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It is the 164th message.


       I endlessly thank the Lord Jesus who reveals himself to me. For, without this revelation, I would also be glorifying myself like the others do while being in the net of the devil. It is thanks to what the Lord reveals to me that I have understood that the devil is a very cunning god and nobody can know him except the Lord Jesus reveals himself to him. This has also permitted me to understand why the Lord was saying that the devil will raise people to seduce the world if possible even the elect of God (Matthew 24/24). The man of God who does not have the revelation is a man who glorifies himself without knowing that he is in the net of the devil. I ask myself how the men of God who have titles of apostle, prophet, pastor, doctor, evangelist have been unable to avoid the trap of the devil on which all of them fall. Meanwhile the Lord predicted it in the book of Matthew 24/24. For Jesus Christ knew that the devil will rise in order to set confusion in Christianity.

       The bible tells us that it is in Antioch that the disciples of Jesus were called Christians for the first time (Acts 11/15-16). But they have been called Christians because they were listening, receiving and living or walking for Christ to whom they belonged. They were of Christ by a life. And those who were not in this life or who were not walking according to it were called pagans. Today, is considered like pagan that one who does not belong to any church. Meanwhile a Christian or pagan is defined by the belonging to the life that he lives. But which conduct, which life or image do the men show in the houses of prayer today? For I say it to you, they are too far to reflect or to be at the image of the Spirit of Christ, that is to be called Christians. Unfortunately today, all those who carry the bible have the name of Christian, not in the life, but in the appellation (James 2/7).

       The people in these houses of prayer are Christians of appellation, but pagans in the life. And if we are pagans in the life, do we still merit the name of Christians according to God? In other words, I saw another power and cunning of the devil when he divided the world by bringing the men to become Christians for some and muslims for the others. The devil did this in order to let the men astray. For today, if a man is not Christian, he will tell you that he is a Muslim, failing to that, he will be considered like a pagan. We have another confusion where those who say to be Christians believe in the existence of a pentecostal church. But the devil does this in order to prevent the man from seeking what has to be listened and lived. In addition of setting this confusion which consists in distinguishing the Christians from the muslims, he has brought the men who say to be Christians to distinguish the pentecostal church to the old church. We therefore come to the following conclusions: that one is a muslim, the other one is a pentacostal and the other one is of the old church. Meanwhile it is the same person who is plotting all this. He has thus made that today, the people take in consideration this church said new which is also called pentecostal church as if there was an old church. I have pity not only on these pastors, apostles, prophets, doctors who seduce themselves to be servants of God meanwhile they are in the net of the devil, but also on all those who do not like when they talk badly of their church said awakened or pentecostal. See how the devil has made you to become small in front of him. For when they talk badly of the devil, it hurts you.

       Today, the men have taken themselves for Christians in the form, that is in the shell or on the simple appellation of pentecostal. That is why in this image or appellation, we always find some men of God who are magicians, others are crooks, others bewitchers. In this appellation, we find some men of God who sleep with their believers. In this appellation, the women dress like they want, they are apostles, pastors, evangelists. In this appellation, they commit crimes and abominable acts where people go to seek for satanic spirits in order to make visions and deliverances of the flesh that will serve for nothing in the end times. Besides, these spirits are spirits of pythons and frogs speaking languages for the majority, and seducing the men (Revelation 16/13-14).

       The devil in his cunning has made believe to the people (the ignorant) that it is in what we call new church that we find magic, people become mad there, women abandon their marital homes, they refuse to bury people (corpses) on pretext that they will come back to life, which means they are in a spiritual journey. By these acts, the people automatically know that the new church is dangerous, but that the old one is better. That is why certain people will say to you: “We prefer to stay in the old church”, and others will say to you: “We prefer to stay in our houses because the churches have become dangerous”. I will tell you that the devil has set confusion and he has succeeded. When I listen to the blinds and deaf saying: “Us, we are of the pentecostal church”, it has permitted me to understand why it is said: “when there is no prophetic vision, the people cast off restraint” (Proverbs 29/18). We should understand that the world lacks prophets that reveal the life of God, but not those who reveal vanities and calumnies. And it has also permitted me to understand that the devil gains the men through small details of the bible. I will take the feast of the Jews (the Pentecost) as an example; in this day, for the first time, the disciples of Jesus Christ received the Holy Spirit; by then, after centuries, the devil dragged the people in this name of pentecostal.

