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It is the 563th message


    In this world, the men want to understand the word of God or scriptures basing themselves on the level of their human intelligence, certificates, their longevity in the religion, the biblical training course that they have done... Because of this, they remain in human analysis, beliefs and teaching that cannot act as a brake against evil, but it rather raises it (evil) in this world. These men who came out of biblical schools and seminaries, and who are founded in the knowledge of things of men take themselves and are taken for gods in this world on what concerns the comprehension and teaching of the scriptures of God, meanwhile they do not take the Eternal God as their God. In truth, the men do not recognise to be blind and weak before God in order to let the Holy Spirit guide, drive and comfort them; the Holy Spirit that must teach us and remind us many things that have passed and that are to come (John 14/26). In truth, it is the Holy Spirit that was to bring us to know the kind of authorities that we have in the middle of us and the kind of prayer that we must address to God in their favour so that our prayers should not be poor and corrupted, unable to bring a change in them. Here, we talk about the superior authorities who establish or name subordinates.

    We have to understand that God has instituted or established judges or authorities to impose justice to those who are rebellious, and to bring back order according to him. God started this establishment with Moses by telling him: “You shall appoint judges and officers in all your towns that the Lord your God is giving you, according to your tribes, and they shall judge the people with righteous judgment. You shall not pervert justice. You shall not show partiality, and you shall not accept a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and subverts the cause of the righteous. Justice, and only justice, you shall follow, that you may live and inherit the land that the Lord your God is giving you” (Deuteronomy 16/18-20).

    Saul, son of Kish of the tribe of Benjamin was the first king that God established in Israel as superior authority of the people; but few times later, God regretted to have established him as he said of him: “I regret that I have made Saul king, for he has turned back from following me and has not performed my commandments.” And Samuel was angry, and he cried to the Lord all night” (1Samuel 15/11). Saul no longer had to be king in Israel according to God, he rejected him because he had rejected his word or justice; that is why it is written: “And Samuel said to Saul, “I will not return with you. For you have rejected the word of the Lord, and the Lord has rejected you from being king over Israel” (1Samuel 15/26).

    After the Eternal God had rejected Saul, he chose David, son of Jesse of the tribe of Judah and made him king of Israel as he bear witness saying: “I have found David, my servant; with my holy oil I have anointed him,” (Psalms 89/21-22). David became king or superior authority of Israel, established by God. Later on, he wanted to build a house to God, and the Eternal God refused him this favour because of the blood that he had shed; that is why it is written: “Then King David rose to his feet and said: “Hear me, my brothers and my people. I had it in my heart to build a house of rest for the ark of the covenant of the Lord and for the footstool of our God, and I made preparations for building. But God said to me,‘You may not build a house for my name, for you are a man of war and have shed blood” (1Chronicles 28/2-3).

    No matter the will that David had to build a house to God, he could not do it because of the blood that he had shed, for he did that they should kill Uriah as it is written: “In the morning David wrote a letter to Joab and sent it by the hand of Uriah. In the letter he wrote, “Set Uriah in the forefront of the hardest fighting, and then draw back from him, that he may be struck down, and die.” And as Joab was besieging the city, he assigned Uriah to the place where he knew there were valiant men. And the men of the city came out and fought with Joab, and some of the servants of David among the people fell. Uriah the Hittite also died. Then Joab sent and told David all the news about the fighting” (2Samuel 11/14-18). David did that they should kill Uriah because he wanted to take his wife; that is why it is written: “When the wife of Uriah heard that Uriah her husband was dead, she lamented over her husband. And when the mourning was over, David sent and brought her to his house, and she became his wife and bore him a son. But the thing that David had done displeased the Lord” (2Samuel 11/26-27).

    Solomon, son of David became the third king of Israel or superior authority of Israel according to the will of God; but during his old age, he turned his heart towards other gods as it is said: “For when Solomon was old his wives turned away his heart after other gods, and his heart was not wholly true to the Lord his God, as was the heart of David his father. For Solomon went afterAshtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians, and after Milcom the abomination of the Ammonites” (1Kings 11/4-5). God became angry with Solomon because of what he had done as it is said: “And the Lord was angry with Solomon, because his heart had turned away from the Lord, the God of Israel, who had appeared to him twice and had commanded him concerning this thing, that he should not go after other gods. But he did not keep what the Lord commanded. Therefore the Lord said to Solomon, “Since this has been your practice and you have not kept my covenant and my statutes that I have commanded you, I will surely tear the kingdom from you and will give it to your servant. Yet for the sake of David your father I will not do it in your days, but I will tear it out of the hand of your son” (1Kings 11/9-12). There are many examples for these kings and superior authorities in Israel, but I took only those three.

    Therefore, it is God who has instituted the functions of supreme or superior authorities, that is why we must submit ourselves to them as it is said: “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God” (Romans 13/1). The supreme judicial authority is God’s servant to carry the justice of God which is the sword, by bringing the men to do good for fear to be punished; that is even why it is said: “for he is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer” (Romans 13/4).The presidents that we have today are at the highest office; they appoint the president of the Supreme Court, the court of appeal, presidents of courts, ministers, governors, prefects, sub prefects... But what God want is that justice should be practiced and exercised; that neither money nor human personality, skin colour, spoken language, nationality or gifts should be above it, but want justice to be above all.

