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It is the 113th message.


       The men in the death, the men in darkness does not mean that there are no men of God who pray on them, who heal them from their sicknesses or who reveal them what happened or happens in their life, but it means that they do not have the true deliverance; and since these men of God do not carry the truth (the light) in order to reveal it to the others, all what they do is in vain.

       In fact, understand that these men of God have knowledge that comes from the letter and that is what is preached today. But the people do not know that this letter is veiled by the prodigies and miracles that are made by these “men of God”. In these multiple miracles and prodigies, the blinds and deaf cannot even know that it does not mean of the Saviour God, for it is through these miracles and prodigies that the devil veritably work. That is why Apostle Paul says that the seduction will be done by the power of Satan with all types of miracles, signs and prodigies of lies (2 Thessalonians 2/9). If Apostle Paul talks of the lie, it is just because behind these prodigies and miracles, is hidden a gospel that relies on the letter and which cannot permit the man to receive a true deliverance.

       These “men of God” are known today in this world because they have a power which is capable to heal any kind of sickness, to cast out all the demonic spirits, to see the invisible things and to tell it to the people. Because of these “men of God”, the people have found that it is not their soul which is a problem, but rather their flesh, because it (their flesh) needs to eat nice food, to wear dresses of great value and to make journeys in foreign countries. That is what makes that today; people go in the houses of prayer just because they need a job, and also because they need a promotion, travelling, the childbirth, success in the commerce, marriage, a diploma, the protection and the removal of a curse. In truth, I say it to you; no one among these men want to save his soul and do not even want to know the state of his soul because for them, everything is limited in the flesh which serves for nothing (John 6/63). But for the devil, it is a great success or at least a big victory because all these souls will belong to him on the last day.

       The men always seek solutions for their flesh. That is why you will always see them coming out of these places of prayer with cans full of water. They are obliged to carry them no matter their weight simply because the “man of God” has deposited a blessing, a protection, sanctification, purification, and healing in it. Also, there are perfumes, soap, and oils that these “men of God” sell to them. And those who use these products usually say that they help them a lot. But what does the man knows of it? Tears flow deeper in my heart because the life that the Lord Jesus came to give us is not lived in man’s thought, feeling and spirit. Meanwhile it is this life (his life) which is the protection, the blessing, the domination, the purification, the healing and the eternal life. For he himself tells us that no one can have access to anything without him. But the devil has made believe to man that he can have all what he want in the flesh without passing by Jesus Christ (his life). That is why today, the man can say: “it is when I light such a product or when I spray such a product in my house, my office or in my vehicle that I feel to be protected”. But I will like to remind them that they have a protection without living the life of the Lord Jesus Christ. Are these things (products said spiritual) eternal? It is not said that all these things will pass? And if these things must pass, what has to stay eternally?

       Today there are certain people who go in these places of prayer with the pictures of their relatives who are in other towns or abroad so that the man of God should pray in order that their situation should change. I also want the people to understand that all these men of God that they see in the television healing sicknesses, making the lame to walk, bringing a dead (corpse) to life, making prodigies and miracles, but it does not come from the truth. We must also add that there are some people who receive their healing just by listening to these men of God on the radio or by watching them in the television; meanwhile this one (man of God) never had the grace to listen to the truth of the Lord Jesus one day. That is why the Lord Jesus was talking of the people who will make miracles and prodigies up to the point of seducing if possible even the elect (Matthew 24/24). Today, the people rejoice in their flesh because of these miracles, but their souls are suffering.

       The man knows that it is money that reigns in this world, but today, they ignore that in the world of life (life of the kingdom of heaven), it is not the case. That is why the ambassadors of Jesus who testify his life in this world (2 Corinthians 5/20) are not taken to be the true men of God because they do not have the veritable glory of the world which is money; for it is this last which is the god of this world. And today, as it has always been the case, the judgement of a man of God in this world is neither done on the life that he live, nor on the acts that he manifest, nor on his manner to teach the truth to the people, but this judgement rather relies on the material (money, vehicles…).

