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It is the 337th message.


       In God, it is by the faith of the righteousness that we will live eternally; or it is by righteousness that we will live eternally by the faith. That is why it is said: “butmyrighteousone shall live by faith…” (Hebrews 10/38). Many people always tell me that I like to judge. But they should understand that I am not sent by the Lord Jesus to preach man’s will or to make pleasure to this last, but I am sent to preach the will of God (Jesus Christ). That is even why it is said: “For what we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord…” (2 Corinthians 4/5). Let the people understand that the Eternal God has sent his Word so that the world should be delivered by it; and this word is Jesus Christ, his gospel. Therefore, when we preach Christ who is the light, it is for the people to become enlighten in order not to take another direction which is not that of the truth and which does not lead to the kingdom of heaven. The gospel of Christ is like a mirror; and when it is not preached, the people will not be able to gaze themselves. But if it (the mirror) is preached, the people will gaze themselves to see what to do in order to become clean in front of the one who is the only judge of the living and the deaths.

       The gospel of Christ is the judgement. That is why when Christ is preached, the people judge themselves through this word to know if they are spiritually alive or death. If through this word of spirit and of life they see themselves to be death, they can come back to life. Therefore, I preach the judgement which is the deliverance because if it is not preached, the people will not know if they are alive or death, they will not know if they are just or unjust; for if they are unjust, they can come back to in the justice by the judgement which is preached. That is even why it is said: “But if we judgedourselves truly, we would not be judged. But when we are judged by the Lord, we are disciplined so that we may not be condemned along with the world” (1 Corinthians 11/31-32).

      Therefore, for the people to judge themselves, it is necessary for the judgement to be preached. Christ is preached for the deliverance; and when the people remain in their posture which is against Christ, they will feel to be condemned by the truth and they will start saying: “you like judging people too much”. The word of Christ is preached for the deliverance of those who recognise themselves to be death, and not for those who do not recognise themselves to be death; for this gospel comes to bring the people out of the prison and out of the chains of Satan. For example, when I say that baptising little children does not come from God but rather from the devil, who between Jesus and the devil will say that I like judging? It will surely be the devil! Because he does not want the truth to be preached and known, because he always want that the people should stay in the ignorance. That is why he was raising people to forbid the apostles from teaching the gospel of Christ in Jerusalem for fear that the people should know the faith andto despise the law and the customs of Moses; because the devil is above this justice of the fleshly law (Acts 4/17-18; Acts 5/28).

       Today, he incites the people to say words of the type: “you like judging the people too much, you spend your time to judge the others”; all this to intimidate, to weaken, to discourage… But as these small words cannot intimidate the truth which must deliver the souls at the price of the blood of God, that is why we are more than ever up to announce the gospel of Christ,knowing that the deliverance can only come from him, and not from the other one who has filled the world.

       Baptising babies and little children while taking money from their parents is a double sin; because doing it even free of charge is to commit a crime against God; and to take money from the parents for this baptism is only swindling. At this moment, there is then the crime and swindling in the same time. Some pastors and priests thus commit this double sin which is a crime and swindling; and you say that I like judging? You should not go and tell to the head of state of the Vatican that I like judging because he is too small in front of the truth, but go and tell it to Lucifer himself, the master of the perdition and of the eternal death, that one who tempted Jesus, willing to make him become weak through the proposal of vanities which are the material and the glory of man; the things that he (the devil) has given to the great men of this world, up to the men of God in order to make them become small in front of him. It is only the justice of Christ that has won him for the eternity, and it is this same justice that we announce today so that those who are listening should receive it and be delivered by it.

       In truth, all the presidents and ministers who are Christians have not yet received the true baptism. Some of them received the baptism when they were still babies or little children, and they do not longer remember it. Some of them who are already adults have been informed by their parents that they have received the baptism when they were still babies. Therefore, up to today, they have not yet believed in the Lord Jesus; because whoever believes and is baptised will be saved (Mark 16/16). The baptism comes from the belief in Christ and the belief comes from what we listen and what we listen comes from the gospel of Christ. Can a baby listen to the gospel, can he believe in it and to take the engagement to be baptised? It is in the baptism of babies and little children that the devil has make use of all his cunning to better maintain and govern many people in this world; and there, he has put his government in place which is the state of the Vatican and his allied who are the protestants…

       The baptism of babies and little children is the base of the maintaining of many souls in the eternal torment; it is the seal of the anti-Christ and without the baptism of babies and little children, the catholics, the protestants… will not have power and they would be too weak because if they allow somebody to become big and to reach the age of reading and understanding the writings before taking the engagement to be baptised, it will become very difficult for them. But since they baptise babies and little children before reaching the reasoning age, these ones always have in their thought to have received the baptism in their congregation (catholics, protestants…) even if they never go to church; they already have this belief which is incarnated in their spirit that they have received the baptism and consequently, they are Christians.

       One day in my spirit, I was visiting the world and I was seeing how the head of states, ministers… in short, the rulers of this world were not having the fear of God. After looking well, I found that all the head of states who are Christians, the ministers…, if they are not catholics, they are protestants. Therefore, being babies or little children, they have received the mark of criminality and swindling in the baptism; and it has stayed in them up to today. Therefore, what can the population wait from such rulers who have not listened to the word which can raise a little feeling of the fear of God in them? The rulers of countries do not have the feeling towards their population. They are in the embezzlement of public funds, paedophilia, the legalisation of the homosexual marriage, high magic, ritual crimes, corruption… because they have never listened to the gospel of Christ in order to know their state of advanced rot and to take the decision to change the life by baptising and bathing themselves with the blood of Jesus that has shed on the cross for them. They have received the baptism being babies and little children, the baptism which is the act of criminality and swindling; and up to today, they have stayed in the ignorance, in blindness and leprosy, preferring the blood and the sacrifice of the human being for the protection, power, force and glory, than the blood and sacrifice of the Son of God that gives the protection, power, force and a glory above the blood and the human sacrifice.

