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It is the 173rd message.
To be a messenger of Jesus Christ in this century more wicked than ever is a very great suffering. For in this century, everybody pretend to see, that is to know the truth. But then, who in this century recognise to be blind, that is ignorant in the knowledge of the truth and seeks to see or to recover the view?
In the time of the apostles Peter, John, Paul and the others, the work was a little bit easier because the people were conscious of their state of blindness. It is the reason for which these blinds, that is; these ignorant of the truth were seeking to recover the view or to know the truth of the Lord Jesus. But it is not the case today because everybody will tell you that he sees, that is he knows the truth, meanwhile we are all blind in truth. And since the men say that they know the truth meanwhile they do not know it, it then becomes difficult to bring them in this truth of the Lord Jesus. It has nevertheless permitted me to understand why the Lord Jesus said: “For judgement I came into this world, that those who do not see may see, and those who see may become blind” (John 9/39). In one of my messages, it is written: “The bible is in parables, reading it does not mean that we understand it, for it is not given to everybody, but it is a revelation of God”, that is why the Lord Jesus says: “... and no one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal him” (Matthew 11/27; Galatians 1/11-12).
In this century, many people will not be saved because they say to have already recovered the view. Meanwhile they are blind because they do not know Jesus Christ, his truth, but they rather know the church or the religion. That is why they like to say: “You belong to which church?” For, almost all the believers will ask you this question, but they do it because they do not know what the church is according to God. Meanwhile some are pastors, apostles, prophets, priests, and others church elders, not of Christ, but of the denomination or the religion. Blinds, it is proper to ask to someone in what truth he is, instead of asking him in which church he belongs; for it is a mouth of darkness which asks such type of question. Understand that there is the truth of man (of the devil) and that of God (of the Lord Jesus); and do you know what they call the church?
Today, it is the religion which has taken the name of the church. Meanwhile the church of God is Jesus Christ, Jesus being in his brothers and sisters, the brothers and sisters being gathered somewhere in the same thought, feeling and love of Jesus Christ; that is what constitute the church of God as it was yesterday in the time of the apostles Paul and the others. Apostle Paul called Saul before his conversion was persecuting the church of God (the brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ), that is why the Lord told him: “... Saul, Saul why are you persecuting me?...” (Acts 9/4-5). Therefore, it is no longer question to say: “You are in which church?”, but you should rather say: “in what truth is the man found or belongs” because we have the truth of God which is Jesus Christ and the truth of man which is the devil. That is why the fight was to be between these two truths and not between the churches of men (appellations or denominations).
The Lord Jesus has sent me to be the fall and the rise of many people (Luke 2/34). It is time for things to change and to become like it was in the beginning; because yesterday, the image of God was seen in the churches of God, but today, it is the image of the devil that we see. That is why I came in this world to preach Jesus Christ (the truth), the only name that must be carried by the living (James 2/7). For if the men know Jesus Christ, they will also know the church of God and they will know that it is not the building or a denomination, but Jesus in them. In all the places where I will arrive, I will preach Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 4/5). It is therefore good for the blinds, that is those who pretend to see, to stop asking me in which church I belong, because I am sent to change the data in the churches of men where it is the human knowledge, theology, money, the glory of man and corruption that are at the centre of all and that are the masters.
In October 2013, I went for a trip in the district of NYANON, department of Sanaga Maritime where there were more than 150 people who came to hear me talking of Christ. There was then a basket for the offerings that the people were to give after the preaching. When I was preaching, the Lord told me to remove this basket in front of him because the people that were seating there did not come for him, which is to receive his word that transforms, that freed from the sin and gives eternal life; but they were there for prayers. He said to me: “Me the Lord, I am the word, that is a new heart for them, and if they did not come to receive this offering that I give them which is nothing else than this new heart, what offering will they bring to me so that I should rejoice in return?”.
Next, he said to me: “I did not suffer so that the men should have pity on me by bringing me coins of money, but I suffered for them, so that they should have pity on themselves in order to receive the offering that I give them which is nothing else than the new heart”. That is why it is important for the men to give the offering after the preaching of the gospel of Christ. It therefore means that if the man has not received his offering which is a new heart, a word of truth, he will not also receive the offering (money) that the man will give him. For he is not thirsty of money, but of the justice, the truth and mercy (Matthew 9/13). The blinds should stop asking me in which church I belong because I am not an apostle of a church, but I am apostle of the truth of Jesus Christ, because the church of God is founded in the only gospel of life (Galatians 1/7; Ephesians 2/20). Calling me apostle does not rejoice me because I know the one that call me as such. For the Lord said to me: “If they ask you who you are, respond that you are apostle of Jesus Christ”. I myself or in my physic, I know that I am not apostle, but the apostle is he who is in me in spirit and in truth, and his works, his word, his writings bear witness of what he is.
