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It is the 232nd message
This world is a world in which the people are devoted in the edification of their carnal future than in their spiritual future. The future of the flesh is the ground and the things of the ground, and the future of the spirit is the Kingdom of heaven and the things of the Kingdom of heaven. That is why it is said: “Set your minds on things that are above, not on the things that are on earth” (Colossians 3/2). Because the children that are born and who start to grow were to be firstly edified on the future of their soul before being edified on the future of their flesh.
In fact, we were to firstly bring the children to understand that no matter the fact that they breathe, they are spiritually death from the time they do not posses the life of the Lord Jesus Christ (1 Timothy 5/6). Next, we were to make them understand that no matter the fact that they walk on their two legs, they are paralysed (in their soul) without the life of the Lord Jesus Christ. Moreover, we were to make them understand that no matter the fact that their flesh is in good health, they are leprous if they do not live the life of the Lord Jesus. In the same way, we were to make them understand that no matter the fact that they are not sick physically, they are nevertheless sick spiritually because they do not have the life of the Lord Jesus. In addition, we were also to make them understand that no matter the advancement of science on man, on the animals and on the ground or no matter the knowledge of man on history, geography, politics, finances, sport… they are all mad if they do not know and live the life of the Lord Jesus. Besides, we were to make them understand that no matter the multiple banking accounts, air planes, ship, houses, vehicles and the companies that they will obtain, if they do not live the Lord Jesus Christ in spirit and in truth, they are unfortunate, miserable, poor, blind and naked. Finally, we were to make them understand that man, is death in his spirit since the sin of Adam and Eve, and that he can only return to God by the life of the Lord Jesus Christ who has been sent by the Father in order to vivify the death souls. That is why it is said: “For as by a man came death, by a man has come also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive” (1 Corinthians 15/21-22).
The children must keep in their spirit that it is the life of the Lord Jesus Christ that must firstly be their breath, their health, their drinking water, their food, their cloth, their house of habitation, their richness and their Father. Because when these children will become adults, they will have knowledge of their state and they will run to go and confess their state or their death life in front that one who can baptise them in the water according to the baptism that the Lord Jesus Christ himself has received (Matthew 3/13-16), and not the baptism of the Pharisees and the hypocrite who pour water on the head of the children (Luke 7/29-30). Because if the children were edified like I announce, the young would grow with the fear of God or nevertheless with the feeling of the Lord Jesus (Philippians 2/5). That is in fact the edification which was to be brought for the deliverance of the children, the young and the old people; and evil which is the glory of the devil would also decrease in this world.
Today, if there was this fear of the Lord, man will not be selling his similar for the material or to sacrifice him for the glory, the titles, the nominations and power. He will not be blocking, make his similar to be sick or to kill him by jealousy because this one is more than him. In the same way, he would not insult, lie, slander, and steal what belongs to his similar. In addition, he would not be gaining his material richness by the lie, corruption, fake, embezzlement, stealing and the blood shed. Also, he would not commit suicide or lose weight, saying that he has problems; for his problem must be Jesus Christ and his work. Because if the Lord Jesus gives himself to him, it is to fill him so that his work should advance, and for peace and joy to shine in him by the Holy Spirit and not by the material or again by eating and drinking (Romans14/17).
In truth, the parents today were not to be in great joy because their children have succeeded to an examination, have obtained a diploma, the employment, the nomination, marriage or to travel abroad, but they were to be in a very great joy if their children were walking in the truth of the Lord Jesus as it is said: “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth” (3 John 1/4). I know that today, all the dream and the plan of man in his young age is to obtain the diploma, to find an employment, to construct a house, to get married, to have children, to have vehicles and a business that brings money to him. I know that the desire of man’s heart is to have much money and to see how his similar take him for a god in front whom they must prostrate in order to obtain all the possible favours. And the money that this one will posses will bring him pride and will make him to consider his similar like a rag or waste. That is why the heart of the animal man never being satisfied by the things of the flesh, for man, he will look to sleep with many girls saying that they are very beautiful, and for the woman, she will go to bed with many men saying that she is looking for money.