       In truth, there is nothing else that can disturb the state of the Vatican than to see his adepts reading the bible, because they do no want that these people should look at this book of the deliverance and of the spiritual life, for fear that they can know the truth and freed from their prison. And as such, it will make more demands of explanations in front of their master who has placed them at the summit of this world, giving them all kind of material and glory, even above the sovereign head of states. They prevent people to read the good, to believe in it and to be able to manifest this good towards their similar. If the knowledge and the reading of the good are prevented, it is the evil that will have the advantage to progress with force as we can notice today. As the devil is cunning, he has given much money to his servants in order to construct great buildings for church, schools, hospitals to captivate the hearts of people who are happy of belonging to the richest church, the most considered, the most glorious through the great personalities of this world who are also its adepts.

       Other people always tell me that I am against the catholics; but I ask them if catholic is God? I will like them to tell me if I am against the truth or the lie, if I am against God or the devil? How do the people do not understand that everything has been given to the Lord Jesus; and that he is the only one who the Eternal God has sent to us, we should believe in him in order to become his witnesses, for he is the one who will present us in front of the Father on the last day. Where does it comes that today, some people believe to be the witnesses of Jehovah and not of Jesus? Is Jehovah a land, a place, a man or an angel of Lucifer? The devil has given the biggest printing house to these people in order to produce booklets every month in different languages and to swing them everywhere in the whole earth. There is something that amuses me and saddens me in the same time; they say to be Christians but do not recognise to be the witnesses of Christ. I am neither of the pentecostal church nor of the awakened church, the ancient church nor the new church, but I am of the truth of Christ that was, that is and that will always be for the eternity; the truth that this century must know to be freed from the lie and to be saved from the spiritual death. I am not coming to preach my will, but the judgement of the Lord. That is why it is said: “The spiritual person judges all things, but is himself to be judged by no one. “For who has understood the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?” But we have the mind of Christ” (1 Corinthians 2/15-16) and the Lord Jesus says: “Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment” (John 7/24).

       People tell me that God said that we should not judge, but that I like judging people too much. But they do not know which truth they are faced with. For, the gospel of Christ that I preach is devoted to save those who receive and live it. But those who do not receive it will be condemned by it on the last day. That is why the Son of man says: “If anyone hears my words and does not keep them, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world but to save the world. The one who rejects me and does not receive my words has a judge; the word that I have spoken will judge him on the last day” (John 12/47-48).

       If the devil and his government of men believe to be strong, they should know that there are stronger than them. For in this century, and principally in the world of Christians, it is the devil that teaches and he is taken for the Lord Jesus; as such, his belief has flooded the hearts and the thinking of men. And the fruit of this belief is the high rate of the evil that floods this world. As he is cunning, that is also how his children are cunning. For, when you tell them that in Jesus Christ we do not baptise children, we do not pray Mary, we do not prostrate in front of the statues or the carved images, they will tell you: “you are judging the belief or the faith of others”. When you tell them that in Jesus Christ, we do not sell or buy the titles of church elder, of deaconess…, they will tell you: “you are judging the belief or the faith of others”. When you tell them that in God, we are the witnesses of Jesus Christ, in whom and by whom we are Christians, and not of Jehovah, they will tell you: “you are judging the belief or the faith of others”. When you tell them that in Jesus Christ, we do not prescribe the material said spiritual to the people in order to pray on them, they will tell you: “you are judging the belief or the faith of others”.

      When you tell them that in Jesus Christ, we do not learn how to speak in tongues, they will tell you: “you are judging the belief or the faith of others”. When you tell them that in God, we do not prevent people to put yellow coins in the basket of offerings, we do not impose or ask for a certain amount of money to the people in order to receive a prayer either of blessing, of grace or of deliverance, they will tell you: “you are judging the belief or the faith of others”. When you tell them that in God, we do not give the handkerchiefs, water, perfumes, soaps… to the people to use as protection, blessing…, they will tell you: “you are judging the belief or the faith of others”. When you tell them that in Jesus Christ, we do not recite the psalms for protection…, they will tell you: “you are judging the belief or the faith of others”. For there are many things, but I have written few.

       When I say the truth of the Lord Jesus to the people, instead to take it like a spiritual deliverance, they rather take it for a condemnation and judgement by saying to me: “you are judging the belief or the faith of others”. Tell me; who feels worried by this truth, the Lord Jesus or the devil? For, if we have to look how the people snivel when they listen to the truth or when they read it, the truth will not be preached because it touches all what is a lie and liberates the people from the belief to the said lie which is taken for the truth. But the truth of Christ must break, destroy, root out, ruin, all the belief to the lie and seduction, and to plant and build the belief on what is veritablefor the eternity (Jeremiah 1/10).


CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)









It is the 335th message.


       The devil and his government know that this century is full of people of the law who ignore the power of God which is found in the power of the demonstration of the truth; but they rather see this power in the clairvoyance of the men, and in the earthly things, in prayers of healing, in prayers of deliverance of the flesh and in the freeing of things of the flesh. The master of the cunning knowing that the Christians of this century are mostly fleshly because being more interested in the things of the flesh and of the earth, he has thus raised or initiated many witches and magicians by giving them power in order to make people to become sick, to posses them in spirit, to prevent them from getting married, from getting the finances, diplomas, a job, the promotion… These witches and magicians put all these things that lead to the good of the flesh of man in bottles, in the boxes, in the trees, under the rocks,  in the pots, in calabashes, by tying or burying them. They put the spirits of limitation, impossibility, reject, torment, veil, darkness, blindness, deafness, pursuit, control, animal, fish, reptile, bird, human… in people’s bodies. They pierce people’s hands to let out the finances that they receive, they keep totems in people’s stomachs, there are many things that these mandated of Satan who work in witchcraft and magic do, but I have written on few of them.

