It is the 484th message


    The people are deceived and swindled because they lack the knowledge of the truth of that one who came down from heaven towards them so that they should decrease and that he who has been sent should increase in them; so that they should disappear and that the one who has been sent from heaven and who is the Lord Jesus should appear.

       In truth, it is not the knowledge of things of the earth, the possession of certificates, lands, houses, companies, bank accounts, to have a wife, children, to move round the world, to naturalise, to speak and write all languages of people, to be envied, admired and cheered by all the men that interest me in this world, but what interest me is the suffering of Christ on earth which must not be vain for the souls of this generation because of those who seek money and the glory of man, who deceive, seduce, swindle and rob the people behind the name of God. It concerns me, I make everything so that these foxes should no longer be masked or veiled in front of their prey.

    There is nothing else that interests me on earth more than to see that the blood of Christ did not shed in vain for the souls of this generation. Up to when will the men of this generation understand that God the Father has sent God the Son who is Jesus Christ to make them become the anointed, the living, powerful and blessed of the Father or God? God has anointed the Lord Jesus and has sent him towards us so that whoever becomes tied to him should become anointed by his anointment, that whoever receives him should be full of God’s anointment; and Jesus Christ recognising that his Father anointed him to come and announce us the word that makes us become anointed, living, powerful and blessed of God in case we receive and keep it in us, said: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me  to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed” (Luke 4/18).

       God has sent an anointment to the men on earth through the word that he has made his Son to carry so that whoever wants to be anointed should listen to the Lord Jesus in whom he has put all his anointment. That is why God was telling the apostles who were walking with Christ to listen to him carefully because he has put all his anointment on him when he was making his voice to be heard from heaven (Matthew 17/5). That is even why it is still said: “But you have been anointed by the Holy One, and you all have knowledge” (1John 2/20).

       The Word brought by Christ was in the beginning, it was with God, and it is God (John 1/1). This word being Spirit and Life (John 6/63), he who carries it has God anointment in him. Being Spirit, he who posses it has God’s anointment in him. Being a life, he who live it, lives God’s anointment. Therefore, God’s anointment is obtained from a life, conduct, walk, thought and feeling.

      All of you who have been baptised in Christ are anointed (Galatians 3/27). The Lord Jesus has been anointed by his Father to anoint us in his turn in case we receive his word to walk according to his will. That is why after the Lord Jesus was crucified, the apostles prayed God saying: “The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers were gathered together, against the Lord and against his Anointed’ for truly in this city there were gathered together against your holy servant Jesus, whom you anointed, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, along with the Gentiles and the peoples of Israel” (Acts 4/26-27).

    Be anointed, all of you who have received God’s anointment sent from heaven to anoint you. Therefore, become anointed of God by becoming a house of his anointment (Hebrews 3/6). Not that there is another route through which the man must pass to become anointed of God, but there are people who trouble the blinds and deaf making them believe that objects that they sell to them posses God’s anointment, but they just work in the fight to make ignore God’s anointment to many. And among these fighters, there is apostle TATHEU Samuel who brings in semi-trailers or containers of brooms, he pray on these objects that are arranged in bundles and sells them at the price of 500 CFA Francs the unit; and millions of people rush to come in possession of God’s anointment by the buying of brooms.

       This seller of illusion by his trading language has made believed to these victims of the deception, the seduction and swindling that these brooms possess God’s anointment; it thus pushes millions of people to come and buy these brooms “carriers of God’s anointment” to clean their house. For this business man of big calibre, when there is big arrival, with his strong sense in business, supported by his trading language of lies, always says to his victims that the brooms have just arrived and that the stock is too limited, it is a strategy that consist to make pressure or to provoke an intention of immediate buying on the buyers or believers, leading to the entry of funds in exchange of these brooms. But what degree of blindness and deafness for these victims of the deception, the seduction and swindling! For they ignore that the Lord Jesus did not come in order to be received by objects that become anointed, blessed and powerful to protect the man for him to seek to possess them at the price of money or free of charge.

       Jesus Christ anointed by God did not come to be received by brooms of apostle TATHEU Samuel so that those who use them in their homes should become anointed and to let in God’s blessing in these homes. What a blind world! The Lord Jesus did not come so that the men should rush in order to buy these objects, to rejoice and believe that they are anointed, blessed and protect them, but for the objects to be happy to be touched or used by the men in whom the Lord Jesus dwells for anointed or blessed men of God.

    In this moment, the men were to say to the objects: “We are anointed, blessed and protected by Jesus Christ who is in us; even if we are the ones who fabricate you or not, and that you are far from being touched by us, we are anointed, blessed and protected by the one that we have received coming from the kingdom of heaven”. Objects are not the ones to tell people that they possess the anointment, the blessing and the power to protect, and that if they are not near the men, these last will not be anointed, blessed and protected. Instead for the object to rejoice itself for being touched by the hand of God, the body of Christ, the temple of the blessing, the house of anointment, the seat of the protecting power, it is rather man’s hand, the body of Christ, the heart of the children of God that rejoice for buying, touching, possessing and using these objects that are said to be anointed, blessed and protecting.

       But what does it serve to these instrumentalised men of the man of perdition to sell objects impregnated of magic powers to the poor blinds and deaf? But I promise that the times are announced to be very hard for these men who are carefree of the suffering of Christ on earth because of souls that are lost.

     CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)

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