    The chief justice or any other authority should be influenced by God to exercise justice in a fair manner on the rich and poor, big and small men, widows, those who are married and orphans. That is even the reason for which God recommends us saying: “You shall not pervert the justice due to your poor in his lawsuit” (Exodus 23/6). For God is the supreme authority over all creation, he has established kings or presidents so that while being at the highest office, they should carry justice and righteousness; they should appoint other authorities in other towns to represent them and to exercise justice on the people. But if the authorities that we have today are only freemasons or Rosicrucian, therefore there will be unbridled injustice, forgery, corruption, abomination, ritual crimes, the embezzlement of public funds, homosexuality, magic... as it is the case today. We live in a world where the supreme authorities of countries like France, England, Italy, Canada, Belgium, Spain, Uruguay, Mexico, Sweden, Netherlands, Colombia, South Africa, Wales... have legalised the homosexual marriage with the authorisation of adoption of children by these couples of shame; by this high rate of defile, they have put these countries in a state of abomination more than Sodom and Gomorrah. They have opened doors and work so that this virus which is very dangerous for the soul should be spread in the entire world, so that no soul should be saved. Such authorities have neither the feeling of God nor that of man, but rather have the feeling which is below that of an animal; that is even why they find that the material or richness of the ground and underground that they covet or exploit in other countries has value and consider it more than human beings that they do not hesitate to sacrifice in order to take this material.

     These authorities at the highest office who are freemasons do not know that the blood of Jesus has shed on this earth to give us veritable life, power, force, richness, domination... they continue to shed and drink human and animal blood. These freemason authorities are homosexuals, they govern nations, sacrifice human beings to have access to power and to be maintained; their masters in freemasonry sodomise them, and on their turn, they also sodomise those whom they appoint. These supreme authorities especially those in Africa govern their people by dictatorship, weapons, bloodshed; and the devil who is the principal initiator in freemasonry give them abominable conditions such as: to sex with corpses or animals, to kill, sacrifice the human being, to drink his blood, to eat parts of his body, his faeces, to sodomise, to be sodomised, to incarnate an animal...

    In Africa, these supreme authorities are ready to sacrifice all the richness of their people to foreigners in order to ascend to power or to be maintained. They have double nationality as well as their children that generally live abroad, where they have gathered government capital for the personal profit. While initiating themselves in freemasonry, they get married to the demonic spirit or the spirit of the beast. Their republican law is drawn from the bible, the law that God gave Moses, but which is despised because of injustice, corruption and forgery that are rooted in their spirit.

    In truth, all the nations in this world are governed by freemasons, Rosicrucian, homosexuals, whose will is that all nations should legalise homosexuality, but they are seen and taken for the gods by the men of God or children of God because of the power of their material and also the human glory which accompany them. And the prayer that the men of God address to God is to give them long life in this world meanwhile their souls are dead; they ask God to give them good health, meanwhile their souls are sick, they wish them happy new year at the dawn of every new year, during this time, their souls last eternally in the suffering and malediction. In truth, the authorities that exist today are like Lazarus in the grave and those who must pray for them should be like the Lord Jesus face to the situation of Lazarus; because while seeing Lazarus in his state, the only prayer that the Lord Jesus had to address his father was to ask him to bring Lazarus, the dead, out of the grave. In truth, you have to look at the life and conduct of these authorities for you to understand that the state in which they are found will bring their souls to pass an eternity in the lake of eternal fire! The prayer that I address to God for these authorities is to bring them out of this life that lead to death and to the eternal suffering, so that they should repent and change life for the eternal deliverance of their souls.

    The salvation of souls of these authorities will only come from the belief in Christ, and the belief comes from listening or reading of the word of God (Romans 10/17). There is no prayer for the authorities without the truth being preached to them first. Before everything, they must come to the knowledge of God which is the only source of salvation as it is written: “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (1Timothy 2/1-4). The love that God has for the man is that his soul should not perish; and that is the reason why he has sacrificed his only son; it is also the reason for which the Lord Jesus supported tortures and suffering till death on the cross, and it is by him that the souls will not be abandoned in Hades. It is even for this reason that David seeing Jesus coming to save his soul, said to him: “For you will not abandon my soul to Hades, or let your Holy One see corruption” (Acts 2/27).

    The love that I carry and the prayer that I can address to God for these authorities is that through the knowledge of his word, I should bring them to the repentance and change of life that will make them flee from the wrath of God or the lake of fire; for it is said: “The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent, because he has fixed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed; and of this he has given assurance to all by raising him from the dead” (Acts 17/30-31). Telling the truth to these authorities who legalise the homosexual marriage; these freemasons, Rosicrucian... is not a sign of contempt towards them, but rather an everlasting good for their souls and an act of love without comparison. For it is because God has love us so much that he sent us the word of truth by his Son. It is also because the Son has veritably loved us that he has announced us this truth without hiding us anything. It is also because I love the authorities who have legalised the homosexual marriage, these Rosicrucian, and freemasons at the highest office that I tell them the truth of Christ by the grace that he has given me for the eternal wellbeing of their souls. For, we owe them the payment of the tax or tribute, fear and honour, and in return, they owe justice, righteousness... to God; that is even why it is said: “Pay to all what is owed to them: taxes to whom taxes are owed, revenue to whom revenue is owed, respect to whom respect is owed, honor to whom honor is owed” (Romans 13/7).

