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It is the 317th message.
It is difficult for evil to reduce in this century because man finds it difficult to repent in truth, and this repentance becomes difficult because man lacks the knowledge of what he represents in front God. This is due to the fact that the revelation of the Lord Jesus’s truth is rare to find and to listen (Romans 10/14-15). In truth, the seduction and flattering that many men of God carry today is only a destructive weapon because people being in the state of ignorance, weakness, and perdition are instead flattered, seduced, and they have thus fallen in the smugness.
The man of God assures the functions of the representative and ambassador of Christ among the men. He goes towards them and they sometimes come to him in order to know their state in front God. He makes them understand that God or the word that they listen is the creator of all things: life, the glory, blessings… of all and for all. Therefore, it is God or the word that gives a new life, a new heart and a new spirit.
It is to say that they have no life or heart to give to God. The man of God should not say anymore to them: “Give your life or heart to God”, and on their part, they should not say anymore: “I have given my life or heart to God”.
When God or his word comes to us (new life or new heart), we carry this old life and stony heart that are not of God, but of Satan, and we give him back this life and stony heart. Then, we receive from God. The man of God must make the people to understand that God being the life, blessings, the glory, the elevation, the acclamation… he does not need man to glorify him, to acclaim him, to praise him, to worship him… therefore, whether man does it or not, it does not remove or add something to what he is in all and for all to the eternity. Man must know that the life has come to him so that he should live it and become alive, he should glorify this life to become glorious, he should bless this blessing in order to become blessed, he should raise this elevation to become elevated… Let man know that God does not need him to be served, but it is instead him (man) who needs to serve God so that he should be served by the angels of God. He should know that God does not need the offering, the tithe and thanks giving, but he is instead the one who has to bring offering, the tithe in order to be approved or considered by God.
The justice of God does not need us, but we are the ones who need to be just by her in front God. Going to listen to the word of God everyday or during certain days of the program is not to please God, but it is instead to make pleasure to ourselves in front God. We should know that to repent of the works of the devil and become attached to God is a glory for us and not that of God, to consider or to keep the word of the Lord more than money or any other material instead make our joy and not that of God. In front God, we are more than death, more than dust, more than a worm, more than a leprous, more than deaf, more than blind… and we submit ourselves to his obedience, his humility so that he should give us the value that he wants of us or which he has prepared for us; that we are on our knees facing the ground and we are unworthy to bring up our head, he should make us understand his word or writings because it is where we find the spring of life, richness, freedom, power, force, glory and the domination on all the things of this world both in the physic and spirit, that we want with thirsty and in a rush to carry the love of his life and work, and that he should reveal the richness of his love to us and the plans of the mission that we have to accomplish on earth.
As long as man will say to himself that it is God who needs his heart or life, it is God who needs to be praised by him, to be cheered by him, to be worshiped by him… it is God who needs to be listened and be received by him, it is God who needs him to come and give his money as offering, tithe… to talk of him in bearing witness of him, as long as he will take himself to be the founder of this or that church, man will always see himself for the one that brings or who gives to God and not for the one who receives from God. By then, his faith will never be founded on the power of God, but instead on the knowledge or madness of man, and it is this faith that has filled the world today, due to the lack of the demonstration of the spirit and the power of truth. That is even why Apostle Paul was saying: “and my speech and my message were not in plausible words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, so that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men but in the power of God” (1 Corinthians 2/4-5).
It is the greatness of the seduction and flattering which is manifested today and not the demonstration of the truth and power. That is why the people not knowing that God does not need anything, but they are instead the ones that need all from him (God), they do not know that all what they do or give is not for the man of God, but for themselves, they see themselves not like those who must receive or take, but like those who must give or bring and who must be begged, they will always be in the smugness, they will be in a contempt, pride, ingratitude. Meanwhile, the Lord Jesus does not need anything, but we are instead the ones who are in need, that is even why it is said: “nor is he served by human hands, as though he needed anything, since he himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything” (Acts 17/25).