       The Christians of the law or the fleshly Christians seeing that their future is touched, blocked, deprived… by these forces of the spirits and evil words or words of darkness will look of the one who can reveal the origin or the causes of their misfortune, their calamity and their suffering, and in the same time, who could unlock and set them free from this situation and heal them of their sickness. Looking at that, the man who plays the role of the good and the bad, known as the devil will then raise people in some countries like Benin, India, Nigeria… who possess the power and forces of Beelzebub, the prince of demons so that these prophets, bishops, pastors, doctors… should come in possession of these forces that are sometimes renewable. The servant of the master of the cunning knows that the problem of the Christians of the law who have filled the world today is not the deliverance of their souls, or the possession of the goods, and the richness of their souls that can bring them to seek and to be in need of those who will reveal them the Lord Jesus who is his word of truth,  so that by this truth which is known and lived, they should become the gods in the spirit, the thought, the feeling, the life and conduct.

      Since the Christians of the law rather desire the deliverance of their flesh, and seek to possess the goods and richness of the earth, those who have been set up by the devil make them to run towards them because they possess the power and forces that can reveal the things of the earth and of the flesh, and they release them. They run towards them in order to look for the solutions to their multiple problems; these solutions can be: the freeing of the traveling, the diplomas, the marriages, the childbirth, the finances, the promotions; the healing of the flesh, to know the person who is or who was at the origin of these blocking or sicknesses. Therefore, after having received the solutions, these Christians of the law will bring money and other materials to thank the man of God. This last always profit to ask more by saying that he who wants to receive a prayer of blessing or of grace should bring an envelope proportional to the prayer that he wants.

       Therefore, the power and forces that these prophets, bishops, pastors, doctors… have gone  to look in order to work, make them to become the masters of the solution to the problems of the people who will come to thank them with the envelopes, gifts and other materials. They do not only receive much money and the glory of man, but they are also stars through their radio and television channels. Due to these power and forces of clairvoyance and of the unlocking of the earthly things, the great personalities visit them; and this gives them more glory and greatness. Other men of God who want to become like them will go and seek for the power and forces in order to make miracles and prodigies so that people should come in crowd towards them to seek for a solution to their problem, and they are thus respected and taken like the gods of the solutions by those who run after them with money.

       The devil wants his servant to be sought by the patients who will consider them for the great men of God that have the power of the supreme God. For this reason, he has recommended the witches and the magicians to torment, to make sick, to block…people so that they should go in crowd towards those who they consider as the veritable men of God. The devil knows that all these people will gather around these established: prophets, pastors, bishops, doctors… in big numbers, and will only benefit the freeing of their health, the deliverance of the things of the flesh, and as such, he will always be the master of their souls. Therefore, the witches and the magicians work a lot to make people sick, to torment them and to deprive them of many things, and as such, these last will run towards the servants of the master of the cunning to look for refuge. Some of them bless water, the handkerchiefs, perfumes… to sell or to give for free. Others ask people to come with bottles or cans of water in order to pray on these things, so that people should use them as if they were very efficient and powerful. That is why these men of God agree with the witches, and some of them are even the veritable witches.

       The power and forces that they use to operate give them much money, the glory, the consideration and the respect. The devil is then helped by these men who will have many patients in their church or denomination, and this lasts benefit the healing, the deliverance, the freeing of things of the flesh and of the earth, forgetting and ignoring the soul which will then be held by the devil and will be dragged in the lake of fire or in the eternal torment.

       They have the power of water, that is why they do not hesitate to bless the water… They have the wind of the sea in the palms of their hands; that is why they just need to swing their hands at the time of the prayer for the people to fall down, even at a distance. They just need to blow near or far so that people should fall down. The witches, the magicians and the servants taken for the men of God are together in the spirit. When the witches come and put demons in the bodies of the believers, these prophets, bishops, pastors, doctors… who possess the power and forces of Beelzebub prince and king of demons recommends these demons either to go out, to change the location or to manifest another sickness later on. As they possess the power and the forces of the prince of the demons, they ask these little demons to obey them. That is even why the Pharisees were thinking that the power and the force with which the Lord had to cast out the demons and to heal the sick people in the flesh was coming from Beelzebub, the prince of demons.

      But the Lord Jesus made them understand that his power and force was coming from heaven and from his father; and that the time shall come where there will arise false prophets and people in the middle of them, and who will come in the name of Jesus Christ with forces and power of Beelzebub, and will do great prodigies and miracles, seducing almost everybody, except the elect, because the elect will recognise them, but they will not know the elect (Matthew 24/24). That is why the people to whom they have revealed the invisible things always say that this manner of seeing is from God only. They assert that this one or that one is a veritable because this manner to make the paralytic to walk by making him to abandon his rolling chair or his clutches, to cure the sickness can come from God only. Therefore, these prodigies and miracles that are done by these men of God today give no doubt to the Christians of the law who are convinced that what is done comes from God.

