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It is the 489th message
In truth, the devil makes all to demonstrate his unveiled and unmasked presence and domination in churches and houses of prayer in this generation. He expresses himself in the deception, seduction, swindling and magic practices.
In truth, when these men of God touch their victims called believers with their power of hypnotisation, these people always become mad; it is the case with pastor LESEDO Daniel who command his victims to eat grass like goats, and these last obey him without question. In truth, it is touching to see some people who take themselves and who are taken for men of God using magic powers in order to objectify or animalise their fellow men by bringing them to eat grass like herbivores.
In truth, there are two South African men of God: pastor LESEDO Daniel on one part who makes his believers to eat grass and to drink fuel... and prophet PENUEL MNGUNI on the other part who makes his believers to swallow his snakes and mouse alive, to eat clothing fabrics and strands of hair; he also ask them to lie down so that he should walk on them in order to preach and pray, thus humiliating those who seek the way of God. What contempt imposed by the devil to the men who are weak of spirit and who seek God, but who fall in the nets of these pastors, prophets, apostles... that he has established! It is not something normal when you see these people bending down or lying down to eat grass like goats or cutting grass to put in the mouth in order to chew. For, they are under the power of the magical domination of these servants of the devil who are taken for servants of God. They operate in churches by the means of magic powers that they have bought and that often torment their prey; that is why eating grass like goats or opening the mouth and swallowing the snake or mouse alive in the request of these men of God seems like normal practices in the eyes of their believers.
These prophets, pastors, apostles, doctors... always tell to the big voodoo magic masters and witches to whom they ask powers to give them the force that will make them the gods in front of their believers so that all what they will ask them to do, they should do it without hesitation nor sadness, but with joy and happiness. It is not in a natural manner that pastor Daniel LESEDO in south Africa ask his believers to eat grass like goats, for these last do not suspect anything and they do not even ask themselves any question on the manifestation of this cunning; or again, that prophet PENUEL MNGUNI make his believers to swallow his snake or mouse alive without his victims being afraid of these beats that come near their mouth shaking.
Since the devil knows how to attract the men towards him, these big voodoo masters and witches often give the power to these men of God to make visions and revelations of things that are hidden to the ignorant in order to captivate them; and the crowd that suffers itching to hear things that are pleasant to them run behind these foxes that they consider like the men of God in whom the veritable power is manifested; in the cunning, they reveal them their past, things that they have lived, the present that they are living, and promise them a better future.
Certain men of God astonish their victims by magic acts in order to better gain their hearts by the means of the big power which is given to them by the voodoo big magic masters and witches; for this purpose, they often make some bank notes to appear in the purses or pockets of people that they want to swindle or in their bank accounts, sometimes, they even let appear some communication credit in the phones of their prey. These people in their ignorance think that there is only God who can do it, and that the person who did it can make them become rich or change their condition of life in the flesh. Being seduced and attracted, the men are ready to sell all what they posses in order to give these foxes what they ask them.
These men of God are like crocks that make their prey to believe that they multiply money; they sometimes cut papers in the form of banknotes that they put in a bucket full of a product, and they make three true bank notes to appear on top to gain the heart of those whom they want to fool. As such, when they will ask them true money in exchange of these false banknotes, these people who are seduced will not hesitate to give it to them, believing to realise a good deal, to possess more by the means of multiplication. But what swindling!
Magic, occult science and witchcraft are not to simplify. But, in truth, it is too touching to see the men dominated by the powers of these seekers of money and magicians who make their fellow men to eat grass as if these last were goats, or make them swallow snakes or mouse alive. In these churches particularly recognised in the appellation of “awakened church” the devil often work most of the time in front of his victims being masked and veiled; but in these last times, he does not mask himself nor put on a veil in order to highly raise the danger in these awakened or new churches; and when people will hear of these practices that are very horrible and magical, they will be afraid to go there.
The devil expressly makes the ignorant people to commit these acts through his men that he has established and in the face of the world to make those who seek the way of God to be afraid. You often hear that in these awakened churches, shepherds make their believers to swallow snakes and mouse alive as well as to drink fuel, or make them eat grasses like goats, or again, make them keep the dead body of a partner for six months on the marital bed, making them to believe that the person has gone for a journey and that he or she will be back, they also make people to bury a baby alive, making the parents of the child to believe that the child has been conceived by a demon.
