C’est le 700ème message.
Gloire et louange soient éternellement au berger des âmes, à savoir Jésus Christ le prince de vie, lui qui a sacrifié son corps et fait couler son sang sur la croix pour nous racheter de la malédiction et nous sauver de la mort éternelle.
Dans le souci de sa mission sur la terre qui est de chercher et de sauver ceux qui sont perdus, le seigneur Jésus nous parle de manière répétitive afin que nous soyons délivrés de notre incompréhension, incrédulité, surdité et aveuglément.
En vérité, je n’ai pas de fidèles ; parce que tous les hommes doivent devenir les fidèles de la fidélité, qui est l’unique seigneur Jésus-Christ. Je n’ai pas de disciples ; parce que nous tous devons être les disciples de l’unique seigneur. Je n’ai pas de chrétiens ; parce que tous les hommes doivent se christianiser à l’unique Christ. Je ne suis pas fondateur d’une église, et je n’en possède pas, parce que l’église de Dieu est bâtie dans son unique parole ou pierre, et dans cette église, Jésus-Christ est la tête, le corps et le chef suprême. Je ne cherche pas à faire quoi que ce soit pour que les hommes me reconnaissent comme messager ou envoyé de Dieu, mais que le seigneur me reconnaisse comme étant le sien.
Le monde spirituel en vérité est un autre monde où pour voir et comprendre les profondeurs, il faut avoir la grâce d’être grandement investi de l’esprit du seigneur. Beaucoup de branhamistes aujourd’hui, lorsqu’ils voient certains parmi eux se prosterner devant la photo de Branham, commencent à dire que c’est exagéré, que Branham n’a pas fait cela, ni même recommandé cela. Ils ne comprennent pas pourquoi cela arrive, car on ne blague pas avec les démons, surtout ceux de l’égarement.
William Branham mettait la croix sur le pupitre où il se tenait pour prêcher ; ce dernier mettait sa photo derrière lui ou encore devant l’assemblée, dans son tabernacle ; or en vérité, le seigneur Jésus devait être le maître en ce lieu. Mais comment un homme qui est censé conduire les gens à Christ, peut-il les rassembler et afficher sa photo devant toute l’assemblée ? Que représente cet acte ? Ces démons de l’égarement ont amené les branhamistes à leur tour à mettre la photo de Branham dans leurs tabernacles, leurs maisons, leurs bureaux…, et d’autres vont plus loin en se prosternant devant la photo de leur maître. Ils ne le font pas parce qu’ils veulent ; mais ils sont poussés, aveuglés et assourdis par les démons de l’égarement hérités depuis le temps de leur maitre Branham.
William Branham lui-même avait encadré la photo d’un dieu étranger pris pour Jésus ou l’ange de Dieu. Lui-même prenait cette photo pour représentation de qui ? Parce qu’il est dit : « Tu n'auras pas d'autres dieux devant ma face. Tu ne te feras point d'image taillée, ni de représentation quelconque des choses qui sont en haut dans les cieux, qui sont en bas sur la terre, et qui sont dans les eaux plus bas que la terre. » (Exode 20/3-4).
Que tous les branhamistes comprennent que de la montée du seigneur Jésus au ciel jusqu’à son retour, il n’y a jamais eu et il n’y aura jamais un autre homme marchant avec l’esprit d’Elie comme Jean Baptiste. Mais William Branham s’attribue les versets 5 à 6 du livre de Malachie 4, disant que ce passage parle de lui comme l’Elie qui était annoncé dans ce passage. Malachie 3/1 parle de Jean Baptiste tel que le seigneur l’annonçait : « Voici, j'enverrai mon messager ; Il préparera le chemin devant moi. Et soudain entrera dans son temple le Seigneur que vous cherchez… », et Malachie 4/5-6 parlait toujours de Jean Baptiste tel que le seigneur l’annonçait encore : « Voici, je vous enverrai Élie, le prophète, Avant que le jour de l'Éternel arrive, Ce jour grand et redoutable. Il ramènera le cœur des pères à leurs enfants, Et le cœur des enfants à leurs pères, De peur que je ne vienne frapper le pays d'interdit ». Aucun verset ni chapitre de la bible ne parle de Branham, que les branhamistes le comprennent maintenant et se taisent à jamais.