       Today, the people never say to a man of God: “you have God and you do not live such a life (mercy, holiness, justice, purity)”; but they only know how to say: “you have God and you lack what we want to see, that is money, vehicles, big buildings, many believers,…”. For, the man knows that it is the material which proves that we have God and not the only life to live which has been given by the prince of life (Jesus Christ). Of which poverty was the Lord Jesus Christ? 2 Corinthians 8/9 says: “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich”. But since the devil is cunning, the people will ask you if King Solomon and Job were poor. They will never take Jesus Christ as an example or the apostles after him in the flesh.

       It is time for the man to come to the knowledge of the truth in order to no longer consider the prodigies and miracles that are made today to be the true deliverance (because the devil who is at the head of these things can do all) he must rather know and live the truth of the Lord Jesus Christ where the devil is not seated.

To God only wisdom and the glory for the eternity.


       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)







It is the 111th message.


     The “men of God” that we see are considered like the messengers or the established of the Eternal God. In others words, it means that it is through them that the men were to know God (his life, his justice, his mercy, his holiness and his purity). Meanwhile if we have 100 men of God in this world, 99 of them are engines of the death or less, they are called to mislead the multitude.

     When these men of God preach their gospel which relies on their customs and traditions, the blinds and the deaf who listen to them say to themselves that it is the gospel of Jesus Christ. Therefore, those who listen to them, no matter their practice or their faith as they usually say, they will never become the gods, that is the true children of God. Some of these men of God make the divinations; they flatter, seduce and prophesy for their own stomach by using the word of God. The others have falsified this word for their own glory (2 Corinthians 2/17; Revelation 22/19). Finally, there are the others although having listened to the word of truth, they abandoned it because they prefer the glory of man. Meanwhile John 5/44 says: “How can you believe, when you receive glory from one another and not seek the glory that comes from the only God?”. It is without doubt the reason for which everyone want to become a servant of God, to have a parish, a cell, in short; a place of prayer. Meanwhile it is said in 2 Corinthians 10/18: “For it is not the one who commends himself who is approved, but the one whom the Lord commends”.

     I will like to remind these “men of God” that they will be punished more than the rest of the people. For, being raised on their own for their stomach and for the glory of the men, they are misleading billions of souls. But since their believers do not know them, it is the reason for which they consider them like the messengers of God. What is so bad than to see a man of God who unite two men (accept a homosexual marriage) by celebrating a mass of blessings!

     The world in which we live is a pervert world because the men have found that to become a servant of God is a profitable function (in terms of the material) and it is everyone who wants to become a servant of God. That is why the men like the women go in the biblical schools by spending huge amounts of money in order to become “a man of God”. After coming out of this school, they must enter into function in order to recover the money that has been given for their training. It is the reason for which their believers suffer a lot. All the projects that these said men of God have are in the responsibility of their believers. Their projects are the following: to construct houses for themselves, to buy vehicles, to make the advertisements for their popularity, to send their children in big schools. If these men of God plan their life or if they have projects, it is because they know that they have a farm which has no season, that is; where there is never the lack of food. And this farm is their believers. Some men of God are weak because they only want that their believers should take care of their family, for they are more than the civil servants. Those are the things that make the people to aspire of becoming the servants of God; but their believers do not know what these men represent in front God.

     Moreover, these “men of God” have captivated people’s hearts (without forgetting their finances) because they frequently go to seek the power that makes to fall and makes them see the invisible things. What makes that when this one tells you the things that happen in your life and that it happens that what he says is true, you will consider him like a living God , there is a reason to confide in him because all what he says is true. You will ask yourself the question: how does he know my life? How does he know the invisible things? And you will finish by saying: only God can do these things. I will like to tell you that the devil rejoice himself when he sees how his servants mislead the people (their souls). I also tell you that these places (places of prayer) are very dangerous.

     Renounce to your life by frequently asking the Lord Jesus Christ to guide you and to show you a place where you will go and listen to his word. He can talk to you or show you this place, whether in a vision or in the dreams as it was the case with Cornelius (Acts 10/3-6). But, be careful because even the devil does it.