There are many acts that the devil makes ignorant people to commit through his workmen to bring many people to be afraid of going on these gathering places or places of prayer also called churches, so that they should prefer staying at home or again, to discourage those who seek the way of God. But we should be careful because we are in the end times!
If you are a veritable child of God in spirit and truth, you possess the new heart and spirit of God, you have become the body of Christ, what do you feel in your heart, spirit and body when you see people who present themselves in front of the crowd as being the men of God and who bring them to eat grass like goats or to swallow their snake and mouse alive, meanwhile you recognise that the Lord Jesus suffered physically in this world and has shed his blood on the cross so that people should not be deceived on his truth, but that they should know it and be saved?
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
It is the 490th message
The devil is too cunning in his power of lies that he operates in this generation through his worthy sons that he has raised and established to govern the world up to the head of States; but the Lord Jesus by his grace has put his word of truth and full of light in us in order to expose all the works of lies, of seduction, of magic, of swindling and misleading so that the mandated of the devil should no longer be taken for the servants of God by thousands of people.
In truth, the devil has mandated the papacy to deceive the world and to lead it astray from God, so that many should not be saved by his Son that he has sent. For the devil to bring Adam and Eve to eat the fruit of the forbidden tree by their creator in the Garden of Eden, he first made these last to understand that the consumption of the fruit of this tree could not kill them, but rather make them become the gods in the knowledge of good and evil. The fact that the devil gave guarantees to Eve that while eating this fruit that has been forbidden by God she will not die, it had weakened her decision and engagement to obey God, and thus pushed her to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; and after Adam and Eve had disobeyed God, they became dead in the spirit and not in the physic. It is the same cunning, power of lies that the papacy uses to maintain almost the entire world in the disobedience and spiritual death.
The spirit of the devil that operates in the papacy has first weakened her victims in the consultation and reading of the Holy Scriptures, thus rendering them null in the knowledge of what the creator recommends to those who want to come back to life or what the pope recommends them for their misleading and ruin. When the creator of everything says that all those who want to live or come back to life should abstain from making carved images and representations of things above... nor even to raise carved images, to place a figured stone or block of cement on a place to bow down in front of this object (Exodus 20/3-5; Leviticus 26/1), the pope in his cunning to divert their souls by the spirit of Satan has first prevented the people from reading the bible or consulting the Holy Scriptures so that they should remain in the ignorance of the knowledge of God’s will, or of what is written in the book of God. After noticing that his prey are already weak and null in the consultation of the Holy Scriptures, the pope has fabricated blocks of cement in the effigy of Robert Powell for Jesus, a British comedian and actor, statues in the effigy of Olivia Hussey for the virgin Mary, an Argentinean actress. Next, he has implanted these blocks of cement everywhere for the people to come and bow down so that their souls should be maintained captive in the death.
The pope knows that the Lord Jesus himself came towards John the Baptist to ask the baptism (Matthew 3/13-16), and said that only he who will believe in his good news and who will be baptised will be saved (Mark 16/16); but after rendering his prey weak and null in the reading of the Holy Scriptures, he started to deceive and swindle parents of babies and children by pouring drops of water on their head at the price of an amount of money as baptism of God. Meanwhile in truth, babies cannot be baptised because they cannot believe in order to repent from the sin, from the bad life or conduct that move the men away from God.
Knowing again that after the Lord Jesus descended and ascended in heaven, nobody has ever ascended in heaven (John 3/13), the pope has also deceived his victims by making them to believe that Mary by whom the Lord Jesus passed to come physically in this world ascended in heaven on the 15th August; and this has become a festive day for these people who are drunk of the lie and deception who believe that Mary is already in heaven and can intercede for them near her son Jesus.
The Lord Jesus said that he who wants to be with him should renounce to his own life and should carry his life for cross and follow him (Matthew 16/24). The pope knowing this and also profiting from the fact that he has rendered his prey weak and null in the reading of the word of life, asked them to carry two pieces of crossed wood that are heavy on their shoulders and to walk under blazing sun with this load once a year; he has also asked them to wear a cross on the neck in the effigy of Robert Powell for a hanging medallion or hung on an assembly of grains that are threaded (chain) called rosary with which they must not separate.