L’ange de Dieu était venu annoncer à Zacharie la bonne nouvelle par rapport à sa femme Elisabeth qui devait enfanter un fils qui devait porter le nom de Jean, en lui faisant comprendre que ce dernier devait être rempli de l’Esprit Saint dès sa naissance, et marcher devant Dieu avec l’Esprit de la puissance d’Elie, pour ramener les cœurs des hommes vers le seigneur. Ainsi s’accomplit la parole de Malachie 4/5-6 tel que l’ange dit : « Mais l'ange lui dit: Ne crains point, Zacharie; car ta prière a été exaucée. Ta femme Élisabeth t'enfantera un fils, et tu lui donneras le nom de Jean. Il sera pour toi un sujet de joie et d'allégresse, et plusieurs se réjouiront de sa naissance. Car il sera grand devant le Seigneur. Il ne boira ni vin, ni liqueur enivrante, et il sera rempli de l'Esprit Saint dès le sein de sa mère ;il ramènera plusieurs des fils d'Israël au Seigneur, leur Dieu ; il marchera devant Dieu avec l'esprit et la puissance d'Élie, pour ramener les cœurs des pères vers les enfants, et les rebelles à la sagesse des justes, afin de préparer au Seigneur un peuple bien disposé. » (Luc 1/13-17).
Comment ce verset peut-il donc être attribué à Branham ? Il n’y a que ceux qui auront les oreilles spirituelles pour entendre tel que le seigneur Jésus termine cette phrase en disant : « Car tous les prophètes et la loi ont prophétisé jusqu'à Jean ; et, si vous voulez le comprendre, c'est lui qui est l'Élie qui devait venir. Que celui qui a des oreilles pour entendre entende » (Matthieu 11/13-15).
Comment les hommes peuvent-ils penser qu’après la descente du Saint Esprit il y a un homme qui soit venu avec l’esprit d’Elie, et cet homme c’est Branham ? Mais quel degré d’ignorance, d’aveuglément et de surdité ! Tous ces mensonges, cette croix sur le pupitre, sa photo accrochée devant l’assemblée, la photo d’un représentant de Jésus ou de l’ange que lui-même utilisait ont de grandes conséquences jusqu’aujourd’hui, et les ignorants sont toujours en train de dire : ‘’montrez-nous ce que Branham a écrit ou fait de mauvais’’ ? Pitié pour eux seigneur Jésus !
Que le seigneur Jésus vous accorde la grâce de voir et de comprendre selon son esprit. Si un homme parle mal du seigneur Jésus, de Moïse, de Jean Baptiste, de Pierre, de Paul…, aucun branhamiste, catholique ou serviteur de Kacou Philippe ne sera touché ou emporté, parce que le démon qui les investit ne sera pas heurté ; mais lorsqu’on dénonce le mensonge de Branham, de Marie, de Kacou Philippe, le démon est touché et ses adeptes s’agitent comme un passage de fourmis en groupe dans lequel on a jeté un charbon ardent. D’autres branhamistes sont convaincus que le fait que certains présidents américains affichent la photo de Branham, cela veut dire qu’il est le prophète messager de la fin des temps dont Malachie 4/5-6 parle. Mais que le seigneur dans sa grande pitié continu à nous éclairer. A lui soit la gloire dès maintenant et à jamais.
CHAMPI Apôtre non de la part des hommes, ni par un homme mais par Jésus-Christ et Dieu le Père. La puissance de Dieu c’est la connaissance. Connaître pour éviter de pécher et être affranchi de la mort éternelle. (Jean 8/32)