I am apostle before the foundation of the earth, but in my physic, I was baptised in November 2009 in Yaounde by a prophet. But the Lord did not want that I should be taught by a man, that is why towards the end of the year 2009, he (the Lord) told me to leave this town and to go in another town called Douala. When I was leaving the town of Yaounde, I had tears in my eyes. And when I arrived in this town (Douala), the Lord told me to stay in the family house, and it is from there that I started to read the bible that I was not understanding, but he is the one (the Lord) who was edifying me and he made me to understand that if he does this, it is for me to transmit his message to the nations, that is where I started writing these messages.
What the Lord did permitted me to understand that it is difficult to find an assembly worthy of the image of God. For, where I am edified by the Lord, there are some people who are with me since I started in February 2010, this assembly does not yet have something similar to the image of God. Since I do not have much time, I have thus established two pastors to lead the others. I even asked them to take the offerings that are deposited in the offering basket because I decided to no longer touch them (the offerings). Unfortunately, the assembly has fallen in the seduction, that is they believe to already have enough knowledge of God’s truth. But I told them to be very careful because if me who is the messenger of God recognise to be still ignorant, how much more of them. Being therefore in the seduction, the devil has dragged them in rivalries, the glory of man, clans, mockeries, jealousy and especially problems coming from money. It is even one of the reasons for which I have suspended the offering basket and I told them that I do not longer want to hear talking of money nor projects of money, and it could be definitive as long as they will not change their behaviours.
If it is money that reigns in this world, in God, it is his justice, his mercy that is and remains for the eternity. I come in this world like a rich who must go towards the poor to make them become rich. Therefore, either in my native country or elsewhere, it is the president of the republic who must seek me and not the contrary. And if I seek him, it is not for his money, his glory, his greatness, but it is for his soul, because it is this soul that the Lord Jesus came to seek and to save in this world (Luke 19/10). He being therefore in me, he asks me to gain the souls that are in captivity. As I seek to know, to live and to transmit the truth, money will also seek for me. I like the mockers, those who intrigue me, the witches, the magicians, the false men of God, for they are the ones who permit me to work, to fight, to combat, to battle in order to become stronger and tough in the Lord. The fire (the truth which is in me) is not meant to be sent to the witches, but to the lie and seduction of the false men of God.
To God is the glory by Jesus Christ for the eternity.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
It is the 170th message.
The devil has masked himself and this mask makes the people to take him for the veritable God. Meanwhile God is the light, but him (the devil) in the contrary disguise himself as the angel of light (2 Corinthians 11/13-15). And as long as he will not be unmasked, the people will always believe to have eternal life in them, and consequently, it will become impossible for them (their souls) to resuscitate and to live eternally in the kingdom of heaven.
All the prophets, starting from Moses to John the Baptist, passing by Isaiah and others, announced the coming of the Lord Jesus who is and remains the Great Prophet. That is why it is said: “To him all the prophets bear witness that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name” (Acts 10/43). Moses knew that it is not his ten commandments or his law that will give to the people of Israel and the entire world the repentance of their sins. That is why he says: “The Lord God will raise up for you a prophet like me from your brothers. You shall listen to him in whatever he tells you. And it shall be that every soul who does not listen to that prophet shall be destroyed from the people” (Acts 3/22-23). It is equally the case of John the Baptist who says: “…Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1/29). When the Great Prophet, Jesus Christ who was awaited for long arrived, he said himself: “The Law and the Prophets were until John; since then the good news of the kingdom of God is preached, and everyone forces his way into it” (Luke 16/16). But which of the prophets today announces the kingdom of heaven by the Spirit of the Lord?
The people of this century are far from knowing the prophet of God because they neither hear nor see him. That is why today, they consider as prophet of God, that one who carry the bible by making divinations, announcing the coming of traveling, the job, the promotion, marriages, finances, making prayers, healing sick people and casting out evil spirits in the bodies. This present world does not know the prophet of the new alliance; they only know soothsayers and charlatans who only prophesy on vanities and not on the kingdom of heaven, that is Jesus Christ. For the angel declared to John: “I am a fellow servant with you and your brothers who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God.” For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy” (Revelation 19/10).
