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It is the 502nd message
I do not come to talk in the name of a continent, a skin colour, nation, town, tribe, language, but I come to talk in the name of the righteousness, justice, mercy, peace... of God which is ignored, rejected and despised by certain men who take themselves for big fishes and who intimidate and subjugate the others who are considered as small fishes.
I do not come with the spirit of the creator to be influenced by the spirit of man, of the beast or the devil; I do not come with the knowledge of the creator of things in my heart attested by the Holy Spirit to be influenced by the knowledge of things attested by papers called certificates. I do not come with the richness, the word that created the ground and the underground to be influenced by the barren richness of the ground and the underground which is transformed or fabricated by the hands of man. I do not come from a nation or continent where my creator made me to be born in the flesh to envy another one where my creator did not make me to be born. I do not envy any other skin colour than the one that my creator has given me. I do not come with the authority of God which has domination over evil to be intimidated and influenced by the men who are at the summit of the governing of the flesh of other men not having authority to govern evil.
The problem that we have in this present world is that the man does not run towards the Lord Jesus first to be invested and to build richness, a fortune, a treasure, God’s goods of truth in order to become eternally great and glorious. But the man run towards the material, what he transforms and fabricates with his own hands in order to draw greatness and glory from these vanities; and because of this, he eliminates, destroys and despises the others in order to come in possession of these things. The devil seeing that man’s heart pleases itself in these things to the detriment of the life, health, peace and joy of human beings or his fellowmen, he has thus make use of this to make him become his instrument.
It is by freemasonry, the Rosicrucian order and Catholicism that the African Head of States are dominated, influenced, weakened and intimidated by these western belligerent puppeteers. These very great and dangerous lodges have permitted these puppeteers to bring the African head of States to be tyrannical, to take the richness of the people like a personal good, to govern and rule their people without the opinion of anybody. For this purpose, African countries are not governed by their people, but by an individual who is weakened, intimidated, influenced and manipulated, who takes the dignity and richness of his people in hostage to make it his personal good; that is why dictatorship reigns and has taken precedence over democracy.
Politicians, exploiters, instigators of wars and coups d’état, sellers of weapons that these puppeteers are, before coming in Africa, they first sent spies clothed in cassocks and carrying a bible, who were not teaching writings of the bible, but rather customs and traditions of men accompanied with recitations; they were asking the Africans to throw their supernatural powers and forces, or were asking them to bring or give it to them. They were also asking lands, and fields have been given to them as you can notice today. When they were receiving the fields freely, in return, they were selling drops of water that they were pouring on the forehead of babies and little children for baptism just as it is still practiced today by many.
These spies in cassocks had weakened and diverted the thought of these old Africans. These puppeteers came to exploit African richness and some people who were awakened and who were speaking in their disadvantage were chased and killed. These spies had instituted the confession to bring the people to come towards them to tell them their secrets, under pretext that they were talking to God, and these secrets were used to better destroy them. That is how they were deprived of all their richness in benefit of these puppeteers. So touching in truth!
Having colonised Africa, and after independence, these last always wanted to keep this continent dependent of the metropolis; that is why they have brought the Rosicrucian order and freemasonry in which they have introduced the African head of States, by this way, keeping them under the domination of the system of student and master (teacher). According to the principles in these lodges, the masters must sodomise the students; that is where the great danger for Africa is felt. Majority of African leaders are the wives of these people who are their godfathers and masters.
The African head of States who are introduced in these lodges drag their relatives inside; as such, almost all the high officials want to become Rosicrucian or freemason like their presidents, ministers... for it is through this circle that we obtain favours of those who are highly placed, merit leaving the place to the sectarian’s feelings and favours. When an African head of State does not obey another western head of State, this last will go and complaint to the master of the lodge in which the African head of State is a member, and this master calls him to order by intimidating him. Or they will even call on the pope who will invite this recalcitrant African head of State in the Vatican to bring him into submission, given that the pope has a great power in these two lodges: The Rosicrucian and Freemasonry order.
Today, if the post of an African head of State is not threatened, his children will be able to study in the biggest schools of the world, even if for that, they must privatise all the public companies, let the rate of unemployment to increase, favour the exploitation of the resources of the people by the westerners. Also, he will remain insensitive to problems such as the currency, hunger and thirst, the embezzlements, underdevelopment... Besides, for majority of the African head of States, their children have double nationality because they know that after their mandate, they and their family will go and live in another country were they have invested in advance.