If man is a civil servant, he will embezzle money without end up to the day he will go for retirement or when he will be removed from his functions. If it is a star, a head of state or a big business man, he will sacrifice his similar for money, the glory and power; he will visit all the big marabous, the cemetery and the spirits of the water to have all what their flesh desire. But what makes me to have more pity is that these great magicians like head of states, stars, high civil servants… are envied and sought after by the blinds; and these blinds have a big dream which is to become like them, and many others just ask to touch them and to take them like the gods and even find to take pictures with them. They are their icon and model, that is even why many youth take their names as nicknames without knowing the danger. But the Eternal God knew that this world and what it posses are very dangerous that is why he says: “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him” (1 John 2/15).
These messages are and they will never be sold because I do not look to redeem the expenses like the people desire because I prefer to live in a hole like a mouse, to wear just one cloth and to be a subject of mockery for the men, and if possible to eat lesser crickets and honey than John the Baptist (Matthew 3/4). I wait nothing from man and I ask nothing to him or the less, to flatter him, but it is from God that I wait everything because he is the only one who knows who he can use, it can be a crow like in the time of Elijah the prophet or man (1 Kings 17/1-6).
To God only love and pity by Jesus Christ for the deliverance and life of the souls of men for the eternity.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
It is the 219th message.
The moment has come for the man to no longer confuse the mystery of God with that of the devil. Because the power comes from the knowledge of the truth and its life, and the weakness comes from the ignorance of the knowledge of the truth. In this century more wicked than ever that we live today, many people consider those who cast out the evil spirits in the bodies to be the veritable men of God, for they affirm that: “If they were of the devil, they would not cast out the evil spirits from the bodies, because the devil does not cast out the devil”.
I will like to make you understand that the devil is very happy of him because he is not known by the men in this world in truth. For, he brings the men to make his will and to cheer him, believing that it is God that they worship. He is the one who establishes most of the men of God while becoming or being considered on one part like a great priest of God dominating the world by his custom and on the other hand, like the great prophet, pastor, apostle, and doctor of God, gathering hundreds or even thousands of people thanks to the miracles, casting out evil spirits in the bodies, healing patients, making them to walk in their flesh that was paralysed, unblocking their goods (diplomas, jobs, promotions, marriages, traveling, childbirth, finances...) or prophesising on their future. Astonished by these multiple miracles and prodigies, the men are convinced that it is by God’s power that these miracles are being done. In other words, they find that somebody cannot cast out the evil spirit in the body if he does not have God’s power in him.
However, you must understand that the devil cannot cast out the death in man’s soul, but rather the evil spirit in his body. In fact, the people have kept this thought in them because they did not understand that the Lord Jesus says on one hand in Matthew 24/24: “For false Christs, and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect”. And Apostle Paul says on the other hand in 2 Thessalonians 2/9: “The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan, with all power and false signs and wonders”.
These great miracle makers (prophets, pastors, apostles, doctors), most of them go in the sea and others in India, in Nigeria and in Benin to look for the power or force and to give it to the other men of God who also want the power to make the said miracles and prodigies against a high amount of money; they transmit this power to them through a ring, a renewable perfume, a handkerchief, a soap that permit them to cast out the evil spirits, to heal the sick people, to make the paralytics to walk, to revive the deaths in their physic, to see the invisible things and to reveal them to people, in short, it is to operate big miracles and prodigies in order to finally make themselves a lot of money. Other men of God make miracles with the help of the power of the witch doctors; as it is the case of some exorcists who being Rosicrucian, they work with the power that their sect gives them. In fact, I will like to make the people understand that to make miracles; to make prodigies like they do does not mean that they have the power of God because the devil does it and he is even the one who is in the first rank today.
Men, understand that God’s power is not firstly found in prayers, in the imposition of hands, in visions... but it is found in the life after having assisted in a demonstration of the spirit of power and of truth. But as the world does not like listening, nor of the less living the Lord Jesus’ truth, How would they see that it is by the listening of the power of the truth and life that the devil is cast out from people’s hearts, thoughts and life? The devil is taken for the man of God because he cast out the evil spirits from the bodies; unfortunately, he cannot cast out himself because he is the ignorance and he live in man’s soul. As he is himself the eternal death, it is the reason for which he cannot cast out the eternal death in man, for it is only the life that cast out the death. He cannot cast out himself in man’s soul because it is his thought, his feeling and his life that this one lives. And nothing of his customs, traditions, seduction, and the imposition of hands can cast him out in man’s soul.