    The present authorities cannot owe justice and righteousness to God if it is not revealed to them, and for the truth to be revealed, we have to open our mouths to announce it; that is why the Lord Jesus was telling Apostle Paul in Corinth to preach the truth because there were souls that had to be saved. That is why it is written: “And the Lord said to Paul one night in a vision, “Do not be afraid, but go on speaking and do not be silent, for I am with you, and no one will attack you to harm you, for I have many in this city who are my people” (Acts 18/9-10). If the authorities that we have today were just, righteous..., we would pray God for them, so that he should fortify them and raise their justice, righteousness; but since they are only freemasons, magicians..., we pray God by asking him to touch their hearts through the truth that we bring to them so that they should avoid the wrath to come by accepting this truth. For even apostle Paul was asking the people to pray for him as he says: “and also for me, that words may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel” (Ephesians 6/19). Apostle Paul was asking the disciples to pray for them as he was saying: “Finally, brothers, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may speed ahead and be honored, as happened among you” (2Thessalonians 3/1). Therefore, apostle Paul was asking the people to pray God for him, so that he should fortify him in the good fight or the mission that he has assigned him; and us, which prayer are we addressing God or these authorities who are freemasons, Rosicrucian, who have legalised the homosexual marriage...?

    Also, when apostle Peter was in prison, the church was addressing prayers to God for him, not for the Eternal God to give him health and long life on chains, but so that God should bring him out of this suffering as it is written: “So Peter was kept in prison, but earnest prayer for him was made to God by the church” (Acts 12/5). In our days, the authorities are spiritually locked up in the prison of freemasonry, the Rosicrucian order, magic, homosexuality..., and which prayer do we address God for them?

    To God only the glory by Jesus Christ who has manifested pity by claiming freedom of all the souls on the cross.

CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)



It is the 564th message


     If in these end times, God had not revealed us the truth that was, which is and will be forever, we would be confusing the gospel of Christ to the lie, the seduction of the man of the cunning who disguise himself as an angel of light. We greatly thank God for this grace of revelation which leaves nothing hidden and which is put at the disposition of the whole world so that weak souls or the men who are not strengthen should be saved from the net which is thrown on earth by Satan in these end times to catch many of them through his doctrine which is masked and taught as being the gospel of Christ. Here I will talk of a sectarian organisation called “Jehovah Witnesses”; this organisation started in 1870 by his chief founder called CHARLES TAZE RUSSELL. In the beginning, it was called: “bible student”, this organisation changes name 15 years later after the death of CHARLES TAZE RUSSELL under the impulsion of his successor called JOSEPH FRANKLIN RUTHERFORD to be designated by the nominal group “Jehovah Witnesses” in 1931.

    The sect of the Jehovah witnesses was founded by an American called CHARLES TAZE RUSSELL, born on the 16th April 1852 in the United States, and he died on the 31st October 1916 at the age of 64 years. The pillar of the Jehovah Witnesses had an American woman as wife called MARIA ACKLEY, born on the 10th April 1850 and she died on the 12th March 1938 at the age of 88 years. Long time before his death, CHARLES TAZE RUSSELL and his wife lived under legal separation since 1897, and they obtained the letter of divorce in 1903, after 6years of separation. CHARLES TAZE RUSSELL was a freemason who was putting a veil on his Masonic cap, and he appeared in public as the leader of the organisation of bible students, that means as a Christian to better fight against God or Christ. He has falsified the bible or word of God, in the satanic aim which is to deprive billions of people of the truth of Christ that set free and save those who know it (John 8/32; 1Timothy 2/3-4). After CHARLES TAZE RUSSELL had modified the bible, he started bringing out brochures such as “the Watch Tower”... in 1878, brochures that must move round the world, having as objective to hold all the men in the yoke of ignorance of the truth of Christ that set free. Apart of the great prowess of CHARLES TAZE RUSSELL to falsify the bible, he has brought those who follow him to believe that the Lord Jesus was nailed on a single stick and not on the cross; and that the name they must invoke and bear witness is Jehovah and not Jesus Christ; meanwhile it is said: “And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4/12).

    The name that was given among men to save their souls is Jesus Christ and not Jehovah. It is the name that was pronounced by the angel of God; that is why it is written: “But as he considered these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins” (Matthew 1/20-21). For angel Gabriel was sent from heaven to give Mary the name of the child that was to come out of her womb to save the world; that is why it is said: “In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David. And the virgin's name was Mary. And he came to her and said, “Greetings, O favored one, the Lord is with you!” But she was greatly troubled at the saying, and tried to discern what sort of greeting this might be. And the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus” (Luke 1/26-31).

    The Lord Jesus has received the name which is above any other name because of his obedience and fidelity towards his father, and in his powerful name, every knee bow; that is why it is written: “but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father”(Philippians 2/7-11).