       For even where I teach, I said to this community that it is still far to be an assembly of God. That is why to call them brothers or sisters is heavy in my mouth. I always ask them to work hard in order to become brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ. For, I do not seduce them. Such is my case when the Lord Jesus reveals himself to me. For this reason, I must fight in order to become or remain his friend and his brother, for I am still in the beginnings of the knowledge of the truth, because my knowledge must not be carried towards the domination on the man, but towards the domination on the devil. I nevertheless remind you that, there is no difference in the life and feeling of those who go in the houses of prayer today and those who do not go. Therefore, when we talk of pagans today, we start by citing those who go in these houses of prayer. The time has come to know the veritable Christians in the life of the Lord Jesus Christ and not in the appellations as it is the case today. For the war must be between the truth and the lie and not between the appellations. Let all the old churches, the new churches, the awakened or pentecostal churches according to the devil not revolt against what I say. For it is only the truth which remains for the eternity.

       To Jesus Christ is the glory, he who is the chief of the church for the eternity.


       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)







It is the 163rd message.


       Yesterday, I was living like an animal and I was pleasing myself in this life of blindness. But it has pleased the Lord to call me and to open my eyes so that I should look at myself (my state). When the Lord opened my eyes, he said to me: “Look, see and hear how the people are preaching, they believe and make believe to the people that they are talking of me. And now, look at those who are listening to them, they believe to know me and to live me, and they even believe to enter the kingdom of heaven with this” He said to me: “Look at all what exist, the sky, the earth and all what it encloses, as well as man’s flesh will no longer exist very soon. But what will exist is man’s soul”. For this reason, he said to me: “I want that through my word, these souls should live my feeling, my thought when they are still in the flesh (on earth) For, because of these souls, I sacrificed the flesh that I took, I suffered in this flesh, I was crucified and my blood has shed: it was the triumph (the victory)”.

       The Lord said to me: “I have chosen the people who were there before you and they have wrote and work a lot for the deliverance of souls, for that is where is found all the fight against the prince of darkness and of the death.” He said to me: “The world (the man) is in danger of eternal death. For some people believe in their prophets, priests, apostles, others believe in their own life; and now, others want to know my word, but they do not find it (Amos 8/11-12)”. He said to me: “The men that you see, each one have his belief and his life. They do not know that they are perishing slowly. It is like someone who is in a river and leaves himself to be carried by the water, or as someone who being on moving sand, sinks slowly”. He said to me: “I am sending you like an expert, a fire man or specialist in this domain so that you should bring them out of this situation. Do not be afraid, he said, have courage, for if you are afraid, he said, they will carry you with them”. He added: “It is your courage that will save you, not only you, but also them”.

       Encouraged, warned and fortified by these words, I am ready to sacrifice my flesh and all what I possess like material for the goodness of God. This goodness is for everyone to have knowledge of the truth and to be saved (1 Timothy 2/3-4). As the men are held captive by the customs, traditions, flattering, lies that does not only lead them in the ignorance, blindness, but it also make them become weak and impotent; it is in my obligation to make them know the truth by edifying them. The majority of these people (men of God) are only flatters, liars and crooks (John 10/8). I am not afraid for the fact that these “men of God” will rise against me or because they will send people to behead me as it was the case of John the Baptist (Matthew 14/10-12). I am not only ready to be beheaded, but also to be cut, fried and eaten for the name of the one that suffered and died in the flesh for me. For, I was mad and I was eating in the dust bin, that is to say I was living a bad life, and I had men’s belief; he (the Lord Jesus) then brought me out of this madness so that I should live a better life.

