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It is the 313th  message.


      It is time for the blinds to recover the view, the deaf to hear, and the poor to become rich…, so that racism, the taking of his similar like an object, covetousness, the prostration  in front vanities… should stop. This word neither comes from man’s flesh (the ground) nor blood, but it is the word that has created the ground with its multiple colours through which man’s flesh was formed.


       As the ground is darker in some places, and redder in others; it is also the same with man’s flesh with its different colours. The flesh (the ground) that has the black skin colour is called black and the one that has the red skin colour is called white. These two fleshes must now know their value and origin no matter their colour. With these skin colours, some take others like monkeys, and others like gods meanwhile the flesh that we carry, no matter its colour, it has been kneaded with dust to form a body, and the Eternal God breathed the breath of life into his nostrils and he became a living creature. That is why it is said: “then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature” (Genesis 2/7).

       Therefore, the Eternal God breathed into the nostrils and this breath entered into the lungs, and the flesh (the ground) started making movements. When this breath (soul) comes out of our flesh, this last becomes a poison, a contagious sickness that must be at all costs hidden (buried) deep in the ground or destroyed. Therefore, the ground (the flesh) that we carry, no matter his multiple colours that can either be deeper or light, has lesser value than this ground on which we walk because it can stay in open air for thousands of years without smelling bad or contaminating us meanwhile if the one that we carry is exposed in open air just for few years, it will become a poison and a source of contagious sicknesses once the soul comes out of it. If it is exposed in open air, there will be the need to close your nose and mouth to pass beside it. That is why man must not see the value of things in their beginning, but in their respective end. Therefore, the greatness and glory should neither be found in the colour of the ground that we carry nor in the material (ground) that we possess because if it is to be great or to boast, it should be in the Lord and not in vanities as it is said: “Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord” (2 Corinthians 10/17).

       In truth, what blindness! What poverty! What nakedness! for someone to see himself to be great, glorious, not in the thinking and feeling of Christ, but in the colour of the rotten ground which our flesh is and in the ground which the material that we possess is! Because the one that has the red skin colour also called white man treats the one that has the black skin colour also called black man like a monkey or any other type of animal. In truth,  he is instead the one who is an animal in the thinking and feeling because he does not have the spirit and feeling of God for not treating the ground that all the men carry to be like  monkeys… no matter the difference in colours. That is even why it is said: “The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him…” (1 Corinthians 2/14).

       Racism makes ravage in the Asian and European continents, and this curse or bewitchment cannot just finish through the messages that some sportsmen, especially footballers sometimes transmit at the occasion of an encounter. In truth, for racism or the bewitchment to stop, it can only be possible by the recovery of the view, not the physical view but the view of the heart and spirit which is to see that; the flesh that every man carries is only a rot no matter its colour. The difference in the skin colour is only the difference of the colour of the ground. All the different food (mud) such as caviar, hamburger, kebab, spinach, chawamar… smell good and are very delicious to be eaten in the beginning, but once this mud is found in the mouth, it is chewed and sent in the stomach, and after sometimes, it starts looking for the way out to return in the ground. Therefore, what was delicious and smelling nicely now smells badly and becomes disgusting to see. It is also the same with juices, wine, whisky.

      Therefore, you should instead see and consider the end of these things and not their beginning. You should understand that money such as euro, dollars, pound sterling, Yen, CFA Francs… are only dust and vanities. You should know that the ground and all what comes out of it such as gold, diamond, mercury, iron, bauxite, petrol, wood, the stone… transformed and fabricated in all what we can see are only dust and vanities. You should understand that all the buildings and roads that are well arranged are only dust and vanity.

       If people consider their greatness and glory in the colour of the rot which the ground (the flesh) is, in the material that they have or in their territory, they will just be blind and deaf and consequently, they can only manifest their blindness and poverty in their excess, such as proposing money to a woman who does not have the same colour of skin like them to sleep with their dog. They treat their similar lesser than an animal. For some, when they see the black colour of the ground called black man, they start thinking that this colour of the ground smells badly, but I ask myself; with which colour of the ground have they fabricated the different types of perfume if it was not smelling good?