    The Lord Jesus came in a physical body on earth to give us life of the kingdom of heaven; he is the one that chose us and calls us to make us the witnesses of his truth in this world. He had promised the apostles that when they will receive the Holy Spirit, they will bear witness of him in Jerusalem...; as he said to them: “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth” (Acts 1/8). When Apostle Peter had received the Holy Spirit, he started to bear witness of Christ, when he arrived to Cornelius, he preached the Truth of Christ, and the Holy Spirit came upon all those who were listening to the word as it is written; “While Peter was still saying these things, the Holy Spirit fell on all who heard the word. And the believers from among the circumcised who had come with Peter were amazed, because the gift of the Holy Spirit was poured out even on the Gentiles” (Acts 10/44-45). Meanwhile CHARLES TAZE RUSSELL in his mission to lead the souls astray or to maintain them in chains of slavery, has brought those who believe in his lie to believe that the Holy Spirit no longer exist today; meanwhile without the Holy Spirit, there is no power of God. Therefore, the Jehovah witnesses ignore the presence of the Holy Spirit, that is why for them, there is no prayer of deliverance, it therefore gives free access to the witches who possess bodies to accomplish their work. If these men who are captive of the lie of CHARLES TAZE RUSSELL are bewitched, they prefer to die rather than asking prayers of deliverance. Again, if these last fall sick and that there is necessity of blood transfusion in the hospital, they will choose death. The witches are full within the Jehovah Witnesses; they destroy and possess bodies at their will without being worried because there is no prayer of deliverance to cast them out of bodies as well as diseases that they deposit in these bodies.

    In truth, without the Holy Spirit, the man is neither taught nor revealed on things above, that is why the Lord Jesus says: “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you” (John 14/26). Without the Holy Spirit, there is no putting on of the power from on high, that is why the Lord Jesus was recommending the disciples to keep on waiting to be clothed with this power in these words: “And behold, I am sending the promise of my Father upon you. But stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high” (Luke 24/49). Because without the Holy Spirit, we cannot testify to be children of God; that is why it is said: “The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God” (Romans 8/16). Without the Holy Spirit in us, there is no hope for the resurrection on the last day; that is why it is written: “If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you” (Romans 8/11).

   CHARLES TAZE RUSSELL did not only bring those who are held captive of his lie to believe that there is no existence of the Holy Spirit, but also that paradise will not be in heaven, but rather on earth; this big lie makes believe that the man will not ascend in heaven, and that the Lord Jesus did not also ascend in heaven to prepare a place to those who have believed in him in spirit and truth. Have they not read this word of the Lord Jesus which says: “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also” (John 14/3). It is also written: “For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord” (1Thessalonians 4/16-17).

   CHARLES TAZE RUSSELL, pillar of the lie and counterfeiter of the bible announced that the end of the world will be in 1874, next in 1914... What never happened, his successors on their turn have predicted the end of the world to be in the year 2000, once more another illusion. Meanwhile even the Lord Jesus made us understand that neither him nor angels do not know the time or moment it will happen, but the Father only as he says: “But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only” (Matthew 24/36). But since the devil is a great fighter and enemy of the truth, he has given the biggest printing house in the world to the Jehovah Witnesses which is situated in Brooklyn, a neighbourhood in the town of New York in the United States. That is also where their world headquarter is found. The Watchtower printing house produces billions of books and brochures that are translated into different languages and shared in the entire world so that nobody should flee from the claws of Satan.

    In these end times, the devil recognising that there is little time left to him, he has doubled the courage and motivation of his workers up to the point where the Jehovah Witnesses while doing the door-to-door are ready to seek people even in toilets to give them their very dangerous poison for the soul. They are in all the streets of the world with their books and brochures carried in bags, hands or on display stands, pins that are marked JW.ORG stuck on their garments... For the devil, the greatest number of people must be attracted to enter in his trap. The Jehovah Witnesses have for advice not to read writings or brochures that do not come from their organisation; that is why they do not touch at what other people propose them. The Jehovah Witnesses work day and night to memorise bible scriptures that they do not understand the veritable sense (2Peter 3/15-16).

    All the family of CHARLES TAZE RUSSELL belonged to the Masonic sect, as well as this fox and counterfeiter of the bible for a new world according to him. Be awake and greatly thank the Lord Jesus who, by his Holy Spirit, put us on our guards against a dangerous virus that destroy souls for which he has shed his blood for their eternal salvation through listening and practice of his truth. Brothers and sisters in Christ, if Jehovah witnesses double efforts to bring many people in their trap, we should also double our courage to stop their progress, and all the fight is first on the field, and not in nights of prayer, fasting, prophecies...

    In 2017, the organisation of the Jehovah Witnesses was forbidden in Russia by the supreme court of this country because they were accused of destruction of families, promotion of hatred and danger for human life; it had more than one hundred and seventy five thousand adepts in this nation. Many people become members of this dangerous sect, especially Africans without knowing its origin and objective for their souls.

    To God only the glory by Jesus Christ who do not want us to go astray, by exposing those who disguise into an angel of light to bring another gospel as coming from him

CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)



It is the 282nd message.

Jesus is like Son in his house and his house is our heart (Hebrews 3/6), and this is the true house of God that we have to be.

450 eng

The house of God is built in the heart, because if someone does not love God, he cannot build him a place to stay in this world and God does not live in houses built by human hands as it is said: “But still, the Most High has not his resting-place in houses made with hands, as the prophet says” (Acts 7/48).