For most of the men of God, it is money that makes their function. They are in search of money like arm robbers in a house, and they bring up fancy ideas, looking for many believers as possible who will also bring much money. These men of God are like prostitutes on the corner of a road at night, where when they see a “customer” passing, it is everyone who whistles saying: “come this way” and this customer seeing himself to be desired will feel to be important. It is the case of the Christians of today. Since they are sought or seduced by many men of God, they feel to be too important, but in front God or man? That is why others look for all means in order to have the spirits of clairvoyance in order to reveal vain things to the people knowing that they will be put into captive, others go to search for the spirit of Satan to heal people, to make prodigies and miracles in order hold the people captive. Others also leave the people to dress and to do as they want in their gathering places without saying the truth of Christ to them, in the fear to lose offerings as well as other things, and that is how these men of God have drag the people in their ignorance in saying: “give your lives and hearts to God, repeat after me…”. Others even put those who have money aside in their gathering places, giving them titles of members of honour in the church. By then, it is money which is at the honour.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.(John 8/32)
It is the 311th message.
In truth, the catechists themselves are been deceived by their leaders who have made the small and the big seminary. These catechists should stop confusing children’s brains in bringing them to recite and to believe in the Ten Commandments of Moses that can not save the soul. After this recitation, they either give the first communion or the confirmation to the children, but it is just a muddle and deception of these catechists who are also fooled by their spiteful leaders.
You should know that the law of Moses or the Ten Commandments that they make the children to recite today are useless because this law that has been given by God could not give life to the soul, that is why he has sent the Lord Jesus so that we should become saved through faith in him and not by the law that the catechists continue to make the children to recite and to believe in.Since the beginning of the ministry of Jesus till nowadays, the Ten Commandments do not more have value because we cannot be justified by the law of Moses, but instead through faith in Jesus. That is why it is said: “Now it is evident that no one is justified before God by the law, for “The righteous shall live by faith” (Galatians 3/11). It is also said: “yet we know that a person is not justified by works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ, so we also have believed in Christ Jesus, in order to be justified by faith in Christ and not by works of the law…” (Galatians 2/16).
How does the law (the Ten Commandments) that cannot justify the spirit of man in front God be thought to the children by the catechists who believe of filling an honourable function, meanwhile they are only striking children’s brains through the deception? That is why it is said: “and by him everyone who believes is freed from everything from which you could not be freed by the law of Moses” (Acts 13/39).Let the catechists and their leaders know that the law of Moses was only the shadow of faith which we are today in Jesus Christ. That is why it is said: “For since the law has but a shadow of the good things to come instead of the true form of these realities, it can never, by the same sacrifices that are continually offered every year, make perfect those who draw near” (Hebrews 10/1). It is also said: “These are a shadow of the things to come, but the substance belongs to Christ” (Colossians 2/17).
Catechists, you should not think that your leaders have given you an honourable function in front God; it is instead a striking and empoisoning function that assassinates the soul. You continue to make the children to recite the Ten Commandments of Moses meanwhile Christ is the end of the law for the righteous that have believed in him as it is said: “For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes” (Romans 10/4). Before faith came, the people of Israel in their time were held captive in what was passing; in the law of Moses. That is even why Apostle Paul says: “ not like Moses, who would put a veil over his face so that the Israelites might not gaze at the outcome of what was being brought to an end” (2 Corinthians 3/13). But what a murderous function do these catechists have today, making the children to recite and to believe in the law (the Ten Commandments) of Moses which was only the shadow of faith in Jesus, and this law was only to lead the people of Israel in their time towards faith. As faith comes, the law is set aside. That is even why it is said: “ Now before faith came, we were held captive under the law, imprisoned until the coming faith would be revealed. So then, the law was our guardian until Christ came, in order that we might be justified by faith. But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian, for in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ” (Galatians 3/23-27).
When the Eternal God gave the precepts to Moses on Mount Sinai to come and pronounce in front the people, he knew that it was weak and unable to give life to the soul because he knew that the life giver to the souls was to come. Knowing that what he gave to the people is not good for the soul and unable to make it alive, he (the Eternal God) said: “Moreover, I gave them statutes that were not good and rules by which they could not have life” (Ezekiel 20/25). In truth, this law that the catechists apply and teach to children could not and cannot give life to the soul because it is very weak, powerless and useless. That is even why it is said: “ For on the one hand, a former commandment is set aside because of its weakness and uselessness (for the law made nothing perfect); but on the other hand, a better hope is introduced, through which we draw near to God” (Hebrews 7/18-19). It is also said: “ For the law appoints men in their weakness as high priests, but the word of the oath, which came later than the law, appoints a Son who has been made perfect forever” (Hebrews 7/28). Therefore, if the law (the Ten Commandments) of Moses was faultless to vivify the soul, there would have been no need to replace it by what vivifies. That is why it is said: “For if that first covenant had been faultless, there would have been no occasion to look for a second” (Hebrews 8/7). And it is for this reason that the Lord Jesus says: it is the spirit that vivifies, the flesh is of no use, and the words that he gives to us are spirit and life (John 6/63).