     I did not come in this world to learn from the man or to look at what he is doing in order to later do the same. But the Lord Jesus told me: “stand and just open your mouth for I am the one who will speak”. All what I do is in his name and for his glory.

     To him is the glory and wisdom for the eternity. Men of God, eat and drink by the seduction, flattery and deception, but know that you will be punished more than those who listen to you and who consider you.


       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)


                         WHY DOES CAMEROON ONLY HAVE A PHYSICAL PEACE?                                                      

                       It is the 181st message.


        I am a Cameroonian of origin, but of flesh. When I was of flesh, I had a patriotic feeling, but from the moment I have been called by the spirit of truth, I became what I am. I see and I speak like a god and not like a man because I have been sacrificed in the flesh by the truth, to tell the truth and to die for it. What picture does this country display to God’s eyes with the men of God who are swindlers and the corrupted leaders?

     From the day I was born till this day where I write these messages, my country has always had a physical peace and not a moral and a spiritual peace. In this country, the brigades, the police stations and the courts don’t always apply their law with justice; it is the reason for which the poor are always the victims of injustice. I take a simple case: In this country, when a poor or an ignorant has a problem with someone who has money, this one (the poor), even though he is right, he would not be able to defend himself facing this rich. Because the first person to lodge a complaint will be this rich man who will go up to corrupting the commissioner, the commander or the investigator. Having thus received the money, the first of the things that these men in uniform do is to take the temperature of this poor man in order to be insure if this last one knows the law or if he has an influential person; if it is not the case, this poor will be put in jail and from there, they will mention the articles that will condemn him to the sentence of imprisonment, sometimes assorted of fine. The worse is that; you recognise to be right but they harm you, they tell lie to your topic and all this will be kept against you.

     In the same way, you can have problems with a girl in your neighbourhood and this one decides to harm you just because she has a friend who is a police man, a gendarme... because even though she is not right, you can be jailed from the moment you answer to the convocation. In Cameroon, it is first of all money and the relations then, comes the justice and the merit. Because in this country, a high commissioner or a business man can drag you in justice and take your good just because he knows that you neither have money nor the relations. And the magistrate or the judge who have received the money of this corrupt will send back this matter to an interminable manner until the discouragement of the poor victim. It can also be the case of this clerk who after receiving the money of this rich man will tell you that the file has disappeared.

     In this country, it is money that speaks and the foreigners know this system; that is the reason why this one can do all what he want to you because he knows that he will not be worried since in this country, the poor is always guilty and the rich is rendered innocent by these dishonest investigators and others. Some Cameroonians being rooted in corruption always propose money to the investigators, to the commissioners or to the commanders by telling them that; if they don’t accept that amount of money which has been proposed for their matter, they will be going to give it to the district attorney (who can even take less) so that they should go court. The dishonesty of which the men in uniform are has pushed some lessors to not accept them in their homes.

     In addition in this country, when an contest is organised and that there are only 100 places available, you will find that 50 places are being reserved to the families of the high ranks and the big personalities, 40 places can be destined to the sale and 10 places can come back to the merit. But understand that this contest that has been organised let in much money to the state. Which amount of money enters in the state’s checkouts if out of 15000 candidates, each one only gives 10000 FCFA as expenses of deposit of the files? You must understand that it is a great business for the state. Because they leave the young to easily obtain their certificates while knowing that it will be difficult to find a job. While yesterday, one could easily find a job, but to obtain a certificate was very difficult, there were jobs but fewer graduates. But today, it is the contrary. In fact, it is the politics of the old foxes. Because yesterday, it was difficult to get only the First Scholl Living Certificate (FSLC), but to fail it today is very difficult; that is why you will find in some schools where the rate of success is 100%. But when the young obtain these certificates in easiness, they ignore that the government is destroying them. In proof, it is this government that is the first to decry the incompetence of these young graduates because he (this government) says that the letter of motivation of the bachelor in search of work is filled of mistakes. And he affirms that; that one who had received the FSLC in the former times, writes French better than a student who has the BEPC or even the Baccalaureate in the twenty first (21st) Century. But to whom is the fault?