       What is made by human hands is only dust raised by people who have spent hundreds of millions, seeing billions and say: “we have not built whatsoever to our God”. My dear friends, God stays in his life, and if we glorify him, it is good but we should know that it is in us, his house, his dwelling place, where he is glorified in this world; that is to say in our hearts. God saves man (the soul) in manand not out of him. That is why he sent his Son Jesus Christ to us and it is a question for us to receive him and allow him to stay in us, him the saviour, the deliverance, the healer, the one who blesses, and the life giver. Because where there is the saviour, there also is saving, where there is the deliverance, there also is delivery, where there is the healer, there also is healing, where there is the one who blesses, there also is the blessing, and where there is the life giver, there also is life. That is why it is said: “Now the Lord is the Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there the heart is free” (2Corinthians 3/17).

Where there is Jesus Christ, there also stays his Father, and where his Father stays, there also is his house. How then can we build the house of God? The Almighty God wanting us to build him a house sent the plan and the building material that are the Word of Christ which is spirit and life. That is why the Lord Jesus says: “that one who loves my Father will build him a house” (will keep his word).Therefore, this word being kept is a new thinking and life which is a new house built in the honour of the Father (this Word of Christ which we keep). He will come and stay with the Son and the two will dwell in their house. That is why the Lord Jesus was saying: “...If anyone has love for me, he will keep my words: and he will be dear to my Father; and we will come to him and make our living-place with him” (John 14/23). God is his word and he stays in his word, he is spirit and stays in his spirit, he is life and stays in his life. The Lord Jesus says: “the words which I have said to you are spirit and they are life”, therefore, this word is the building material of God’s house in our heart. Because the Lord Jesus did not come to save the dust in order to stay in a building, but he came to save the spirit of man, brief, his soul. That is why he, being spirit, must stay in the spirit of man in order to save or vivify the death spirit. That is why he says: it is the spirit that vivifies (John 6/63), or again that the Holy Spirit bear witness to our spirit that we are the veritable.

Man is his heart, and the heart of man is like a vehicle which is driven either by the spirit of God or by the spirit of the devil. One must be in the steering to drive this car (this heart) because it is in the heart where all the decisions are taken. That is why when the heart of man stops, all also stops. That is why some people say: “as your heart will decide” or “you have a bad heart, you have a strong heart, you have a good heart”, because man is his heart that is why God in man, stays in his heart and not on his lips. In this, the Lord Jesus himself was saying: “These people give me honour with their lips, but their heart is far from me” (Matthew 15/8). It is the same thing today where people are Christians in the flesh or in the appearance and not in the spirit of truth. That is why when people have not yet raised a building for house of God, they are ill and dejected, and they will then do everything to have finances to raise a lump of soil, decorating it. At that moment, they become healed and awakened. While, they refuse to build a house of God because their hearts are full of hatred and mockery, jealousy, rivalry, division, contempt, wanting the suffering of his similar... If God stayed in the dust, therefore, he would be so happy today because many buildings at the price of millions and billions are built in his name, he would be happy of the building, of the Saint Peter place of the Vatican, cathedrals and others that are built everywhere. If God had a building for house, then the Lord Jesus would have built a building more than any other person, even Moses, would have ever raised (built) on earth. But it means of a house in the heart, that is why it becomes complicated for those who are dominated by the glory of man, material and wickedness. Because it is said: “The God who made the earth and everything in it, he, being Lord of heaven and earth, is not housed in buildings made with hands” (Acts 17/24).

Today, somebody stands at a distance and points at the building saying: “that is the house of God”. But what madness! My dear, the finger which you point to the building must be turned towards your heart to say: “that is the house of God” or again “this is where the house of God was supposed to be, but I did not want to accept this suffering, depriving myself of many things in becoming the slave of life.” People have refused to possess the heart of God so that in return, this heart should also possess them. Today in their ignorance, they know that they are the ones to give their heart to God. That is why they say: “give your heart to God” or “I have given my heart to God”. Man has not read that God says: “And I will give you a new heart” (Ezekiel 36/26). This new heart is the word and life of Jesus received in our hearts. Man believes that he is the one who gives his heart to God that is why in his false reasoning and pride, he wants God to prostrate in front of him so that he should give him his heart. People have not built a house for God because if it was done, God would be in his house and them in the house of God which is the house of love, forgiveness, pity, patience, temperance, fidelity, gentleness, goodness, joy, peace, to want good, prosperity and success of everybody, both in the spirit and in the physic. Also, parents will take all the children of the world like their own children, and the children will consider all the parents of the world like their own parents, the lacking of our neighbour will make us to be sad and his sickness will make our pain. People have not built the house of God, that is why God and his good are out, and the devil and his evil are in, that is why evil and suffering dominate today in our hearts.

The world is only full of hypocrites as Christians. God is at the door of your heart and he knocks. If you open this door to him, he will come in and live with you and you with him. That is why our heart must become the house of God, house of goodness, and we have to keep this house of goodness more than any other thing, if not the devil will come and steal. If this heart has the forgiveness, the devil will send your similar to come and do something to you which you will not forgive. At that moment, Satan would steal your forgiveness which is God’s good. Suffer in what is life and deliverance because Apostle Paul did not construct a building for house of God, but he had built the house of God in himself. He did not leave finances to us for the construction of dust for the house of God, but he has work hard to live us with banks that are eternally full of funds so that we should build the house of God. That is why I also, I work hard in order to provide funds to people who want to build the house of God at a gift cost. That is why what I have written by the grace of God is not and will never be for sale, even if there are billions of books and brochures, because my greatness and power are in what I give, and I do it in the price of the name of Jesus which is free of charge.

CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)



                                 It is the 576th message


    In truth, I am neither a politician nor member of the ruling party or opposition party, nor someone who is manipulated by men, but I am an advocate of the truth of the creator. Neither money nor the weapon do not influence the word of truth of the creator that I carry in me, the word which is not advocate of a continent, skin colour, language, tribe or blood. I do not write nor speak to please the men or to make myself enemies, but I do it to help them whether they like it or not. I remember that I wrote a message concerning the French country few years ago. In this message, I demonstrated to the men what kind of teaching this nation that says to be the father of many African countries gives to the Africans when she adopt a law which legalises the homosexual marriage, and that these mayors who wear the scarf having the colours of the flag of this country during the celebration of the union of people of the same sex, is a defile against the French flag; this abominable practice which is authorised by the French country has immersed all the people in a state of Sodom and Gomorrah. In this message I asked all those who have voted this law the question to know: if their father got married to another man or their mother to another woman, how would they be born? A former French president whom I prefer not to mention his name read this message and contacted me. He let me know that my writings are a great danger for the entire world and that he want to know the spirit that I posses and which brings me to write these messages.

    I am writing this message on the 24th April 2018. I am seeing Cameroon immersed in a socio-political crisis which makes the blood of his children to flow in the North West and South West regions without a veritable solution taken till now. This situation makes me cry and makes my heart to feel bitter, for I see the entire Cameroon in deep crisis which is the bad governance, and it touches all the domains of activity. Dead bodies both in the civilian part and the army are picked up in the South west and North West regions of Cameroon like mangoes that are falling from a mango tree due to a strong wind which has blown. In truth, the people of the lower class in the ten regions of Cameroon must wake up from their sleep to understand that the country is not only in socio-political crises that cause many material loss as well as human life in the North west and South west regions of the country, but the entire nation is in crisis of bad governance that spares no region or domain of activity.

    Let the eyes of all Cameroonians coming from the North West and South West regions of Cameroon become open in order to see that their brothers and sisters both civilians and soldiers who are killed will no longer come back, and that any nomination or material given will never replace these people who were their family members and dear to them. They should also understand that if the men of Etoudi were sensible to the blood of Cameroonians which is shed by other Cameroonians, after the announcement of lost in human lives in these claims, they would have gone down on these places to stop this destruction; but this keeps going on and it is about two years now that soldiers and civilians kill each other, certain administrative authorities are kidnapped, a great number of the population move to Nigeria to find refuge, certain schools, brigades, houses... are burnt.

    The president of Cameroon would have not only been sensible to this situation, but he would have also been covered with shame! Because he would have said to himself that the entire world will discover that his beautiful country which is Cameroon and which has been so long praised as a welcoming land, land of hospitality and of peace, a bilingual and multicultural land which is called to bring in many investors to contribute in his economic development is losing his reputation on the face of the world. In truth, if President Paul Biya has sent many delegations in these regions up to the prime minister without any definite solution being found out, he would have drawn a lesson from this.

    In truth, as a Christian and old seminarian, president Paul Biya would have understood that if Jesus Christ who is the king of glory left heaven to come on earth to talk to the men who were in crisis of eternal life, liberty and peace in their souls to bring them eternal life, liberty, and peace that their souls needed through dialogue, exhortation, teaching, how more of a man like him will not do it today? He who governs these two regions in crisis will not go down in these localities where sons of his country die every day? In truth, president Paul Biya as the father of the nation was to say to himself that his children who are in the South West and North West regions do not need other men to calm them down, if not he who is their father; he had to go there and call all the children of these two regions who are administrative, religious, traditional, political... authorities so that together, in a just and equal dialogue, they should look at the clauses that were established in the past in the conference of Foumban and put them into application, particularly to watch on the effectiveness of equal teaching of the two languages of the colonial masters in Cameroon that are French and English.

    In truth, the complaints and claims of Cameroonians of the North West and South West regions is not worth of human beings that are killed every day. But I tell to the people who claim in these two regions to open their eyes to see that it is the lower class that suffers, it is fathers and mothers of families that are killed both on the civilian side and the army, leaving a great absence in families. It is the absence of dialogue between the head of state and secessionist forces that lead to such bloodshed, all this being the result of bad governance.

    In truth, I have never seen a government like Cameroon which lacks justice and pity, which maltreat the population and plunder their natural resources; empty cash boxes of the state to go and keep this money abroad for personal ends. We have to know that almost all the leaders of this nation have double nationality. For example, some are citizens of Switzerland, France, the United States... In a spirit of dishonesty, to protect themselves against prosecution after their functions, they adopt the posture of European or American citizen. These leaders with double nationality possess a spirit that push them to act as if their mothers are Cameroonians and their fathers Westerners; therefore, when they are still in function in Cameroon, they are in their maternal uncles’ home to steal everything and to carry it to their father’s home, and they do not have any feeling in their uncles’ countries. In Cameroon, the law of declaration of personal goods is useless because from the biggest to the least of these leaders, they all steal very big amounts of money to the profit of foreign countries. In truth, if the goods that are embezzled by Cameroonian ministers were not nourishing their ambitions to ascend in power or in Etoudi, would president Paul Biya not worry in reality about the embezzlement of these public funds? But he knows that he is the master of this embezzlement, and that what these leaders do is a model of his own ruling system of the country.

