delivery is. God’s delivery is to fear his word because it is of this fear that Daniel and the three mates have been delivered by God’s angel (Daniel 3/1-30), (Daniel 6/17-28).

     The earth and the sky will pass, but only his will, which is the eternal life won’t pass. The one who confides and who stays in his will shall stay eternally. When the men pray while saying; Lord protect me, I wonder who this Lord that they invoke is. Is he the one of jealousy? Or the one who doesn’t forgive? We recognise the great pastors, apostles and others in the unique teaching, gospel and revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ. Only his recommendations are great (the precepts of the Lord Jesus Christ); and not these divines and others who cannot bring back the souls to the repentance; in the same way, their speeches drag these ones (the souls) in the vanities, that is why Laments 2/14 says: “The visions which your prophets have seen for you are false and foolish; they have not made clear to you your sin so that your fate might be changed: but they have seen for you false words, driving you away”. In Jeremiah 23/16, it is said: “This is what the Lord of armies has said: Do not give ear to the words which the prophets say to you: they give you teaching of no value: it is from themselves that their vision comes, and not out of the mouth of the Lord”, and Micah 3/5 tells us again: “This is what the Lord has said about the prophets by whom my people have been turned from the right way; who, biting with their teeth, say, Peace; and if anyone puts nothing in their mouths they make ready for war against him” And lastly, Apostle Peter tells us: “And in my preaching there were no honeyed words of wisdom, but I was dependent on the power of the Spirit to make it clear to you :  So that your faith might be based not on man's wisdom but on the power of God” (1 Corinthians 2/4-5).

     Definitely, the mission of the prophets and apostles consists in bringing the men to know the living God’s will, which is the revelation, the gospel, the teaching; it is also to take people to divert from their own will, thought, desire and their feeling that are contrary to those of God.

     The Lord had revealed in Matthew 24/24 that: “For there will come up false Christs, and false prophets, who will do great signs and wonders; so that if possible even the saints might be tricked”. It is in the justice, charity and the mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ that one recognises the greatness of a man of God; This is to say that; we are not great because we have big vehicles, TV channels etc. The whole world goes to hell because he doesn’t have Christ’s delivery which is the repentance. My spirit moans when it sees the miserable, poor, blind and naked souls (Revelation 3/17) that, instead of eating the food of the spirit, which is Jesus Christ, they (souls) rather eat the food of the flesh which is rich in dust and which is only vanity of the vanities.


CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of men, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid to sin and to be free from the eternal death.

                                                                      (John 8/32)




It is the 98th message.


       The devil is a mercenary in charged of killing men’s souls, for it is his only target. That is why he killed Adam and Eve, not by their fleshes that serve for nothing (John 6/63), but rather their souls; for he has seduced them or of the less, deceived them. It is the same manner in which he is killing all the souls through his men that he establishes and raise; those ones who are looked, envied, appreciated and taken to be great “men of God” in this world of blindness. Meanwhile, Jesus Christ himself being in the flesh predicted the coming of these murderers of souls when he said: “For the false Christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect ” (Matthew 24/24). And today, we see these thieves, these seducers and murderers of souls who are besides taken to be the saviour gods.

       In fact, when the death establishes and raises somebody, this one cannot give life; the same, when the life establishes and raises somebody, this one cannot give the death or at least cannot teach it (the death). The elected of the devil are taken to be the great priest, great pastors, great apostles, great prophets and great bishops by those who follow and listen to them. But if they (the blinds) do this, it is because this world is poor in knowledge of the truth of the Lord Jesus Christ.

       In other words, people see on one part that these people are great because they make miracles, they heal the flesh and also because the divinations that they generally do on things realise themselves as they predicted. And on the other side, people see that they are great because they have much money, because they ride in big vehicles or because they have radio and television channels. And where they have much more gained the people’s hearts is because they have relations with the authorities such as the presidents of countries, ministers, great business men or stars and these ones (men of God) on their side say to their believers that: “I am not any kind of person because this or that authority is my friend”. It is then at this moment that the blind and deaf are always convinced that they are the veritable men of God.   

       Also, these men of God do not like going in villages where the souls are hungry and thirsty of Jesus Christ (word of life). For them (the men of God), the villagers do not have money; but if they say this, it is simply because their role is to destroy the souls. It is the reason for which they remain in town because there, we have people who have money at all time and not like the villagers who only have money during certain seasons. That is why you will hear them say: “he who gives a big offering will be full of blessings” They also like to talk of prayers for the success, travelling, the job, marriage, the promotion, affairs… And they make this prayer of prophecy which is generally accompanied by an offering so that the doors should become opened. That is why they always say that the person that has one million, five hundred thousands… up to five hundreds francs should come up on the podium and give in order to receive a prayer of blessing. This prayer will be proportional to the amount of money that you have given. These people can even spend two millions to make the advertisement and this advertisement can be done either in the radio or television. They can also proceed by posting on the electric panels or on the walls, the pictures of dinosaurs on which are mentioned the names of the bishops, prophets, apostles, pastors, and their countries; and some among them are always accompanied of their wives. They know that while spending as such, they will have the triple.

    That is why they organise the days of campaign or of prayers of prophecy, of deliverance, and healing. These men always like to say during their preaching that it is your year of blessing; next, they also say: if you lack certain things it is because you eat alone without giving to God (the man of God); that is why problems (the malediction) follow you everywhere. They also say that the child of God does not eat any kind of thing (any kind of dust) because he is the child of the king and when he says Alleluia, certain blinds respond Amen; others say: true, man of God; next, they add that the life of every one  of you must change. But these ones (men of God) do not talk of the change that consist in abandoning the abomination, the injustice, impurity and wickedness in front of God, but they rather talk of the change of the flesh which must receive something that it did not have, that is money, vehicles, the job… They also like to say: “give thanks giving and receive your blessing”, that is the traveling, marriage, the promotion, the childbirth…

       We should understand one thing: the devil himself knows that we are on the end times and it is very difficult for the flesh to have the material goods such as a plot, a house, a vehicle, a job, marriage, money, food… It is the reason for which he has brought out his last card which is a joker and this joker is the men of God who promise material goods to the men. We have certain small foxes (men of God) who always go to the villages during the cocoa season, the period in which the planters have money (in December). They go there during this month because it is a month of joy for the planters.

       My first message is entitled: THE REIGN OF SATAN WILL SOON COME TO AN END. For the time of God has come so that the devil who was taking himself to be God in front of the people should be unveiled. (2 Thessalonians 2/3-4). We should understand that the Lord Jesus did not die so that the souls should continue to be seduced and deceived by the devil, but he died so that the people should come back to life by his truth.

       If I write these messages, it is not because I want, but it is because the Lord recommends me to do so. For, sadness has invaded my heart because people are still in the death and it is due to these men of the devil who are called men of God. For, the mission of these men is to make the people to forget and despise the goodness of God.

       Only the ignorant know that I am a mad person and a demon (John 10/20) as it is the case of a witch doctor who said to the people of his village when I went there that I am not a good man. Unfortunately for him, the curious people who came to listen the preaching were satisfied because during the prayer, I found the spirit of the said witch doctor in the body of a girl and I asked him why he was saying to the people that I am a bad man, the spirit responded: it is because you are coming to unveil us. I am happy to be taken for a bad person because of the goodness of the Lord Jesus Christ which is a light and life (John 14/6).


       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)


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