Yesterday, the prophets of the Old Testament were not loved by the people because they (the prophets) were announcing what the Eternal God did not want of them (the people). And this people did no want to listen what these prophets of God were saying, that is why they (the people) were making them (the prophets of God) to suffer. It is the case of Jeremiah, Micah (Jeremiah 26/8; 20/2). On the other hand, the false prophets were loved by the people because they were saying things that pleased them (the people). You then see that there were the true prophets who were loved by God, but hated by the people because of what they were announcing to them; and false prophets loved by the people because they announced what pleased them, but hated by God. That is why it is said: “Thus says the Lord of hosts: “Do not listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to you, filling you with vain hopes. They speak visions of their own minds, not from the mouth of the Lord” (Jeremiah 23/16).
The world has never changed because the false prophets who were yesterday have filed the world today, and these ones are always loved by the people because of the things that they reveal and that make their joy and glory, and not that of God. The things that they reveal make war to the soul and since the men neither see nor hear, that is why they run in crowd behind these prophets because of what they promise and make receive (vanities). They are the beloved ones of this world, but because of what? But the Lord Jesus Christ says: “Woe to you, when all people speak well of you, for so their fathers did to the false prophets” (Luke 6/26).
The prophets are strong and powerful to heal and to deliver the flesh of man from all sicknesses or all evil spirits, but not his soul. The Lord Jesus knowing the cunning of the devil said: “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves” (Matthew 7/15). It is still to them that the Lord Jesus said: “On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness” (Matthew 7/22-23). If the Lord Jesus says that he will not recognise such people, how will he recognise those who follow these foxes because of their divinations, prodigies and miracles?
The false prophets are the beloved of this world because they reveal him (the world) his fleshly future and fleshly things. For their prophecies only rely on their will and they only seek to obtain their own profit. Meanwhile all these things that they say to the men fight God. But the men will be surprised after the death of their flesh. I will like to remind you that the devil has given to these prophets, who are his fighting men, the power to heal all kinds of sicknesses, to cast out all kinds of evil spirits in the men, and also to reveal things that are to come in this world. Unfortunately, they are unable to reveal the things of the kingdom of heaven. For this century does not lack the prophets who will reveal marriages, traveling, promotions, diplomas, jobs and the financial prosperity, but it lacks the prophets that will reveal the demonstration of the truth and of power (1 Corinthians 2/4-5). In this century without the revelation of the truth, the people have given themselves and are caught in the trap (deception and seduction) of the devil. For it is said: “Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint, but blessed is he who keeps the law.” (Proverbs 29/18). And David was saying to God: “We do not see our signs; there is no longer any prophet, and there is none among us who knows how long” (Psalms 74/9).
Yesterday, the people were able to see if they were walking or not with God through what the prophets were saying; that is why David said that he is no longer seeing their signs of life because nothing was no more revealed. But today, the people go near the prophets so that they should reveal them the signs of their life of the flesh, things that have nothing to do with the kingdom of heaven. It is the case of the marriage, traveling, the job, diplomas, the promotion and many other things. Today, I shed tears deep in my heart when I see all what is happening, it is the reason for which I am ready to sacrifice myself in order to save the souls by the demonstration of the truth which unveil all the cunning of the devil. But only the violent who will despise the customs, the traditions, the material and the glory of man will inherit the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 11/12).
To God is the glory by Jesus Christ for the eternity.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
It is the 168th message.
All those who are veritably thirsty and who want to save their souls should no longer live in the seduction. If the Lord Jesus lives or dwells in us like the Eternal dwells in him, therefore we constitute a house (church) of God. For, the Eternal God lives in the Son in order to reconcile the people with him. God is therefore in his house which is Jesus Christ, the Church, and if Jesus Christ is in us, we then become a veritable house of God.
To become a house of God (the Church), you must die in the fleshly life, thought and feeling in order to have the thought and the feeling of the Lord Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 5/15; Colossians 3/3). The Lord Jesus Christ says: “Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father in me?...” (John 14/10). If we are in the Son and that the Son dwells in us, we become a house of God as it is said: “but Christ is faithful over God’s house as Son. And we are his house…” (Hebrews 3/6).
Jesus Christ is the only and unique gospel which was to be taught in all the places or houses of prayer; what makes that we were to have the same teaching (life, thought, feeling) in all the churches because there would be one and only one person teaching. It is even said: “For it is not the one who commends himself who is approved, but the one whom the Lord commends” (2 Corinthians 10/18). But how many are those who have been commended by the Lord to preach his life? And how many are those who are not commended by the Lord? For there are even some people who have been commended by Christ to do his work, but these ones have rather preferred the glory and money to the Lord Jesus Christ, which means they have prostrated in front vanities (the devil).