    All ministers in Cameroon are billionaires meanwhile a minister of state of this country earns 794 651 CFA Francs as salary, a simple minister has 679 287 CFA Francs as salary, a vice minister or secretary of state has 583 228 CFA francs as salary. Therefore, how does it happen to be found with billions in cash in their personal bank accounts, without counting what they have as investment? They are all thieves and they mock at the lower class population, that is why in Cameroon, an entire government is found in prison, and you will find that those who are in function or who are free have stolen money more than those who are in jail. In Cameroon, the former prime minister, head of government INONI Ephraim is in prison, condemned to 20 years of imprisonment, the former minister of state and secretary general in the presidency of the republic Jean Marie ATANGANA MEBARA is in prison for 25 years. The former minister of territorial administration and of decentralisation MARAFA HAMIDOU YAYA is imprisoned for 20 years, the former minister of economy and finances Polycarpe ABAH ABAH is imprisoned for 25 years, the former minister of public health Urbain OLANGUENA AWONO is imprisoned for 20years.

    The same with the former director general of the autonomous port of Douala and former minister of water and energy Alphonse SIYAM SIWE is imprisoned for life, the former administrator and director general of CAMAIR, Yves Michel FOTSO is also imprisoned for life. The former director general of FEICOM, Emmanuel Gerald ONDO NDONG is imprisoned for 30years, the former director general of shipyard and industry of Cameroon Zachareus FORJIDAM is imprisoned for life, the former director general of SODECOTON, IYA MOHAMED is imprisoned for 15 years, the former general director of the real estate company of Cameroon Giles Roger BELINGA is imprisoned for 20 years, the former director general of airports of Cameroon Roger NTONGO ONGUENE imprisoned for 30 years, without forgetting the two former directors of CRTV, Gervais MENDO ZE and AMADOU VAMOULKE as well as secretaries of state, regional delegates, university chancellors, prefects and sub prefects, mayors are in prison for embezzlement of public funds.

    Some of these men died in prison, like the former mister of finances BOOTO A NGON, the former director of telecommunications to the ministry of post and telecommunications Dieudonné ANGOULA, the former secretary of state of secondary education Catherine ABENA, the former minister delegate in charge of the budget to the ministry of economy and finances Henri ENGOULOU, the former ambassador of Cameroon in the United states Gerome MENDOUGA... died in prison. Other ones flee from the country such as the former general director of the autonomous ports of Douala Jean Marcel Dayas MOUNOUME imprisoned for 15 years, Arsene NKOU imprisoned for 25 years, Lazare ESSIMI MENYE... we equally have hundreds of people who have abandoned their functions and who live in liberty, but who are all prisoners because they have stolen in cash boxes of the state.

    They have raised and rooted corruption in Cameroon up to the point where nominations and allocations are done not on the bases of merit, but on bribery, the belonging to the same lobbies... it is also the same with grades in the army, the admission in big entry examinations of the state. As such, corruption, mediocrity, unconsciousness, easiness... have taken over on merit, performance, loyalty... Beside this, Cameroonian leaders have privatised majority of state companies without regret. It is ridiculous to hear that Cameroon has privatised companies that supply him drinking water, electricity that gives light and make equipments to function! They privatised SNEC on the 2nd May 2008, SONEL on the 18th July 2001, CAMSUCO on the 22nd September 1998, CHOCOCAM on the 11th December 1995, HEVECAM on the 9th September 1996, REGIFERCAM on the 1st March 1999, CEPER on the 14th September 1998, BICEC on the 31st December 1999, CAMSHIP on the 13th February 1997, SOCAMAC on the 3rd October 1993, CDC on the 18th October 2002, SOCAM on the 19th December 1992...

    In truth, if president Paul Biya in his younger age was not moving round the country to touch the suffering of his population with the finger and to intervene in an effective way to solve their problems, how more when he is already old and sick! The people who surround him want that he should stay in power because he is the tree which hides the forest; as such, they will continue to sign agreements to let in strangers in the country who exploit and will abusively exploit the richness of Cameroon, notably in the eastern region of the country, and as such, they will multiply their funds in bank accounts abroad, to witness a bright retirement in their second fatherland. In truth, in many of my writings that I have sent up to the presidency in Etoudi, I asked president Paul Biya to call all Cameroonians abroad and organise a national dialogue in order to rebuild a new Cameroon. In this option, he has to bring back remains of the body of late president Hamadou AHIDJO from Senegal, he should let out all prisoners who have embezzled public funds to give it back, without forgetting other embezzlers who are still in function, those who went for retirement and himself.

    The money that will be given back in the cash boxes of the state will therefore serve for the investment in education, health, road infrastructures, the creation of big projects and companies in order to reduce the rate of unemployment, electricity supply and drinking water. In other words, the president of the republic has to review the constitution in order to limit the exercise of the functions of president to two mandates, the electoral code and to organise transparent elections. The national dialogue will permit the president and his collaborators to remain in the country in a big dignity even after the end of their functions, and the president can even remain as an adviser for the new president. Cameroonian leaders will also be safe from running away from the country like a rat in a hole which is followed by dogs. Look at these days where ATANGANA KOUNA former minister of water and energy who wanted to flee from the country, passing through Nigeria, but was caught and brought back in a plain like a pangolin which is caught alive and rolled up in a bag by the hunter.