       The enemies of the truth will never tell you that what they are saying or doing is not of Jesus Christ. That is why they do all according to their own knowledge (like they wish) in order to say at the end that it is Jesus Christ that they announce. Do you know that the Lord Jesus preferred to first leave the glory that he had in heaven to come and take the form of a servant in becoming in the likeness of men so that we should become free?  They mocked at him in this flesh that he took (Luke 14/14), they spited on him, he received punches and they have crucified him on a wood. And if he did or accepted these things, it was because of whom? We should understand that his blood and his flesh are not in the price of the world, but they are in the price of man’s soul. How will I refuse (after the Lord had done everything for me) to make discover his truth to the people which is a big intelligence, richness, glory and greatness! But the devil has raised, established and brought up people that fight for him so that the souls should not be freed from him in order to live in the kingdom of heaven. Since the beginning, the men have always killed those who were carrying and revealing the word of deliverance of the souls. I therefore recognise that I will neither be the first nor the last to be killed. For, me also, I am in danger of eternal death in the case where I do not bring out what is in me. You should therefore understand that I am seeking to save my soul which is essential and not the flesh which is only vanity.

       Today, certain people say that I am shooting on them or on their religion. But they should understand that what they believe (man’s word) is what knocks against what stays (Matthew 24/35). Others who are fearful or those who run away tell me that what I say is true, but they are afraid that they will kill me. But what I will like to tell you is that, if Apostle Paul was afraid to say the truth or to speak of it, what would you read today and how would you know the truth? Do you not know that he was imprisoned, chained and later killed because of the truth of Jesus Christ? When you read the New Testament starting from the book of the Acts of the apostles Chapter 13 up to Philemon, you will see how Paul has work and he was tortured  (2 Corinthians 11/23-33). If Paul the apostle did not sacrifice himself for this name (Jesus) would you know the truth?

       Today, even if it happens that I die now or later, I have nevertheless written a lot by the grace of God. I have also noticed that people say that I judge a lot. Meanwhile it is said: “The spiritual person judges all things, but is himself to be judged by no one. “For who has understood the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?” But we have the mind of Christ” (1 Corinthians 2/15-16).

       We should understand that Jesus Christ will judge the work of everyone. Therefore, it is not money, the wife, the child, the glory of man nor the appellation (Apostle, Prophet…) that makes my joy and peace, but it is what I have said and written. For the one that sees and hears, this world gives no envy to live in it. I am neither of the pentecostal church, the awakened church, the old church nor of the new church. But to Jesus courage and the glory for the eternity.


       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)




It is the 157th message.


       This word is a prophecy of the last seconds, a prolongation and redemption granted to the people by the Eternal God. I am always surprised to notice or the less, I notice that the people of this last century are following the way (the word) of the other men while believing that this way can permit them to have a place in the kingdom of heaven. For, their hope relies on this way (the word) of divination while believing that it is the prophecy of the Eternal God. But I have understood that the men do not like listening to God because if it was the case, they would be seeking the truth of God that will transform them into the living gods (living men).

       The people are in the perdition because they run after the miracles, their eyes are focused on the crowd and they are looking at the luxurious buildings. They give themselves in the fight against the evil spirits instead of fighting against the bad life (the life of the devil) that maintain them in the eternal death and which make them to become weak in front of the satanic spirits. They follow the men who have the glory of this world as if they were the servants of the Lord Jesus (the men of God). But they do it because these ones (the men of God) are respected by the head of states and also because they have radio and television channels, and because they have a great reputation in front of the people. These “men of God” make politics (they are in the political parties) because they always need to put something under the tooth. Because of the appearance, they have not considered the veritable servants of God; they have rejected and turned away their back from them by saying: “They are poor; they have never been in school in order to be trained”. For this reason, they have preferred the liars, the seducers and the crooks (John 10/8). But you should understand something: in a few while, all what is physical will disappear and what is spiritual will remain. It thus means that the veritable and the cunning will be seen by all.

       The time has come for the people to seek the men of God whose wisdom and predication rely on the demonstration of the spirit and of power and not those who make the divinations, miracles and history (1 Corinthians 2/4-5). The people have gone astray in the love of the blood and flesh that rely on the family, the language, the region, the tribe, the skin colour… thus, the pity of the people do not come from the spirit, but it rather comes from the blood. When we have the fleshly feeling, it becomes very difficult for us to have pity on somebody that we do not know or somebody who is not in our family. For, this manner of doing simply proves that we live like the men and not like the gods. Meanwhile, we were to be the veritable brothers and sisters in the same feeling, the same thought, the same love and spirit.