C’est le 660ème message
        Que la grâce et la paix soient données à tous les chrétiens du monde entier de la part de Dieu notre père et du seigneur Jésus-Christ notre sauveur.
       L’amour débordante du Seigneur Jésus envers tous les hommes l’a amené à revêtir la forme physique de l’homme sur la terre pour nous donner la vérité qui affranchit et sauve ceux qui la reçoivent et vivent par elle. Le seigneur Jésus qui a porté nos péchés sur son corps, s’est chargé de nos peines et de nos souffrances sur la croix pour nous donner la victoire par son sang, nous interpelle pour que nous ne soyons pas gagnés dans la distraction, les futilités par lesquelles le diable plonge cette génération, mais plutôt pour que nous nous concentrons dans l’édification et la transmission de cette vérité destinée à affranchir et à sauver les âmes du tourment éternel.
       Le diable sait que le seigneur Jésus qui guéri, libère, protège, sauve et vivifie n’est autre que sa parole ; c’est pourquoi nous devons nous édifier en lui pour être une habitation de Dieu en esprit tel qu’il est dit : « En lui vous êtes aussi édifiés pour être une habitation de Dieu en Esprit. » (Ephésiens 2/22). Le diable sait que si les gens s’attachent à cette parole, ils seront attachés au seigneur, et s’ils s’attachent au seigneur, ils seront un seul esprit avec lui tel qu’il est dit : « Mais celui qui s'attache au Seigneur est avec lui un seul esprit » (1Corinthiens 6/17) ; et comme cette parole qui est le seigneur est esprit, là où est l’esprit du seigneur, là aussi est la liberté tel qu’il est dit : « Or, le Seigneur c'est l'Esprit; et là où est l'Esprit du Seigneur, là est la liberté » (2Corinthiens 3/17).
       Le diable, sachant que cette parole est un grand danger pour lui, a conduit les hommes à ne pas s’intéresser véritablement à leur édification, ni à la partager ; or partager la parole de Dieu c’est partager le pain, l’eau, la santé, la bénédiction, la délivrance, la lumière et la vie de l’âme. Les chrétiens d’aujourd’hui, au lieu de s’occuper de leurs âmes, cherchent plutôt à connaître comment les gens vivent pour faire des commentaires à longueur de journée, ce qui fait que quand les chrétiens se rencontrent, tout ce qu’ils ont à se dire ne sont que des commérages. Ils sont toujours en train de dire ‘’tu connais telle personne ? elle travaille déjà, elle a voyagé, elle s’est mariée, elle a beaucoup d’argent, elle est méchante, sa vie est devenue nulle ou rose…’’. Satan sait d’avance que des pareilles causeries poussent souvent les gens à la concurrence, à la rivalité, à la jalousie, à la haine…. Les sorciers aiment ces renseignements sur la vie des gens car ils les utilisent pour travailler. Vous pouvez croiser quelqu’un ou appeler au téléphone pour saluer et prendre les nouvelles de certaines personnes, mais évitez les commentaires malsains sur leur vie.
       Chers frères et sœurs en Christ, au lieu de remplir cette génération de la parole de Dieu pour influencer, limiter ou freiner le mal afin d’élever la gloire de Dieu, nous avons plutôt inondé cette génération de ragots, de commérages, pour élever le mal et la gloire du diable. Les commentaires inutiles sur la vie des gens sont dangereux pour l’âme, car ils viennent activer la tristesse, la colère, la rage, les lamentations, les inquiétudes, les rivalités, la jalousie et la haine dans les cœurs. En vérité, les oreilles des chrétiens sont grandement ouvertes non dans le but d’écouter la parole de Dieu, mais plutôt pour écouter les ragots sur la vie des gens, et leurs bouches sont ouvertes, non pour parler de Christ, mais pour faire le commérage. Comment voulons-nous donc que les dons de Dieu explosent en nous ? Comment voulons-nous que Dieu nous parle dans nos couches et nous montre ses merveilles ? Même les visions que nous avons aujourd’hui ne sont que pour les futilités.
       A longueur de journée, ce sont les noms des gens, et non le nom de Jésus-Christ qui sortent de la bouche de plusieurs personnes qui se disent être des chrétiens, mais le soir au coucher, pendant la prière, c’est le nom de Jésus qu’ils clament et non celui des gens qu’ils ont glorifiés toute la journée. En effet, au lieu de parler du nom de Jésus pour éclairer, édifier, fortifier, délivrer les gens, les chrétiens parlent plutôt des hommes, mais pour la gloire de qui ?
       De lundi à Samedi, certains chrétiens ne parlent pas de Jésus-Christ pour le glorifier, le louer, l’adorer, le bénir…, mais le dimanche matin, ils chantent, disant qu’ils louent et adorent Dieu. Jésus a besoin qu’on parle de lui plus qu’on le chante, parce que si nous ne parlons pas de lui, même nos chants de louange et d’adoration s’apparentent à une moquerie. Comment les âmes seront-elles sauvées si Christ n’est pas annoncé ? Quiconque invoque le nom de Jésus sera sauvé. Comment invoquera-t-on donc le nom de celui dont on n’a pas entendu parler pour croire en lui ?
       En vérité, si nous sommes chrétiens, nous avons la mission que Dieu nous a donnée. Concentrons-nous dans le travail et cherchons plutôt à grandir spirituellement. Les commérages sont l’œuvre de satan, nous ne sommes pas nés en Jésus-Christ pour rivaliser avec les frères, les sœurs, les cousins, les cousines, les collègues, les camarades…, mais pour accomplir la mission de multiplier les talents qui nous ont été confiés. Si nous avons reçu les talents à travers d’autres personnes qui ont multipliés les leurs en nous apportant la bonne nouvelle et que nous restons sur place, nous seront les plus méchants devant Dieu. Ne soyons plus le genre de personne qui lorsque le jour se lève, les oreilles ont faim, non d’entendre le Christ, mais plutôt d’entendre les commérages, et la bouche démange, non pour parler de Christ, mais plutôt pour parler de la vie des gens.
       En vérité, si nous ne témoignons pas la parole, elle ne va pas non plus nous témoigner aussi au dernier jour. Faisons donc attention, le diable travaille pour que nous soyons distraits, endormis, fatigués, affaiblis, découragés, honteux…
CHAMPI Apôtre non de la part des hommes, ni par un homme mais par Jésus-Christ et Dieu le Père. La puissance de Dieu c’est la connaissance. Connaître pour éviter de pécher et être affranchi de la mort éternelle. (Jean 8/32)