       I have seen a certain red colour of the ground called white man who loves his dog or cat more than a man that has the black colour of the ground called black man. Thus, the animals that the Eternal God has created for food are given affection: they are carried, embraced and given kisses, but their similar that have the black skin are driven away and despised. That is why some of them do not hesitate to think that the woman who does not have the same skin colour like them should sleep with their dog in exchange of an amount of money. In truth, only an animal can despise a man, considering him to be an animal like him, but a man that has the felling of God for glory and greatness considers man and not the animal because it has been given for food during his days of life on earth. It is time to become and to see oneself great and glorious, not in the vanities of the colour of the ground, but in the thought and feeling of God. That is even why it is said: “Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 2/5)

       You, men with the black skin colour, it is no more question to consider the red ground colour called the white man as God’s skin colour because it is just the ground of vanities. Stop damaging this black ground colour that is given to you while looking for another one, thinking that it is God’s skin colour. You should neither take this red ground colour for God, nor money, the developed territory, food, the climate, the science on animals and on humans, the law that comes from the Ten commandments of Moses…, languages such as French, English, Spanish, German, Chinese… or the transformation and the fabrication of dust  because all these things are just vanities. You should now see the greatness and richness of God in the body of Christ which does not come from the word of seduction, flattery, deception and customs of men, but from the truth because the Lord has given us his body to eat and to become it, and this body is spiritual and comes from God who reveals himself to us and whoever receives and becomes this body of Christ cannot glorify himself in the colour of the ground or in the material, but in the body of Christ which is rich, great, glorious…

       The people of this century lack a lot of clairvoyance, understanding and richness. That is the reason why on one side, there are those who take their similar like an object, sell them, sacrifice them, make them to be sick and also kill them. And on the other side, there are those who see their similar like gods, not in the feeling and spirit, but in the colour of the ground or the material which is dust. The Lord Jesus seeing the end of the value of the flesh says: “… the flesh is no help at all…” (John 6/63). I am neither black nor white, but I am the one that has been charged to carry and to announce strong things so that the hardness of scales that renders man blind should be broken; the man who was seeing the satisfaction and the greatness of the glory and richness of rot should now see what is veritable for the eternity because I have announced this mission at the age of six months.


       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)






It is the 305th message.


       In truth, the men of today who say to be christians make a lot of pity; they are like flies because when the good word (the word of truth) is preached somewhere, the word that is essential for the soul and not for the flesh, they come and gather in few number. But when the bad word (the word of lies and seduction) is preached somewhere, the one that is essential for the flesh and not for the soul, it is in this place that you find people in big number.



      The christians of today are like flies that are attracted by what is rotten because they like and prefer to hear, to listen and even to hear a teaching that is useless for their soul regardless of what is useful for their spiritual edification. They do the contrary of things; taking what is bad to be good and useful while what is good is taken to be bad and useless. That is why they gather in buildings where the bad word is preached.

     Today, where the of word of seduction make his ministry, we find many prophecies, visions, clairvoyance and promises of traveling, job, marriage, promotion, finances… this word of seduction sometimes bless and give the waters and handkerchiefs that are blessed… asking people to give an amount of money to receive a prayer of blessing that will open many roads of things of the stomach. You will find many people in these places who have even packed vehicles. They are thus attracted and gathered in big number for the good of their stomach and flesh which is only vanity, and not for the good of their soul which is firstly essential. Where the lie make his ministry and we find the “Hail Mary…” and also the rosary that is worn on the hand or neck and which is taken to be more essential than the bible, many people gather without possessing it (the bible) to examine the scriptures and to see if what is said is exact. Just rosaries! These people are attracted and gathered in crowd, packing luxurious vehicles. Meanwhile where the truth makes his ministry which consist of telling the people to love the life of the Lord Jesus and to love announcing his good news more than their father, mother, wife, children and their stomach (Luke 14/26), we find few people.