Men, understand that there are people who can pray and the rain falls, and make another prayer and it stops. Others walk on water, enter in water and come out without being wet. In addition, see also how the snake vomits money without it (the money) being wet. It is to tell you that the devil is capable of doing everything in order to impress man, for he destroys and heals man’s flesh at his will; he kills man’s soul by his lie, his deception and his seduction, but he is not able to revive it because he does not have the life of truth in him. It is not through prayers, miracles, prodigies that we first see the power of God; for there is something that the devil cannot do, it is to cast out the death in man’s soul because he revives, heals, and makes man’s flesh to walk through prayers and others, but he will never make it for his soul through his preaching. He will open the eyes of the blind, he will make a paralytic to walk, he will heal a sick person, but he will never open the eyes of a blind soul, nor to make a paralytic soul to walk, or the less to heal a sick soul. That is the reason why the Lord says: “...How can Satan cast out Satan?” (Mark 3/23).
All what the devil can do for the deliverance of man only limits itself in the flesh that will serve for nothing at the end times; that is the reason for which I call these miracles, “deceptive and untrue miracles” (2 Thessalonians 2/9). For only Jesus Christ heals man’s flesh and soul in the same time, it is thus the true miracle where the dead soul comes back to life. Today, when the blinds and the deaf see through the television channels how the evil spirits are being cast out of the bodies, they acclaim and say that it is God’s power, and that the devil is dominated, meanwhile it is the power of the devil which is being manifested by his seduction and lie. The men only see the miracle and the deliverance in the flesh. Therefore, not knowing the power and the domination of God on the devil, they say: “the devil is small, we walk on him, we crush him”. But they say it because they see the devil like a simple spirit that we cast out in the body or which we dominate. Therefore, when someone is bewitched and that the evil spirit has come out or again, when his diploma, his job, his promotion, his traveling, his childbirth, and his finances are blocked, and that he receives them through the prayers, one will say that the devil is small because he believed to dominate us in the lacking (the blockage) of these things, but by the power of God, he has been dominated, now we have entered into possession of what he deprived us.
The power of the devil that dominates this world, I see it in the customs and the traditions of the priests and pastors on one hand, and on the other hand, in the seduction of the prophets, apostles, doctors... who use the said spiritual products, who take the picture of a man as being the representation of Jesus Christ, Mary or the angel Michael; who bring the people to believe and to become more attached to the religion than to the Lord Jesus’ truth; who bring Christians not to fight the lie and the seduction, but the denominations; and who also bring the people to rush in challenges, not against the domination on the evil, but for the big and well decorated buildings called churches, the said Christian radio and television channels, and finally to believe and to hope on the blood of the sheep. For, the devil can cast out the evil spirit in man’s body but he cannot cast out the death in his soul. When you see an exorcist priest putting the cross of malediction on a bewitched person and that the evil spirit starts shouting while saying that he is receiving fire, do you think that it is God’s power that is in this piece of wood? For, the devil will seduce everybody except the elect, says the Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 24/24).
To God only the glory by Jesus Christ for the eternity.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
It is the 210th message.
We are sent to bear witness of the truth so that the blood of Jesus Christ that has shed on the cross should not be in vain, and we do it without being afraid of the men nor their power and greatness. It is the end of seduction and the deception, because the time has come for the truth to explode.
I am that one who neither has a diploma nor did a small or big seminary, nor less a pastoral school in order to testify the truth, but Jesus Christ who is righteous, makes his truth to be spoken in the man that he wants.
Nowadays, the men have become drunk of the deception and seduction of the priests and pastors on what concerns the blessing of corpses. For it is something that has invaded the hearts of majority of families that like seeing the corpse of their deceased ones receiving the blessing of the priest or pastor; but what a seduction and ignorance for these families! And what wickedness for majority of these priests and pastors! You know that in our families today, when somebody dies, the presence of the priest or pastor is always needed for the blessing of the corpse before its burial, for today, it has become a big tradition and custom. But I want these pastors and priests to tell me which of the two receive their blessings, is it the soul which is gone or the ground which must return where it was taken? If you tell me that it is the ground (the corpse in the coffin) that receives your blessing, therefore, I will tell you: “for what will it serve to a ground which is already rotten?” But if you tell me that it is the soul that receives your blessing, therefore, I will tell you that it is madness.