       At the time of the apostles, there was a man in the town of Samaria in the name of Simon, who was taking himself for a big personality because he was practicing magic and was making the people of Samaria to be astonished. Everybody was listening to him attentively and they were saying that he possesses the veritable power of God because he has astonished them for a long time. The people found that his power and force was coming from the veritable God (Acts 8/9-11). The day this magician called Simon saw the people receiving the Holy Spirit from the imposition of hands by the apostles Peter and John, he was astonished and wanted to buy this power with money; believing that the power that the apostles had was bought at the price of money like his power. That is why it is said: “Now when Simon saw that the Spirit was given through the laying on of the apostles’ hands, he offered them money, saying, “give me this power also, so that anyone on whom I lay my hands may receive the Holy Spirit”. But Peter said to him, “May your silver perish with you, because you thought you could obtain the gift of God with money!” (Acts 8/18-20). The same, the power that people go to search today is at the price of money. That is why they are too attached to money up to the point where if somebody does not have money, he cannot benefit the favours of their power. Today, they are the ones who are at the origin of the doctrine which make the people to believe that the grace or the gift of God is obtained by the material, even in the church of God; it is the power of money that dominates.

       One day, I was praying on the people. There was a woman in the hall. She was also making prayers of deliverance in another town. She came and stood in front of me so that I should also pray on her, but from the time I put my hands on her, I knew that her power was on the palms of her hands; and I held her two hands. She shook them from my hands and she crossed them on her back. I went behind to se how she has crossed her hands, and I found that she has crossed her three fingers and left two fingers elongated, thus, the sign of the devil. I removed her hands by force on her back to bring them in front of her. When she saw that I have discovered who she is, she started laughing, and I told her that it is the Lord Jesus who reigns here and not another person, then I asked her to sit down.

      After some minutes, she stood up while removing her shoes, she removed the scarf on her head and she tied it on her waist. While I was praying on another person, she came and stood in front of me and she told me that I would freed nobody who belongs to them or who carry their mark. She blew on the girl on whom I was praying and she started shouting loudly. I asked people to see how the devil works. At that moment, she started to manifest like a mad woman. There is a great difference between the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in the prayer, and the manifestation of the power of water, the wind, the sea and others. That is why people always tell me that they have never seen such a manifestation when I pray on them. I respond to them: “you have seen the manifestation, but you should rather seek to understand the gospel or the teaching that will make you see and understand from whom this power comes”.


     CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)






It is the 329th message.


       By the grace of the Lord, my teaching does not rest on the letter, but in the demonstration of spirit and power of the creative word so that the belief of some and others should no longer be founded on the law which makes them to remain Christians of the law, but on the faith which permits them to become Christians of the faith. I have a blazing thirst to give all what the Lord Jesus has given me to others without keeping anything; to transmit all what he has transmitted to me, and to accomplish my mission which I have prophesised at the age of 06 months.

       The majority of Christians today are only pagans. I will first start with the Jews who were pagans at the time of the apostles and who did not know it. Rejecting the faith, they were taking the uncircumcised of the flesh for pagans meanwhile they were themselves the true pagans because they were uncircumcised of the heart and not of the flesh which no longer served for nothing. In Israel, up to the starting of the witnessing of the apostles, all those who were uncircumcised of the flesh were pagans. Therefore, all the nations that were strangers to the circumcision of the flesh which was the alliance with God were pagans. Only the Jews were seeing themselves to be non-pagans and they considered all those who did not have this circumcision to be pagans. In short, all the nations ware pagans in the circumcision of the flesh except the Jews

       From the moment the Lord started his mission with the twelve apostles, from his death, his resurrection and his ascension in heaven up to the moment where he sent the Holy Spirit to the apostles so that they should start the witnessing in Jerusalem, the circumcision has passed from the flesh to the heart and the pagan has equally passed from the uncircumcised of the flesh to the uncircumcised of the heart. The Jews were rejecting this word of the faith of the apostles which was rather the sword by which they were to be circumcised of the heart in order not to be pagans in the circumcision of the heart. They were taking themselves not to be pagans just because they had the circumcision of the flesh; meanwhile the veritable circumcision is that of the heart by the sword which is the word of the Lord Jesus. The word of the Lord Jesus which they were rejecting dragged them in the state of pagan which they ignored. That is why Apostle Paul was telling to those who were not Jews and who have received the circumcision of the heart by the word of the faith: “Therefore remember that at one time you Gentiles in the flesh, called “the uncircumcision” by what is called the circumcision, which is made in the flesh by hands” (Ephesians 2/11).

       All the Jews in the time of the apostles, from Jerusalem up to the neighbouring towns prevented the apostles to preach or to bring out the sword by which they were to be circumcised of the heart in order not to remain pagans in the spirit. These Jews rejecting this word of the sword or of faith have stayed in the circumcision of the flesh which serves for nothing, and they have thus become pagans in the spirit or in the heart. These Jews of the law did not know that while rejecting the faith which came to them, they were no longer the veritable Jews, but rather the false Jews in the faith. That is why Apostle Paul recognising that the Jew is the faith and not the law declares: “For no one is a Jew who is merely one outwardly, nor is circumcision outward and physical. But a Jew is one inwardly, and circumcision is a matter of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the letter. His praise is not from man but from God” (Romans 2/28-29).

       When the Lord Jesus was saying to the Samaritan woman that the salvation comes from the Jews, he was not talking of the Jews of the law but rather the Jews of the faith, that is to say by him (John 4/22). Apostle Peter was reproached by the Jews in Jerusalem just because he has gone to Cornelius who was a pagan and has eaten with him as well as with the other uncircumcised. These people who were reproaching him on his act did not know that even the Jews who were full in Jerusalem were also pagans and uncircumcised of the heart by the sword or the word of the Lord because they were fighting this word, and they ignored that while fighting this word, they became enemies of God (Acts 11/1-3). These Jews themselves refused to be circumcised of the heart and they were even preventing those who were uncircumcised of the flesh and who they were calling pagans to become circumcised of the heart by the word of the sword or of the faith, and it is for them that Apostle Paul was saying: “who killed both the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and drove us out, and displease God and oppose all mankind by hindering us from speaking to the Gentiles that they might be saved so as always to fill up the measure of their sins. But wrath has come upon them at last!” (1 Thessalonians 2/15-16).

