It is the 623 rd message
Once more, the Lord Jesus by his great love and pity for ignorant men that we are, want us to know the truth concerning wedding rings that are worn on his body. I know that it is very difficult to believe and accept the truth because the men have so long stayed dominated by this satanic practice; they give themselves all kinds of reasons today and consider these wedding rings to be the mark of distinction between those who are married and those who are not married in the society.
In truth, it is not a question of criticising men of God or their longevity in the faith and knowledge of the bible, but these writings are a revelation of the Lord Jesus to set free all souls by the destruction of all knowledge which is contrary to his will. If Christians were more awakened, they would ask themselves the question to know why they bring them to make declarations, to wear wedding rings, and to kiss each other on the mouth in public, given that all this is not recommended in the bible.
In fact, knowing that former Christians whose names are written in the bible did not observe these practices, it is important to ask ourselves the question: from whom these practices come? Why the wedding rings that are exchanged between those getting married do not come from God? Yesterday, in God, the man and the woman were tied to each other in the flesh because the woman was made from man’s flesh that is why the body of the woman belongs to the man and the body of the man belongs to the woman as it is said: “ For the wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. Likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does” (1 Corinthians 7/4).
The alliance between the man and the woman is since creation where it was formed from man’s rib to become one flesh. That is why God says: “…a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh” (Genesis 2/24). The woman has the obligation to dispose her body to her husband because it is his body and the man also has the obligation to dispose his body to his wife because this body belongs to her, that is why it is said: “The husband should give to his wife her conjugal rights, and likewise the wife to her husband” (1Corinthians 7/3).
A woman who has become the body of Christ or the House of God does not get married to a man or does not become tied to him because of his physical beauty, certificates, money, titles, but because of the fear of God that invade his heart, spirit and feelings. In the same way, a man who has become the body of Christ or the House of God does not get married or become tied to a woman because of her physical beauty, certificates, money, titles, but because of the fear of God that cover her.
In God by Jesus Christ, the alliance between a man and a woman has passed from the physic to the spirit of truth. The Eternal God did not recommend the wedding ring to symbolise the union between the man and the woman. In truth, even the authorities that have adopted the law for the establishment of the marriage certificate did not mention the wedding ring to seal the union between the husband and wife. God, the creator of man and the woman could not use a metal to unite the man and the woman. You have to know that the religious marriage with the exchange of wedding rings was first celebrated by the priests about 6 centuries ago; meanwhile the civil marriage started in France later on about 5 centuries ago, and it has spread in African countries such as Ivory Coast, Gabon, Cameroon… for less than 1 century now. The law related to civil marriage does not mention wedding rings as a condition for the establishment of the marriage certificate, and the wearing of wedding rings is not a sign that certifies before the authorities that a person is legally married.
On the legal plan, in order to establish the marriage certificate, what is generally asked is the deposition of certain papers to the civil registrar and these are: copies of identity cards of the future spouses as well as those of witnesses and heads of families, birth certificates of the future spouses, their home certificates, and publication of bans. For the wedding rings, it is a tradition or custom of men which is not imposed by the law. But the devil seeing that the men prefer the glory of the world to that of God, they prefer food to the truth, the turn more towards festivities of the world than the Lord Jesus, he (the devil) has thus imposed them vain glories such as public confessions followed by the exchange of wedding rings and kissing on the mouth, all this crowned by clapping of hands. These scenes often pass even in front of men of God in church. What domination of Satan!
Civil registrars sign marriage certificates during opening days; from Monday to Friday, but because of the love of men for festivities of the world, the signing of marriage certificates is requested during weekends by almost everybody in the local councils.
We have to understand that marriage between a man and a woman come from God and it is a blessing. The establishment of the marriage certificate comes from men to prevent and limit any dispute in the society. But the wedding rings, confessions and public kissing between the husband and wife come from Satan. People must get rid of foreign gods that they wear on their fingers and bury them like Jacob did yesterday as it is written: “So they gave to Jacob all the foreign gods that they had, and the rings that were in their ears. Jacob hid them under the terebinth tree that was near Shechem” (Genesis 35/4).
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)