The pope recognises that there is no day called holy Friday in the book of life; but he has convinced his victims that this day exists and that they must abstain from eating meat on this day. It is the same with the Wednesday of ashes where his victims receive a mark of ashes on their forehead in the form of a cross and walk with this sign of the demon all day long. The pope knows that God has established in his church first the apostles, prophets, doctors... (1Corinthians 12/28), but in his cunning, he present himself for the representative of apostle Peter calling himself Pope, Holy Father, and those who follow him are called cardinal, archbishop...
The pope knows that the Lord Jesus said that those who listen to the word of God and keep it are the ones who are his sisters (Mark 3/35); but he makes his victims to believe that it is a function of the women in the middle of the association to become their concubines. When the mercenaries of the pope arrived in Africa, they did not want the people to read the bible, so that while their victims will be going in the slaughtering house for souls, they should only content themselves to wear the rosary, to recite the “Our Father who are in heaven”, to ask Mary to intercede for them near Jesus, to bow down in front of idols...
The pope has deceived the head of States, ministers, diplomats, business men, stars, generals, governors, divisional officers, sub divisional officers, attorneys, lawyers, bailiffs,... all of them are his prey. I am neither afraid of the pope nor of his prey who govern the world by nuclear weapons, wars, corruption, homosexuality, witchcraft, magic, Rosicrucian order, freemasonry when it comes to make the truth of the Lord Jesus Christ to sound like thunderclap in the middle of this generation for the salvation of souls.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
It is the 464th message
The time has come for the Lord to accomplish his prophecy that he made through me since the age of 06months; and this powerful word of fire and of light must exercise his power of creation to open many people’s eyes and ears of the heart so that they should see, hear and discern the value of their soul and the vanity of their flesh, the value of their spiritual body and that of their physical body, the value of their eternal body and that of their passing body in order to no longer despise what is useful to glorify what is useless; to no longer hate what is veritable to love what is false.
Our flesh or lump of soil that God has formed from the dust of the ground is called physical or fleshly body, and the breath that he has introduced in this lump of soil through the nostrils to give the breathing and movement is called spiritual body or soul. For this reason, it is said: “ then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature” (Genesis 2/7). When the first men, Adam and Eve were created by God and placed in the Garden of Eden, he (God) did not give them a commandment whose disobedient was to kill their physical or fleshly body, but rather their spiritual body or soul. That is why it is said: “And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die” (Genesis 2/16-17).
Therefore, since the disobedience, that is since the sin and the spiritual death of Adam and Eve, all those who are born from man’s blood are born dead spiritually; and they can have the spiritual life by Jesus only. That is why Adam has been the door of the death of the spiritual body or the soul, and Jesus is the door of the life. That is even why it is said: “For as by a man came death, by a man has come also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive” (1Corinthians 15/21-22). The sin and the spiritual death came in the world by one man to render every man who is born of the blood sinner and dead. That is why it is said: “Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned” (Romans 5/12). And the Lord Jesus has been sent to our spiritual body or soul for bread of life.
Therefore, eating him is to vivify ourselves; that is why he says: “As the living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father, so whoever feeds on me, he also will live because of me. This is the bread that came down from heaven, not like the bread the fathers ate, and died. Whoever feeds on this bread will live forever” (John 6/57-58); he continue saying: “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst” (John 6/35). The Lord Jesus did not come to be a food, water, cloth... for our flesh or lump of soil, but for our soul or spiritual body. He did not come to make his flesh to suffer and die so that our flesh or lump of soil should no longer suffer and die, but he came to sacrifice his flesh on the cross for our soul, so that it (our soul) should leave the death for life; it should avoid the lake of fire for the kingdom of heaven.
It is not for our flesh or lump of soil that the Lord Jesus sacrificed his flesh which he bear witness that it is nothing and serve nothing as he says: “ It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life” (John 6/63), but rather for our soul, so that it should no longer suffer in the lake of eternal fire. The Father did not ask the Son to descend rapidly on earth while taking the physical or fleshly body to make our flesh or lump of soil to avoid returning in the ground or to be thrown in a pit, but it was rather to prevent our soul from being thrown in the lake of eternal fire on the last day by bringing life to it.