     In this country, to find a job is not easy, that is why many of the young have rushed in the trade, some in the urban transport (motor taxi for example), but the urban community and the urban council don’t let them in peace. Very often, this community takes their goods and their motorbikes, keep them in order to later sell them. Besides, other young want to get involved in agriculture, but where the people cultivate and harvest, the roads are damaged and they can not evacuate their supplies. In the same way, in this country, traders suffer on one side because of the urban community, the urban council or the ministry of commerce and on the other hand, the drivers of motor bikes, taxis, etc... because of the police men and the gendarmes.

     Also, in this country, the patients suffer in hospitals because the nurses or the doctors don’t take care of them if they don’t have money to instantaneously pay their care. There are regular cuts of light and electricity in this country, people suffer from that, but you can’t complain because certainly, there are foreigners who manage the said companies. The life which becomes more and more difficult in this country brings some young to be sodomised by these sectarians. All what these people who manage the country can do is to embezzle the public funds; that is the reason why some, in spite of their advanced age, they refuse to go in retirement. I am anxious to remind you that due to all what happens in this country, the peoples’ brains get hot, the hearts are filled of rage, but it is only the physic that is afraid to manifest its discontent because of the weapon. It is the reason for which I say that Cameroon only has a physical peace. However, the “men of God” of Cameroon and in Cameroon speak of peace to us, but what they say is not astonishing about this country because even yesterday, all the prophets were prophesising good for Josepha, except Micah the prophet (1 Kings 22/12-28). Nevertheless, I remind you that these men of God of this country prophesise as such because they have something to put under the tooth (Micah 3/5).

     To God only, the justice and the mercy by Jesus Christ for the eternity.


CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of men, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid to sin and to be free from the eternal death.(John 8/32)





It is the 102nd message.



     The world in ignorance, the world in perdition. It is good for the man to understand that God’s house is built in man’s heart and not on this ground on which we walk. That is why it is said: “The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by man” (Acts 17/24). Therefore, this one (man) must not take into consideration this building that he raises. It is this thought that the Jewish people had in the time of Jesus Christ in man’s flesh. Jesus Christ had constructed a house to his father (God) in his heart. It is even for this reason that he told to the blinds and the deaf: destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it. And the Jews told him: “We needed 46 years to build this temple (house of God) and you say that in three days you will raise it”. But they were not understanding that Jesus Christ was talking of the house of God which is nothing else than his body (John 2/19-21). This thought which was yesterday is still today because the people think to love God so much by spending enormous amounts of money in order to raise a dust (building) for him (God). It is the reason for which they (the men of God) suffer not because they seek to have the forgiveness, the neighbour’s love, the justice, the pity, the humility... in order to build a house to God, but they suffer because they look for money to do it; and this dead thought has invaded the entire world today: vanity of vanities.

     The man must understand that we do not look for money in order to build a house to God because it is not with money that we do it, but it is with the justice, the forgiveness, the humility, his neighbour’s love... that is why Hebrews 3/6 says: “but Christ is faithful over God's house as a son. And we are his house if indeed we hold fast our confidence and our boasting in our hope”. The man must therefore eat the body of Christ in order to become this body and this body is thus the church (Colossians 1/24; John 6/57). But the shrewd has impoverished man’s thought while making him to believe that God’s house is this building to which we point the finger. And where God must stay, it is rather him (the shrewd) who has taken this place. The men have therefore believed in the shrewd, that is why you see that there are many houses of prayer and many people go over there, but it is in these houses of prayer that evil abounds the most. For, the Devil has made them to believe that God lives there; that is why these buildings or houses of prayer have names. On the other hand, the heart in which God must live, it is he (the Devil) who is seated there, that is why there is the evil, jealousy, calumny, bewitchment, poisoning, witchcraft, murdering... You will therefore see that the one who blocks you is in the same assembly (same church) with you and you call yourselves brothers and sisters.