It is the 383rd message.

       It is time for Robert Powell, alias Jesus of Nazareth and Olivia Hussey, alias Virgin Mary mother of Jesus to file a complaint to the International Criminal Court (ICC) against the leader of the spiritual terrorist group who is also the Head of the VaticanState for the use of their images as a weapon of mass destruction of billions of people (their souls) through idolatry. That is thus a veritable criminal who must be followed for crime against humanity, and not president Laurent BAGBO that you are detaining. Case to be followed…


       If one day, the lie or the devil arrives somewhere and presents himself to be the truth or Jesus Christ, when the light will shine in this place, the power of the lie, of darkness and of the devil will also finish ; and it is this situation that we are going to face now.

        In truth, how does a malicious individual called Pope, Head of a State of the lie called the Vatican, and also leader of the spiritual terrorist group, deceive the entire world that he is the representative of Apostle Peter! In his cunning to muddy the waters, with the help of his believers, he has set up schools for the priests called seminaries where they form their believers for many years. But all this is only a distraction to mislead the poor blinds and deaf who will find that if these terrorists spend many years in these biblical training schools called seminaries, it means that they know the truth or the bible; meanwhile the time that they spend in these schools permits them to acquire knowledge of the cunning in order to better lead the people in idolatry through the prostration in front of carved images, statues and representations taken for God.