In truth, what degree of blindness and deafness are we to find that our flesh or lump of soil is more important or has value more than our soul for us to worry about it while abandoning our soul, to take care of it while neglecting our soul, to sell or sacrifice our soul to the devil against things! How then do we say to love Jesus or God meanwhile we love our flesh or lump of soil more than our soul! How do we say to be Christians meanwhile we care more about the future of our flesh or lump of soil rather than our soul! In this generation, the men do not seek the knowledge of the kingdom of heaven that will bring them to work and gain things or the richness of the kingdom of heaven, but rather the knowledge of things of the earth that will permit them to work and gain things and the richness of the earth. To work and gain things of the kingdom of heaven, you must have knowledge of God. The same, to work and gain things of the earth, you must have knowledge of man. But the Lord Jesus tells us: “Do not work for the food that perishes, but for the food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give to you. For on him God the Father has set his seal” (John 6/27). He continue saying: “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal” (Matthew 6/19-20).
In truth, we are too blind and deaf to spend our time to suffer for a body which has no value in the eyes of God; but we say to love God. Look at what we do which is dishonest, abominable and defile in front of God to satisfy our flesh or lump of soil by covering it with richness, glory, greatness and celebrity. The man will spend all the day working to satisfy his fleshly body or lump of soil; and if somebody ask him to take just one hour to read and listen to the word of God which will also be an additional food, water and cloth for his soul, he will say that it is wasted time because according to him, time is money, food for his flesh; does he think about his soul? No.
The man must understand that when he comes out of the stomach of his mother, his flesh lives and his soul is poor and dead; his flesh will return dead in the ground, and his soul must not come out dead from his nostrils to gain the lake of eternal fire, but rather alive to gain the kingdom of heaven. That is why people must not have regrets firstly for not getting married, not having children, not having grandsons and great grandsons, many days on earth and also the material, willing that the day their corpse will be lying, the family and other relatives should dance in memory of their old age and their works, but they must know that as they came poor and dead in their souls and spiritual body, they must leave the earth being spiritually rich and alive; and their first vow for their children must not be the obtaining of big certificates, travelling, marriage, journeys, but rather that their children should first gain Jesus so that their souls should live. That is why the Lord Jesus tells us: “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” (Matthew 6/33); it is still said: “Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God” (Colossians 3/2-3).
In this world, the man has made reserves for his flesh or lump of soil. He even wants that when he will become old, he should no longer suffer. That is why he needs something that will give him money to feed and take care of his flesh or lump of soil. He will build houses to rent them, he will buy transport cars or carry other activities; but he will never worry about the place where his soul will go when it will leave its lump of soil, nor of what it will feed eternally.
Look at these three presidents who are Omar Bongo, François Mitterrand and Mobutu Sese Seko, how their flesh had touched the summit of power, glory, greatness and richness. Omar Bongo, born on the 30th December 1935, he became head of State of Gabon on the 02nd December 1967. He died being in power on the 08th June 2009 while having already done 41years 06months and 06days in power; and if he has spent his time to become a great Rosicrucian or freemason, to get rid of all his opponents, to have money, houses and companies..., when he died, his lump of soil without soul or breath was no longer useful to his family, and they (his family) had put him in a box and threw him in a pit, and for his soul which has gone, if it does not have Christ, it will also be useless in front of God on the last day and will be thrown in the lake of eternal fire.
François Mitterrand, born on the 26th October 1916 became French head of State on the 21st May 1981; he left the presidency on the 17th March 1995, having done 13years, 11months and 26 days in power. He had reached the summit of the power, glory, greatness and richness; and if he has spent his time to become a great Rosicrucian or freemason, to instigate the coups d’état in countries that his nation had colonised, to gather the richness of the earth... when his soul came out of the nostrils, his lump of soil was no longer useful to his family that took this vanity, had put it in a box and threw it in a pit. For his soul which has gone, if it did not have Christ, it will be thrown by God in the lake of fire on the last day because of its uselessness. Mobutu Sese Seko, born on the 14th October 1930, became head of state of the Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire) on the 24th November 1965. He is chased away from power on the 16th May 1997, having already made 31years, 05months and 22days in power.