       In addition, I have understood that when it comes to give something (the material) to somebody, we always give to the one that has more because we know that we will receive something (another material) in return. But we do not give to the one that lacks in the physic in order to receive in the spirit in return. In the same way, we help more the members of our family, our relatives compared to the strangers who are always in need. We do not share by pity, but rather by the glory. That is why when we give something to somebody, instead of allowing him to testify our good act, we are rather the first to glorify ourselves almost everywhere to have done such thing to such a person.

       Besides, when we are gathered where we frequently listen to the Word of God, we call each one brother and sister. But this appellation is not done in the spirit, but rather in the appearance (hypocrisy). I say it because your brothers and sisters of the same blood who even mock at your God and who live a bad life are more loved than those with whom you share the same word of life. The people (the family members) are loved with the heart and the others (those with whom you share the same word) are loved on the tips of the lips, your heart is not with them. Meanwhile Jesus Christ towards whom we must look or the one that we must imitate said: “Who are my mother and my brothers?” (Mark 3/33).

       I will like to announce you that the love of the blood and the flesh has filled the men, what makes that in the middle of the churches, there are rivalries, jealousy, mockeries and murmur, the things that do not testify the Lord Jesus, but rather the devil. We want to be loved by the man of God not in the transformation of the heart, but by the presence and the gifts. At times, we bring the names of the other people in order to have the glory of man and to be considered by the man of God. I have thus understood that the people do not go towards the man of God in order to receive the word, meanwhile it is this word that transform and give us the glory in front God.

       There is also something that happens in these churches: he who gives much material despises those who give less or nothing. And those who give less are jealous of those who give much. There is also a lot of jealousy in these churches, for you will see someone who is jealous of his brother because he has received a gift from God; meanwhile this gift is given to him for the advancement of the work of Christ. In these churches, the people do not give the material with a pure heart, but they rather give it for the human glory. In return, “the men of God” in their cunning always stand in the assembly to say: “such a brother or sister has given such an amount of money or has given such a gift to the church”. The man of God at this time gives all types of honours to this one. But when he (the man of God) does it, you should know that he is seducing this person; it means that he want to excite the others to do the same thing or more. He knows that while doing that, there will be competition and everyone will like to be called the greatest giver. And all this is in the profit of this fox (the man of God) and not God.

       The people’s hearts (souls) are not in the truth, but they are rather in the religion. That is why certain people are ready to fight or to die when you say the truth to them, not the truth that comes from man, but the one that comes from God by Jesus Christ. For, when you say the truth to them, they say to themselves that you are against their religions (their god). I have seen certain “men of God” writing or saying that this or that church is satanic. These words or wisdom is not that of a strong man of God, but it is rather that of a weak man of God. These “men of God” should understand that the fight is not against the name of a religion or a church, but it is against the lie which brings the people to be invisible in front God but visible in front the devil.

       For me, even if they close all the houses of prayer, my mission will not stop. The closing of the houses of prayer do not cause any obstacle to my mission. Whether it is the closing or the opening of the houses of prayer, the lie will be attacked and reversed as well as those who in spirit have taken the body of their similar to be their home, office and warehouse. And also those who have found that the flesh of their similar is like meat and their blood like water; for them, their similar is a source of rejuvenation. Such are the works that the Lord Jesus Christ and I are accomplishing. I am neither looking for the offerings, the crowd, nor the construction of luxurious houses or to have the glory of man. But I am here to reverse the lie and the liars as well as the bewitchers.

       I am ready to cover many kilometres even by foot in order to go and save the man (his soul) who is found in the bush. I do not have money to rent a room, I sleep where it happens to me to sleep, for even the little money that I can have is not even enough to bring out the messages that you read. But I do not flatter the people to receive the finances from them. For, money and the men of money will not walk on me because Jesus Christ who makes my glory should not be despised or sold because of money. I love the false men of god, the witches, the magicians, the mockers because they are the ones that make me to become strong and big. To repent after reading and to make the others to read will permit you to live up to the eternity.

       Glory to Jesus only for the eternity.


       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)





It is the 159th message.


       Ignorance is at its height in this world. It has become a very bad disease up to the point where if they do not treat it in time, it will directly drag the men in the eternal death. Ignorance in this world does not mean that there are no priests, bishops, pastors, cardinals, apostles, prophets, evangelists, doctors making divinations, miracles and prodigies. But it means that there are no men capable to make a demonstration of the truth and of power (1 Corinthians 2/4-5).