       Mr Pope, head of State of the spiritual terrorist group, your substitutes and you who are cardinals, archbishops, bishops, priests, catechists, tell to the people of the entire world that you have deceived them, that no matter the great diplomas and many years of biblical training, you have remained blind and deaf in order not to see and hear. It is said by God that you should neither make carved images nor representations of things above… worse is to bow down in front of them as it is said: “You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them...” (Exodus 20/4-5), or as it is still recommended: “You shall not make idols for yourselves or erect an image or pillar, and you shall not set up a figured stone in your land to bow down to it, for I am the Lord your God” (Leviticus 26/1).

       Therefore, how does the said representative of Apostle Peter who is nothing else than the leader of the spiritual terrorist group, has taken the pictures of the principal actors of the film entitled «Jesus of Nazareth» to make images, statues and representations of Jesus Christ and Mary! In truth, how do the pope who says to be the representative of Apostle Peter, take the picture of Robert Powell and wield (brandish) it as the representation of Jesus Christ! What degree of deafness and blindness is he attained? Does he not know that Robert Powell is a British comedian actor who was born in Manchester on the 1st June 1944 and who has shot this film entitled «Jesus of Nazareth»in the year 1977 when he was just 33 years old and that he is the father of two children? Does he not also know that this film was not even shot in Israel, but rather in Mexico, in Tunisia and in Morocco, that today in 2016, this British man is 72 years old and that it makes 39 years that he has shot this film? And Olivia Hussey who has played the role of the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus is an Argentinian, born on the 17th April 1951; she was 26 years old when she played this role, and today in 2016 she is 64 years old.

       Since the beginning of my mission in January 2010, the Lord talked to me too much concerning these images, and I have already written many messages with these images, demonstrating their origin and their effects on men’s souls. But it is through the message of the 1st December 2015 that by the grace of the Lord, I wrote the 376th message which is entitled: “Robert Powell, alias Jesus of Nazareth and Olivia Hussey, alias Virgin Mary mother of Jesus…” that the Lord has opened the eyes of many people who sought to know who Robert Powell is, and have even questioned him. And for this last to excuse himself, he said that he had simply shot this film to make money.

        In truth, this Robert Powell does not know truly the act that he has committed and its consequences. He did not react to the publishing of messages since the year 2013, the messages that already announced the gravity of the evil that these images carry, while being valorised by the spiritual terrorist leaders. It needed that on the 1st December 2015, thanks to another publishing (message of the Lord to nations), demonstrating his identity and his instrumentalisation by the devil, for him to be questioned in order to explain what he recognises to be less serious. Robert Powell is not only dominated by tobacco, alcohol… but I will reveal and demonstrate to the entire world how the devil has used him as a trap in order to fight the image of Christ. Robert Powell and Olivia Hussey, even as the devil had naively used you in your young age to play the role of Jesus Christ and that of Mary in such a film, understand that it is the leader of the spiritual terrorist group called Pope, who is also at the head of the Vatican state, who took your images and made representations, monuments and statues taken for Jesus and Mary, placing them in many places around the world so that people should come and bow down in front of them. He has made prayer beads (rosaries) in the effigy of Robert Powell so that people should wear them on the neck; because for many people and up to children, the picture of Robert Powell is the veritable picture of Jesus Christ in the flesh that he took, and that of Olivia Hussey is the veritable picture of Mary.

        All this because while the pope was raising higher, he presented himself to the people as the representative of Apostle Peter, and for this reason, many people take him for a great man of God on earth; therefore, for these ignorant, all what he does is right and good. Meanwhile he is only the leader of a very dangerous spiritual terrorist group that fights and kills the soul with canon fire; his weapons and force being the lie. He seals the souls by the baptism of babies and children at the price of money. His believers and him push the people to ask Mary to intercede for them. They make people to carry prayer beads (rosaries) on the neck with the effigy of Robert Powell for the cross of Jesus. They make people to carry two big pieces of wood that are heavy with the effigy of Robert Powell under blazing sun saying that it is the way of the cross. They ask people not to eat meat on a Friday of the year, saying that it is a holy day. They put ashes in the form of a cross on the forehead of people on a certain Wednesday of the year, saying that it is the Wednesday of ashes.