He had reached the summit of power, glory, greatness and richness. And if he has spent his time to become a great Rosicrucian or freemason, to seek great witch doctors, to eliminate his opponents, to gather the richness and vanities, the day the soul left his lump of soil, his family took this useless lump of soil, they had put it in a box and threw it in a pit. If his soul left without Christ, it will also be thrown by God in the lake of eternal fire on the last day because of its lack of value. But what slavery and what a waste of time for the man to suffer on earth where the flesh is neither useful to his family nor his dead soul to God! In truth, he who will not have the Son on the last day will not be useful to the Father.
We should understand that the devil is spirit, and he will not gain man’s flesh in the lake of fire where he will live his eternity; and God also is Spirit and he also will not gain man’s flesh to live with it in the kingdom of heaven where he dwell eternally, but the two spirits want to gain man’s soul. How can we glorify a lump of soil that will be unable to enter the kingdom of heaven and neglect our soul that can enter the kingdom of heaven by Christ? That is even why it is said: “I tell you this, brothers: flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable” (1Corinthians 15/50).
If we have Christ in us and that we neither know how to write nor speak an official language, if we do not have the material, if we are not married, if we do not have children..., the men of this world will mock at us and despise us, and not God. What God approves for veritable, the men on the other hand do not approve it. Therefore, we should not fall on the trap of the devil. That is why Apostle Peter tells us: “Beloved, I urge you as sojourners and exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul” (1Peter 2/11). It is still said: “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him” (1John 2/15).
In God, he who does not work does not eat, and God love people who are though and workers, both for the soul first which is called to gain the kingdom of heaven and for the lump of soil which is called to gain the ground.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
It is the 491st message
In truth, the men of God on earth were to have a charge, a mission, a task which is to bring the men to become the richness of God on earth, to have God first for richness. The richness of God becomes man by the possession of a new heart and spirit brought by Christ, and the richness of man was to be God by the possession of the heart and spirit of God. God had promised a new heart and new spirit that are his richness to the people of Israel and the entire world when he was telling them: “And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh” (Ezekiel 36/26).
God in his great love had the pleasure to announce the people of the entire world that he will destroy the poverty which is in them and which is the heart of stone, and will build them a richness which is the heart of flesh; the Lord Jesus is the one that God has sent to bring down poverty which is the heart of stone in us, and to raise the richness which is the heart of flesh. The Lord Jesus willing to make us become veritably rich and to give us his grace by this new heart, became poor in his lump of soil that he took to appear like a simple man. That is why it is said: “ For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich” (2Corinthians 8/9).
The appearing of the Lord Jesus on earth in the physical body had for aim to destroy the death which is the heart of stone and poverty, and to replace it with the life which is the heart of flesh and of richness. Therefore, the men of God were to recognise, to see and feel that God has sent Christ in this physical world to suffer and sacrifice himself on the cross, not to destroy poverty which is the lack of the material or money, but to destroy poverty which is the possession of the heart of stone, and to restore the richness which is the heart of flesh. This generation is very poor, not because it lacks what the ground and underground abounds or things that have been transformed for richness, but because it does not possess the heart of flesh which is the heart of God on earth.
This poverty is at a high scale and can be perceived by the excess evil, wickedness, injustice, fake, corruption, defile, abomination, magic practices, witchcraft, killing... In truth, the men of God must operate the veritable deliverance which does not consist in making prayers and casting out demons in bodies or to heal diseases, but to make the word of God which is the sword of fire to be listened for the circumcision of the hearts of those who listen to it. Meanwhile today, the hearts of the majority of men of God are dominated by the deception, seduction, flattery, the material, the glory of man...
The men of God were to guide or bring the people to understand that they have two bodies: the physical body and the spiritual body; the physical body is drawn from dust of the ground. This body feed on the ground for food, and this ground which is consumed finishes his run in the pit called WC (toilet) which has been reserved for it. In short, all what the flesh touches, store and possess to enrich itself either finishes its race in the dust bin or in the toilet. And once the spiritual body comes out of this flesh, it immediately gains back the ground from where it has been drawn. Therefore, seeing and knowing the end of the flesh as well as what it touches or which is useful brought the Lord Jesus who was seeing the end of this flesh to say: “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life” (John 6/63).