Even Moses knew that it is neither him nor the law (The Ten Commandments) pronounced that could save the people of Israel (their souls), but he knew that the Eternal God was to raise another prophet like him, and that it is in this prophet that all the people were to believe, and whoever does not believe to this prophet will not live, that is why Acts 3/22-23 says: “Moses said, ‘The Lord God will raise up for you a prophet like me from your brothers. You shall listen to him in whatever he tells you. And it shall be that every soul who does not listen to that prophet shall be destroyed from the people”. The spirit that animates people today in the believe of the baptism of children and the recitation of the Ten Commandments of Moses is the same spirit that the Pharisees had yesterday where they did not recognise Jesus through whom God was speaking to make them become his disciples, but instead Moses to whom God spoke. That is why it is said: “ And they reviled him, saying, “You are his disciple, but we are disciples of Moses. We know that God has spoken to Moses, but as for this man, we do not know where he comes from” (John 9/28-29).
It is time for the catechists to know that their leaders have fooled them with this function that they gave them; they should repent by searching the truth in the writings and in asking the Lord to reveal himself to them, and not to get bound and tied to an associative name of religion or to the great buildings and other materials, or to the functions of men. I know that your functions of catechists give you a salary and other advantages of the stomach. If you take this word to be the deliverance, it will help you to be free from the ignorance of the knowledge of truth. But if you take it like a judgement, it will instead be a barrier for you.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
It is the 306th message.
It makes laugh and in the same time, it brings sadness. It makes to cry and to shed a lot of tears deep in the heart when we see people who are mad in the soul and who take millions of francs to build a castle to a block of cement which is taken to be “the virgin Mary” meanwhile in the middle of them, there are people who have difficulties to rent a house or a shelter.
But what type of madness (madness in the soul) for a man to give value to a block of cement in constructing it a house that is evaluated to millions of francs meanwhile his brother and sister in Christ near him has difficulties to rent a room or a place to stay overnight. We see this madness in the soul when people carry two pieces of crossed-wood and walk under blazing sun, calling it “the way of the cross”. Because of this useless load, they catch sicknesses like the back pain and hernia for which they will uselessly spend money in the hospital. This madness in the soul is also seen when people fixe a block of cement taken to be “the virgin Mary” and come back to prostrate and to pray in front of it or after having fixed a block of cement taken to be Jesus on the cross, they come back to prostrate and to cry in hot tears in front of it saying that it is the state of crucifixion of Jesus that touches them and makes them cry.
I have not seen the difference between the mental and the spiritual madness because the mental madness pushes people to carry heavy loads, to raise their eyes and to point a finger to the sky while talking; and the spiritual madness pushes people to carry useless loads (the way of the cross and/ the rosary); people stand in front a block of cement (Virgin Mary) and start talking to it (praying) or they stand in front a block of cement (Jesus) and start crying on his state of suffering. In truth, the devil is sodomising people (their soul) with a great lie. If it was not the grace of God, this sodomy in these end times would have become a severe contamination.
One day, being in Cameroon, I went for a trip in the district of NYANON, department of Sanaga Maritime in the Littoral region. When I arrived in NYANON, I visited a neighbourhood called LOGBIKOY. There, I saw a big parish called CHRIST THE KING. Facing the entry of the presbytery, on its left, there is a big block of cement in a small house which is taken to be “the virgin Mary”. I went towards some women to ask them: “what is in this small house?”, although they were seeing a block of cement, they responded me that I was blind to not see and recognise the virgin Mary. I also asked them the question to know what would happen if one day, they wake up and notice that the virgin Mary (block of cement) is not more in her house; they responded that they would cry a lot and that those are not things to talk about or to think of. One of the women asked me: “with this type of questions, have they not only sent you?”. It amused me a lot.