     The Lord Jesus in spirit and in truth must be sought more than money and any other material. When we want to get married and that we come to listen to the Lord Jesus, we should know that the Lord Jesus is our first spouse to marry. When we want to travel abroad, the first thing to obtain is the visas for the kingdom of heaven. When we are looking for a job, our first job should be that of the repentance of our sins and to belong to the good news of the kingdom of heaven. It is when we live the life of the Lord that makes the Holy Spirit to live in us, and to help us in prayers… hence, there is no other mediator. When we are gathered with Jesus in the middle of us, we become small and poor in front of him, and if we want to become great and rich in him, it is in the humility, forgiveness, love, in the consideration of his neighbour… Being gathered in his name, money does not reign and govern in the middle of us; the flesh of man and all what it can consume, wear and possess are only vanities. Even if a man has any kind of title and all type of material, without the Lord Jesus in spirit and in truth, he is poor, miserable, blind and naked. It is the life of the Lord Jesus and his Holy Spirit in us that make our domination on the evil words and spirits, and not the waters, the handkerchiefs… said blessed or the recitation of writings. Where this teaching of life is preached, few people will be attracted and gathered; meanwhile this teaching is firstly for the good of the soul. We have to be attracted or attached to the word of the kingdom of heaven or of the eternal life which nourishes, cure and vivifies the soul. That is why when the Lord Jesus said to the apostles: “Do you want to go away as well?”, Apostle Peter answered: “… Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life” (John 6/68).

     Yesterday, in the time of Apostle Peter, John… the good word which is the word of truth attracted and gathered thousands Christians as it is said: “So those who received his word were baptised, and there were added that day about three thousand souls. And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers” (Acts 2/41-42). The christians of today love and are attracted in crowd by the things or seducing and deceiving words like flies that are attracted by the corpse of a rotten animal. These difficult end times where seen and announced by Apostle Paul who was seeing how people were to turn away from the truth to move towards those who say things that rejoice the flesh: “For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions,  and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths” (2 Timothy 4/3-4). These people who are in the ministry of seduction and deception, and who fill the world are at the origin of the hatred felt against the truth, and many people find and take their seduction and deception to be the word of truth, and the truth of Christ taken for a lie and misleading. That is why Apostle Peter, seeing what these people were to do for the perdition of a multitude said: “And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed.  And in their greed they will exploit you with false words…” (2 Peter 2/2-3).

     Today, when you find a seducer who says that there is a miracle, the breakthrough, a prophecy, prosperity…, people will gather in this place in crowd. When the bishop, the cardinal or the papacy are in place with their slow power of deception, people will gather in crowd. When I look at the Saint Peter’s place of Rome and some places of prayer in Nigeria, Congo, South Africa, Cameroon… I see many christians piled up like grasses, but are these flies (these christians) attracted by the corpse of a rotten animal or the one that is in a good state? Case to be continued.


       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)




It is the 257th message.


       I am born and sent in the world to be a witness of the Lord Jesus and to his truth so that his blood shaded in the cross must not be in vain. I know that the world not being able to support this truth of the Lord Jesus Christ will fight against me. However, what can they kill in me if it is not this soil (flesh) which is vanity like them (the world).



      Servants, masters of statuettes and carved images have longtime deceived, dwelt and destroyed people (their souls). You have created a sovereign state to dominate even head of states. You have constructed a chateau and filled it with gold, diamond and all sorts of material richness but unfortunately it is the head quarter of customs and human traditions leading to the death of souls. You have seated and dominating the world and you say to yourself representative of Saint Peter, but I ask to myself if it is the carved stone that you represent or the holy words of Jesus Christ given to Peter as the dean of the Apostles.

      But I have seen that you are the representative of the carved stones, that is why you are seated on the carved images and stone. You have no resemblance of the gospel of Christ which was preached by Simon Peter neither in the day nor in the night, but you have the resemblance of those your carved images and statuettes. Head of service of the direction of gold monuments and statutes, have the courage to read this recommendation which says: “You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the LORD your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me” (Exodus 20/4-5).