     The evil is increasing because the man did not build God’s house in his heart but he has rather built it on the dust. Understand that it is the heart which carries either the Holy Spirit or the spirit of evil (the satanic spirit) and not this dust which is the building. And here is what Apostle Peter says: “And God, who knows the heart, bore witness to them, by giving them the Holy Spirit just as he did to us” Acts 15/8.

     The world knows that the building or the name that we give to ourselves is the church. That is the reason for which when someone approaches you, this person wants to know to which church you belong. In this world of the deaf and blinds, it is difficult to understand in truth what the church is. Also, if the men became true children of God, they would not go to seek for water, salt, incense or other products said spiritual. In the same way, they would not run behind prayers and divinations, but they would run behind the word of truth because it is this word that transforms the thought, the feeling and the spirit. Today in this world, we count the true servants of God at the tips of fingers.


       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)





                         It is the 26th message.


       The houses of prayer have become an enterprise in which the people are being formed to become men of God in order to manage the said enterprise also called church, chapel or house of prayer. In fact, the blinds estimate that it is by the construction of a building or by renting a house, equipping it with curtains, with chairs and the musical instruments that we have a church; but which church? These names of churches that we see written on the boards have their seats either in America, Europe, either in Asia, or in an African country because their time is in the livelihood.

       There are people who after being formed (pastor, priest, etc.), they also form their wives and pretend to form their family members so that the enterprise should remain in the hands of the same family. Others post their pictures either in the interior or exterior of their houses of prayer to show to the people that the church effectively belongs to them. Instead of these blinds to decorate the heart in which the Lord Jesus Christ must stay through the suffering of the practice of his word, they instead decorate their houses of prayer which they call church.

       Some parents are always happy because their son has become a priest, pastor, etc…, they are not happy because their sons will bring the word of the truth to them, but because they will bring money (food) to them.

       Cameroon is one of the world’s countries where we find many houses of prayer that the people call church. We find many of them (houses of prayer) in Cameroon, not because the Cameroonians practice God’s commandments; to love God (1 John 5/3), but it is for a gain which is food; and it is what happens in most of the countries of the world. Romans 14/17 makes us to understand that: “…the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit”. But for the rulers of this enterprise called church, it is firstly to eat and then to drink because they do not know the truth, but they have the eyes fixed on the offerings and tithes. The Lord did not say that you will know the offerings and tithes and they will set you free, but he said that you will know the truth and it will set you free (John 8/32).

       In these houses of prayer, we find the inequality among the people and divisions even in the middle of their church. Is Jesus Christ divided? Because he (Jesus Christ) is the word of truth rejected among the men; he has built the church in him (Matthew 16/18), (1 Peter 2/4-7) and this church has been approved and recognised by the living God. But the people continue to reject this church that is and will always be there to build their own church in which the Lord Jesus will not stay. That is why Acts 17/24 tells us: “The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by man”. But the blinds and deaf are satisfied in the construction of the dust that is done in the price of money for their death god, others glorify themselves because their house of prayer has taken much money than the other ones (houses of prayer). What blindness! They don’t know that it is the body of Christ which is the house of the living one? (Colossians 1/24), (Ephesians 2/22-23).

      In these houses, we find many gods, that is to say many gospels; meanwhile Galatians 1/7 tells us: “not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ”. 1 Corinthians 8/5-6 makes us understand that: “For although there may be so-called gods in heaven or on earth as indeed there are many “gods” and many “lords” yet for us there is one God, the Father, from whom are all things and for whom we exist, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things and through whom wee exist”. Because of these doctrines, we do not more see the true children of God that is to say in spirit and in truth. These doctrines of money and the glory do not know and do not have this truth (word of the Lord) that permit them to teach; even what they read in the flesh, they are unable to transmit it to their believers because they are afraid to sadden and to lose them (tithes and offerings).