Another one told me that in the past, the virgin Mary did not have a house but one day, the parish priest made them the following remark: “how can you be blessed and succeed in all what you undertake while you live in houses or under a roof in the shelter of the sun and the rain meanwhile the virgin Mary who is the mother of God facing the parish is under the sun and the rain? How can you live in that manner meanwhile it is to this virgin Mary that you address your prayers?” Because of the words of the parish priest, they firstly apologised in front the Virgin Marie for abandoning her under the sun and the rain, and they took the resolution to endow her with the edifice that we see in front, and they told me that it was a challenge for them. It made me to greatly cry because I saw these women who did not more have power to cultivate big farms where they could either harvest cocoyam or plantain… or to make cassava sticks and sell them in a lower price, but who greatly contributed financially in the construction of a house to a block of cement taken to be “the virgin Mary”. In the same time, we find them struggling to have a piece of soap for the household, dried fish… but they give high amounts of money for useless things because of the leaders who are mad in the soul.
An actress has played the role of Mary in a film entitled “Jesus of Nazareth” and it is her image that we find caricatured in the blocks of cement, in wood… and she is taken to be the virgin Mary. This caricature has filled the Vatican and it is made with all type of material (wood, marble, gold, money…). The Vatican is the seat of the general direction of monuments, statuettes and carved images, and the person seated there; is he big or small? The Vatican, general direction of statuettes and carved images is a sovereign state. He has ambassadors in many countries as well as a flag, but his devise can only be “domination, deception, courage” and his anthem is… (to be continued).
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
It is the 310th message.
It is time to demonstrate, unmask, reveal and knock down all the plans and cunning put in place by Satan through his strong men who work in the lie to maintain the souls in the eternal death.
Yesterday in the time of Moses in the desert, the people of Israel spoke against the Eternal God and Moses, and their hurting words that the Eternal God did not like brought his anger against them, he sent fiery snakes that were biting and killing them as it is said: “Then the Lord sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people, so that many people of Israel died” (Numbers 21/6). As many people were falling and dyeing because of the bite of these fiery snakes, the people recognised their fault and sin against God and Moses, and they came towards Moses asking him to pray the Eternal God to take away these fiery snakes as it is said: “ And the people came to Moses and said, “We have sinned, for we have spoken against the Lord and against you. Pray to the Lord, that he take away the serpents from us” So Moses prayed for the people” (Numbers 21/7).
After Moses has prayed to the Eternal God so that the people should not more die, The Eternal God asked him to make a fiery snake and to set it on a pole so that whoever is bitten by a snake looks at it in order to avoid the death as it is said: “And the Lord said to Moses, “Make a fiery serpent and set it on a pole, and everyone who is bitten, when he sees it, shall live” (Numbers 21/8). Moses obeyed to the recommendations of God, making a fiery snake that he set on a pole and whoever looked at this snake was cured and had life.
In fact, what took place during this time was a teaching for us today, and this teaching which is in parable signifies that today, we are bitten by rancour, pride… and the Lord Jesus is lifted for the forgiveness, humility… When we look at this forgiveness, humility… that have been lifted by God to believe in them, we become saved. Therefore, the Lord Jesus (the forgiveness, the humility, love, the righteousness, pity, gentleness, patience, goodness…) has been lifted up so that whoever is bitten by the devil (hatred, jealousy, pride, lies, fake…) becomes free of him (the devil) and have the eternal life. That is why the Lord Jesus knowing that it is him (his life) that must be lifted so that whoever believes in him in spirit and in truth has eternal life, took the example of the snake that Moses lifted to give life to whoever was bitten by it and wanted to be saved. That is why he said: “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in him may have eternal life” (John 3/14-15).
But where does it comes that today, people fabricate blocks of cement or of wood that are caricatured in the images of the actors that have played the role of Jesus and Mary in the film entitled “Jesus of Nazareth”, pushing the people to come and prostrate in front and to make prayers? Meanwhile the Eternal God recommended to neither make idols, images, nor the representations of anyone above or to prostrate in front as it is said: “You shall not make idols for yourselves or erect an image or pillar, and you shall not set up a figured stone in your land to bow down to it, for I am the Lord your God. You shall keep my Sabbaths and reverence my sanctuary: I am the Lord” (Leviticus 26/1). What contempt against the Eternal God to make these representations of carved images! Meanwhile he gives a recommendation saying: “You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them…” (Exodus 20/4-5).