       These Jews found nothing good in this word which is the spirit of God and which had to set them free from the uncircumcision of the heart so that they should become the veritable Jews or the veritable circumcised. But since they found this word which is the word of the eternal life to be unworthy, that is why it is said: “And Paul and Barnabas spoke out boldly, saying, “It was necessary that the word of God be spoken first to you. Since you thrust it aside and judge yourselves unworthy of eternal life, behold, we are turning to the Gentiles” (Acts 13/46). The circumcised are not those of the flesh who put their confidence in the flesh, but the circumcised are those of the spirit and who put their confidence in the spirit. That is why it is said: “circumcised on the eighth day, of the people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews; as to the law, a Pharisee” (Philippians 3/5). This word of the Lord Jesus has been given to all the people of the world for sword so that through it, they should become circumcised of the heart and to be in the alliance with God, not longer with the circumcision of man’s hand that the Jews inherited since Abraham (Genesis 17/9-14), but rather with that of the spirit by the word of the spirit and of life, that is why it is said: “In him also you were circumcised with a circumcision made without hands, by putting off the body of the flesh, by the circumcision of Christ” (Colossians 2/11).

       Most of the Christians today are pagans because they are not Christians in the faith, but rather Christians in the law. If they were not pagans, the evil would not flood the world of Christians, and the fear would not be so great. We are not afraid of he who is in the faith, but rather of the one who is in the law. If the Christians today were not pagans, they would be Christians of the faith and in the faith, man looks at his similar and desires with all his heart that he should live both in the spirit and in the physic so that he should also live in front God; he should be in good health both in the spirit and in the physic so that he should also obtain health in front God; he should be rich both in the spirit and in the physic so that he should also become rich in front God; he should be, glorious, great and strong both in the spirit and in the physic so that he should also become glorious, great and strong in front God.

       The people would bear witness of the feeling of the Lord if they were Christians of the faith and not pagans. For, as the Lord Jesus in heaven has a feeling for man, those who are in the faith also have the same feeling, by this, love is perfect as it is said: “By this is love perfected with us, so that we may have confidence for the day of judgment, because as he is so also are we in this world” (1 John 4/17). If the pagans or Christians of the law were not having an obscured intelligence, they would have asked themselves the question to know if the Christians today will go in the kingdom of heaven with the evil that have filled their environment today; because those who will enter the kingdom of heaven are those ones who start to live Jesus (his life, his thought, his feeling) on earth or still being in the flesh in order not to be stranger to the life that they will live in the kingdom of heaven.

      If the majority of Christians today were not pagans, they would not say that if they suffer, if they work, if they trade… it is for their children, their wife, their parents… but they would rather say: it is for the work for which they have been called and which make their presence. They would have seen and considered themselves like strangers and not like the autochthons on earth. Being strangers, their worry would be to accomplish the will or the work of the one who has called them and by whom they make their presence. Being Christian of the faith for not being pagans or Christians of the law, they were to see and consider themselves for the ambassadors of Christ on earth. For example, when an ambassador of France is sent in Cameroon by his president, he does not know when he will be called back by this one. When he will go back, he will neither carry a building nor house or materials. All what he will have is his report in which he will give details of all what he has accomplished during his presence in Cameroon. Will he worry, suffer or lament on the things that he will not carry away or on the work that he has accomplished and for which he will make a good report? It is the same for the Lord Jesus who has called us in him and has sent us to accomplish a task.
      He sees us, he note us, and he is the only one who knows the second, the minute, the hour, the day, the week, the month and the year in which we  will leave the flesh or the earth. On earth, the earthly things, the physical people and their loads have taken all our heart, our time, our thought, our feelings and material, and we have remained wicked and poor. That is why the pagans and Christians of the law are always lamenting and worrying for the future of their physic, their children and family members and not for their spirit. That is why the Lord Jesus was warning the Jews who were no longer pagans in the spirit when he was saying: “Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’  For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” (Matthew 6/31-33).

      The pagans or Christians of the law have worries and thoughts concerning their future on vain things. That is even why Apostle Paul was warning those who have received the faith to no longer have vain thoughts concerning their future as they were doing when they were still pagans or Christians of the law. That is why it is said: “Now this I say and testify in the Lord, that you must no longer walk as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their minds. They are darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them, due to their hardness of heart” (Ephesians 4/17-18). If the Christians today were not pagans, they would not be strangers in the feeling, the love, and good of God. But since they are strangers, that is why the evil that they carry make them to suffer. The faith asked them to come to her in order to discharge them from the law which is heavy on them, but they rather preferred this law which rejoice their flesh. I sometimes listen to some people saying to others: “It is already two Sundays that I have not seen you in church. Don’t tell me that you have become a pagan”. They say it without even knowing what is mean by a pagan.

       Even if in the physic I am just a tramp with many holes of memory, not having where to hide my head, I have a great mission in this world where only the Lord Jesus knows the dimension and the degree, and to him only the glory in his goodness and his love to see everybody to have knowledge of the faith and become saved from the law (1 Timothy 2/3-4).


            CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)





It is the 331st message.


       In truth, I am too affected in my spirit and not in my flesh by the spiritual poverty and misery that paralyses the souls today; this poverty comes from the ignorance of the knowledge of the faith. Why are the billions that enter in churches every Sabbath too far from making the work of God to advance? It is funny, and in the same time it is sad and lamentable. How do the Christians of the law who have filled the world with their money believe that they make the work of God to advance? Of which God does it mean? They must know that the advancement of the work of God consist in receiving the faith, to be Christian of the faith and not Christian of the law. The work of God consists in receiving in us his son who he has sent in this world for our spirit and souls, and he should be the only master in us.