Therefore, in Africa, as long as the power is not found in the hands of the people but rather in those of an individual who is weakened, intimidated, influenced by the sectarian lodges of the westerners, and manipulated by these belligerent puppeteers, Africa will neither be able to become free nor sovereign nor to have their own currency or to witness a veritable development. The pope is in the freemasonry order as well as majority of his colleagues. That is even why there are many acts of pedophile in this milieu. In Italy for example, homosexuality is legalised and the mayor of Rome 1st celebrates the homosexual marriage every weekend and delivers marriage certificates to those who get married, he being the neighbour of the pope.
In Cameroon, in the year 2009, the visit of pope Benedict XVI had cost more than 2billionns of CFA francs, but for what end? If not for the impoverishment of the flesh by useless expenses, and that of the soul through customs and traditions of men that are taught.
The world is small, the International Criminal Court (ICC) or the human rights draw their law from the bible, but they do not respect these laws and rights; but many things will happen in this generation.
I heard the Africans saying that the former Ivorian president called Laurent Bagbo could not rule Ivory Coast because he was a baker and not a certified in economy, finances... I want to make them understand that it is not through certificates that we become a good leader, but by a heart which is anxious for all the people of all social classes; he who has this heart serve the people, he eats and drinks after the people, his joy and peace come from the joy and peace of the people. I want to make them understand that Pharaoh gave all the governing of the entire Egypt to Joseph son of Jacob or Israel who was not in school to learn economy, finances... because he discovered that nobody else was intelligent and wise like him. That is why it is said: “And Pharaoh said to his servants, “Can we find a man like this, in whom is the Spirit of God?” Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, “Since God has shown you all this, there is none so discerning and wise as you are. You shall be over my house, and all my people shall order themselves as you command. Only as regards the throne will I be greater than you.” And Pharaoh said to Joseph, “See, I have set you over all the land of Egypt” (Genesis 41/38-41).
To all the rulers of the world; in the flesh where I have less than 40years on this day of the 29th March 2017, you are my fathers and grand fathers, and not in the spirit. I want to bring back your souls that you have sold to the devil for vanities that finish their race in the dust bin, toilet... I do not retain myself from telling you the truth for fear that my flesh should be destroyed by the sword, the weapon, bomb; because sooner or later it must return in the ground where it was taken, but I am afraid of not loving you by not telling you the truth, for if the bad rich in the parable of Jesus had received it, he would not be asking a drop of water while suffering in the lake of eternal fire.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
It is the 556th message
While coming in this physical world, I came with joy and peace in my spirit; being in this world, I lack this peace and joy, not because I do not have spare clothes or clothes of value, reserved food or food of quality, a safe place to sleep... but because I see some men depriving life, health, enjoyment of goods, liberty... to other men, and this because of jealousy or shameful gains.
I do not feel joy because I have a certain skin colour, because I belong to a certain territory, I speak a certain language... to be racist or a nationalist..., but I am that one who wants to see God’s peace, joy, pity and love manifest in man’s soul, spirit, heart and body so that the human being should no longer be considered to be lower than the material, human power, glory and strength, in order to be sold, exchanged or sacrificed against vanities or to be bought, robbed, maltreated or taken as an object because of these vanities.
That is the reason for which I am sent by the man of truth with the truth to make it to be heard by all the men up to the summit of the states, to whoever wants to listen to it or not, without being afraid of anybody. Those who are at the summit of the state possess weapons, power, glory, man’s wisdom and intelligence, and also the richness that are the works of man’s hand.
The men of this world can only have limited power granted from heaven to imprison, impoverish and destroy my fleshly or terrestrial body which is a lump of soil, a carapace or shell which sooner or later, will end its race in the ground. Man’s physical body or flesh on earth is like a sugar cube on which they pour a drop of water, and as long as seconds pass, that is how the cube of sugar also dissolves; it is the same with man’s flesh on earth, as each year passes, it weakens and moves towards the end of a final passage. If the man had sought to glorify himself in the will of that one who made him from dust of the ground; transformed him into a lump of soil, blew in his nostrils, giving him a breath of life, breathing, movement, he would not be killing, selling, sacrifice, maltreating his fellow man and taking him like an object. Today, the man consider his fellow man like an ant, a house fly, a cockroach, a caterpillar, a rooster, a chicken, a sheep or goat.