      The truth has stayed to come through especially at this end time to liberate the captive from lies telling that you are because people were afraid of you due to the fact that you have much money, relations with kings and presidents of countries but what I posses makes me to be above the head of states you dominate and even you yourselves. Because the truth I have in me says: “You shall not make idols for yourselves or erect an image or pillar, and you shall not set up a figured stone in your hand to bow down to it, for I am the LORD your God” (Leviticus 26/1) and it is also said: “All worshipers of images are put to shame, who make their boast in worthless idols; worship him, all you gods!” (Psalms 97/7). Have you read the story of the three companions of God who were Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego who refused to prostrate in front the monument and the carved images of king Nebuchadnezzar and of which they were thrown into the fire but came out with victory due to the attachment to the recommendations given by their God, and he finally recognized their presence as the true servants of the Almighty God (Daniel 3/1-30).

      But you do not represent Peter the gospel of Christ, but instead carved stone which you have filled in your parishes and public places. You say to be representative of Peter the gospel of Christ. Did Peter the gospel of Christ baptize babies and little children? Because in Christ, they baptize only those who have believed and are touched by the sword which is the gospel of Christ, knowing their state of death, look for a way to become alive. That is why it is said: “Now when they heard this they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, “Brothers what shall we do?” And Peter said to them “Repent and be baptized everyone in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2/37-38). Have you seen Peter the gospel of Christ giving people the cross of malediction to wear? For him, this is not only madness but also to tempt God. That is why he was saying to your colleagues in the past who were working like you in the ministry of misleading: “Now, therefore, why are you putting God to the test by placing a yoke on the neck of the disciples that neither our fathers nor we have been able to bear?” (Acts 15/10).

      Did Peter the gospel of Christ have a ring that he was making people to suck? It is a curse. You say you are the first church, but what I understand of you is that you are the first custom and human tradition to fight the church of God and not only that you baptize babies and little children, but you also take money from them by force. You have conquered the world with lies telling and this had made people to stay ignorant of the truth especially in Africa where you came with bibles and defended people from reading them, and when you pay visits to different countries let say Africa, the country receiving you will spend not less than a billion francs in terms of expenditure and when you descend from the plane, you kiss the soil as if it is the soil that must receive your blessings. Moreover, you have made people to believe that it is not only the Lord Jesus that can intercede for them near the Father, but you have made them believe that Mary also; the mother of Jesus in the flesh can do the same near the Lord Jesus Christ.

       You have declared that she ascended in heaven on the 15 of August and that she has the power to intercede for people. That is why people never turn to the justice, holiness, purity, forgiveness, temperance, love, humility, and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ so that he should intercede for them near the Father in order to be forgiven and expecting to have a place near him in heaven; you have instead driven the people to Mary. But who is Mary to intercede for people who must live? You have made people to believe that there exist a holly Friday and also a Wednesday of arch where people go to put arches on their forehead in the sign of a cross. So I ask what then this doctrine of demons is! (1 Timothy 4/1-2) I am free to say the truth because I did not come in this world to stay for long, to possess materials nor less to have relations with rich men in the world. But I came to announce the gospel that was given to me and the only fear that I have is not to accomplish what was given to me which is to make people to repent due to the fact that they were dominated by customs and human traditions, by money, glory of man and all sorts of material.


       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)






It is the 297th message.     


    This is now the fall of the King of deception of the strong man of Satan and the spirit of the beast to whom the power has been given for few centuries (since the year 607 up to the year 2010) with the power to deceive the people in order to maintain them in the spiritual and eternal death announced by the prophets and apostles (Daniel 7/25-26; Daniel 11/36; 2Thessalonians 2/3-4; Revelations 13/11-12).



     In this world, I have a choice to make; either to say the truth that makes my soul and those of others to live for the eternity while bringing the destruction of my flesh by the enemies of the truth or not to say the truth and to destroy my soul and those of others while living my flesh (dust) to live. But as I find that the soul has more value than the flesh, that is why the choice makes itself to be listened and read.

       My dear friend or friends who proclaim themselves to be the representatives of Apostle Peter, it is an usurpation of representation, fake and forgery because you do not have and you are not a cent of the shadow of the gospel that Apostle Peter was preaching, neither of his conduct. You are instead mounted of all pieces by the demon of seduction and deception, working with power and courage to destroy and distort the gospel of Christ preached through Apostle Peter. Meanwhile the Lord was telling to the Father: “I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word” (John 17/20).