The captives of the deception say in their cunning that they are taking the example of Moses who lifted the fiery snake by raising carved images. They should know that Moses has raised the snake on the recommendation of the Eternal God in order to conserve life to whoever was bitten by a snake. Blinds and deaf, it is said: “And the Lord said to Moses, “Make a fiery serpent and set it on a pole, and everyone who is bitten, when he sees it, shall live” (Numbers 21/8). But who has given you the order to raise carved images and statues so that people should prostrate in front if it is not the devil?
The Eternal God forbade such practices because he knew that they maintained the souls in the eternal death. But as the devil want people to be maintained in this eternal death, that is why he has used you to raise these images and statues caricatured in the images of the actors that are taken to be Jesus and Mary in front of which people prostrate. The Snake that Moses lifted in the desert on the recommendation of the Lord permitted to have life, and you lift and raise statues, carved images… on some places, not by the will of God but by that of the devil in order to maintain the souls in the eternal death. You even go up to say that if you are doing idolatry, therefore Moses also did the same by lifting the snake in the desert. Workers of the devil disguised in men of God, you have filled the world with carved images, monuments, statues made with all type of material and taken to be Mary and Jesus in front of which people prostrate, embrace, kiss, address prayers and all of this starts in the Vatican which is the general direction of lies, disguised in the truth and maintaining people in the eternal death.
In their cunning, they say that they do not worship Mary but they instead venerate her. They are drunk of the lie and they also make people to drink it. Yesterday in the time of King Jeroboam who was the King of Israel, the priests were bringing people to prostrate in front of the golden calves that he made. But today, they (the priests) bring the people to prostrate in front of the blocks of cement and wood that are caricatured in the images of the actors that have played the role of Jesus and Mary in the film entitled “Jesus of Nazareth” and who are taken to be Jesus and Mary. The day that king Jeroboam took to establish the priests of the monuments was the 15th of August, a historical day which they celebrate, but with the cunning of their father, they make the people to believe that it is the ascension of Mary in heaven that they celebrate on the 15th of August (1Kings 12/28-33; 1Kings 13/33).
Have you ever seen the name of pope, cardinal, archbishop… in the bible? It is the bishop of Rome in the year 607 who has been raised pope by emperor FOCAS and he was later called Boniface III. From the year 607 till our days in 2015, Rome has already known 265 popes, and I know what happens in the Vatican during the day as in the night because the world is too small face to the power of creation.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.(John 8/32)
It is the 303rd message.
In truth, it is not only said in the law that vivifies: “You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven…”, in addition, it is said: “You shall not make idols for yourselves or erect an image or pillar, and you shall not set up a figured stone in your land to bow down on it”; because the contrary makes of you the rebels, mad people and deaths in the soul (Leviticus 26/1; Exodus 20/4).
For the blinds to recover the view, they must ask themselves the question to know: “how is the image that is taken to be Jesus older than the one that is taken for Mary?”. It is time for the big lie that maintains the people in the death of the soul to be struck by the power of the fire of truth. Let the blind and the deaf see, listen and understand that the image of the man that has played the role of Jesus in the film entitled “Jesus of Nazareth” has more than 40years, and that of the woman who has played the role of Mary in that same film has less than 30years. Only the image of this actor taken to be Jesus Christ and that of the actress taken to be Mary gives more opportunity to the devil to have a big domination on many people (souls).
The image of the actress that has played the role of Mary is much more seen in the catholics. For the one that has played the role of Jesus, his image does not only abound in the catholics, but also in the Jehovah witnesses who always put these images on their booklets. We also find them in the houses of those who say to be the pentecostal…, on calendars, on the sticking posters on vehicles, on motorbikes… these images are sometimes sold in shops, on road junctions, on the front of certain places of prayer, on the roadsides in all formats. In truth, these priests are very dangerous in the maintaining of people in the eternal death. They always place stones or decorated cement caricatured in the images of these actors in places where people come to prostrate. As people like feasts or events, that is why they sometimes profit to put these images in the hollows of rocks or on the border, thus declaring an annual pilgrimage in these places where many people come in crowd for some days and for different reasons. Others come thinking that they will receive the benedictions during the days of prayer, others come to do their commerce, others again; for prostitution… Therefore, that is what gathers the people during these pilgrimages. They do all that just for the glory of the devil.