       One day, some people asked the Lord Jesus what they had to do in order to accomplish the work of God, and he responded: “…This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent” (John 6/29). If the billions that enter in churches every Sabbath in the entire world could make the work of God to advance, this last would have been too advanced! But the work of God cannot advance because those who talk of its advancement with money are in the law. The work of God is the work of the deliverance, the saving of the soul. If the work of God advances, it is in the deliverance of man from the love of the world and from the things in the world as it is said: “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him” (1 John 2/15). The work of God is to bring people to have for duty, to wish and to make good to their similar both in the spirit and in the physic. The work of God is to bring man to be freed from the thought and feeling that consist in seeing his similar suffering, either due to the lack of the knowledge of Christ’s truth or due to the lack of the physical health or the lack of the material. The work of God is to bring man to live the feeling and the thought of Christ which must be his goods, his health, his richness, his glory, his greatness… As well, if the man lacks something, his similar must lack nothing. It is better for him to possess nothing, but the others should possess.

       The work of God is to bring man not to take a material for his spiritual help, either as the protection or as the blessing. The work of God permits man not to consider his similar or the material as his God to whom he confides, hope or have the assurance. The work of God is that; the man who works the ground to feed his flesh which is dust, who transform the things of the ground to dress himself and others, for his fleshly wellbeing, must believe that all the richness and the durable goods are in heaven and not on earth; and he must find to know the richness of heaven before seeking to possess it. The work of God is to bring the man to accept that as his flesh needs food, water, dresses, good health, a house to stay, it is also the same for his soul; but since what is for the flesh is passing because this last is there for a short time, meanwhile what is for the soul is eternal, we have to despise what is passing, and to become attached to what is eternal. That is why we have to suffer, worry, lament and become sad much more for the lack of the spiritual and eternal things than for the lack of physical and passing things. The work of God is to build people (their spirit) in the image of God, that is why he has sent his child who is God so that we should receive him in order to live in him and for him. That is why it is said: “and he died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised” (2 Corinthians 5/15).

       The work of God is to make that people should become gods through the only Son of God who has been sent, we should receive him so that he should save us, we should imitate him and walk like him, that is even why it is said: “Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us …” (Ephesians 5/1-2). For, the work of God is to make us to become the gods in the spirit of truth as he is the spirit of truth. That is why in becoming attached to his Son, we become one spirit in him as it is said: “But he who is joined to the Lord becomes one spirit with him” (1 Corinthians 6/17). And the Lord Jesus being spirit, where his spirit is, God is there as well as freedom as it is said: “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom” (2 Corinthians 3/17).

       The Christian of the faith is just fleshly in his form, but in the spirit it is God. That is why yesterday, they recognised those who were Christians of the faith to be the gods in the likeness of men as it is said: “.And when the crowds saw what Paul had done, they lifted up their voices, saying in Lycaonian, “The gods have come down to us in the likeness of men!” (Acts 14/11). If today the work of God was advanced,  therefore, we would be on earth with the same spirit, the same thought and the same feeling as Christ in heaven as it is said: “By this is love perfected with us, so that we may have confidence for the day of judgment, because as he is so also are we in this world” (1 John 4/17); or as it is written: “Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 2/5).

       In truth, today, it is the work of the devil which is advanced at 100% and not the work of God. The work of God is the good in spirit, manifested to our similar; and it does not advance today. The work of the devil is the evil in spirit, manifested to our similar and it is what advances nowadays. Therefore, it is to tell you that the billions that enter today in churches during the Sabbath in the entire world do not make the work of God to advance. People take billions that they receive and they construct very great buildings, embellish them and give them the name of church; they construct hospitals, schools, radio and television channels as well as others. They should not be confused, for they do all these things in the law and not in the faith. That is thus the veritable problem. If the buildings, schools, hospitals, radio and television channels and many other things continue to be created in the law, therefore it is not the work of God that advances but rather that of the devil. It is the case in this century.

      The billions that enter in churches during the Sabbath in the entire world do not bring people to be in the faith in Jesus Christ so that the suffering and the blood that he has shed on the cross should not be in vain. All these things: money, the great buildings called churches, schools, hospitals… serve nothing to God or to the devil. It is the good in the spirit or in the heart that brings our heart to enter the kingdom of heaven which is the dwelling of the king of the good; and it is the evil in the spirit or in the heart that brings our soul to enter in the lake of fire where will dwell the king of the spirit of evil. That is why for God or for the devil, the richness is not found in the dust (the materials, the human flesh), but rather in man’s soul. If it I the devil who gain the soul, it is his richness for the eternity; and if it is God who gain the soul, it is his richness for the eternity. Each one will be with his richness in the end times, either for God in the kingdom of heaven or for the devil in the lake of fire, and the dust will be destroyed.

       If the work of God was advancing, the good would be too raised in the world of Christians. But since it is the evil which is greatly raised, it means that it is the work of the devil which is advancing. Since the Christians of today are the Christians of the law, and that they see the physical things like the great buildings for God’s house, the radio and television channels, the musical instrument that fill the world, they say to themselves that it is the work of God which is advancing, because they are not in the faith to know the things of the spirit of the great king. The work of God does not rest on the building and other materials; otherwise the Lord Jesus would have built or bought many physical things, but he came so that the good should advance, but this good which is for the work of God is blocked, and it is rather the evil which is advancing.