       When the people want to decide to believe in the Lord Jesus through the gospel of Apostle Peter…, it is at this moment that the strong man of Satan that you are comes and presents himself with such a great power of lies, proclaiming and making himself to be the representative of Apostle Peter through the teachings of lies that is a poison for the soul and not the flesh or the physic. Your force and power is firstly in the baptism of babies and children because it is for you that it is said: “not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ” (Galatians 1/7). These troublers have thought that they dominate the world because more than the quarter of the world’s population believe in their poison of the soul without knowing that it is just a matter of seconds for the Lord Jesus to open the eyes of the blinds in order to see that there are bringing them in the slaughtering place, and here we are. What courage for these workers of deception to fight against the truth of the Lord Jesus in the baptism of babies and children! Meanwhile the baptism is a good conscience to come out of the state of death to that of life, in the belief of the gospel of Christ because we can only baptise the person who repents of his state of death and who believes in the life of the Lord Jesus. That is why the Lord Jesus says: “Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned” (Mark 16/16).

       But these workers pour water on the head of babies and children, saying that they have been baptised and it is done with the exigency of a man or a woman who is the surety of the baptism of the baby or children, and he or she is called godfather or godmother, these lasts always like to tell to the children: “I am your father or mother of the baptism”. But what a degree of blindness and misleading! Did the Lord have a godfather of baptism? No. Was he baptised a baby or child? No; because in God it is not done, if not in the beast.

       The baptism is a choice done by the person in need who goes towards the baptiser after he has been touched by his state of death through the gospel of Christ to request for the repentance and the belief in the life of the Lord Jesus. That is why the Inhabitants of Jerusalem and all Judea were coming near John the Baptist and they were baptised by him in the river Jordan, confessing their sins (Matthew 3/5-6). Even the Lord Jesus has given the example while coming near John the Baptist for the baptism (Matthew 3/13-17). In the same way, when the Ethiopian eunuch had listened to the good news of the Lord Jesus announced by Philip, he believed and he asked to be baptised, he was baptised in the water (Acts 8/26-39). In truth, I am touched in my mind when I meet and old person and who makes me to understand that they told her that she has been baptised when she was a baby. She believes in what her grand parents told her. Meanwhile we baptise a person who needs or want to walk in newness of life. Does a baby want to walk in newness of life? That is why it is said: “We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life” (Romans 6/4). But as these workers of deception think to be strong, that is why they give false reasoning to the people while making them to believe that as the babies and children are being born in the sin, that is why they baptise them; that is even why Apostle Paul talks of reversing the false reasoning that rise against the truth when he says: “We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ” (2 Corinthians 10/5). These foxes do not only baptise the babies and children, but this baptism is done at the price of a fixed amount of money, as well as the first communion and the confirmation. But what a dirty richness that comes from swindling and robing!

       These workers have a magic ring with which they bewitch all those who suck it. These workers of the deception make the blind and the deaf to carry two pieces of wood that are joined and called “cross” under blazing sun making them to believe that they are doing a way of the cross. But what spiritual madness! Physically, many among them are intellectuals and aggregates but spiritually, they are mad. That is why the Lord Jesus was glorifying the Father to have hidden these things to the wise and the intelligent and revealed them to the little children (Matthew 11/25). These workers of deception put ashes in the form of a cross on the forehead of the spiritual blind and deaf at the occasion of a day which they call “Wednesday of ashes”. These captives of the belief in the lie always walk the whole day with this sign of the demon on their forehead (1Timothy 4/1). These workers of the deception fixe statuettes or the caricature made in the image of the actress who has played the film entitled Jesus of Nazareth, and the people come and prostrate in front her, especially the women. Meanwhile this is what is said of the carved images, the statuettes, the decorated figures made of stones and cement: “You shall not make idols for yourselves or erect an image or pillar, and you shall not set up a figured stone in your land to bow down to it, for I am the Lord your God” (Leviticus 26/1). And if it is the image of Jesus, it is said: “To whom then will you compare me, that I should be like him? says the Holy One” (Isaiah 40/25).