       In fact, I say it because these “men of God”, no matter their wisdom, their intelligence and the time spent in the training schools; they have been unable to understand the parable of Jesus Christ between the two robbers. They have confused this parable to that of their culture for their own perdition, and also for the perdition of those who listen them and follow what they say (2 Peter 3/15-16). The Lord Jesus crucified in the flesh between the two robbers is a parable that the blinds and deaf cannot understand. You agree with me that the Lord was teaching in parables. That is why, when he was teaching the crowd, the apostles were going later near him to ask him why he teaches in parables. But he was saying to them: “To you it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given; because it is a veil to them” (Matthew 13/10-14).

       The men of this world with their great “men of God” seduce themselves; in short, they do not understand the meaning of this parable. This parable announces us what will happen in the end times. When the Lord Jesus will come back sitting on his throne, there will be souls on his right and on his left. He has shown this to us in the flesh that he took where the robber on his right recognised to be guilty and that the Lord Jesus did not merit suffering. That is why he said to Jesus: “remember me when you come into your kingdom. And he said to him, “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise” (Luke 23/42-43). But the robber on the left was insulting him. That is why Luke 23/39 says: “One of the criminals who were hanged railed at him, saying, “Are you not Christ? Save yourself and us!”.

       What we are reading here (the acts) is just a teaching. You see that in the beginning, the two men were guilty before God, but in the end, one of them has despised Jesus Christ and he was also despised (forsaken), and the other one having raised him, was also raised (forgiven). It means that in the beginning, all the men (souls) of the world are guilty (dead) before God. But as Jesus Christ (word of truth) has come in this world to give eternal life to the men (their souls); those who will then accept this word of spirit and of life like their own life will be forgiven, and they will be on the right of Jesus Christ in the last day. But those who will despise this word of truth (Jesus Christ), who will not make of it their own life because of their customs and traditions, will be on his left. That is why he (Jesus Christ) says: “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne. Before him will be gathered all the nations, and he will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. And he will place the sheep on his right, but the goats on the left” (Matthew 25/31-33). The Lord Jesus will say to the souls that will be on his right: “Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world” (Matthew 25/34), and to those (souls) who will be on his left: “Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels” (Matthew 25/41).

       The “men of God” in this world being ignorant, they have seduced themselves and have equally seduced their believers in this parable. For they did not understand this parable. I say it because as the robber on the right of the Lord Jesus said: “Remember me when you come into your kingdom” And that the Lord responded to him: “…Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise” (Luke 23/42-43), for them, it is sufficient for a person who is sick and at the point to give back the soul to just say: “Lord forgive me, I have sinned against you” and to start making recitations for him to be forgiven in order to enter the kingdom of heaven like the robber on the right. But the people must stop seducing themselves; they must understand that this robber on the right of Jesus Christ is just a teaching for us. For the Lord Jesus says: “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God” (John 3/5). And Romans 8/11 says: “If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you”.

       The people think that it is possible to resuscitate on the last day and to enter the kingdom of heaven without the Holy Spirit. I see this seduction much more with the priests. They know that when somebody is sick and that he is at the point to die, they call him (the priest) so that he should come and give him the last anointment (oil) according to their customs and traditions. It has also permitted me to understand that these “men of God” confuse or of the less, understand nothing of the parables of God (Gospel of Jesus). Meanwhile the Lord Jesus says: “If anyone wants to be forgiven, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me” (Matthew 16/24). Unfortunately, certain “men of God” and their believers have confused the cross which is the justice, holiness and mercy of the Lord Jesus to their cross in the form of crossed sticks and a string that they carry on the neck (Acts 15/10). Let the people not seduce themselves in believing to live their own life according to their good pleasure to say that it is when they will be ready to die that they will open their mouths to say: “Lord forgive me”. They should know that it will be too late for them. For it is said: “You will know the forgiveness and you will be forgiven” (John 8/32). If the man listen to this word (word of Jesus), and recognise that his soul is not alive even though he is alive in his flesh, therefore it is at this moment that he should sacrifice himself in order to carry the forgiveness and to live it (1 Timothy 5/6). Once more, I have understood that the men have seduced themselves in the parable of the robber on the right of Jesus Christ. That is why in one of my messages (message 157), I said: “Be careful to your religion, priest, pastor, prophet…