       The Christians, being in the law which is madness in front God, they take the billions that people give in the churches during the Sabbath to be the contribution to the advancement of the work of God; just because for them, this money can buy the material. Since the material is their god, it is the work of the possession of the material which is advancing. If the kingdom of heaven was announced and received, the kingdom of the good would have flooded the people. But since it is the law (the letter) that is announced, what can come out from the law to bring people in the faith? That is why the Lord Jesus was saying: the devil cannot cast out the devil.

       He who is not recommended by the Lord Jesus cannot bring the mislead people to him. He can rather lead them towards he who has recommended him.


       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)







It is the 328th message


       The revelation of the Lord Jesus, source of knowledge, power and truth from above have been given to me so that the people of this century should know and become free from the ignorance and the powerlessness. In truth, as there were the Jews of the law and the Jews of the faith yesterday in the time of the apostles, as well as today, there are also the Christians of the law and the Christians of the faith

       Since the donation of the alliance of the circumcision of the flesh to Abraham for his offspring by the Eternal God, and that of the law and the blood of bulls and goats to Moses in the desert as the alliance with the people of Israel, this people respected literally the alliance of the circumcision and the obedience to the law of Moses and this was done up to the rule of Rehoboam. But, from the moment Rehoboam was still king, the word of the Eternal God was to be accomplished under his reign as he said to Solomon while he was still living in his old age. As he has not kept his alliance and his laws like David his father did, the Eternal God will take away the reign from him and  will give it to his servant, but he will not do it when he is still alive just because of David his father, but he will do it during the reign of his son. Because of David and his town Jerusalem, he will leave a tribe to his son (1 Kings 11/11-13). Ten tribes will then be taken from Rehoboam son of Solomon for the accomplishment of the word of the Eternal God and given to Jeroboam old servant of Solomon.

       As soon as Jeroboam takes the reign of the ten tribes, he made two golden calves and said to the ten tribes that were under his reign that they will no longer go to Jerusalem to worship God and he presented the golden calves to them as the God who brought them out of Egypt. Ten tribes will then prostrate in front of their new god. He placed one of these golden calves in Bethel and the other one in Dan, and he appointed the priests on a 15th of August, and who make the service or who are the mediators between the people and the monuments, and this had effect till today. This day remains a great day of feast and of joy because it is on this day that they have seen the day; but since the chameleon changes colours and not the form, they have changed the celebration of the 15th of August to the celebration of the rising of Mary in heaven (Assumption day). Meanwhile, the chameleon is not recognised by its colour, but rather by its form or shape (1 King 12/28-33).

       The Lord Jesus is born in Bethlehem in the town and tribe of David according to the flesh. He grew in Nazareth were he started to teach the faith. He was less received and less loved. He choses twelve disciples called apostles, among whom Judas who was to betray him. The Lord Jesus will then be delivered in the hands of the chief priests; Judas will then hang himself after recognising his fault. The apostles remained eleven in number from the death, the resurrection up to the rising of the Lord Jesus in heaven. Willing another person to replace Judas according to what is written, they would draw lots on two people who were accompanying them and they were Barnabas and Mathias, but the lot fell on Mathias who replaced Judas so that the number of the apostles should come back to twelve.

      After they had received the Holy Spirit, they started working in Jerusalem. Not willing to leave Jerusalem for Judea, Samaria to go and preach the good news up to the extremities of the earth as they have received the recommendations from the Lord Jesus, they were persecuted and these persecutions made them to disperse everywhere to announce the good news. The chief orchestra of this persecution was Saul who later on became Paul. They all announced the faith because they were no longer Jews of the law but rather Jews of the faith. The Jews of the law were saying to them: if somebody is not circumcised according to the rite of Moses, he cannot be saved (Acts 15/1). From this, the Jews of the faith were answering that the Jew; the veritable Jew is not one outwardly, he who strikes the eye, but it is the one inwardly, and the circumcision is not the one that is visible in the flesh, but it is that of the heart according to the spirit and not according to the human customs and others (Romans 2/28-29).

       The Jews of the law who were seeing themselves to be saved by the law found that those who were teaching the faith were only sectarians and followers of their founder Jesus of Nazareth; the sower of divisions. That is why when they held apostle Paul, they treated him as a sectarian of the Nazarenes and in the same time, they wanted to judge him according to their law, that is why they have said: “For we have found this man a pestilent fellow, and a mover of sedition among all the Jews throughout the world, and a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes: Who also had gone about to profane the temple: whom we took, and would have judged according to our law.” (Acts 24/5-6). It was the same thing when they held the Lord Jesus; they judged him according to their law. That is why in their law; he was to be killed because according to them, he had blasphemed against God. That is even why it is said: “When the chief priests and the officers saw him, they cried out, “Crucify him, crucify him!” Pilate said to them, “Take him yourselves and crucify him, for I find no guilt in him.”  The Jews answered him, “We have a law, and according to that law he ought to die because he has made himself the Son of God” (John 19/6-7).

       The Jews of the law were preventing the faith to be announced in Jerusalem, and they were threatening the apostles by telling them: “We strictly charged you not to teach in this name, yet here you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching, and you intend to bring this man's blood upon us” (Acts 5/28) or as it is said: “So they called them and charged them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus” (Acts 4/18). The Jews of the law did not want the faith to be announced that is why they held all those who were announcing it. That is why the tribune beard witness to Felix the Governor concerning Apostle Paul when he said to him: “This man was seized by the Jews and was about to be killed by them when I came upon them with the soldiers and rescued him, having learned that he was a Roman citizen. And desiring to know the charge for which they were accusing him, I brought him down to their council. I found that he was being accused about questions of their law, but charged with nothing deserving death or imprisonment” (Acts 23/27-29). And Felix the Governor gave account to king AGRIPPA when he said: “When the accusers stood up, they brought no charge in his case of such evils as I supposed. Rather they had certain points of dispute with him about their own religion and about a certain Jesus, who was dead, but whom Paul asserted to be alive” (Acts 25/18-19).