       The incredulous whom the god of this century has blinded the intelligence so that they should not see the truth of Christ shine (2 Corinthians 2/3-4) are in the mercy of these workers that deceive them,  making them to believe that there is a Holy Friday where we should not eat meat. They have decreed a Holy Friday. They have given the names of Saint Peter and Paul, Saint Nicolas… to their big buildings where they teach the human customs in the place of the gospel of Christ, they give titles to their colleges; Saint Bruno… and their hospitals; Saint Andreas… because these strong men of Satan did not only limit themselves in the self proclamation of the representative of Apostle Peter, on their appellation of Saint Peter, but they have gone up to creating a sovereign state  so that the acts and actions of their representatives should not be judged by some countries in which they are implanted.

      That is why today, the priests, bishops… commit acts of paedophilia and swindling, and they are not worried by the authorities of the country in which these acts are being committed because they dominate the head of states of these countries. Many blind and deaf seeing that they are big and rich follow them because they have big luxurious buildings called churches, hospitals, primary schools, colleges, universities, radio and television channels, but they also have the head of states, ministers, diplomats, stars, generals, attorneys… in their denominations called church meanwhile these priests, bishops, archbishops, cardinals, popes and almost all their believers constituted of big personalities are rosicrucians and freemasons. But to whom are they making this game? The first priests arrived in Cameroon in the night of the 24th and the 25th of October 1890 while opening schools that edify on the things of the ground and those of the flesh; but defending the people to read the bible in order to be edified on the things of the kingdom of heaven and those of the soul, opening hospitals that will bring in the healing of the flesh, not wanting that the people should read the bible to acquire the knowledge of the Lord Jesus’s life and to be healed in the soul, but what spiritual crime! They were seizing the villager’s land who did not know the value. That is why today, they have big lands even in town.

       It is a question of burning, to set fire, to char and to incinerate this lie that is taken for the truth of Christ. From the same big lie, there are also those who the old snake is raising and who are coming with great power, saying that it is not Jesus Christ that we have to bear witness, but instead Jehovah. In truth, when the devil sees the lesser time that remains to him, he makes everything to gain the souls through the false believe that remains to him in the seduction and deception. The time has sounded so that all those who declare themselves of Christ’s identity to stand on their guards because the shootings of the canon (the power of the demonstration of the truth) are already heard, all the masks and veils of the false christ will be burned and these last will be unmasked.

       I like confrontations, fighting, combats, battles that is why I am sent. I work hard to have the victory and to wait the crown.



       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)





It is the 247th message.


       I have been chosen by God since before my birth in order to fill a well précised task, and at the age of 06 months, I prophesised on my mission in this world, the one that the Lord Jesus sent me to do, which is to reveal his truth in in these end times, the truth which is not known by all, the truth which is ignored and despised because of money and the glory of man. For, the people have preferred the spirits of animals to the Holy Spirit. In 2010, I started my mission which is to preach the gospel of Christ and to write this revelation without being edified by a man, but rather by the Lord Jesus (Galatians 1/11-12). I am called to work with everybody, not through the means of seduction, of customs and traditions of men, of magic, of the glory of man, of money, but by the truth for the deliverance not of the sicknesses of the flesh, but the heart and soul of man that suffer because of the domination of the life of this world and his richness. For it is not a man who has taught me or who edifies me so that I should imitate him or I should work for an associative denomination, but I work according to the teachings of the one that spoke in me at the age of 06 months and who now, demonstrates his dominating power (his light) over the power of darkness, of lies and seduction.