In truth, I feel pains deep in my heart today when I see the head of states of foreign countries being without remorse towards the maltreatment and genocides that have been committed on the Africans by their elders. They were intimidating Africans with weapons and were buying black people like sweets and biscuits from African kings, and who later became their slaves. Being led by a satanic will, they were harshly treating these slaves, they killed those who rebelled against them or deprived them of water and food for weeks. Not willing to touch the ground, they were carried by their slaves for long distances, they were putting chains on the neck of these slaves like dogs; they were killing and destroying certain villages of the Africans who wanted independence. They were maltreating the Africans, rapping their wives as well as children, they were taking pictures with the heads of certain Africans that were cut off. Look at the picture on the first page where they have hanged the heads of black men on sticks! These foreign head of states of today neither have the feelings of the creator nor the human feelings, because they do not feel any regret towards what their ancestors did on the Africans.
They rather do the same works like those who came before them and their fathers; that is why they arm groups of rebels called Boko Haram; supply them with sophisticated weapons, war tanks, explosive belts when necessary, as well as automatic bombs. They also supply them with food and money; that is why Boko Haram recruits hundreds of agents day after day, as well as young girls that they use to make explode bombs. This group called Boko Haram is armed, financed and supplied by those one who are insatiable of the material and who desire oil of the Gulf of Guinea; and this group of rebels kill with weapons, slaughter and bombard people. They kidnap children for ransom; they steal livestock, rob stores, and prevent education of people as well as their development. The people have run away from certain zones, in other zones, they live in the fear and insomnia.
Civilians as well as soldiers die, and these African countries become more and more poor because of enormous expenses for the deployment of soldiers on the field and their supply. As such, to face these rebels who are armed, countries that are victims make recruitments every year for their forces of defence.
When foreign head of states want to knock down an African head of state who no longer want to be a pawn or marionette for their selfish interest, they incite war in his country and provoke instability.
Foreign head of states..., you should have the look and feeling of God or that of man to be affected, touched when you see Africans perishing because of you! But since your hearts are still dominated by the animal regard and feeling, making and seeing the blood of Africans flowing like the blood of sheep or cow fills you with joy and peace, especially when you succeed in possessing their oil, minerals...
I have never gone to Syria, but I am too touched to see the destruction that certain towns and people of Syria have faced. If in those days, the former president of America called Barack Obama and the present president of Russia called Vladimir Poutine had agreed on the interest in Syria, they would have limited the number of deaths and displaced people. But unfortunately, while Poutine was supporting Bachar Al Assad, Obama was in the camp of the opponents; and this country has been delivered into a show of destruction. I even wrote a message concerning this war.
Countries such as the USA, Russia, China, Nord Korea... would have seek to glorify themselves in peace, joy, pity, hospitality, pacifism, reconciliation, the consideration of man and his blood, the development of all the nations and fulfilment of people. But contrarily, they have sought and seek to glorify themselves in the manufacturing and possession of nuclear weapons, missiles..., being capable to extinguish the entire people, a continent... They put in colossal means to attain these objectives and to glorify Satan, while people die of hunger in this world. But what will they tell to God when the time will come to give him the report of their passing on earth?
To God only pity by his Son Jesus Christ, he who do not want to see the man owing the suffering, death... to his fellow man, but rather success and life for the eternity.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
It is the 442nd message
In these end times, the devil is more than ever motivated to do everything so that the men should be dominated by his powerful prints, marks, signatures, stamps… He uses certain men of enterprises who have signed pacts with him for the prosperity of their enterprises, imposing them to put his marks on the stamp of the product that must be bought and used by costumers.
There are many enterprises in the world that have put the stamp, the signature or the figure of the beast on their product; but here, I only want to talk of telephone operators in Cameroon that are ORANGE, MTN and NEXTTEL where high magic is in full swing and where paedophiles and lesbians are leaders.