    What I write is for the good of Cameroonians, both in the spirit and in the physic, but if president Paul Biya and his government do not organise this dialogue, it will be better for them to leave Cameroon plundered of his richness like an orange that has been squeezed, than to leave it in a bloodshed.

CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)



It is the 320th message.

       I am sent by the Lord Jesus in this century to demonstrate his greatness, his richness, his glory, his power, his strength, his force; and in me, I possess the consideration, the glory, the richness and the power of heaven. I do not know what consideration, glory, richness and power I will still look near man to flatter and to seduce him so that he should consider me, he should glorify me, he should become my farm of money or another material, he should give me his power through a bottle, water, a handkerchief, a peel, or a herb It is time for the ears of the deaf to become opened so that they should listen, for the eyes of the blinds to become enlightened so that they should start seeing and to understand that the man of God that the Lord has recommended is not coming to preach himself so that the people should become his believers, but he comes to preach Christ who is a word, a spirit, a life, a feeling, a thought and a conduct of truth so that the people should become faithful to God. That is why Apostle Paul says: “For what we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, with ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake” (2 Corinthians 4/5).

       When the word of God is preached to somebody and that he receives it and keeps it, God will mostly love this person because he has kept his love and it is this love kept in him that will bring the Father and the Son to come and dwell in him. That is why the Lord Jesus says: “If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him” (John 14/23). Therefore, you are faithful to the one who is in you because he is the one that vivify you, justify you and who bear witness in you his faithful, and this person is the Lord Jesus Christ and not the man of God. We should justify ourselves and become faithful to the only judge who is not the man of God, but Jesus Christ in spirit and in truth so that we should become his believers and not those of the man of God. We are not the believers or disciples of the man of God, but we are instead the believers and disciples of Jesus because it is not the man of God who is calling us to save us, but it is the Lord Jesus and he is the only one who knows through which person he will proclaim his word so that the people should believe in him. That is even why he was speaking to the Father for those who were to believe in him by the words of the apostles as it is said: “I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word” (John 17/20). Therefore, the Lord Jesus knew that the people were to believe in him and become his believers through his word that will be preached by the men that he recommends. The people will then be his disciples and not those of the man of God because the fidelity in Christ is the fidelity in his conduct and his will. To be the disciple of Christ is to follow his discipline, his recommendation or his order. Having a fidelity to the Lord is to be disciplined in him. That is why it is said: “Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do what I tell you?” (Luke 6/46). Therefore, to be the disciple of Christ, you must love him with all your heart, your thought, your mind and force more than your father, your mother , your wife, your children, your brother, your sister and even your own life. It is for this reason that the Lord Jesus says: “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple” (Luke 14/26). In truth, the division that has filled the world of christians today comes from the fact that people are believers or disciples of men and not of Jesus Christ. If yesterday, the people who were listening to the word of Peter, John, James, Paul… became the disciples of each one, there would have been divisions, but it was not possible because it is the spirit of only one person that was received in order to teach or to bring into remembrance (John14/26), the only gospel preached in the name of only one person  (2 Corinthians 4/5), the only word kept to build the house of only one person in us (John 14/23).

       Today, the people do things in order to be seen by their similar and for their stomach that is why it can just lead to what we are seeing today. The man of God is faithful to Jesus in order to become his disciple. You also, become faithful to Jesus in order to become his disciple. Therefore, the two of you are believers and disciples of only one person. The man of God always stands in front of the assembly to transmit what the Lord has prepared for his people and even for him (the man of God). Therefore, it is not the fact of standing in front of you that should bring you to look him like God and to consider yourself to be a man. If you have eaten this unique word, this unique spirit and body that have been given to you, it means that you have become this word, this spirit and body. That is why it is said: “For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ” (Galatians 3/27). The man of God is baptised in Christ to put on Christ, you are also baptised in Christ to put on Christ, and you are all in the same spirit. That is even why it is said: “For through him we both have access in one Spirit to the Father” (Ephesians 2/18).For you are all believers and disciples of only one body; the one that you have eaten in order to become this body. That is why it is said: “Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it” (1 Corinthians 12/27). If we become this spiritual body of Christ, we become his brothers and sisters. But today, when you call a man of God “brother”, he will say to himself that you are not taking him into consideration or you are despising him. But for me, call me brother or by my name of “Dino Champi Dodo” because the name of apostle is not mine, it is the name of the spirit which is in me to make its apostolate. It is like calling someone “prefect”, “governor”, “minister”… it is not his name. You can call someone Apostle x or y as you can call someone Minister x or y. But today, people are called in the name of “Pasto” which is not their name; it is instead a great seduction which must not captivate the veritable. My glory is not to have people who gather somewhere and to say: “I have such a number of houses of prayer”, but my glory is to know, to carry and to live this only word of truth and to preach it at the summits of the world. For if people take  themselves to be the founders or owners of this or that church, how will the people not believe to be their believers or disciples! When you are used to the listening of the word in the assemblies of these men of God and that you are invited or you go to listen to the word elsewhere, they will make a predication against you. But everything has been given in these end times to bring down what is not and to lift up what is for the eternity.

       If the deception, the seduction, the flattery, the power of waters and the wind of the seas have made a big glory in this century, how much more of the demonstration of the word of creation and the spirit of heaven that walks on every person without exception of title and other!


       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)

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