Men of big diplomas of theology, do you not know that it is the soul in the man who breathes and speaks that live the blessing (Jesus Christ) and who will be blessed eternally? And the soul that will live the malediction (without Jesus Christ), will be eternally cursed (Ezekiel 18/20). Men of big glory of vanities, when somebody invites you with your dish of water to bless a corpse, do you not know that the soul of this person lying or dead is no longer with him? For when the people cry saying: “he is no longer there, he has gone, living us with whom?” It is the soul that they cry and not his dust. It is like someone who wear a dress on him, and after removing this dress that he will no longer wear, the blinds come to bless this dress; that is then the case of the priests and pastors who come to bless the dust of the soul which is gone.
I also ask myself how a family that has lost one of their members can give money for the displacement of a priest or pastor for him to come and bless their corpse? Do you not know that it is a rot? If you leave it on open air during five days, you will know if what I say is false. What is amazing in all this is that; these people who bless the rotten dust often have an amount of money that they ask or require before coming for this kind of ceremony. And when these foxes arrive in the place of mourning, all the offerings that can enter in the offering basket become theirs, for these people do not have a little remorse since they have sold their shame to the devil. And what saddens me more is their lie that they bring out when they make a testimony during mourning. For, you will find that this priest or pastor did not physically know the deceased person who is in the coffin, and for this reason, before rendering testimony, he finds to know the name of the dead person; what therefore makes that during his homily, he will be able to say: “He was a good and nice person, jovial, he knew how to attract people towards him, he was lovely and knew how to forgive”. And finally, he will say: “At the time we are talking, the Lord has already received him near him and his soul rest in peace”. And the family of the deceased person will respond: “Amen”.
I will like to tell you that you do not need to spend money to call in a vicar or pastor. Very often, you will even find that in truth, the dead person was a witch and who has destroyed many children of his similar’. Know that every person who does good or bad works has a particular place which is reserved to him after his death. That is why Revelation 14/12-13 says: “Here is a call for the endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus. And I heard a voice from heaven saying, “Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” “Blessed indeed,” says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow them!”. Unfortunately, pastors and vicars already know in advance that the Lord will welcome the deceased person.
When these foxes hear that a rich person has mourning, you need to see how they negotiate in order to come and bless the corpse. It is the reason for which you will find more than five pastors and priests in mourning of a rich man. They know that in such mourning, there are rich men who do not give less than 5000 FRS as offering. These people have appellations such as the requiem mass and the purgatory that are done in the occasion of the deceased people; these prayers bring them money. But they need to know that prayers and mass for a corpse or ground which is already buried do not change the fate of his soul in front of God, because it is what he has done as good or bad in this world that will be with him and will bear witness. Therefore, it is not words of pastors and priests that will change the fate of the soul of the deceased person in front of God.
We should abandon the seduction and the deception because it is a false confidence which is given. The preaching of the men of God can only help those who are still alive in the body of flesh. But since their preaching is a seduction, therefore, it cannot be useful to those who are still alive in the flesh. Mr Pastors and Mr Abbots, you should not take on the truth because you can do nothing against it. For it is stronger and powerful than you. And the only thing that is left for you to do is to repent. You should not be ashamed and do not worry for the offerings of mourning that you will lose. Does your soul not have more value than this money or glory that you have in this world?
To God only is the glory by Jesus Christ for the eternity.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
WHY AM I PHYSICALLY VERY POOR (2 Corinthians 8/9)?
It is the 213th message.
We know that poverty according to man is the fact of not possessing material goods, and when the men see what I lack in the physic, they thus affirm that I do not have God. But then, which God do they want to see in me: the one of the mercy, justice, and holiness or the one of the material?
My physical poverty comes from my sacrifice in God for the people. For it is by God’s grace that I work day and night so that the men should know the truth in order to come out of the deception and the seduction to which they have immersed because of ignorance. My worry is therefore for the people to be able to listen or read the messages that the Lord Jesus gave me to transmit in writings for those who know how to read or orally for those who do not know how to read. Therefore, to do that, I sacrifice all what I possess materially for the production and the multiplication of these messages. It often happens that I sell the devices that I possess such as my cell phone for the production of these messages. That is why I have a little difficulty to offer the luxury to myself, to rent a room with the money that I can possess because I always say to myself that it (this money) can serve for the production of the messages that the people need. I also make it because I see how people solicit these messages in order to acquire knowledge from them so as to be enlightened. Therefore, seeing this, I do not hesitate to sacrifice all for these messages because these last (the messages) are more than gold.