If a person comes with his big diplomas, his professional experience, his capacities and genius, the job interview will take place very well and they will easily propose him a good post, a good salary and a service car, but all this will only be acquired under a last condition of the devil. It is in the same way that the devil had presented the kingdoms, the glory and richness of the earth to the Lord Jesus, and had promised to give him everything on the only condition that the Lord Jesus should bow down in front of him. Therefore, it is the same thing that these sellers of souls against vanities propose to people who are seeking the employment. They will give these last what they want, but on the condition that if it is a man, he will become the wife of this leader, and his anus will be transformed into a vagina; or if it is a woman, she will become the wife of another woman who will then take herself for a man who will penetrate her everywhere with her fingers and all kinds of objects. What degree of Satanism in these companies!
These sectarians themselves have sold their souls to the devil against vanities that are only papers called money that their own hands have manufactured. To gain all the favours and vanities of the devil, this last have imposed the number 6 to these sellers of souls which is used by all the costumers of ORANGE, MTN and NEXTTEL. The mark of the beast is 666; and the devil could not impose these flocks to put 666 in front of every telephone number before dialling it, for he knew that if he does it, the people would easily discover it. Therefore, in his cunning, he wanted that only one 6 should be imposed as the first figure on all telephone numbers of ORANGE, MTN and NEXTTEL, and that this figure should do the trick.
The 6 that the great sectarians of the mobile telephone in Cameroon have imposed play the role of 666; and only those who will be under the dominating power of God will not be carried away by the powerful magic of the beast. In truth, the end times are too dangerous because the devil plays his all-out effort; and the wind that blows or that will blow more will carry along all those who do not have a solid foundation on the rock or on the stone that has been given for foundation to whoever does not want to be shaken or carried away by the eternal death.
In Cameroon, all the witches, great magicians, sectarians, marabous… know the role that plays the 6 that have been imposed by these sectarians of the mobile telephone. All these last have sold their souls to the devil, and the 6 does not disturb the flesh but rather the soul that they have sold to the devil against vanities. If the number 6 that has been imposed by the great sectarians of the mobile telephone was able to damage the flesh, they would have talked a lot about it and they would have found means to protect themselves from it. But since it only destroys the soul that they themselves have sold, they do not talk about. It is like the power of the witches and the power of lies and magic of the priests, pastors, prophets… of this world. We talk a lot about the power of the witches that block the flesh from possessing goods of the earth, we are suspicious and seek how to counteract it; but on what concerns the power of lies of the priests, pastors, prophets… of this world that prevent the soul from receiving what God has sent for his resurrection and eternal richness, we do not talk about it and we are not suspicious, also, we do not take any precaution to counteract it.
Using the telephone is not bad, but living the powerful life that God has sent by the unique mediator between the men and him (Jesus Christ) is all. That is why the Lord Jesus tells us that he has given himself to us as a power so that we should walk over the spirits, snakes, scorpions, over all the power of the enemy, and that nothing will harm us. Or again, if we believe in his powerful life, even if we drink mortal beverages, they will not have any domination on us, even if we touch, consume or use things that have stamps, signatures or the mark of the beast, we will not be dominated by these powers and forces that give the spiritual death. Even if us, veritable children of God use the number 6 imposed by the great sectarians of the mobile telephone, we will neither be disturbed nor affected by the mark of the beast. It is like the three mates in Babylon who were alive by God, and those who were dead by the devil were throwing them in the burning furnace. The deaths who were throwing them in the fire of death were dyeing by this fire, and they who were thrown in the fire were alive.
The imposition of the marks, stamps and signatures on the products of consumption will not have any damages on those who are endowed of the power of the kingdom of heaven; because by this power, they have domination over the power of the beast and his devastating marks.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
It is the 449th message
My dear president Barack OBAMA, what does it profit a man to be head of State in a big country in this world and to gain many materials, the admiration, acclamations and the respect of the blinds and deaf and to let his soul go straight in the lake of eternal fire? (Mark 8/36)?
Many people with the black skin colour, especially the Africans, when they were seeing Barack Obama acceding to power and becoming the 144th president of the USA, they were delighted. For me, those who were delighting were children that do not see far; for they do not teach clairvoyance to children, but the more they grow, the more the clairvoyance also grows. As his time of governing progressively passes, the clairvoyance of those who were delighted of his accession to power also changes. On my side, I was holding the chin and shaking the head like an old monkey which is surprised to see two men of the same sex having unnatural intercourses.