       Today, these men recognise the power of God through the manifestation and the divinations that the Lord had predicted (Matthew 24/24). We recognise the power of God in the preached and revealed word; word of transformation and repentance; it is through this that we talk of the God of changement because he brings you from the disobedience to the obedience through the only gospel which is the teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ. Come out of the spirit of the eternal death which is jealousy, pride, the non forgiveness, and stay in the forgiveness, humility, non jealousy which is the spirit of the eternal life. In the death churches of the world, it is through money and the feelings that the leaders are established (priest, pastor, etc…) meanwhile in the living church, it is the Holy Spirit that establishes; that is why Acts 20/28 tells us: “Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood”. He also says: and I will give you shepherds after my own heart that is to say by his spirit and they will feed you with knowledge and understanding (Jeremiah 3/15).

     We recognise the messenger of God through the word of revelation, it is not of the revelation that the blinds and deaf do, and that rest on the carnal things, that is to say on the passing richness that are only dust, but it is to reveal the richness of life that the living God has given to us which is the forgiveness, liberty, power and protection. This word which is the revelation of the life of light is there to permit the people to see if they are or not in in the truth; that is why 1 Corinthians 11/31 tells us that: “But if we judge ourselves truly, we would not be judged”. But in order to judge ourselves, the judgement has to be preached so that we should know if we are living the condemnation or liberty. The gospel of Jesus Christ is a judgement and this judgement is similar to a mirror through which we look ourselves. My Spirit laments night and day because of the satanic revelations and doctrines that have invaded the entire world.

       The Lord Jesus says: “I and the Father are one” (John 10/30). Us today, we cannot say that the Lord and us are one if we have not look ourselves through him (through his gospel) John 12/48 says: “The one who rejects me and does not receive my words has a judge; the word that I have spoken will judge him on the last day”. Where do the men (their souls) go? The people should understand that they can be assembled under a roof without being in the church of the living God and they can equally be in the church of God without being assembled under a roof. Because the church of life comes from the gospel of life and without the gospel of life, we cannot talk of the church; for the church is belt and constructed on the practice of the true gospel and not on the pleasures. Those who live in the pleasures are death even while they live (1 Timothy 5/6). Majority of the people that we find in the houses of prayer are devourers (have the animal spirits in them). Many of them say: the Lord Jesus has said to make all the nations his disciples baptising them in the name of the Father and the Son; because they are saying what they do not understand and that is how they captivate people’s thoughts by showing the said verse that is written to them, without knowing Jesus Christ’s thought. Meanwhile God has given his thought to us so that we should reveal it to the people and this thought is written. In the same way, no one comprehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God (1 Corinthians 2/11).

       God has given me his thought before my birth so that I should reveal it to the people. When the Lord says call me and I will answer you (Jeremiah 33/3); it is to say that we invoke the one that is not jealous, who forgives all, the one that is not a mocker, pride. Therefore, in order to invoke him, we must be the way he is for him to answer us. That is why Proverbs 27/19 tells us: As in water face reflects face, so the mercy and charity of God responds to the mercy and charity of God. First give your life to Jesus before giving the offerings because if you do the contrary, I do not know what you are going to receive in return. The pastors, the priests and others do not want to here that Jesus is preached somewhere. When the church is belt in man, she is the one that makes man’s soul to live in purity, holiness of the only gospel which is his house (the house of Jesus), (Hebrews 3/6). When the church is in you, you are not more strangers or somebody outside but you are fellow citizens with the Saints and members of the household of God (Ephesians 2/19). Jesus Christ has destroyed the death and brought eternal life through his gospel (1 Timothy 1/10) because the practice comes from the teaching, the justice from the practice, from the justice comes life. That is why it is said: the righteous shall live by the practice.

       The power of Satan is to make the people to believe that they are in the victory; meanwhile they are in the defeat. These poor (the rich men) are making me to have pity because they have not received the good news, not the good news of those who have announced the end of the world in the year two thousand (2000), but the good news of Jesus Christ. Because the word tells us that nobody knows the day, not even the angels of heaven nor the Son, but the Father only (Matthew 24/36).

       Today, the said men of God are not looking to gain the souls, but instead bread (money and glory). Healing and deliverance for those who will listen and practice this gospel that the messenger of the Lord Jesus Christ preaches.


   CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)


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