The men of God were to make the people to understand that what the flesh touches, keeps, store or if it lack these things, it must return in the bosom of the earth because the earth does not refuse its lump of dust that has been drawn from it to form the flesh which only has a short sojourn before returning in it. They must make people to understand that man’s worry must not only be carried on what his flesh which is the lump of soil did not touch, keep and store; for, will this flesh be received in the bosom of the earth after it’s short sojourn? They must make them understand that the Lord Jesus came to vivify and enrich our soul through his word which is spirit and life.
That is why the Lord Jesus says: “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life” (John 6/63); they must also make them understand that anybody without Jesus is poor and dead in front of God even if he is alive in his flesh, even if he touches and store all earthly things for richness. That is why God not willing that the man should remain without value in front of him and to be thrown in the end times in the burning fire like a man throws useless paper in the dust bin, has sent Jesus with a new heart. Therefore, the soul in which Jesus is seated is not thrown by God in the eternal lake of fire.
The men of God were to guide and bring the men to lament, be anxious and worry first for their souls; for if they leave the flesh or earth without being invested of Jesus, his heart, his spirit and body, they will be thrown by God to pass an eternity in the burning fire; they should understand that God throws away from the kingdom of heaven the heart which does not live his Son, but on the other hand, the earth does not throw away the flesh which is a lump of soil and which comes back to it.
The worry of the poor Lazarus was not to know if his flesh will return in the earth without possessing earthly things, but it was rather to know where his soul will go if it had to leave the flesh without Jesus Christ. It is this questioning that earned him a place in the kingdom of heaven. If the bad rich also had the same worry, he would have not been asking a drop of water eternally in the flame of fire.
Let the people know that having the title of head of State, minister, governor, divisional officer, attorney, general, colonel, commissioner, bailiff, or having billions without Jesus represents nothing in front of God. As such, they must understand that having any kind of skin colour, nationality, speaking any kind of language and not possessing the heart of flesh which is God’s richness is nothing. But instead of majority of men of God to lead and guide the people to seek the heart of flesh which is the house and richness of God on earth, they rather bring them to go and seek money for them because they want to have luxurious houses, big vehicles, big buildings called church, bank accounts, and even private jets. These spiritual blinds who seek the way of God while groping are their fields of supply. Every day, they are selling prayers, objects said bless... to them. Meanwhile God the Father has sent God the Son to make the gods, born of Christ and legitimated by him. But these men of God want to become great and glorious in this world in front of the men.
That is why they rent or build big luxurious houses that are their homes, move in big vehicles, all this in the responsibility of the poor spiritual visually impaired and hearing impaired. As such, they seduce, deceive, flatter, swindle them, while the Lord Jesus is waiting them, for they have the charge to make him have a dwelling in men’s hearts by the means of his word of fire because it is through this word that the man become a dwelling or richness of God in spirit; that is even why it is said: “In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit” (Ephesians 2/22), or as it is still said: “but Christ is faithful over God's house as a son. And we are his house, if indeed we hold fast our confidence and our boasting in our hope” (Hebrews 3/6), and that is why the Lord Jesus says: “If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him” (John 14/23).
Majority of the men of God do not have the charge that weighs on them, which is to bring the heart of stone to become the heart of flesh, to bring the man to become the dwelling and richness of God in spirit; but they rather have the charge to possess objects that are expensive at the expense of the spiritual blinds and deaf. For some, when they write few words in a book, they rush to sell it; they sell things on which they have made prayers or blessed things. During this time, the souls are without shelter, food, water, are orphans, prisoners, abandoned; but we should understand that for these men of God, to possess luxury is first their affair. Even if they carry out campaigns, it is to gather people that will come and fill their pockets, as such, they will make more advertisement. They do not seek people so that they should be disciples and faithful to Christ, but they seek them so that they should become their disciples and faithful to them.
They have diverted them away from God to bring them towards their god by making them to believe that the wellbeing is not to live Jesus who is food, water and the dress, but rather to possess what will finish its race in the toilet or dust bin. Sometimes, a man of God can seek to have many children and counts on the church to send them to school, to feed them, to build his house, rent his house or buy fuel for his vehicle, to pay his electricity and water bills, and sometimes even domestic gas.