       Ignorance and seduction are a disease and a great barrier. I will like that the people should seek the truth of the Lord Jesus and not the men who have spend many years of training in biblical schools to come later and fight the truth of Jesus Christ (that is to prevent the souls to enter the kingdom of heaven). I ask myself the question to know how a priest can bless the body (the corpse) while soaking the fly whisk in water and spraying it on the coffin? Is it the ground which must return where it was taken that receives the blessing or it is the soul (which has already left the flesh (the ground) and which is found in the place where it is supposed to be) that is receiving the blessing of water? Mr priest, tell us which one among the two (the flesh or the soul) veritably receives your blessing?

       The time has come for me to face the powerful men of the devil in this world who maintain the souls captive in the lie, the seduction and the death. I cry night and day not for those who die in the physic, but for those who are dead in their souls even though living physically (1 Timothy 5/6). When I look at some kings, presidents, rich men, prophets, pastors, priests, doctors, apostles as well as those who envy them, they make me to cry a lot. For, when I look at them, I ask myself why and for whom did the Lord Jesus sacrifice himself in his flesh? I must therefore destroy the foundations and altars of the lie and seduction.

       To Jesus is the glory, mercy for the eternity.


      CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)







It is the 154th message


       Is the man mocking at the Lord Jesus Christ (Spirit of Truth) or at his soul? The time of the truth has come for the hypocrites to read and to understand that we do not mock at Jesus Christ, but we rather mock at ourselves. For we must not make believe to the people that we are Christians in the appearance , meanwhile in the spirit and life we are veritably Rosicrucian or freemason as it is the case of some priests, pastors as well as their believers (high officials). Can we mock at Jesus Christ? I do not think so; for Jesus Christ recognises like Christians those who are faithful to his word, his spirit and his life (Acts 11/25-26).

       Certain priests, pastors as well as their believers (high officials) who are considered as Christians in the appearance, but Rosicrucian or freemason in their life believe that it is possible to serve two masters. Meanwhile the Lord Jesus says to us: “No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money” (Matthew 6/24). Therefore, it is not possible to love something and its contrary.

       There are certain priests who veritably know that they are not born of the truth (Jesus Christ). For this reason, they cannot have power or force capable to dominate all the evil spirits and their believers who are mostly witches. Therefore, not having the power of Jesus Christ that comes from the life of the truth, these priests are obliged to belong to a sect; it can be the Rosicrucian sect or the sect of the freemason in order to become protected or to do exorcism. Sometimes, it is not sufficient for them, that is why they go on knocking at the doors of the witch doctors during the night in order to receive an additional power. But what is amazing is that when these priests go towards these witch doctors, they do not wear their cassock for fear to be identified. We are mocking at whom or to which game are we playing? Do we fear God or man?

    The priests seek for the power up to the point where some of them become paedophiles and others homosexuals. But what image! Also, I always ask myself the question to know why the priests and pastors like testifying the lie when they are invited to celebrate a mass for a mourning?  Do they do it because they have been trained for it or because they are dominated by the money that they give them? I say it because certain priest and pastors while not knowing the dead or the deceased person, will tell you how he was good, sociable, courteous, helpful… Mr Abbot, Mr Pastor did you know near or far the deceased person to whom you are making such a testimony? I know that you do not always know these dead persons, but nevertheless it does not prevent you from making a good testimony on their behalf. How can you say that God has received his servant or that his or her soul rest in peace? Don’t you know that the god who sometimes receives these people is the god who receives all those who did not want to enter in the Kingdom of Heaven? Mr Abbot, Mr Pastor, you should no longer bless the corpses for fear that the malediction falls back on you. Now, repent so that you should be above money, food and the glory of man.

       The freemasons and Rosicrucian considered like Christians have signs in their homes, sometimes it is on their clothes. Hypocrites, do all what you want to do, but know that in the last day, the Lord Jesus will tell you that he was not at sleep when you were doing these things in front of the people.

       But only those who have the courage to be born again will be forgiven.


       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)

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