       For what I see in this world is that; the fact of imitating the men of God without being revealed by the Lord Jesus is only perdition. Why do these men of God find it difficult that we work together? It is because for me, my greatness, my glory and my richness are neither in the acclamations of men nor in money, in the great building called church, in advertising posts, in vehicles and clothing, but it is found in the permanent fight to live the Lord Jesus Christ and to make the others to live him by his grace that has been given to me. But the men of God of this world function according to their associative denominations called churches and not according to the revelation of the Lord Jesus. That is why after buying a plot somewhere, they make all to have tens and hundreds of millions in order to raise a building which according to them, is at the dimension of God. In addition to that, they buy other plots and get land titles to acclaim loudly: “these are the richness of our church”. After this, they seek to have hundreds of thousands and even millions to buy musical instruments. And each time, the rulers of these associative denominations called church always ask money to their believers, they sometimes spend thousands of francs to print posters that carry their pictures in order to stick them everywhere in town or in the regions. Others rather make posters in big format that they stick on advertising boards.

       It thus become a challenge of luxurious buildings, of advertising on the people,… These people therefore take themselves for the physical gods and to meet them becomes a suffering. That is why their fight is oriented towards the appearance and the conquest of people for the offerings and tithes. For these men of God, Jesus Christ is not the grace (he is not given for free), but a source of material richness and whoever want to receive a prayer of physical deliverance or prosperity from them, or whoever want to acquire a title (church elder, deaconess…), must automatically give money. Meanwhile the work, the fight, the battle and the work of God in truth have not changed up to today from the Lord Jesus, the apostles whose names are written in the Bible. We do not come towards man for what he has in his pockets, his purse and his food, but we come towards man to bring him nice food (the good news of the knowledge and the becoming) which the earth cannot produce if not heaven and the kingdom of heaven. We are not the ones to envy the men of money, of dust and wind, even if they are head of states, stars…but they are the ones who have to envy us, the men of the spiritual money and life of Jesus Christ that we are. For us, the house of God is not the building of soil no matter its value of dust (money, material), but it is the hearts of people transformed by the teaching and the gospel of Christ where God will stay as it is said: “but Christ is faithful overs God’s house as a son. And we are his house if indeed we hold fast our confidence and our boasting in our hope” (Hebrews 3/6). Or again, the hearts that will keep the taught and preached word of Christ where the Father and him will come and stay as he says himself: “If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him” (John 14/23).

       For the men of God spend tens and hundreds of millions and even billions for the construction of great buildings by pretending that it is for the glory of God while the people do not have bibles. These men of God do not almost go in the countryside because there, the offering is shabby, and it will be a waste of time for them. Meanwhile we must bring the man to see and to consider what is written in the bible to have value than the air planes, the ship, vehicles, houses, clothes and food of dust. How can people lack the bible while the men of God make the advertisement with the money of the believers?  Today, the men of God are prince in the physic but not in the spirit. They do not want to go in the countryside, not only because there is not a great thing on that side like money, but also because the roads are inaccessible especially during the rainy season, and they do not want to suffer in pushing the vehicles when they enter somewhere or walking by foot. Meanwhile on these sides, the people are very thirsty of the word or the light of God. But these prince remain on the same place (here in town) to work and making the same recitation (the same teaching on the same people) during many years without changing. Meanwhile those who are thirsty of this word or light of God are many and constitute the great harvest, but where are the workers and not sellers of illusions!

       The men of God were to have as first charge the work of God and not children and the family. For the fight and the war is not against the different associative denominations called churches, but it is between the truth and the lie, between the truth and the seduction. We must make to talk and to scold the power and the anger of God in this world so that the man should know what is waiting him in the case where he is not in this will of the Lord. We should bring the people to humiliate and to despise money. The Lord is not a man like UM NYOBE who sacrificed himself for the independence of Cameroon nor Martin Luther King who claimed the liberty of the black man, but it is an exceptional and greatest being who sacrificed himself for the liberation of man’s soul that the devil held in captivity since the Garden of Eden, passing by the first men. I am apostle of Jesus Christ and I do not know in advance where I will sleep when the night will come, nor what to eat when I will be hungry, but my worry is rather to know how this revelation must be preached, written and shared in the entire world. I work with a great lateness and I do not know at what time I will be called by the Lord, but I seek to accomplish the task that he has given me by doing as he want, while fighting so that nothing should prevent me from doing it. That is what I must do in this world.

       To God only by Jesus Christ love and pity for the deliverance and life of the souls of men for the eternity.


       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)



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