Taken into consideration the more increase in demand, it becomes difficult for me to buy a dress to myself. For there are some moments where I do not have money to multiply these messages, but when I succeed in getting only a franc, I hurry to multiply some. In addition, these messages are not and will never be sold. But if someone takes them to multiply and sell, then he will not have to do with me, but with God who does not want that his revelation should be sold. Then, those who want to take them from the internet to multiply and to distribute should not worry in trying to know who the author is because the author is the one who reveals what is written so that the men succeed in living the deliverance of their souls. I also have a brother in Christ who often helps me with bibles and even these bibles that I receive, I do not sell them, but I share them to those who do not have.
When I see all what the devil has planned through the men of God, the witches and the magicians for his glory and his greatness, and to make the people to ignore the power of the Holy Spirit and the mercy of the Lord Jesus, it pushes me to work at all times for the Lord Jesus, for his truth for which he suffered in order to save the humanity. It is therefore the reason for which the written messages, the prayers of deliverance and the advices that I bring to the people are free because it is besides a grace for me and for those who accept to benefit some. All what I do is in the aim to look not for money, but greatness in the kingdom of heaven. And each time that I make prayers of deliverance, I am often soaked of sweat and it does not bring me to ask even for a piece of soap for my laundry; and I make prayers nearly every day when I am available. For, the people are not the ones who should worry about me, but I am the one who has to worry about them. That is why it often happens that I help the patients on whom I have prayed by giving them some coins even if it is only for their taxi in order to return home or to sometimes take a cool drink. For, my wish is not to possess luxurious clothes, to ride in big vehicles or to have a big hall of prayer which is well decorated, but it is for the people to succeed in knowing and in living the truth of the Lord Jesus in order to no longer become the prey of the evil spirits, the malevolent confessions on one side, and on the other side, the prey of the liars and seducers who work night and day for their stomach so that the people should not succeed in knowing the mercy and the grace of the Lord Jesus (Romans16/18).
The Lord did not send me to look or to admire the big halls of prayer, the radio and television channels and the big vehicles that the men of God possess and to imitate them. On the contrary, he sent me in order to observe how these ones deceive and seduce the people so that these last should stay in the death, and he gave me his truth so that I should thwart their lie and their seduction by which they maintain the thoughts and the spirits of the people captive. Therefore, in all the places that I can be found, I will never have complex because of the lack of the physical things, for what I possess makes me a very rich man for some and what I do not have makes me a very poor man for the others. And since mockeries will never make my weakness but rather my strength, I thus say thank you to those who mock at me, those who see me like a poor and not like a rich man. But for us to be spiritually and eternally rich, it was necessary for the Lord Jesus Christ to impoverish himself physically (2 Corinthians 8/9). That is why the glory and the greatness come back to him only for the eternity.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
It is the 209th message.
The devil (the death) has invaded this world through a photo (the image of the beast) taken to be that of Jesus Christ, but what a domination! The photo of the one who is taken for Jesus Christ is the most solicited and the most considered by the people. But they ignore that the physical picture of this man that they worship also possess their spirits.
For, the simple fact of having this photo hung somewhere in your houses, offices, vehicles in the form of calendars, posters, statues or the simple fact to fabricate a monument (an effigy) of this man makes you a customer in addition for hell. For it is contempt for the men to compare this man to Jesus Christ (Isaiah 46/5; Isaiah 40/25). The Lord is sad because he sees the devil succeeding in what he had planned through his lie and seduction. For, he has hit strongly by bringing the men to compare or to consider this man to be Jesus Christ. Meanwhile, it is said: “To whom then will you liken God, or what likeness compare with him?” (Isaiah 40/18). The Lord spoke as such in order to warn man not to make a picture which he will take like God. Unfortunately, this man’s photo has been made and even crosses, rosaries, statues exist and there is also a film entitled “Jesus of Nazareth”.
All what the men do with this photo simply proves the domination of the devil in this world because this picture is more than the shadow of the death. Then, I have understood that the devil is more loved than the Lord Jesus Christ in this world because we nearly find this picture in all the houses, including the homes of those who say to be pentecostal, but what poverty in the knowledge of the truth! You must understand that the other most used weapon of the devil is this picture which is so envied, sought-after and even bought more than the bible. But the devil is powerful! How can the blinds and deaf say that the devil is small in front of them (saying that they walk on him in the name of Jesus) while they buy or solicit his photo? But I have understood that the men have confused the bad spirits that they cast out through prayers, the materials said blessed to the lie, the seduction and the deception of the devil through the photo of this man.