One day, I land in Cameroon and in the month of February, I hear talking of a big pilgrimage called: “NGOK LITUBA” (the stone with a hole) in the Littoral region, the department of Sanaga Maritime, in the district of NYANON. I went there to see the works of the devil. Arriving in this savannah region, I saw a big rock where the statuettes and monuments of the actors that have played the role of Jesus and Mary were placed. People were coming to prostrate in front these idols, embracing and kissing them. Majority of the pelerines were climbing on the rock saying that on the top, there is the footprint of Jesus. They were insinuating that when they put their foot sole in this print, it becomes longer or smaller. Everybody was happy to go and put his foot where they think Jesus has walked. In the evening, I saw a multitude of people accompanied with the priests and carrying candles, making a circle of more than two kilometres, and they called this manifestation: “the Saints march”. Among them, there were also the physical deaths. I saw how the men and women were sleeping together on grasses. I saw many abominable and horrible things and I understood that the devil gather these people so that they should be more anoint of the spiritual death.
The priests called “abbots” or “my father” are cunning like their big master. When a person who believes in their deception listens to the truth by the grace of God and comes to ask them: “my father, they have told me that these images of Mary and Jesus are not Mary and Jesus, is it true?”. It is responded to this person: “For the belief or faith to be great, we should have a representation of this belief and faith”. Blind and cunning, what courage of Satan animates you up to representing and comparing the image of a man to that of the Most High! It is to you that the Eternal God asked the question through the mouth of Isaiah the prophet when he says: “To whom then will you liken God, or what likeness compare with him?” (Isaiah 40/18). How do these big and small priests have not trembled in front God to compare the image of this man to that of Jesus Christ! Because today, many people up to the little children believe that this image is Jesus Christ and the other one is Mary in person. The Lord continues to ask the question to these blinds and deaf: “To whom then will you compare me, that I should be like him?...” (Isaiah 40/25). He ends with this question: “To whom will you liken me and make me equal, and compare me, that we may be alike? (Isaiah 46/5).
What greatly deceives many people today is not only the fact that these priests are literates who have made many years in the small and big seminaries to learn how to teach the word of God, but also because at their head, they have the pope in front of whom even the head of states of their nations prostrate, taking him for the biggest man of God on earth. That is why for them, there is no doubt in these carved images, statuettes and monuments caricatured in the image of these actors or something bad to prostrate in front. It is time to know the big government of Satan among the people who work through the big lie in order to maintain the souls in the eternal death because they are more dangerous than the witches and the magicians. They prevent people to see the word of the spirit of life of Jesus Christ which is the image to become because, if we become this word, we become gods not of blood, flesh or human customs, but of heart, spirit, feeling, thought and life of the Lord Jesus; therefore in the becoming of this word, we represent him; that is why it is said: “Therefore, be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ… (Ephesians 5/1-2). Being this word, we are the image or the representation of God in spirit and in truth on earth among the people. Therefore, people will come in front of us (image of God) to receive the advice and exhortation that will also make them become this image of greatness, power, richness and of life because the Lord is seen and testifies to be in us.
We were to look at the image of God in man and to be able to say that such a manner to forgive, to love, to be humble, to be righteous, to be good, to be straight, to have pity and to consider his similar… it is the image of Christ that we are seeing in truth. Therefore, the image of God is seen in man and not on any picture or image. If people want to become this image, they will come in front of us and they will also carry this blessing that we carry, and we will advice and exhort them. But if people go and place themselves in front the statuettes, the monuments, carved images or decorated figures of wood that do not shake, do not speak, do not give advices and exhortation but believing that it is the image of God, therefore they are blind and deaf. Because it is for these blind and deaf that it is said: “Those who lavish gold from the purse, and weigh out silver in the scales, hire a goldsmith, and he makes it into a god; then they fall down and worship! They lift it to their shoulders, they carry it, they set it in its place, and it stands there; it cannot move from its place. If one cries to it, it does not answer or save him from his trouble” (Isaiah 46/6-7).
In truth, these blinds and deaf do not know that they are the gods of these monuments and statues and not the contrary, they do not know that they should not prostrate in front them because they are the ones that fabricate and give the form to these carved images, statues and monuments. They fabricate them with any kind of material and equally place them on a place according to their will. How do they come again and prostrate in front of them!
Even if these carved images, statuettes… are destroyed since the Vatican which is the seat and the general direction in the world, they will make fabricate others, they will fixe them and people will still come and prostrate in front these gods of stone, cement and wood. It is a question for us to destroy the consideration and the belief in these images that should henceforth be taken like a more severe virus than the Ebola virus.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
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