They bring the people to no longer work for the work of God, but to work for them. For they have make the material to be adored in the heart of men instead of God who created everything and who is the master of time, moments and situations; and this has as consequence the high rate of evil in this generation , this atrocious evil which is at the summit of States. But the truth of Christ does not flexes, is not corrupted, does not bow down in front of every person who has gone astray and who must come back.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
It is the 501st message
This world has never loved the truth, the obedience to the word of God, the submission to the commandments of the Lord... because it is under the domination of the lie, the disobedience, the rebellion, the revolt, the seduction... That is even why it is said: “We know that we are from God, and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one” (1John 5/19).
Why do I say that it is the world that dominates and lead the church of today? It is because in the church of today, it is the letter, the seduction, the deception, the rebellion, the revolt, the glory of man and the love of money that dictate their law. One day, the Lord Jesus asked me to look at all those who attract the crowd and who are recognised and taken for the great men of God of the awakened church such as OYEDEPO, TB Joshua, OLANGI, KARAMBIRI... I saw and noticed that their wives are pastors, evangelists or teachers in the church. He had made me understand that they bring and leave their wives to teach so that his order should be violated, despised and hated; but is it a manifestation of love towards them? He also made me understand that these last cannot love their wives more than him the Lord; and that while doing this, it is not by love for their souls because they will knock against the door of the kingdom of heaven that will be closed to them because of their disobedience, their rebellion and revolt to his Word, but that it is rather by love of the flesh of these last because of a passing pleasure. That is why I have well understood the thought and feeling of the letter that kills (2Corinthians 3/6).
It is by the feeling of the letter that people want their wives to also teach in the churches or assemblies of God; they thus despise the spirit that vivifies and violate the order of the word which is spirit and life (John 6/63). If people ask themselves why the woman should not teach in the church and assembly of God, or if they say that the woman must also teach as the man does, they do not say it with the feeling of the spirit that vivifies or the word of truth that saves, but they say it with the spirit of the letter that kills or the word that condemns. In truth, this rebellion, disobedience or revolt has permitted me to see at what degree those who are hypocrite do not fear God. When Apostle Paul says that this prohibition neither comes from him nor is his point of view, but that it is the order of the Lord, the people were to tremble, given that the Lord Jesus is the supreme head of the Church which is his body as Ephesians 1/22-23 says: “ And he put all things under his feet and gave him as head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all”.
The Lord Jesus who is the saviour gives the order to the woman not to teach in his church where himself is the supreme head, the body and the head (Colossians 1/18; Colossians 1/24; Ephesians 1/22-23). Men and women who are rebellious and disobedient to the word of God and the creator of everything, but submitted and obedient to the word of man, it is said: “Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet” (1Timothy 2/11-12). It is still said: “the women should keep silent in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission, as the Law also says. If there is anything they desire to learn, let them ask their husbands at home. For it is shameful for a woman to speak in church” (1Corinthians 14/34-35).
The spirit of Satan was in Jezebel to bring her husband to lead the people astray; it is also this spirit that acts powerfully in the evangelist Joyce Meyer. And what you must know concerning this woman has not yet started; but the masks must fall in the name of the head, the body and the supreme head of the church.
Many people hear talking of Jezebel without knowing who she was truly, and it is her spirit that continues to work and act today. Jezebel was the daughter of the king of the Sidonians, the people that God had forbidden the children of Israel from getting married to their daughters; but the king of Israel who was Ahab did not obey this order and got married to this Sidonian named Jezebel who was the daughter of the king. That is even why it is said: “And Ahab the son of Omri did evil in the sight of the Lord, more than all who were before him. And as if it had been a light thing for him to walk in the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, he took for his wife Jezebel the daughter of Ethbaal king of the Sidonians, and went and served Baal and worshiped him” (1Kings 16/30-31). Jezebel had a very powerful spirit of rebellion, of seduction, of misleading and destruction. She was the wife of Ahab, king of Israel. She did not only bring her husband to commit crimes, but also the people. Ahab king of Israel became wicked in the eyes of the Eternal because of his wife Jezebel who incited him to despise, to revolt and to become rebellious against God; that is why it is said: “(There was none who sold himself to do what was evil in the sight of the Lord like Ahab, whom Jezebel his wife incited” (1Kings 21/25).