      Apostle Paul bearing witness of these Jews of the law said: “who killed both the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and drove us out, and displease God and oppose all mankind by hindering us from speaking to the Gentiles that they might be saved so as always to fill up the measure of their sins. But wrath has come upon them at last!” (1 Thessalonians 2/15-16). The Lord Jesus spoke of these Jews who have previously killed the apostles… and wanted to bring them in the faith in him, but they have refused as it is said: “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it! How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you were not willing!” (Luke 13/34). These Jews refused the faith and they have preferred to stay in the law as priests or doctors of the law. After the death of the apostles, the doctors of the law or priests became the universal church, in the year 607, the universal bishop of Rome was named pope, few years later, the universal church was now called catholic church, and the pope declared himself to be the representative of Apostle Peter.

       In the 7th century, Islam saw the day in Saudi Arabia and many Jews became attached to this belief to the detriment of the faith in Christ which must save them. The catholic church became implanted everywhere in the world. Arriving in Africa, principally in Cameroon in the night of the 24th and the 25th of October 1890, the adepts of this doctrine were carrying the bible in which is written the gospel of the teaching of the truth , but they rather taught their customs, not willing that the people should read the bible in order to discover the truth. They were teaching the people how to pray Mary, to pray with the rosary… and many of these doctrines called church today arise from this doctrine. In America, certain people have risen and they say that they are rather witnesses of Jehovah and not Jesus, but they have writings where neither the prophets nor Jesus himself or the apostles who are his first witnesses never spoke of Jehovah. Some say that they are pentecostal Christians. Others again say that they are Branham’s Christians; the belief in Branham. But if Paul, Peter, John…were also in the law, they would also have adepts like Branham in the law. What makes that today, the knowledge of the faith is very rare because the people are not in the faith in Christ, but rather in the law and they are rather Christians of the law and not of the faith.

      Therefore, being Christians of the law, all what concerns God, his value, his greatness, his glory, his richness… is found in the appearance… they are not Christians of the faith to seek for the glory and the richness of one person (Christ), but they are rather Christians of the law that is why they seek for the glory of man, the material and make divisions, wars, the conquest of people (believers) for their offerings and tithes, making challenges for the construction of great buildings called churches or houses of God, the purchasing of fields, radio and television channels as well as the broadcasting, thus bringing people to suffer in the searching and the donation of money for these challenges of madness. The faith is not taught in the pastoral schools or seminaries so that those who come out from them should come and teach it in return. That is why the Christians of today are only Christians of the law and they have filled the world, and the evil is not worried, but it keeps on rising or taking roots more and more. The people being dominated by the glory of man and the material as well as the human charge that weigh on them, the men and the material can only be their gods.

       The Christians of the law are too far from running behind the demonstration of the power of the word of creation or of truth which through the practice brings them to become the gods; to become the miracle, but they are rather behind the prayers of miracles and the materials said blessed or spiritual, they are behind the recitation of psalms. The Christians of the law call or are called “papa”, “my father”, “my lord”. In the law, they have the love of the blood, the skin colour, the spoken language and the tribe. The Christians of the faith are too rare because the faith is not announced for it to be known, because in the faith, we are disciple or believer of only one person known as the Lord Jesus; in the faith we are not Christian of a denomination or of a man. In the faith, we are disciple of Jesus Christ, and eating his body to become this body (Jesus Christ), we become Christian of the faith. Only the Lord Jesus is called “my father”, “papa” and “my Lord”. Being Christian of the faith, the value, the greatness, the glory and the richness are not found in the brain like the intellectual luggage, in the skin colour, in the spoken language, in the form or the beauty of the flesh, in clothes, in shoes, in money and other materials, but rather in the heart and the spirit of God.

       Being Christian of the faith, even if we do not have children or other people in charge, we have a load which is the Lord and the advancement of his good news. Being Christian of the faith, what we search and gain is firstly for the Lord and his god news and not for our own children, our wife, our father, our mother… Being Christian of the faith, we do not run behind prayers of miracle, but we rather run behind the demonstration of the power of truth, we do not spend much money in the building for God’s house, but in the endowment of the spiritual documentation which is to make these documents to freely reach people near or far so that they should be edified in the word and thus become a dwelling of God in spirit (Ephesians 2/22). Being Christian of the faith, we do not ask money to people for a prayer of healing, of grace, of blessing… and again, we do not take a material by saying that it is spiritual or blessed… Being Christian of the faith, the gift of our brother or sister is the gift of God and also our gift, and to be jealous of it is to destroy oneself. When we are Christian of the faith, the fear is spiritual and not physical, and we do not share in order to make pleasure to the physical man, but to the spiritual man who the Lord Jesus is. Being Christian of the faith, we do not love his children, his wife, his sister, his brother, his father, his mother more than the work of God; we have more the feeling and the pity by the spirit and not by the physic and it is the lack in the spirit which makes us to cry, to lament and to become sad, and not the lack in the flesh.

      The Christians of the faith mourn for someone who is dead in the spirit and who can still come back to life, and not somebody who is dead in the flesh. In the faith, it is the good news which makes our presence and it is because of it that we can leave everything behind us without any regret. We remain poor in the physic because we give all what we possess so that people should be able to read the teaching of the faith and become saved in their soul. Therefore, we prefer to become poor in the physic so that others should become spiritually rich. In the faith, we can abandon everything for the good news of the kingdom of heaven. In the faith, the shame does not come because of the lack of knowledge to speak and to write an official language, the lack of a material, what to eat, what to wear, but rather on the fact of being poor in the spirit. There are many illustrations on this subject but I will stop there for the moment.


             CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)

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