Up to today, the world confuses the assembly (the church) of men to that of God. For the men think that to be assembled somewhere without Jesus Christ preached and lived is to be in the assembly of God. Do they know God? They ignore that the teaching on the gospel that they receive in these places of prayer will never permit them to be in the Church of God. That is why for them, instead of recognising the Church of God through the life, they rather recognise it through the building or the appellation. That is then what raises the challenge, jealousy, ingratitude among the people in these houses of prayer. In these churches, you will see or listen to the blinds glorifying themselves to be the founder of their church. But they do not know that the Church of God (house of God) is founded in the preaching of the unique gospel which must be received and practiced. For all the assemblies of God are taught by the same Spirit known as Jesus Christ. That is why it is said: “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life” (John 6/63).
Today, all these men of customs, the flatters and seducers in these assemblies of men do not want that the man of truth should come nearer to the place where they receive money and the glory for fear of losing their gain. They proclaim themselves to be founders of the church; but of which church, the church of God or that of man? Do they not know that Jesus Christ is the head and the body of the church and that he is the chief of the church? (Colossians 1/18; Colossians 1/24). For, it is the chief who gives the order and we do everything according to his will. But these appellations or places of prayer are only enterprises where the chief (the manager or founder) dictates what has to be done. Sometimes, if it is not the manager who does it, it is his wife who gives orders. Meanwhile Jesus Christ is the supreme chief of the Church which is his body; therefore, everything is done according to his will (Ephesians 1/22-23).
The world is full of seducers and the men of customs who always say that they have God. Meanwhile all their teaching rest on persuasive words of man’s language. Therefore, how can there be the deliverance when we know that this one (the deliverance) is not only found in the demonstration of the Spirit of Christ, but also in the attachment to the life of this Spirit (the Spirit of the Lord)? That is why he who attaches himself to this life has the same spirit with the Lord, and the Lord is Spirit, and where his Spirit is, there is freedom (1 Corinthians 6/17; 2 Corinthians 3/17). We are edified in Jesus Christ to become a dwelling place for God in Spirit (Ephesians 2/22). And it is said: “Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it” (1 Corinthians 12/27).
If all the churches of the world were of Christ, how would there be war, mockeries and the challenge? How in the same body the ears do not love the hands and the legs do not love the mouth? But understand that it is the spirit of the eternal torment (the spirit of division) which is lived in these churches and not the Spirit of the kingdom of heaven. It is said: “so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another” (Romans 12/5). It is equally said: “For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ” (Ephesians 4/12).
For apostle Paul knew that the deliverance, the resurrection and the eternal life neither comes from the prayers nor the imposition of hands or the gospel of the men, but from the gospel of Jesus Christ in spirit and in truth. That is why he says: “Let the one who is taught the word share all good things with one who teaches” (Galatians 6/6). Only the Lord Jesus Christ remains the Chief of the Church (house of God) for the eternity.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
It is the 169th message.
The visible or physical world is submitted to the invisible world, without which nothing can be done because it is a more strong and powerful world than the physical world.
In fact, lets understand that the majority of the things that are done in the day are only the achievement of what has already been done in the night or in the invisible world. You will find that for cases of sudden death (accident, illness…) that we see during the day or physically, the majority is only the achievement of what has already been done in the night. It is also the case of the football matches (especially those of national teams) where you will see that the wizards and the marabous play a match in advance (in the invisible) and during the day, the things accomplish themselves as they happened at night.
Also, the advanced technology, brief every thing that we use in this physical world, are the things used in the invisible world, but that have been brought back in the physical world. We can simply say that the inventors concretize these invisible things: it is the case of the plane, the telephone, the camera, radio cassette and others. And to achieve these things, the sacrifice of human beings is indispensible. That is why to construct a big bridge (or a road) for example, it is firstly necessary to make it in the night before achieving it in the day, and for it, they must use the brains and the spirits of men.
In this physical world, you will see that most people who have the glory, wealth, big titles…are the ones who have sacrificed human beings either to the spirits of waters, those of the earth, and either to those of the deaths because without the sacrifice, it is difficult for the men to become rich, to have the glory or big titles. Some men suffer a lot because their similar uses them (give them in sacrifice) in order to have money, the glory, the power and the greatness. The spirits of the devil are interested in four things in man; it is about: blood, the brain, the spirit and the flesh. These are the things that the devil always asks to the people who want money, the power and the glory. You who sacrifice your similar, to be considered by the men, how will you be seen before God at the end of times?
Besides, they are the spirits and the brains of people sacrificed that make operate the devices (computers, plane’s black box...), that we see and use. This world is rotted because nothing of so great can be done without the sacrifice of a human being or without magic. I announce you that this world pulls to its end and it is the devil who nearly makes all because, you will see that; it is through magic that the majority of fishes or games are been killed and they are these things that leave a lot of illnesses in the bodies. You will then see that the majority of the things that people receive are brought by the totems: these things are of the devil and not of God.