When I saw Barack Obama acceding to power in the USA, I understood that it was not to make pleasure to the blacks, but rather to bring out black files from drawers, and to seek the keys or solutions deep in the toilets. Mr Barack Obama is used to sign the legalisation of the homosexual marriage in the USA, and to bring African countries to accept the legalisation of this abomination in their countries.
When certain African head of States were receiving the visit of Barack Obama in their countries, they were expecting to receive good news, an agreement that could promote their development; but they were surprised to listen bad news from him which was asking them to accept the legalisation of the homosexual marriage in their countries against humanitarian help and loaning of money by the IMF (International Monetary Fund). The former French president Nicholas Sarkozy who had ruled from the 16th May 2007 to the 15th May 2012 had the agreement and support of Barack Obama to put down the greatest African president who was Mohamed Kadhafi, the Libyan president, he who had even participated financially for the presidential campaign of Nicholas Sarkozy. In return, this last did not feel pity on his benefactor and assassinated him on the 20th October 2011; and he also caused troubles and the destabilisation of Ivory Coast, Nord Africa, but also that of many other countries...
All these presidents of Christian States do not rule their countries with a spirit of Christianity or of Christ, of whom they pretend to belong or to be disciple and faithful; but they rule by the spirit of freemasonry, the Rosicrucian spirit or by the spirit of the beast or the animal. These said Christians have refused to eat the body of Christ and to drink his blood offered by himself to be in alliance with him, in order to gain his power, his protection, his force... (Mark 14/22-24); they have refused the consumption of the body and blood of Christ to rather consume human faeces, flesh and blood and to be in alliance with the devil, in order to profit of his power, strength, force ... and his eternity in the lake of fire.
I know that many people take me to be a politician and all what they find good. If the Lord Jesus says that the flesh serve for nothing (John 6/63), if this flesh drawn from the dust serve for nothing, will his skin colour, either white or black be useful? Therefore, having a black or white skin colour is nothing in front of God; but to keep his word, to carry his spirit and to live his life is something and all (John 6/63). God has created the two skin colours of the flesh that serve for nothing for the end times so that they should be together, without complacency, without racism... We cannot take white coloured chalk and write on a white board, a white pen and write on a white paper, a black coloured chalk and write on a black board or a black pen and write on a black paper, but we write black on white or white on black.
In truth, we should get married to the Word, to the Spirit and the veritable life of God to see ourselves in a veritable value and not in the skin colour, the ground and his things. The men with the white or black skin colour must live together without racism and without complacency. I see the men with the white or black skin colour eating faeces of their fellow men, what even the pig which is omnivorous cannot do. I saw them having sex with dogs, horses, snakes, to be urinated in the mouth, beheading someone of the same skin colour like them to eat, spending days without bathing. Racism is just a big spiritual poverty.
In truth, this generation is blinder, from the head of States, kings, queens, up to the least. For it is through things that man has transformed or fabricated with his hands that he draw his veritable greatness, richness, glory... I do not draw my glory from the skin colour, the nation, the continent, the level of knowledge of earthly things, the spoken language, the richness of the ground that are stored.
If we love God, we will also love our neighbour through the love of God. God’s love does not despise, does not mock, does not treat someone as an object, does not take things of another person, is not jealous, does not slander, does not wish evil and failure to others, but God’s love permits to help someone without formerly knowing him physically, to keep him in your home without having seen him formerly, to wish good and success to everybody both in the spirit and in the physic.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
It is the 437thmessage
In truth, the hour is serious. It is time for the veritable children of God to come as firemen or submarines to help the head of States who have legalised the homosexual marriage and their population dived in unnatural practices and marriages.
Veritable children of God, the Lord Jesus did not send you to lament, to become sad, to cry and suffer for man’s flesh because of his deprivation, lacking and avidity for things of the earth, but rather for man’s soul which is deprived, lacking and empty in the possession of things of the kingdom of heaven. Veritable children of God, the state of the soul of the American, French, English, Italian, Brazilian, Spanish, Portuguese, Canadian, Belgian, Argentinian, Uruguayan, Colombian, Puerto Rican, Irish, Swedish, Mexican, Icelandic, South African, Scottish, Norwegian, Danish, Luxembourgian, Welsh, New Zealander… authorities who have legalised the homosexual marriage in their countries must make you lose sleep, taste and appetite of things of the earth.