In addition, we find this photo in some programs of evangelisation that some men of God post almost everywhere on the boards, on walls, in houses, on the road sides. But what contempt on behalf of these people besides Jesus Christ! I ask myself how the devil has been able to succeed his strike up to this point through a man’s photo taken for Jesus Christ. What is curious is that, people will tell you that they know that this photo is not Jesus Christ as he was in the physic meanwhile it is this simple representation that kills their souls. Personally, when I see this photo somewhere, I have the goose flesh because I see a power in this photo which destroys or kills the souls of all those who consider it. The people who have this picture or photo are like a baby who seeing a snake, catches it without knowing that it is a very dangerous animal. But you who is conscious, seeing this snake in this baby’s hands, it frightens you. For the truth has given time to the lie and seduction to do all what was possible, but in these end times, it is the truth which takes the commands. For it is similar to the former time where the Eternal God had let time to Pharaoh to reign on the people of Israel and to consider himself as being powerful before showing him that he is the All Mighty.
If the Lord opens the eyes of people, they will see the power of death of the soul that this photo embodies and by there, they will destroy it (they will burn the photos, the rosaries and all the monuments and the statues representing Jesus Christ). But as they do not have eyes to see the enemy (the death), it is the reason for which they fabricate and buy this picture. This last (the picture); the devil uses it to gain the world, except the aware. Today, almost all the prophets, the pastors, the priests... consider this picture as being Jesus Christ but with this, I ask myself if they are the ones that the Lord has raised to bear witness of what he is in spirit and in truth. How could the devil dominate the men while hitting them with a big blow through the consideration of his picture; the one that he presents to be Jesus Christ (the picture of the beast) after Jesus Christ’s physical death and the one of the apostles whose names are written in the bible?
The world of today does not know the prophets of God; they only simply recognise the men of God who make prophecies (on the future of earthly goods), visions, healings or who cast out demons. Nearly all of them make these things but personally, I see no revelation on the true enemy. Where are then the prophets of God in truth? For, all what these people know how to do especially here in Cameroon is to spend a lot of money in order to display their photos almost everywhere in the corners of the town, on the advertising boards meanwhile this money could have served not for their own advertisement, but for the purchase of bibles in order to give to those who do not have especially in the remote areas so that they also succeed in reading and to know the truth (Revelation 1/3; 1Timothy 2/3-4)
The men must understand that to predict the future, to cast out demons does not mean that we are a man of God because the devil knows how to make it and besides, he makes it very well (Matthew 24/24). The wish of the men today in this world is to have visions because people like when they predict their future: “this is what you will be, that is what you were supposed to be but you are blocked, and it is such person, such family or such village which is at the origin”; they will never reveal the true origin of the pain which you live. All these prophets only bring some rancour and divisions even within homes. That is why the Lord asks us to be careful to these prophets and their teachings that only rely on earthly things.
I did not come in this world to live in the flesh but it is firstly to die in the passions and fleshly desires through the life of the kingdom of heaven which I live and next, to be killed physically by the men who do not like Jesus Christ preached in spirit and in truth (2 Corinthians 4/5). For it is the light which the Lord gave me to spread in this world that makes my joy. Therefore, my joy does not come from the multitude places of prayer that I can open, on the number of people that I baptise, the money that I can receive, or the cheering of men, but it comes from the life of the men after the acceptance or the listening of the truth. But I know that several people will see the power of these writings after my physical death or even before the Lord Jesus’ arrival.
For you picture of the beast, you that have been raised and elevated to dominate the men in their souls, know that you will only dominate the blinds and the deaf, but never the seers (the aware). Many people say that this truth is crude but they must understand that it is the Lord who wants it as such in these end times because it (the truth) is like a stick with which we must strongly hit on someone charged electrically in order to save him. Therefore, while coming to hit this person held in captivity of death, we do not hit him softly but strongly and greatly. It is to say that you must unveil all the lie and seduction of the devil that hold the souls captive, and it thus happens through the demonstration of the spirit and of power of the truth which set man free from the death (1 Corinthians 2/4-5).
I thank all those who mock at me, intrigue me, persecute me and outrage me because it is thanks to them that I battle very high to be tough and strong. I greatly thank the Lord Jesus for this mission that I did not see myself to merit but his grace is all and makes all.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of men, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid to sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
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