        They ask certain women to occupy functions of sisters in the middle of their church and sleep with them. Some of them who do not have time to preserve themselves always become pregnant, but later on, they abort. They make the traffic of human bones in their cemeteries, they sodomise certain seminarian students. They sleep with married women. They are Rosicrucian, freemasons. They made many people to be killed in past years, especially in Africa; those who were coming to confess their sins on their ears, meanwhile later on, they were delivering their confessions to the authorities. They make people to suck their big rings in order to bewitch them. But the Lord Jesus seeing that these images of Robert Powell will be compared to him, spoke through the mouth of prophet Isaiah saying: “To whom will you liken me and make me equal, and compare me, that we may be alike?” (Isaiah 46/5), next, it is still said: “To whom then will you liken God, or what likeness compare with him?” (Isaiah 40/18).

       There is much to say, but what is important is that this spiritual terrorist group has fallen into the meshes of the net of the light of Christ. But if this leader of the spiritual terrorist group calls all his group and ask them to throw the weapons of the lie that fight the truth of Christ in order to carry the weapons of the truth that fight the lie of Satan, it will be good for them because the Lord rejects nobody who comes to him, for he did not come for the good, but rather for the wicked in order to make them become good.

CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)








It is the 392ndmessage.

   In truth, being physically in this world and walking with the Spirit of the Great King of the kingdom of heaven gives coldness at the sight of the multitude of men who are not only dead in their souls, though living in the physic, but are animals in the spirit.

   In truth, what still frightens is the fact that these men are in big lodges of the beast. I take the example of the popes for whom the handicapped people by their state of blindness and deafness are ready to spend high amounts of money just to greet them, to suck their magic rings, to take pictures with them or for these ones to lay hands on them. If the spirit of the beast has given a very elevated power of the glory of lies to the popes, the head of States who are in their doctrine of lies did not lag behind. Superstars who are under their doctrine of lies are elevated by a power and force of celebrity and popularity by the spirit of the beast; they are admired, imitated and watch over the small screen, they have become idols of many, bringing the people to expose parts of their body in order to wish or ask an autograph. Others imitate them in the tattoo, the wearing of ear rings for the men, in the clothing, the hairstyle. These poor blinds and deaf ignore that those are conditions that have been imposed to them by their master who is the devil.

   In truth, the devil wanted that in these end times, his spirit of the beast, his mark, his signs… should dominate the men; that is why the marks of the beast are found on majority of currencies that are used today in this world. As such, it becomes too difficult for the men to dominate money. Even the men of God who have filled the world today, majority have chosen this path in order to touch money; that is why they go to seek power and forces to do visions, prophecies, prayers of deliverance and of miracle. Today, money has and carries a very great power of the beast. All this in the aim to dominate man’s heart, up to the point where, when the man sees money, he does not resist to it; he sometimes consider it more than all. That is why the members of government or civil servants, in short, majority of those who are near cashboxes or who take care of their movements embezzle money without end, no matter their big fortune.

