It is the 487th message

    The devil shows by all means that in the called ancient, new or awakened churches, he is the one who governs through teachings, human customs and traditions, the seduction, the deception, swindling and magic. Most of the time, the devil mask or veil himself in order to operate by magic through the men that he has established in these churches; but here, through prophet PENUEL MNGUNI of South Africa, he has neither veiled nor masked himself in order to operate in his church recognised in the name of awakened church. The devil still called Satan, Lucifer, the Dragon, the Ancient Snake is the beast or the animal; and in the middle of the men, the beast, the animal or devil operates more with his spirit of snake called totem, and it has been the case since the first men in the Garden of Eden. That is why today in this world, majority of the head of States, big business men, traders, big farmers, the “men of God”, big marabous, stars...it is each one who possesses a totem. They are endowed of totems to assist them in their domains, and the totem appears in different forms for each one. It can be in the form of a purse, a ring, a chain, an onion plant... These totems sometimes transform themselves into a cat, a mouse, cockroaches...

       All the big magic and wild witchcraft of this world turn around the totem because it is this spirit that the devil has mandated to be in the service of the men who need him for support in any domain. This present generation is under the power of the totem; some of these men who possess totems keep them in the WC (toilets), others in coffers, in their stomachs or in the stomachs of other people...

       In this world, you see people with much money, goods, glory, celebrity, power, force, food in their farms, cocoa in plantations, for some, all this comes from the totem, and these totems are either fed by poultry eggs, chicken, the human blood, sometimes even the human being...

       When you see the South African prophet called MNGUNI PENUEL making people to swallow his snake or mouse alive, it is because he has first hypnotised and dominated them in advance so that they should see these animals as something that does not frightens or to be careful of. They do not only see these animals as such, but the worse is that they swallow them alive.

       Certain men of God operate prodigies and miracles by the power of the totem that they have either in the form of a ring or in a secret place that they are the only one to know; but for prophet PENUEL MNGUNI of South Africa, his totem is neither veiled nor masked in the eyes of his victims. Even the mouse that he makes people to swallow is still this snake in another form. In truth, you should not see these men and women swallowing this snake or mouse alive and you say that these last are very courageous; these people are no longer themselves because the occult power of hypnotisation and of domination of prophet PENUEL MNGUNI has brought them to have a different clairvoyance, vision, thinking and state of mind. This snake and mouse do not make them be afraid from being swallowed because the occult power brings them to see and take these animals for something which is inoffensive or good. This snake and mouse are spirits; when they are introduced in the mouth, they are rapidly swallowed because they are animals in spirit or spirits into animals. They are supernatural beasts, and prophet PENUEL convince his victims that he makes them swallow these beasts in order to deliver them.

       In truth, the devil wants to show by all means that he is the one who is the bricks-and-mortar in all these churches. The devil recognising that people seek God in churches in order to be freed from him, has seated in advance in these gathering places so that all those who will come to seek to be received and guided by God should rather be received and guided by him. In these end times, he has convinced and gained the men by high magic, operating great divinations through certain men of God where, when they enter in the gathering hall, they start to point certain people telling them their problems, what they have eaten before coming, and even revealing them the amount of money that they have in their pockets... When a fox finishes telling these things that the ears like listening, and all this in front of all the multitude of people gathered in this big hall, the crowd starts cheering, believing to cheer the clairvoyance of God, and taking this man for a very strong man of God. Through prayers, some of them even bring out pieces of meat from people’s stomachs while making them understand that it is the human flesh that they have make them eat; they bring out snakes alive from the stomachs of people who are present, others still make human spirits to talk inside bodies, and are taken for gods of great miracles by this big crowd which is seduced.

       In truth, people run behind these foxes, seducers, liars, crocks and magicians, not to listen and receive God’s unique word of fire and of light that will transform them by bringing them to abandon the human spirit, thought, feeling and conduct to that of God; not to listen and keep the unique gospel in order to become a dwelling of God in spirit, strength, power and domination, but rather to hear divinations, hear prophecies on fleshly things, to know strong and powerful psalms and to recite them, to receive prayers, healing of their flesh, the prosperity and success of their terrestrial body.

       In truth, if somebody has the heart and spirit of God with the body of Christ, and that being in the middle of this generation he does not cry, rejoice himself, he does not lose appetite and the taste of all things, he does not lose sleep, it means that this one is not endowed of the one that has suffered and who has shed his blood on the cross for the liberty and deliverance of souls. For, majority of the men in this world, from the head of States up to the least of the social class make pity more than the dead bodies or lump of soil that are laid in coffers of the mortuary; but only the spirit of God approves the veritable misery and death.

       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)

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