It is the 448th message
Nowadays in Cameroon, the newspaper, the television and the cottages only make reference to the bad governance and the longevity of President Paul Biya in power. The Cameroonians lament and worry because of the insufficiency or the lack of drinking water, inadequate sanitary care, roads, electricity, employment, the high cost of the consumer basket, the privatisation of State’s companies, the let go of the embezzlement of public funds… Many Cameroonians believe that with this bad governance of President Paul Biya and his longevity in power, the future of their stomach or flesh and also that of their offspring is in danger.
For them, this state of governance and of longevity in power is the cause of the misfortune and the dissatisfaction of the population; because the stomach has lost in quality and quantity of food that it consume, the dresses that the flesh put on, the paper and coins called money that it touches, the house in which it rest, the medical care that it receives or that it can have, the education on earthly things and many others are derisory, inappropriate, incomplete.
If the bad governance and longevity of President Paul Biya in power impoverish the flesh of the Cameroonians or make them remain poor, it does not worry me so much because there is more than the flesh. In truth, our flesh and all what it consume, either in quality or quantity, it will return in the ground. The quality or quantity of food that we eat, when it no longer have value in us, we deposit it in a hole because of the bad odour; the whisky, wine, juice, potable or mineral water that we drink, when they are no longer important in us, we pour them in a hole because of the bad odour, the dresses that we put on, when they no longer have value, we throw them far from us. When the telephone, the computer, the camera, the refrigerator, the freezer, the microwave, the air conditioner, the bicycle, the motor bike, the vehicle, the subway, the air plane, the ship become scrap, we throw them far from us. These earthly things are provided for our flesh which is also the ground; they have a short life span like our flesh, and both of them will return in the same place which is the ground. That is why the Lord Jesus was making the Jews to understand that Moses did not give them the veritable bread in the desert, because this bread that was for the flesh was only passing, and that he has brought the veritable bread which is aimed for the soul as it is said: “Truly, truly, I say to you, it was not Moses who gave you the bread from heaven, but my Father gives you the true bread from heaven” (John 6/32).
The Lord Jesus did not come to suffer and to shed his blood to save the flesh of man in preventing it to return where it was taken; but he came to save man’s soul in preventing it to gain the lake of eternal fire for it to belong to the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, if the bad governance and the longevity of President Paul Biya in power prevent the flesh of the Cameroonians to eat at its satiation, to have medical treatment of quality, in short to have all the best conditions of the fleshly life at will, it is less worrying to me compared to the souls of the Cameroonians that are held captive because of the lie, the seduction, the deception of most men of God who are the most popular, admired and envied…
The Lord Jesus asked the women of Jerusalem not to cry for his flesh which is nothing because it was receiving whips, but that they should cry for their souls that are reserved to an eternal suffering in the lake of fire (Luke 23/28). I also, I ask the Cameroonians not to delay in looking their flesh which is nothing and that only has a short life span in its lacking or to find that it is the person who is at the summit of the State who prevent them from possessing things that their flesh desire, but they should ask themselves the question to know why there is a lot of evilness in them, they should also see that those men of God that they consider to be great did not bring them the veritable bread which the Lord Jesus is. They must therefore find that their souls are in danger of eternal death; they should worry and lament for what is the veritable lack.
For me, these men of God frighten me more than the arm robbers that destroy man’s physic; and the news of today would have spoken more of those who lead the souls in the possession of what God has provided for them, and not to delay on the men who prevent the flesh from prospering. Look how these men of God baptise babies and little children! This act is neither found in the justice of God nor in the book of life, and this baptism is at the price of money. Look how these men of God raise blocks of cement in the effigy of Robert Powell alias Jesus of Nazareth or that of Olivia Hussey alias the Virgin Mary near their big cathedrals so that the people should come and bow down in front of them! Look how they make people to carry rosaries having the effigy of Robert Powell alias Jesus of Nazareth as cross! But what destruction of the souls that are prevented from gaining the kingdom of heaven by this lie and deception! Look how these men of God take high amounts of money to establish whoever wants to become church elder, deaconess…!
They also baptise babies and little children at the price of money. Look how these men of God sell blessed water, handkerchiefs, armlets…to the people by bringing them to become tied to the spiritual products for blessing and power, and not to the creator of things, thus preventing the people from becoming the house of God which is the house of blessing and of power. They bring them to find that the blessing and power of God are found in things that man drinks, anoint with, perfume himself, wear on his body. Look how these men of God ask money to people to pray for them for this or that situation! Because of their business and their glorification of money, they have brought the people to believe that God is the god of money and not the God of goodness, mercy and of sacrifice. Willing to possess big vehicles, houses, expensive clothes, radio and television channels, their images on the advertising panels, they swindle and rob the poor Cameroonians who are naïve.
How do the people do not ask themselves the question to know why in Cameroon, with many churches, men of God, religious radio and television channels, Christian libraries, visionaries , miracle makers, those who cast out demons, evil keeps on increasing day after day? Even certain ministers, governors, divisional officers, sub divisional officers, generals, attorneys, lawyers, bailiffs, commissioners, commanders… are church elders.
One day, a journalist asked me the question to know if I was of the same opinion with Cardinal TUMI when he says to President Paul Biya to no longer be candidate because he is already too old. I answered him that Cardinal Christian TUMI might be a good adviser, but he has missed the occasion to stay quiet because he himself has deceived and swindled President Paul Biya by the false baptism and at the price of money, and that if he himself was worrying about the Cameroonians, he would have not rent the parish land to a company of lucky games and to collect the money of these actors of lucky games every year.
I am not the defender of President Paul Biya, but it is the truth that must be known by all the Cameroonians near or far. In the title of the 426th message, I made understand to the head of State that he has never received the baptism according to God, and that the drops of water that have been poured on his head at the price of money were only a lie, forgery, corruption, magic, and that it has an eternal impact in his soul in case he does not return to the justice of God.
I am afraid of no body when it comes to make sound the truth that must bring down the glory of the devil in man and to raise that of the Lord; and because of that, I am not only ready to be imprisoned, but also to be assassinated because of the one that saw my soul in danger and gave himself for it.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
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