   For these bewitched of Satan to be delivered, a great power of God is needed, and this power is not found in majority of the men of God in function today in this world; because they also need to be delivered. It is money which is at the origin of stealing, attacks, robbing, fake, corruption, exhumation of copses, the selling of drugs, assassination, the selling and sacrifices of human beings, magic, pride, contempt…, it is also money that makes people to change their behaviour, the manner to speak, the manner to laugh, the walking style, the looking… There are certain people who have a weak spirit up to the point where, if they put them in a room full of money just for a short while, they will become mad or fall into atrance…

   The devil knows that if the hearts of men are dominated by money, it is his glory that will be manifested in their souls. There are also marks of the beast on labels of certain bottles and sachets of beer, wine, whisky, and this power attracts many people to consume the product. The devil also knows that if the people are dominated by alcohol, they will become very manipulable. The devil by his cunning has convinced many industrialists that the only way they can flourish is to be with him; once they are with him, he impose them to put his mark on their products in order to sell in great quantity in the market. In these end times, the devil makes believe to the men that if they are not in his circle of the animal or beast connection, they will not be at the summit of the emergence, of celebrity, of glory, of power, of force, of money… That is why even at the lower level of functions, especially in the public sector and in many companies, they make you believe that if you are not in this circle or connection, you will be nothing. Look at the senior civil servants, superstars, great priests…, many being in these connections;they have many manners to greet each other and to greet their master who is the devil. They make many signs, but the most recurrent are the signs of two animal horns or the number 666 that they form with their fingers. Why is it that in Cameroon the number 6 has been imposed to the mobile operators? All these signs that you have seen on the first page have meanings.

   The devil in his cunning knows that the time is coming to an end, but also that things of the ground are finishing gradually. The devil seeing that the man want to feed his stomach to satiation and according to his good will, to take care of his body, to dress it with clothes of big price, in short, to possess things of the ground in order to have the consideration near his similar, knowing that it is difficult by lack of financial means, he has opened many doors to this last (the man) to permit him gain his money and favours. That is why the selling and sacrifice of human beings against high amounts of money, the possession of totems that vomit or bring in money, homosexuality, the use of spirits that give forces, power, attraction… have become common practices. He make fabricate many equipment, products of beauty, dresses that become out of fashion after a short time, in order to render man slave of the consumption of new products.

   When I look at the world today, I understand that there is much evil because the man live for his flesh or for the future of his flesh and not for his soul. That is why man does not sell or sacrifice his similar for the life and glory of his soul, but rather for the life and glory of his flesh. Therefore, all what the men do is to make live and to give the glory and greatness to their flesh, while killing, lowering and despising their souls. Many people are ignorant of what will happen after their physical death or in the end of times. They do not seek that their flesh should suffer in the life and walk of justice, holiness, mercy… of God, so that their souls should no longer suffer eternally in the pond of fire. But they make everything to satisfy their flesh which has only few days, so that it should not suffer even for a short while, by taking tortuous paths in front of God, in contempt of their souls that will suffer eternally.

   But what lack of wisdom! How didn’t they understand that the Lord Jesus had sacrificed his fleshly future and his physic for their souls? The Lord Jesus knowing very well the glory and the greatness of this world and the power of his material, warned his beloved ones through the mouth of Apostle John when he says: “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him” (1 John 2/15). Therefore, to you strangers and sojourners on earth, be careful to the world and his things; for if you become tied to them, you will become untied to the veritable love, and the love of God will not be with you too. Everything draws to an end. If the man is wise, he should veritably seek and become tied to what is eternal and not what is passing. What is eternal is what the Lord Jesus shows us when he says: “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away” (Matthew 24/35).

CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)



It is the 381st message.

       Enough is enough; this is the doll which is taken for the child Jesus by the princes of the Vatican and those who pretend to be the representatives of Apostle Peter, who present this idolatry on the 25th December as the day of the birth of Christ, and which is watched in almost all the television channels of the entire world.