Besides, the radars that one uses today are the things that the wizards have used since because it is what permits them to see the people’s future. You must understand that the world is controlled by the sorcery because the wizards don’t only know the future of people, but they are also informed of the things that will happen is such or such country. I tell you that before the Lord comes, you are going to hear or see the effects of the sorcery, magic and also what happens in the houses of prayer (churches). Open your ears well because these things will happen and it is what will announce the end of all things.
This world is a world of sorcery and lodges. The sorcery exists from the time the devil had taken the power on man. As she (the sorcery) advances, the technology also evolves. Today, you will see that a baby, a child, a young, a father, a grandfather are all in the sorcery. It is to tell you that the sorcery doesn’t have any age because a baby, having been initiated, can show you what he is capable of. Therefore, on one hand, they remove the brains of children and these ones become hopeless in school and on the other hand, these brains make to advance the invention, the realization, the working and a lot of things that we use. It is as the human bones that people go to dig up, these human bones serve for the manufacturing of many things that we use and that I would not like to mention here.
This century is more in the killing, sorcery, poisoning, the abomination and corruption more than Sodom and Gomorrah. Before, I knew nothing of what happens, I had the taste to live in this world but today where I know this world and all what it consists of, I have lost the taste to live here. And the physical death is preferable for me than the physical life. Only the Lord shall decide on my life span in the flesh that I carry. The Lord says: “my time to act is already there”.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of men, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid to sin and to be free from the eternal death.(John 8/32)
It is the 167th message.
In this present world, when you discuss with somebody or when you give him advices or a material, he will tell you: “may God bless you”. Saying to somebody: “may God bless you” is to seduce him. For, God has already blessed the world (the people) by giving him his son Jesus Christ (Word, spirit and Life) who is a great blessing. The people must therefore carry and live the thought, the feeling and the love of the Lord Jesus Christ which is a blessing.
When the people say: “may God bless you” are they talking of the blessing which is found in the material or the blessing that comes from the transformation of man’s heart to that of God? Is it a language of flattery, deception and seduction? I say it to you, it is a seduction. For when you say to somebody: “may God bless you”, this one waits to receive something physical and material coming from God. It is the reason for which when the blinds say: “may God bless you”, you hear as the deaf respond “Amen” with joy. Meanwhile, the Eternal God sent us a life to live, and through this life, we gain all, because this life is a blessing, greatness, richness and an eternal glory.
When we say to somebody: “may God bless you”, it brings sadness in me because the men having refused to live Jesus Christ as the blessing, have rather taken the material to be the blessing. It is the reason for which when somebody receives a gift, he always say to the person: “may God bless you”. These people talk of the god of the material and not the God of the justice who has already flooded the world with his justice, his mercy or his blessing that the people have besides refused. The man loves the seduction and it is this seduction that will lead him in the eternal torment. You who seduce yourself by accepting this word of darkness, know that if it is only for the God of the justice, your seducers can spend all their life saying to you: “may God bless you”, but you will never be blessed because the blessing does not come from the material, but from the transformation of the heart. For, the transformation of the heart comes from what we hear and what we hear comes from the word of Christ (Romans 10/17).
God has his blessing and man also has his own. It would have been a good thing if the blinds, instead of saying: “may God bless you”, rather say: “may you bless God”, for God has already blessed us, but we are the ones who have to receive this blessing in return. In other words, we must live his forgiveness, his love, his feeling and his thought. But seeing the degree of seduction and lies in this century, I am afraid to say that nobody will be saved. But since the Lord Jesus is merciful, he will not leave that the devil should destroy the souls for which he sacrificed himself up to the death of the flesh. God will thus unveil the power that the devil uses to maintain the souls in the state of eternal death; and this power is nothing else than the seduction, the lie and flattery. And those who are veritably thirsty not of the deliverance coming from prayers (laying on of hands), from the products said spiritual, but rather from the knowledge of the life of the truth, the Lord will enlighten them. For the Eternal God spoke in the bible and he continue to speak even through thunders and signs of what he will soon do of this world. But the hearts do not understand because they have turned towards the material, the glory of man, desires, passions and worries of life (Luke 21/34). For, whoever receives the Lord Jesus Christ and live his life in Spirit and in Truth, he bless, praise, cheer, worship, sings, raises, and glorify God, because we have to understand that God has blessed the people. We must ask the following question to ourselves: “how can we become blessed by God? For whoever bless God will be blessed.
To God only is the glory by Jesus Christ for the eternity.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
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