In truth, for us the veritable children of God, the state of the soul of these head of States, mayors and those who practice these unnatural acts must drag us in lamentations, worries, sadness and cries because their souls that have great value in front of God and for which the Lord Jesus sacrificed his body of flesh for their liberty possess nothing of the kingdom of heaven, meanwhile their flesh for which the Lord bear witness that it serve nothing for the end times possess everything of the earth. Their flesh that possesses everything of the earth will disappear in a short while, and their soul that must stay eternally possesses nothing of the kingdom of heaven.
In truth, what kind of eternal dirtiness, poverty, misery and leprosy these head of States have legalised in their countries? Veritable children of God, we should not be deceived for the fact that the flesh or carapace of these head of States, mayors and adepts of homosexuality possess things that their hands have transformed or fabricated to consider them to be rich and great, but we should see their souls in the lacking of things of the kingdom of heaven to see them to be poor, miserable and small. Veritable child of God, you should no longer be sad and in low spirit because of your fleshly poverty because you lack things of the earth, but you should rather be sad and in low spirit for the poor souls of the head of States who have legalised the homosexual marriage, the mayors who celebrate this union in establishing a marriage certificate, as well as all those who practice this abominations.
Veritable children of God, you who lack things of the earth, you should not have in your thoughts and feelings that you have personal or fleshly problems for which you must rapidly find a solution, but you should have in your thoughts and feelings that the head of States who have legalised the homosexual or unnatural marriage, the authorities who celebrate this union and all those who practice it are the ones who have veritable problems for which you must rapidly find a solution; because you, veritable children of God, if it comes that you leave the earth, even if your flesh did not touch or store things of the earth, it will not be a danger for your soul; but those who leave the earth, having touched and stored great quantity of things of the earth while their souls have nothing of things of the kingdom of heaven, it becomes a big eternal danger for them. That is why veritable children of God, your worries, lamentations and cries must not be for the lacking of the flesh which is not important, but for the lacking of things of the soul that pushed God to sacrifice his Son for the enrichment and liberation of these souls.
Veritable children of God, let us be wise and intelligent children to see that our flesh which is dust at least find something of the ground to eat and put on; but the souls of these head of States, mayors… do not have things of the kingdom of heaven for eternal food, dress and house. That is why veritable children of God, what kind of problem can we have in the flesh which is above the problem of the souls of the head of States who have legalised the homosexual marriage and who do not want to repent, the authorities who celebrate this union in establishing the marriage certificate and all those who practice this abomination, people who sex with animals, get married to these beasts, who eat faeces of their fellow men or their own faeces, who eat the human flesh both in the physic and in the spirit, who transform themselves or incarnate an animal?... Veritable children of God, if one day, you arrive in the hospital with a thorn in the foot and that you find someone whose foot is completely crushed, at this time, will you still be anxious of your situation or his situation? Between the lacking of the spiritual body of the head of States who have legalised the homosexual marriage, the authorities who celebrate it and those who practice it, and the lacking of the fleshly body, which body is veritably lacking?
These head of States of all these countries that have legalised the homosexual marriage do not only hate their spiritual body, but also that of all the other people; for they often haste to fight for the reduction of the rate of unemployment in their countries as if they love the people, and the population is deceived because of his ignorance. These head of States love them in what has less value, which is the flesh, and hate them in what has more value which is the soul. They likely love their fleshly body to reduce the rateof unemployment, but hate their spiritual body in the proliferation of abominable acts such as the unnatural marriages. These presidents and their people are like the first priests. When the first priests were arriving in certain African countries, they hated the spiritual body of the population in prohibiting them not to consult or read the bible, but loving them in building hospitals and schools for them. These presidents who have legalised the homosexual marriage in their countries drag the souls in a great abomination and defile rendering vain the blood of Christ that flew on the cross for these souls.
My dream is not to go through the developed countries that further became Sodom and Gomorrah States, to swim in the material for richness, they should speak of me in radio channels and news paper, they should see me in all television channels of the entire world, I should be cheered by all human hands, but my dream is to sit among great fighters that were before me in the kingdom of heaven.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
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