       In truth, this century is too pitiful by its ignorance which will be of no help for its freedom in front of the traps of Satan. In Rome, a century before the birth of Jesus Christ, there was already the cult of Mithras of Persian or Iranian origin, imported in Rome by the Roman legionaries. Mithras was the Persian or Iranian god; god of the sun, who was also celebrated in Rome. It is in the year 274 that Aurelian, the Roman emperor declared the cult of Mithras as a religion of state, and he has set the celebration of the solstice on the 25th December. Therefore, every 25th December, there was a feast of the solstice in Rome. In the 3rd century, the Roman emperor Constantine set the 25th December as the Christmas day. As the feast of the rising sun was on the 25th December, that of Christmas was also set on that same date; as the people were taking the sun for their god, they were also thinking that Jesus Christ came like a light of the sun above to visit his people; as they have understood the prophetic words that say: “because of the tender of mercy of our God, whereby the sunrise shall visit us from on high” (Luke 1/78); they have thus taken the coming of Jesus for the light of the sun; they have made of it a feast, proclaiming that Jesus (the sun) was born or appeared on the 25th December. Since then, the 25th December has become the birth day of Jesus Christ and its celebration called feast of nativity.

       The day of the 25th December also called Christmas day expanded a lot; that is why in the year 425, Theodosius, the Roman emperor had officially codified the ceremonies of the feast of Christmas; what started progressively to become a feast for many who say to be Christians.

       In the 5th century, this feast arrived in Jerusalem. In the beginning, it was taken for a feast of the pagans because for the Jews, there has never been a feast for the celebration of nativity or of birth, and that it was coming from elsewhere and also because Jesus was born after the 1st January. In the year 529, Justinian, the Roman emperor had declared the day of the 25th December as a public holiday, and it had become a public holiday till today. The feast of the 25th December progressively expanded in Europe. It was celebrated at the end of the 5th century in Ireland, the 8th century in Germany…

       A 25th December in the 16th century, appeared a Christmas tree in Germany, and on the 25th December in the 19th century in the United States, a group of people was offering provisions to little children and the disabled people, and they were called Father Christmas; where comes the appearance of Father Christmas in the United States, which means people that offer gifts on the 25th December. That is thus where Father Christmas of the United States expanded in Europe and it appeared like the feast of children where they receive gifts. Those are therefore all the origins that animate the 25th December. That is why when the 25th December is near, you hear talking of the feast of Christmas, of nativity or birth of Jesus, feast of children, of the Christmas tree and Father Christmas. Meanwhile the feast of the 25th December is a pagan feast and its origin is typically apart.

       It is like the feast of the 15th August that the Roman priests celebrate. They celebrate it in the form of the accession of Mary in heaven. Meanwhile the feast of the 15th August takes its origin from the day Jeroboam, king of Israel disobeyed God by consecrating the priests to the service of the golden calves by submitting the people of the ten tribes that he was ruling to it (1 Kings 12/28-33). The Roman’s great priests are the ones who have greatly valorised this feast of the 25th December, Christmas feast, feast of nativity or birth of Christ, feast of the Christmas tree, feast of Father Christmas, feast of children. The midnight mass started by the pontificate of Gregory the Great; and in the 17th century, the pontificate had set three mass: the vigil on the evening of the 24th December, the dawn mass and the mass on the day of the 25th December.

       Today, the Vatican fabricates a doll that represents the child Jesus; and this doll receives kisses in the place of Jesus. But what blindness! For they are the ones who have valorised the film of Robert Powell entitled Jesus of Nazareth and the day of the 25th December, the doll taken for the child Jesus is often placed in the Saint Peter’s Basilica of Rome. This film of Robert Powell, alias Jesus of Nazareth is always broadcast in majority of the television channels; and they have valorised the feast of 25th December as the feast of nativity or the birth of Jesus through their doll taken for the child Jesus.

       I even understand why they take much money from those parents who come to say that they baptise their children, for this money is used much more for the fabrication of idols that are too expensive. That is why today, when the 25th December is near, it becomes a great moment of joy and happiness where people will eat and drink, and a joy for children to have new Christmas clothes as well as toys as you can notice. Also, from the 24th to the 25th December, every time that you meet people, a sound is heard: merry Christmas. Therefore, that is what is of the 25th December. But glory is to the light of Christ that must shine in the ends of darkness (ends of the lie).

CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)


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