Jezebel had a spirit that was leading many astray without these ones being aware of it; that is why it is said: “And the men of his city, the elders and the leaders who lived in his city, did as Jezebel had sent word to them. As it was written in the letters that she had sent to them” (1Kings 21/11). Jezebel had made people to commit many atrocities up to the point where God became angry against this woman and wanted her to die than to continue making many people to perish and to be killed; that is why it is said: “And of Jezebel the Lord also said, ‘The dogs shall eat Jezebel within the walls of Jezreel” (1Kings 21/23), therefore, Jezebel died and dogs ate her as God announced, up to the point where what remained was only her skull, and the feet and the palms of her hands. That is why 2Kings 9/34-37 says: “Then he went in and ate and drank. And he said, “See now to this cursed woman and bury her, for she is a king's daughter.” But when they went to bury her, they found no more of her than the skull and the feet and the palms of her hands. When they came back and told him, he said, “This is the word of the Lord, which he spoke by his servant Elijah the Tishbite: ‘In the territory of Jezreel the dogs shall eat the flesh of Jezebel, and the corpse of Jezebel shall be as dung on the face of the field in the territory of Jezreel, so that no one can say, This is Jezebel”.
The Lord recognising that this generation is leaded according to the prince of this world who is the prince of the power of the air who incites to rebellion, will not put the men apart and more the women who drag the multitude of people in the revolt an rebellion against his word which ordained and commanded, and does not permit the woman to teach in the church. He has warned us with wisdom in Revelation when he says: “I know your works, your love and faith and service and patient endurance, and that your latter works exceed the first. But I have this against you, that you tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess and is teaching and seducing my servants to practice sexual immorality and to eat food sacrificed to idols” (Revelation 2/19-20). People see the evangelist Joyce Meyer being cheered and having standing ovation by the blinds and deaf, the men like OYEDEPO, TB JOSHUA, OLANGI, KARAMBIRI...also asking their wives whom they have established pastors or evangelists to teach. Many women who see Joyce Meyer being cheered and having standing ovation... stand and will also stand to teach, without forgetting many other women who imitate her in the wearing of wigs that are coloured in green on the head, her eyelashes that are shaven and traced in green with a pencil, her lips that are paint in red... or wearing a jean trouser that wrap and tie hers buttocks... You will know who Joyce Meyer is, but the light enlightens progressively.
Many ignorant people say that Joyce Meyer must teach in the church or assembly of God because she has the grace or the anointing of God. But you must understand that without the obedience to the order of God, there is no grace nor blessing nor God’s anointing. The fact that the woman must not teach in the church or assembly of God according to his order is not the meaning of a weak sex or discrimination or a contempt against women. We should be careful with our thoughts that want to give reason to themselves concerning the order of God.
The world is the world and the church of God is the church of God. In the assembly of God, there must not be rivalry between the man and the woman because the man is the head of the woman, as God is the head of Christ and Christ the head of the man as it is said: “But I want you to understand that the head of every man is Christ, the head of a wife is her husband, and the head of Christ is God” (1Corinthians 11/3). Rivalries between the man and the woman that the devil has generated in this world that he dominates or which is under his power should not reign in the church or assembly of God. Let those who have made their science and recognised as “cosmo-féminologues” understand that the child comes from man’s waist to be carried by the stomach of the woman; and Mary who was virgin before knowing Joseph, the Lord Jesus came in her womb by his will and choice, and this does not give Mary the access or right to enter in the kingdom of heaven, nor to be happy in her soul without believing to the word of God which says that the woman must not teach in the church or assembly of God. That is even why it is said: “As he said these things, a woman in the crowd raised her voice and said to him, “Blessed is the womb that bore you, and the breasts at which you nursed!” But he said, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!” (Luke 11/27-28).
All these messages are not for sale, and there is no copyright to be paid to a man; but it is according to the will and grace of Jesus who wants that his truth should be known of all. I want all the people to understand that all the sharing and conversation in internet is the work of children who are with me. I have not yet started and I am free and happy to work without complex with everybody who wants that the truth and glory of the Lord Jesus should be praised and raised at the summit of all what is passing and vanity. All those who say that in Christ, as there is no longer neither man nor woman, it means that the woman should also teach in the church or assembly of God, they should understand that Christ is his word which recommends that the spirit which does not have sex according to their thoughts, is the spirit of Christ that comes from his word and which says that the woman must not teach in the church or assembly of God.
The letter talks of the word which it does not know, meanwhile the spirit talks of what it knows because the word comes from it.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
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